Amateurfunk von den Spratly Islands
Erstaktivierung: 1S9WNV
16.-19.November 1965, Spratly Island
"Don Miller, on many occasions in concert with K7LMU, has made the impossible almost commonplace. ... Not only has he managed to extract operation permits where all others have failed, but his operating proficiency defies belief. There is absolutely no question that Don is one of the finest operators in the world. ... During the 1S9WNV Spratly Islands operation (however) some form of lunacy seized Don. During all but the last hour of the operation, Don absolutely refused to work a large group of stations. The only thing all these stations have in common is the fact that they are highly placed on the DXCC honor roll. There was no question that they were getting through. ... The fact that these stations were entered in Don's log WITHOUT a two-way-exchange shows that this was obviously done with premediation for some purpose which Don has yet to explain. ... There have been many DXpeditions where the operator has traveled half way around the world at great personal expense, and on many occasions, great personal danger, to give us the satisfaction of working a new one. In the future I sincerely hope Don will see fit to follow in this tradition." (Urb le Jeune, W2DEC, CQ Jan 1966) - "Bought any good DX lately? ... The practice is relatively new to ham radio, but the roots go back several years. ... The blame for the inception of the practice could easily be placed squarely on the shoulders of Don Miller, W9WNV, ... but let's look a littler deeper in the situation. Let's look at this entire matter of DXpeditions. Why do they even exist? ... First, of course, is the quest for adventure. ... Second, in forming a DXpedition, a fellow can't help but gratify his own ego. ... Third, the DXpeditioner serves that cult-within-a-cult called 'DXers'. He provides the food that practically keeps some folks alive: the new country. ... It seems that the time has come to do some hard thinking about the course that DXing is taking." (Richard "Dick" A. Ross, K2MGA, "Zero Bias", CQ, Jan 1966)