Amateurfunk von Pratas (Dong Sha Qun Dao)

Die drei Erstaktivierungen, 1994/95


Die drei Erstaktivierungen, 1994/95zoom #1 - BV9P - 05.01.1994
Martti Laine OH2BH, Demonstration von Amateurfunk, während eine für Versorgungsflüge eingesetzte C-130-Transportmaschine umgeladen wird. 630 Verbindungen auf 20 und 15m. Zunächst nicht für das DXCC anerkannt.
QSL via KU9C und K2PF (QSL nicht anerkannt)

#2 - BV9P - 21.-25. 03. 1994
Martti Laine OH2BH, Wu Tzuen-Jou BV2VA, Jimmy Tu BV4AS, Tony Li BV4OB, Bolon Lin BV5AF. 5.000 Verbindungen. Erste für das DXCC anerkannte Aktivierung.
QSL via KU9C und K2PF (QSL nicht anerkannt)

#3 - BV9P - 25.05.-05.06.1995
BV2AP, BV2DD, BV2FB, BV2HH, Bruce BV2KI, BV2TA, William Wu BV2VA, BV4AS, Paul BV4FH, BV4ME, BV4OB, BV4QA, BV5AF, BV7BK, Mike JH1KRC, Jun JH4RHF, Wayne N7NG , Martti OH2BH (zeitweise), OH6DO
International Organizing Team: Dr. Bolon Lin BV5AF, Senator Ken Chang BV2RA, William Wu BV2VA, MArtti Laine OH2BH, Wayne Mills N7NG, Mike Watanabe JH1KRC
25.000 Verbindungen (u.a.. 4.000 NAm, 7.500 Eu).
Erste für alle bisherigen Verbindungen anerkannte QSL via KU0C und K2PF

Wayne Mills, N7NG, reports
in: “The DX Magazine”, September/October 1995, p58

“The 1995 BV9P operation was concluded at 2330Z on June 4, 1995, after making 24.500 QSOs. This total includes 7.200 mainly with Europe, 4.100 with North and South America, and the remainder, over 13.000, mostly JA and other Asian countries.
The conditions on the Island were very good, with the exception of the difficulty we had with the power generator. Even when we had a.c. power, it was generally around 90 volts, limiting the power output from the linear amplifiers. Most of the time power war interrupted frequently, but only for short periods. But during the last three days power was off most of the time. We found ourselves running two or three transceivers on battery power until we were invited to move some of our operation to two other sites on the island which had separate backup power. Since some of our most productive propagation occurred in the second weekend, this difficulty was costly.
Accommodations were good and the Island Commander took a special interest in our activities.
On the final Friday we learned that the a.c. power would probably be off for the remainder of our trip. On Saturday we learned that the first typhoon of the season was expected to cancel our regularly scheduled return flight to Taipei. The thought of being stuck to Pratas wasn’t so bad, given the improving conditions, but being stuck here without proper a.c. power was depressing. Fortunately the typhoon changed course and we were able to leave on schedule.
[…]I realize that some of the operating styles were a little different than you might have expected. In particular, several of the operators are still convinced that the simplex operation is entirely adequate in this type of situation. It will take more experience before these operators realize the difficulties involved in this type of operation, but they have come a long way and are to be congratulated for their progress.
The topic of most interest among the Taiwanese and the CTARL is ‘When is Pratas going to be counted for DXCC?’ Not only are they upset with those who voted against Pratas based on the possible presence of ‘non-existent rocks’ and ‘questions of ownership’ (I don’t have any doubts after being there. The ROC flag and other implements of complete control are very evident), they are even more upset at the prospect of waiting two years for another vote, following the obviously improper vote which denied further consideration by the Awards Committeer. That those who oppose new countries could scuttle Pratas by basing a ‘no’ vote on unsubstantiated hearsay is seen by them as very unfair. The BV boys and the CTARL are very disappointed by the behavior exhibited by the Leage.”

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