Die Geschichte der QSL-Marken von EKKO und BRYANT
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"The new radio stamp fad"
©Copyright 2006 C. M. Zelbst. Mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Autors
(Picture: Radio News, February 1925) - With the end of World War I the world awakened to many new technologies, including commercial radio broadcasts, a mysterious and exciting entertainment that quickly captured everyone's imagination and interest! In the United States an advertising gimmick became a national craze, and for a brief period collecting RADIO VERIFICATION STAMPS rivaled postage stamp collecting! The EKKO Company of Chicago, IL developed the advertising concept of radio verification stamps as a means of exploiting this new technology that had captured the interest and passion of America. Their idea was to sell to the emerging radio broadcasting industry a marketing tool to help promote public interest in specific radio stations. The EKKO Company contracted with THE AMERICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY to design, and produce to order, stamps of the same high quality as current postage printings, to be used by commercial broadcasters in promoting their stations and radio shows to the listening public. The genius of this concept, intentional or not, was the combining of a popular hobby, stamp collecting, with the new and exciting pastime of listening to radio broadcasts from far away!
Of course, success breeds imitation, and there were a number of companies that attempted to compete with the EKKO Company in offering stamps to broadcast stations, which added to the variety and scope of collectibles, but which may have ultimately hastened the demise in popularity of the hobby. In addition, several radio stations decided to design and offer their own version of these stamps, with many being so unique and rare today as to be very valuable. Not surprisingly, being that stamp collecting was after all the hobby of kings, none of the major suppliers issued a comprehensive album, and so collectors tended to simply paste these non-EKKO examples into their EKKO Albums.
As these stamps became more and more popular, the EKKO Company expanded it's market with the issue of a second EKKO design, this one with a beaver instead of an eagle, which was for the Canadian broadcasters to use with their listeners. The EKKO Company also sold stamps to broadcasters in Mexico and the Caribbean, but used the American Eagle design. These stations, because there are so few, are extremely rare in todays marketplace!
In the original printing sequences employed by the American Bank Note Company, the first sequence was the body of the stamp which included the Eagle or Beaver but did not include the station call sign letters or the words "verified reception stamp". This allowed the printing in large enough quantities to make the stamps affordable while still allowing for customization of the call letters of a particular radio station.
For only $1.75, the Ekko Company offered an album to the collector of new stamps. The album contains pages preprinted with an outline of each of the stamps currently available, a listing of broadcast station call letters and wavelengths, and a nice map on the inside cover showing the locations of these stations. Spaces were also left for stations not yet participating, or stations that were just coming on the air. In addition, there was space to jot down up to four dial settings at your own time of reception.
"Proof of Reception" cards were furnished with the album. Listeners needed only to send a few facts on these cards about when and where on the dial they had heard a broadcast, plus ten cents to cover mailing costs, to the station. There the card was checked against the station log for accuracy, and the listener was mailed a stamp with the station's call letters and design upon it.
Sortierreihenfolge: Rufzeichen
Bryant war eine von mehreren Firmen, die versuchte, aus dem neuen Boom Geschäft zu schlagen. Angeboten wurden vereinzelt auch Marken für Stationen außerhalb der USA und Kanadas. Die Rufzeichen wurden stets eingedruckt, das Design blieb unverändert: Die Weltkugel zwischen zwei Antennenmasten.
Manche Stationen gingen eigene Wege
Nicht alle Stationen ließen sich vereinnahmen - vom Zuspruch der Hörer wollten sie dennoch profitieren.
Adventist World Radio
Im November 2000 bestätigte AWR (Adventist World Radio) Empfangsberichte mit einer QSL-Karte, die drei Aufkleber zeigte:
- Den "Verification Stamp" von WEMC, den ersten Sender der Adventisten, im College von Berrien Springs, Mich - der heutigen Andrews University
- den Aufkleber, mit dem AWR 1977 Berichte für AWR Ekkala, Sri Lanka, bestätigte,
- den Aufkleber, mit dem AWR 1996 Berichte für KSDA, Guam, bestätigte.
2016: 25 Jahre öffentlich-rechtlicher Rundfunk in Andorra
Am 01. Juni 2017 wurde eine Spezialmünze mit einer Auflage von
85.000 Umlaufmünzen ausgegeben. Mit der Gedenkmünze wird das 25-jährige Jubiläum der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalt Andorras und damit der Beginn der Ausstrahlung des andorranischen öffentlichen Radios und Fernsehens begangen. Das Münzmotiv zeigt ein Mikrofon und eine Antenne, sowie den Schriftzug „25è ANIVERSARI DE RÀDIO I TELEVISIÓ D’ANDORRA“, das Ausgabejahr „2016“ und den Ausgabestaat „ANDORRA“.
Quelle: ext. Link [05.07.2018]