CQ Pontifex

Special QSLs and awards

John Paul II (Credit: Osservatore Romano)zoomPope John Paul II travelled widely and visited many counties. Radio amateurs used to celebrate a papal visit with special event stations - whenever possible with a call sign relating to the Pope - and issued awards for contacts with "Pope stations".
The trend was initiated by Polish station in honour of the "Polish Pope".

Benedikt XVI. (Credit: Osservatore Romano)zoomOnce established as a tradition, radio amateurs of course issued special event stations for Pope Benedict XVI., too.

QSL Radio Vatikan (Credit: QSL Collection)zoomQSLs are not only issued by amateur radio stations but also by broadcasters, particularly for the external services. "Radio Vatican", nicknamed "The Voice of the Pope" confirms correct reception reports with various series of QSL cards, some of them dedicated to Pope John Paul II. and Pope Benedict XVI.

Vatican: Official site of the holy see linkext. Link

VATICAN RADIO - Official website linkext. Link

QSL Collection - Dokumentationsarchiv Funk

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