Welcome to the Virtual Museum
Research Files
This section is being relaunched. Please check out the various pages. If they are not yet relaunched in English you will be linked to the previous or German version
◄ QSL galleries
We have nine million cards in our QSL COLLECTION - a selection is pretty hard. Here you can have a first glimpse to the diversity of our inventory.
QSL-cards to Amateur Radio Club Stations of Broadcasters
Pre-war QSL Amateur Radio
Pre-war QSL Broadcast
QSL-cards to Fireships
QSL-cards to Oil Platforms
QSL-cards to Enigma
QSL-cards to WWI - World War One - 1914-1918
QSL-cards to WWII - World War Two - 1939-1945
QSL-cards to WWII - D-Day - 6 June 1944
QSL-cards to WWII - POBEDA - Победа - 8 May 1945
QSL-cards to WWII - VE - Victory in Europa - 8 May 1945
QSL-cards to IARU - International Amateur Radio Union
QSL-cards to ITU - International Telecommunication Union
QSL-cards to EU - European Union
QSL-cards to Samuel Finley Breese Morse
QSL-cards to International Marconi Day
QSL-cards to Atomkraft/Nuclear Power - Chernobyl - Fukushima
20.560 QSL-cards are on the website of US7ID: ext. Link
A lot of QSL-cards come from K8CX Ham Gallery ext. Link and Les Nouvelles DX
ext. Link
◄ QSLs of Papal missions
The Pope on pilgrimage - a perfect reason for radio amateurs to launch a special event station or even a diploma. Vatican Radio ("The Voice of the Pope"), too, confirms reception reports with a Papal QSL. Enjoy a great picture gallery!
◄ QSL/Verification stamps
Exchanging QSL cards for a successful two-way radio communication of confirming a listener's reception report is a matter of courtesy - and would be quite expensive is every card was sent by ordinary mail. The QSL bureaus of the national amateur radio associations help to reduce costs by collecting cards and providing a regular collective mail service. Some organisations finance their QSL bureaus from the membership budget. Others issue QSL or "verification" stamps and sell them to their members. Every bureau card must be validated with such sa stamp. "Verification Stamps" were also quite commin in the early days of broadcasting. - Enjoy some further explanations and a nice picture gallery.
<-- Virtual Radio Art Museum
One would expect that communication and radio must have been an interesting subject for an artist's oevre. Quite the contrary. It was all but easy to collect the drawings, paintings and sculptures now exhibited in our virtual radio art museum. And some of the rooms are still almost bare. But perhaps YOU come across a work of art you'd like to "donate" to our museum? Join us on a guided tour from room to room.