Amateur Radio Call Books

Thanks to a genereous grant of the YASME Foundation linkext. Link we have begun to digitize and make fully researchable period Amateur Radio Call Books.

Radio Press Wireless Directory A complete revised list of high and low power land stations, ship and amateur wireless calls. 1927(?): Radio Press Ltd. London.
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Guia Radio editada por Revista Telegrafica. No 6, 05/1929: Buenos Aires (Broadcast and amateur radio stations in Central/South America and Spain)
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Citizen's Radio Amateur Call Book 09/1927: Citizens Radio Service Bureau, Chigaco, Ill., U.S.A.
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Radio Amateur Call Book Magazine Spring 1938: Radio Amateur Call Book, Inc., Chigaco, Ill. U.S.A.
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Overview of Amateur Call Signs Past and Present in JA As of 05/2014: Courtesy of Ryota "Roy" Motobayashi, JJ1WTL

Download [4.75 MB]Overview of Amateur Call Signs Past and Present in JA [PDF , 4.75 MB]

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