Welcome to DokuFunk

Documentary Archive for the History of Radio Communication and Electronic Media

Logo DokuFunkzoomJust call us DokuFunk. We are passionate about radio, broadcasting and amateur radio alike. Everything from the pioneer days untill today. We collect, preserve, research and present whatever relates to the history of radio: books, magazines, documentation of all kind, audio, photographs, video - you name it. And, yes, amateur QSL cards and broadcast reception reports. Everything except hardware. We do not buy or sell but accept donations, bequests, estates from all over the world. We are a curatorium (financed by donations and project work), founded about 30 years ago, based in Vienna but globally active: non-profit, professional, experienced and highly motivated.
Take the guided video tour and browse through our pages to find more about us. Go to the German pages even if you do not speak German; the better part of what we have to offer is right there.

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Welcome to a Guided Tour

Welcome to a Guided Tourzoom

Download [32.4 MB]Welcome to DokuFunk - Guided Tour [MP4 , 32.4 MB]

We carry on:
Research file National and International Reply Coupons
QSL Museum: 90+ Corona/COVID-19 QSLs hier
QSL Museum: QSLs about Atomkraft/Nuclear Power - Chernobyl - Fukushima
A tribute to Danny Weil, VP2VB: Watchmaker, Pilot, Yachtsman with a QSL Gallery from all his expeditions, 100+ cards

Lecture Room, Videos

QSL Donation Policy

QSL Donation PolicyzoomPlease contact us before you offer a donation of QSL cards, diplomas or trophies. mailoffice@dokufunk.org
We prefer pre-war cards, cards 1945-1960, special collections (e.g. IOTA, Scouts, Prefixes, US counties, Ex-DXCC...), and OE, HB, DM/Y2. Cards must be at least pre-sorted (alphabetically, by DXCC entity or prefix...)
A donation to cover the costs of filing is welcome.


Your donation will help us to carry on
Please click for your PayPal transaction

Click for Vienna Hohe Warte, Austria Forecast

Our bank account

AT68 6000 0000 9204 6010 - BIC: BAWAATWW
"Dokumentationsarchiv Funk"


30.000 broadcast QSLs
linkext. Link
4700 radio scripts
linkext. Link
999 radio plays
linkext. Link

With a little help from our friends...

With a little help from our friends...

Yes, we need your help. Sign the Declaration of Support and have access to exclusive contentthroughout our web appearance

QSL Collection - Dokumentationsarchiv Funk

DokuFunk uses Libreja


DokuFunk uses Libreja