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Media Network 1999

mn_1999zoomVon Media Network, dem legendären von Jonathan Marks gestalteten Medienmagazin, liegen zahlreiche Sendungen von 7. August 1980 (DX Juke Box) bis 26. Oktober 2000 (letzte Ausgabe) als Digitalisate und Manuskripte vor. - Aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen nur für Direktvorführungen am Hörplatz im Dokumentationsarchiv. - Zahlreiche Folgen gingen verloren. Wir ersuchen dringend um Hilfe bei der Rekonstruktion. - Die von Andy Sennitt fortgeführte Version als wöchentlicher Newsletter befindet sich ab 15. März 2007 im Archiv (nicht indiziert): dok_bul_medianetwork - Media Network Videos: mn

Archivnummern: AP/m_mm2/mn_1999_(Sendedatum)
© DokuFunk, Jonathan Marks - linkext. Link
Index: Marion Heindl

Media Network      
Datei Inhalt Dauer Skript
990107 Portishead Radio Closes. Radio Kootwijk, final farewell of Scheveningen Radio on shortwave. 30:05 x
990114 Swatch Attempting to Digitize Time: capture of Chris Carey in New Zealand. Lou Josephs explained how Command Audio was planning to bring Internet radio to the home. Difference between UTC and GMT and the leap second. Review of the World Radio TV Handbook for 1999. Deutsche Welle's monitoring station - CD of interval signals. Brian Clarke talks about the rescue of the BBC World Service on mediumwave in Auckland. Harald Kuhl reports about a new Peace Station in Ecuador. Kootwijk Radio. 30:16 x
990121 Radio Venceremos - 18 Years On: clandestine radio stations 28:19 x
990128 Radio's Future: DAB, web, hybrid. Major changes rumoured at the BBC World Service as well as Radio France Internationale. Dig-deeper jingle. 29:50 x
990204 Post Radio Luxembourg: Chris Carey was caught in New Zealand connected with pirate decoders. Public service broadcasting. Steve Whitt - earthing rods. End of Morse Code for maritime use. Atlantic Hop experiment using Morse Code and involving the old Kootwijk shortwave site in Holland. Shaun Tilley from Swansea, Luxy. Results of the Christmas contest. 30:41 x
990211 Space Weather with Mike Bird. CD Recordables. Victor. Hand held players. TV Recycling. Remembering JYI Jordan 29:57 x
990218 Solar & Satellites: high solar activity and its effect on satellites, SOHO spacecraft, examples of satellite failures. Bob Tomalski has story of a digital dogs dinner. Pay-TV set-up boxes. 30:01 x
990225 Budel Radio Museum opening: many aspects of ham radio highlighted 28:45 fehlt
990304 UK satellite moves thanks to hackers. Andy News fehlt x
990311 Dr Dish, German satellite specialist 30:06 x
990318 Voice of Peace and Student Radio: AMARC starts a special webcast and radio marathon, Jim Cutler explains the new safari series, Steve Whitt talks about how mediumwave is being downgraded in favour of FM. More low-power special event licences in the UK. C Crane radio. 30:09 x
990325 Media situation in Serbia and Kosovo with Andy Sennitt, extracts from stations like B92. HAARP facility. Truman Show inspired by shortwave radio. Victor Goonetilleke explains progress on the shortwave site in Sri Lanka. IBB is using a network of shortwave receivers and sharing these interested listeners.. Harald Kuhl explains MP3. DAB switched off in parts of Germany. Astra Digital Radio. 30:03 x
990401 Yugoslavia. UN Radio. LW license in IOM. Diary Jingle convention. Y2K fehlt x
990408 Kosovo Update. B92 closes. UN Radio. Diary Jingle convention. Offshore & Easter pirates. Test Sony ICF-SW07 fehlt x
990415 Serbia and Changes to UN Radio: Western countries are trying to get signals into Serbia because the authorities have silenced independent radio stations in their country. NATO transmissions from a fleet of specially modified Lockheed EC130E aircraft. UN Radio. 30:22 x
990422 Radio Minurca: peace keeping radio. Sale of Harry Helms shortwave website. Receiver news about Grundig. CARepublic. Updates from Kosovo. Bryan Clarke reports from the South Pacific. David Smith reports from Bangui on the project Radio Minurca. 29:50 x
990429 Angola profile: Richard Ginbey collection of rare African radio recordings 29:33 x
990506 Receiver Updates on ICFSW-07. Mike Bird. Andy Sennitt. GSM phones. Vienna fehlt x
990513 Escape to Torremolinos: EBU and Spanish National Radio RNE organised a discussion about radio content, future of radio, every two years in Torremolinos. 29:56 x
990520 Radio Norway Returns, Bernt Erfjord explains. Victor Goonetilleke is hearing Radio National from Angola. Bryan Clarke - early long distance experiment, special tests by Argentine Radio club. CDR765. 30:08 x
990527 Letters fehlt x
990610 Burundi Portrait: Studio Ijambo. Ijambo, meaning “wise words” in Kirundi. “Studio Ijambo would become a place where Hutu and Tutsi journalists, writers, producers and broadcasters would together create programs to dispel the rumors, stereotypes, and hate messages that had permeated the Burundian public sphere.” Francis Rolt, manager. Portrait of the challenges for media in this country with his help. Tribute to the founder of Sweden Calling DXers, Arne Skoog. 29:55 x
990617 Three media wars: Kosovo, Koreas, Solomon Islands. Interview with Jerry Berg who wrote an excellent book on the early days of shortwave broadcasting. Radio 21, Web-only radio station based in Pristina, serving the Albanian community. Korea, propaganda from both sides. Jerry Berg, new case-bound book called ‘On The Shortwaves 1923-1945’, shortwave broadcasting from the earliest days up to the end of World War II. 29:47 x
990624 MP-3 Munich. Kashmir – Victor. Clarke. Soule fehlt x
990701 Panama. Benin Balance. Ham Radio Friedrichshafen. Andy on Balkans. Millennium Challenge. Mike Bird fehlt x
990708 CBC Fanfare Conspiracy: contribution from listener Nevil Coles in the UK explaining how fanfares used by international broadcasters had intrigued him. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation shut down the AM facility and opened the new FM transmitter with fireworks. 29:25 x
990715 Indian Radio at the end of the Millennium: money troubles are affecting the BBC World TV. Bavaria's BR decides to upgrade its 49 metreband channel. Star TV network was losing money. Book review Bob Padula - The Shortwave Guide to South Asia. Contribution to the Memories of the Millennium contest. VOA English bloopers, recordings from the BBC World Service when Big Ben was playing up. Jammin' Oldies. Radio Free Grenada. 30:13 x
990722 Cardiff Calling the Radio Academy: annual conference in Wales. Commentary on the state of UK radio at the start of the new Millennium. Old recordings of Kenny Everett at the Beeb. Interviews with Howard Rose and Quentin Howard talking about DAB. 29:54 x
990729 Messing about in boats: Light Vessel 18, former Trinity House lightship, new floating Radio Station to celebrate the Royal National Lifeboat Institution's 175th anniversary. Radio Northsea International. Quality Radio 1224 kHz. Rumour that AFN was planning to close down its Frankfurt transmitter on AM. Preview of the Funkausstellung 1999 from Bob Tomalski. 29:56 x
990805 Space Weather with Mike Bird. Solar Eclipse. Interval signal websites fehlt x
990812 Congo Flashback and DAB Predictions: interview with Quentin Howard. Debate about digital radio. Profile on broadcasting in Congo compiled by Richard Ginbey. 29:41 x
990819 Veronica Revival Planned: recorded in the Vondelpark, Amsterdam - testing out a new Minidisc recorder. Success of CNN Interactive. Radio Veronica revival broadcast. Parody on QSLing phone conversations. 30:29 x
990826 Space Weather with Mike Bird. Soule and Internet conference. DAB ARCAM interview. Andy report fehlt x
990902 Home DAB receivers. Recollection in the Memory of the Millennium about listening on an old Hallicrafters' receiver. Q-Radio struggles. Will the Euro encourage more co-operation between European international broadcasters? 30:05 fehlt
990902_2 WWV Time Signal Profile: illustrated call for entries for the Memory of the Millennium competition. Feature about the time signal station WWV and WWVH in Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. Alfonso Montelegre, Dave Rosenthal. 29:52 x
990909 Space Weather with Mike Bird. In the Park show: CNN. French radio fehlt x
990915 Ron Boye fehlt x
990916 IBC Coverage (PLAY TV, PortaDAB, DRM). Mike Bird fehlt x
990923 Jerry Berg & Internet Radio Arrives via the Sonicbox: promo for "Books from America" broadcast in the US in the 1960's. Jerry Berg, new website called On The Shortwaves. SonicBox, early form of wifi radio. Professor John Campbell explains about a Low-Power radio station hoax in 1977 on Ocean Island. Radio Guano. 30:11 x
990930 Memories of Radio Independent Spain: several clandestine stations from Eastern Europe during the Cold War - Voice of the communist party in exile - Radio Independent Spain got airtime from Radio Prague. HCJB in Quito. 30:12 x
991007 Russia feature. DX Ontario. Mike Bird. Clarke Part II. Time Zones Tonga and Lithuania. Isle of Man. Film review - Jakob the Liar fehlt x
991014 Canada. Cannes. Millennium in China. News in Brief. Mike Bird fehlt x
991021 Tristan. Albert Heijn Radio. Tanzania on Mediumwave. Mike Bird fehlt x
991028 Jacob the Liar. Frequency Changes. Millennium in China. Tomalksi on DVD. News in Brief. Mike Bird fehlt x
991105 IFJ: interview with Aidan White, International Federation of Journalists, problems when governments control the radio waves. Memories of the Millennium, recollections of listening in the 20th century. BBC should cover adverts. Film "Jakob the Liar" starring Robin Williams. Andy Sennitt discovers a radio with built-in CD player. First DRM tests from the Bonaire relay station. 29:46 x
991111 Memories of the Millennium from China: radio as a friend and foe in life, listening to foreign radio stations, risks. Chat with Bob Tomalski on recordable DVD's. BBC German was threatened with closure. Film reviews: Henry Stokes writes from Green Bay Wisconsin. Motion Picture musings, spotlight films with radio in their plot. Film by Robin Williams called Jakob the Liar. 29:18 x
991118 Tigers and Chechnya: report from Sri Lanka on how the Tamil Tigers were using radio in their fight against the Sri Lankan government, sending coding messages in English. Andy Sennitt about broadcasting in Chechnya. Radio St Helena plans broadcasts on SSB. 30:58 x
991125 New Zealand Story. George FM. Radio New Zealand International. NZ Radio DX League, NZDXL. Radio Hauraki. Mike Bird. 28:42 x
991202 Sydney Radio: meeting of the Asia Pacific Broadcasting Union at a hotel in Sydney. Explore stations, SBS, ABC. Mike Bird. How media was changing at the start of a new century. 30:00 x
991209 Singapore. Tomalski. Receiver Shopping List Printed Edition fehlt x
991216 Australia: Y2K. Extended conversation with Mike Bird and Arthur Wyndom, ABC's Radio acting general manager. Dame Edna, Andy Sennitt. 30:30 x
991223 Space Weather with Mike Bird. News. International Federation of Journalists fehlt x
991230 End of the century stuff 29:56 x
myers Pete Myers Remembered - A Talent to Amuse: Pete Myers was a regular voice on many editions of Media Network. He died on December 15th 1998. Documentary tribute made by Jonathan Marks and Luc Lucas in 1999 shortly after his passing. 48:15 fehlt

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