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Old Time Radio - News & Historical - Blitzkrieg


© Urheber via Dokumentationsarchiv Funk/OTR

Datei/ Datum Inhalt Dauer
xx.xx.1949 BBC Girl tells of bomb shelters 00:25
xx.xx.1940 BBC It’s that man again - Tommy Handley 01:12
xx.xx.1940 BBCD Lilli Marleen 03:48
xx.xx.1940 RRG Adolf Hitler: Starker Wille (deutscher O-T mit englischer Übersetzung - If Our Will Is Strong Enough) 00:23
xx.01.1940 NBC Alf Landon speaks against Lendlease 14:09
xx.03.1940 BBCD Thomas Mann: Warnung vor Hitler und seinem 'Brandstifterregime' 01:46
18.01.1940 CBS Today in Europe 12:34
20.01.1940 Winston Churchill: House of many mansions (bessere Tonqualität als in der Churchillsammlung) 12:17
16.02.1940 RSH Lord Haw-Haw : The Altmark incident 00:37
23.02.1940 Winston Churchill: The navy is here (bessere Tonqualität als in der Churchillsammlung) 04:07
27.02.1940 RSH Lord Haw-Haw: British Minister of misinformation. 00:31
30.03.1940 Winston Churchill: A sterner war (ohne Einleitung) 07:26
03.04.1940 PTT French premier Paul Reynaud appeals for US aid 00:22
09.04.1940 BBC Alvar Lidell on invasion of Denmark and Norway 00:26
09.04.1940 RSH Lord Haw-Haw: Denmark & Norway Part 1 01:28
09.04.1940 RSH Lord Haw-Haw: Denmark & Norway Part 2 07:35
13.04.1940 RSH Lord Haw-Haw: Russo-Finnish war concluded 13:06
16.04.1940 RSH Lord Haw-Haw: Scandinavian Update, Schmidt & Smith 13:09
27.04.1940 RRG Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop on allied aggression 03:04
08.05.1940 CBS Edward R. Murrow on non-confidence debate in House of Commons 01:10
10.05.1940 AVRO Proclamation of Queen Wilhelmina on the attack on Holland 00:25
10.05.1940 BBC Chamberlain resigns as Prime Minister 00:27
10.05.1940 PTT Hubert Pierlot dénonce l'invasion de la Belgique 00:25
11.05.1940 CBS Elmer Davis reports on first day of the Blitzkrieg 09:14
13.05.1940 BBC Bernard Stubbs on the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) advance into Belgium 01:05
13.05.1940 Winston Churchill: The new administration (bessere Tonqualität als in der Churchillsammlung) 05:11
14.05.1940 BBC German advance on Antwerp 00:40
14.05.1940 BBC Anthony Eden calls for local defense volunteers 01:05
19.05.1940 Winston Churchill: First speech as prime minister (bessere Tonqualität als in der Churchillsammlung) 11:07
26.05.1940 RRG British troops in full retreat 00:59
28.05.1940 Winston Churchill on capitulation of Belgium (bessere Tonqualität als in der Churchillsammlung) 02:41
28.05.1940 RSH Lord Haw–Haw: Holland and Belgium invaded 13:52
31.05.1940 BBC Bernard Stubbs on evacuated troops from Dunkirk 00:20
31.05.1940 BBC Bernard Stubbs on evacuated troops / Trains full of evacuatee 00:23
04.06.1940 Winston Churchill: We shall never surrender (bessere Tonqualität als in der Churchillsammlung) 12:13
05.06.1940 BBC John Boynton Priestly on Dunkirk 02:27
10.06.1940 EIAR Benito Mussolini: Italy declares war on allies (English translation) 00:47
10.06.1940 EIAR Benito Mussolini: La dichiarazione di guerra 03:27
13.06.1940 PTT Paul Reynaud à Tours: La France ne peut pas mourir 00:21
14.06.1940 CBS rebroadcasts Nazi announcement 00:43
14.06.1940 Last Marseillaise broadcast as Paris falls 01:18
14.06.1940 RRG Nazi radio announces fall of Paris 00:20
17.06.1940 Winston Churchill: Their finest hour (etwas bessere Tonqualität als in der Churchillsammlung) 29:27
17.06.1940 CBC Princess Juliana of the Netherlands on asylum in Canada 05:18
19.06.1940 CBS Elmer Davis and the news 08:47
20.06.1940 CBS Elmer Davis and the news 09:12
21.06.1940 CAN Eric Sevareid on the fall of Paris 00:16
21.06.1940 CAN William C. Kirker on French armistice at Compiègne 01:44
21.06.1940 CBS NBC William L. Shirer: Coverage of French surrender 25:13
21.06.1940 RSH Lord Haw-Haw: The fall of France 13:52
22.06.1940 BBC Charles de Gaulle à la résistance contre l'occupant Allemand 01:54
22.06.1940 Conversation téléphonique entre le général Huntziger et le général Weygand 00:35
28.06.1940 RSH Lord Haw-Haw: British invasion looms 14:02
04.07.1940 MBS Arthur Mann in London 13:42
14.07.1940 Charles Gardner on convoy attack & dogfight 03:34
14.07.1940 Charles Gardner reports more on dogfight 01:02
14.07.1940 Winston Churchill: War of the unknown warrior (ohne Einleitung) 17:46
23.07.1940 CBS European News 14:38
27.07.1940 CBS European News 14:31
29.07.1940 BBC Secretary of War Anthony Eden: On the battle of Britain 01:54
14.08.1940 CBS European News 14:11
16.08.1940 European News 14:10
20.08.1940 Winston Churchill: The first year (bessere Tonqualität als in der Churchillsammlung) 10:31
24.08.1940 CBS special broadcast: London after dark 29:39
29.08.1940 CBS European News 13:43
02.09.1940 CBS European News 15:02
08.09.1940 A Londoner on shelters and the blitz 02:17
11.09.1940 Winston Churchill: The crux of the whole war (ohne Einleitung) 12:05
15.09.1940 BBC Alvar Lidell reports: 175 German aircraft destroyed 00:36
15.09.1940 BBC Robin Duff covers convoy attack of Dover 01:04
17.09.1940 Winston Churchill: House of commons secret session (ohne Einleitung) 10:34
20.09.1940 CBS Edward R. Murrow on London rooftop during Blitz 00:46
20.09.1940 CBS European News 15:09
23.09.1940 J. Edgar Hoover on the opponents of war preparedness 02.04
05.10.1940 BBC Robin Duff in air raid shelter 00:43
13.10.1940 BBC Princess Elizabeth & Margaret speak to evacuated children 00:42
15.10.1940 BBC Blitz Emergency Services 01:36
21.10.1940 Winston Churchill: Pledge to free France 10:59
21.10.1940 Winston Churchill to France. En Français #1 (bessere Tonqualität als in der Churchillsammlung) 00:31
21.10.1940 Winston Churchill to France. En Français #1 00:29
26.10.1940 Secretary of State Cordell Hull on the need for strong national defense 02:12
27.10.1940 MBS NY World's Fair closing: “Hook or Cook” 32:51
30.10.1940 RDN Maréchal Pétain: Collaboration Franco-allemande 00:23
15.11.1940 Coventry loudspeaker announcement: “Water should be boiled” 00:35
15.11.1940 BBC Very Reverend RT Howard - Coventry Cathedral Destroyed 02:21
18.11.1940 EIAR Benito Mussolini: L'attacco alla Grecia 00:52
18.11.1940 RRG Baldur von Schirach, Chef der Hitlerjugend 04:17
20.12.1940 BBC Robin Duff sees London burning 02:07
23.12.1940 Winston Churchill: Address to Italy (“We have always been such friends.”) 17:25
31.12.1940 BBC Herbert Morrison, Minister for Home Security 00:39
NN Blitzkrieg 01:55

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