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Frühzeit der Raumfahrt
Link: Apollo11 (First Lunar Landing) NASA Multimedia: ext. Link
Archivnummern: AP/a_ad/space_(Ordner#)-(#)
© NASA / Dokumentationsarchiv Funk
# | Inhalt | Dauer |
TEIL 1 1961-62 (space_01-(#)) | ||
1961-05 Mercury Redstone MR-3 | ||
0101 | Mercury Redstone MR-3 No. 1-Countdown To T-10 Minutes | 14:28 |
0102 | Mercury Redstone MR-3 No. 2-Countdown & Mission | 01:07:44 |
0103 | Mercury Redstone MR-3 No. 3-''Eyewitness To History'' | 27:07 |
0104 | Mercury Redstone MR-3 Shepard 610505-AF Col. John 'Shorty' Powers-Hold | 00:36 |
0105 | Mercury Redstone MR-3 Shepard 610505-Debriefing 1st Words | 00:12 |
0106 | Mercury Redstone MR-3 Shepard 610505-Entiren Flight | 11:53 |
0107 | Mercury Redstone MR-3 Shepard 610505-Lift off | 00:16 |
0108 | Mercury Redstone MR-3 Shepard 610505-Pad OK For Transfer Van | 00:13 |
0109 | Mercury Redstone MR-3 Shepard 610505-Shorty Powers Manual Pitch | 00:03 |
0110 | Mercury Redstone MR-3 Shepard 610505-Shorty Powers-Manual Yaw | 00:02 |
0111 | Mercury Redstone MR-3 Shepard610505-Shorty Powers-Medical AOK | 00:04 |
0112 | Mercury Redstone MR-3 Shepard 610505-Shorty Powers-Pitch AOK | 00:02 |
0113 | Mercury Redstone MR-3 Shepard 610505-Shorty Powers Systems AOK | 00:04 |
1961-07 Mercury Redstone MR-4 | ||
0114 | Mariner 4 - No. 1 | 46:37 |
0115 | Mariner 4 - No. 2 | 46:39 |
0116 | Mercury Redstone MR-4 Grissom No. 1 - Lift-Off to Recovery | 45:57 |
0117 | Mercury Redstone MR-4 Grissom No. 2 - Recovery to Grissom Press Conference | 41:25 |
0118 | Mercury Redstone MR-4 Grissom 610721-Lift off | 00:19 |
0119 | Mercury Redstone MR-4 Grissom 610721-''Nice Ride Up To Now'' | 00:18 |
0120 | Mercury Redstone MR-4 Grissom 610721-Shorty Powers-''Before He Opens The Hatch'' | 00:23 |
0121 | Mercury Redstone MR-4 Grissom-''Pow! The Hatch Went'' | 00:35 |
1961-11 Mercury Atlas MA- 5 | ||
0122 | Mercury Atlas MA-5 Enos | 59:01 |
1962-01 Ranger 3 | ||
0123 | Ranger 3 Launch | 26:33 |
1962-01 Ranger 7 | ||
0124 | Ranger 7 No. 1 | 01:00:29 |
0125 | Ranger 7 No. 2 | 19:27 |
0126 | Ranger 7 | 00:08 |
1962-02 Mercury Atlas MA- 6 | ||
0127 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 Glenn (2nd Issue) 01-Lift-Off & 1st Orbit | 57:36 |
0128 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 Glenn (2nd Issue) 02-1st Orbit | 39:38 |
0129 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 Glenn (2nd Issue) 03-Re-Entry & Recovery | 01:06:08 |
0130 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 Glenn (2nd Issue) 04-Post Mission Press Conference Pt.1 | 49:24 |
0131 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 Glenn (2nd Issue) 04-Post Mission Press Conference Pt.2 | 06:40 |
0132 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-All_systems_are_go | 00:02 |
0133 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-California_hail | 00:06 |
0134 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-California_station | 00:29 |
0135 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-Canaveral_hails_Glenn_1 | 00:03 |
0136 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-Canaveral_hails_Glenn_2 | 00:03 |
0137 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-Canaveral_hails_Glenn_3 | 00:02 |
0138 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-Communications_reestablished | 00:38 |
0139 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-Control_system_checks | 00:03 |
0140 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-''Control So Far Is Excellent!'' | 00:05 |
0141 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-''Firefly On A Real Dark Night'' | 00:11 |
0142 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-Fly-by-wire | 00:10 |
0143 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-Go_for_third_orbit | 00:13 |
0144 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-''God Speed' | 00:02 |
0145 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-Hailed_by_Muchea | 00:06 |
0146 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-Hails_Guaymas | 00:02 |
0147 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-Heart_prelaunch | 00:05 |
0148 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-Landing_Bag | 00:33 |
0149 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-Landing_Bag_Switch | 00:04 |
0150 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-Landing Bag Signal Test | 00:37 |
0151 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-Launch | 01:34 |
0152 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-''Leave The Retro Package On'' | 00:18 |
0153 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-Lift Off | 00:21 |
0154 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-Loud_&_clear | 00:02 |
0155 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-Loud_and_clear | 00:02 |
0156 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-Mercury_Control | 00:15 |
0157 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-Orbital_days | 00:27 |
0158 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-Particles | 00:57 |
0159 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-Retro_Package_re-entry | 01:15 |
0160 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-Retro Fire | 00:14 |
0161 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-Roger_understand | 00:02 |
0162 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-Say_again | 00:00 |
0163 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-Sees Booster | 00:07 |
0164 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-Shepard-''Hot Dog'' | 00:05 |
0165 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-Shepard-Retro Pack Discussion | 00:45 |
0166 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-''That View Is Tremendous!'' | 00:02 |
0167 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-''The Sky Above'' | 00:10 |
0168 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-''Valid Impact Bag Signal'' | 00:27 |
0169 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-Weightlessness | 00:18 |
0170 | Mercury Atlas MA-6 - Glenn 620220-''Zero G & I Feel Fine'' | 00:04 |
1962-05 Mercury Atlas MA-7 | ||
0171 | Mercury Atlas MA-7 Carpenter 01-Launch | 30:36 |
0172 | Mercury Atlas MA-7 Carpenter 02-Re-Entry | 43:21 |
0173 | Mercury Atlas MA-7 Carpenter 03-Recovery | 15:36 |
0174 | Mercury Atlas MA-7-Carpenter 620524-1st Use Of ''Space Food'' | 00:24 |
0175 | Mercury Atlas MA-7-Carpenter 620524-''I Have The Fireflies!'' | 00:07 |
0176 | Mercury Atlas MA-7-Carpenter 620524-Lift Off | 00:07 |
0177 | Mercury Atlas MA-7-Carpenter 620524-Re-entry | 01:08 |
1962-10 Mercury Atlas MA-8 | ||
0178 | Mercury Atlas MA-8 Shirra 01 - Launch & In Flight Reports | 44:13 |
0179 | Mercury Atlas MA-8 Shirra 02 - In Flight Reports | 28:15 |
0180 | Mercury Atlas MA-8 Shirra 03 - Re-Entry & Recovery | 58:45 |
0181 | Mercury Atlas MA-8 Shirra 04 - Recovery | 22:09 |
0182 | Mercury Atlas MA-8 Shirra 05 - CBS Post Mission Report | 10:37 |
0183 | Mercury Atlas MA-8 Shirra 06 - NBC Radio Post Mission Report | 25:17 |
0184 | Mercury Atlas MA-8-Shirra621003-Lift Off | 00:10 |
TEIL 2 1963-1969/03 (space_02-(#)) | ||
1963-05 Mercury Atlas MA-9 | ||
0201 | Mercury Atlas MA-9 Cooper No. 1 - Lift-Off to Orbit | 43:35 |
0202 | Mercury Atlas MA-9 Cooper No. 2 - Orbit & Cooper-Shirra Quips | 36:45 |
0203 | Mercury Atlas MA-9 Cooper No. 3 - Mission & Weather Problems | 42:16 |
0204 | Mercury Atlas MA-9 Cooper No. 4 - Re-entry & Recovery | 45:59 |
0205 | Mercury Atlas MA-9 Cooper No. 5 - Recovery | 31:11 |
0206 | Mercury Atlas MA-9 Cooper No. 6 - Recovery & post mission analysis | 45:56 |
0207 | Mercury Atlas MA-9 Cooper (Version 2) No. 1 - Lift-Off to Orbit | 46:04 |
0208 | Mercury Atlas MA-9 Cooper (Version 2) No. 2 - Orbit & Cooper-Shirra Quips | 43:17 |
0209 | Mercury Atlas MA-9 Cooper (Version 2) No. 3 - Mission & Weather Problems | 44:04 |
0210 | Mercury Atlas MA-9 Cooper (Version 2) No. 4 - Re-entry & Recovery | 47:22 |
0211 | Mercury Atlas MA-9 Cooper (Version 2) No. 5 - Re-entry & Recovery | 46:37 |
0212 | Mercury Atlas MA-9 Cooper (Version 2) No. 6 - Recovery & post mission analysis | 46:17 |
0213 | Mercury Atlas MA-9 Cooper (Version 2) No. 7 - Cooper's Post Flight Press Conference | 38:31 |
0214 | Mercury Atlas MA-9-Cooper 630514-To Paul Donnely ''Light This Thing... With Your Zippo'' | 00:12 |
0215 | Mercury Atlas MA-9-Cooper630515-''I'd Like To Come Aboard The Carrier'' | 00:04 |
0216 | Mercury Atlas MA-9-Cooper 630515-Prayer | 00:31 |
0217 | Mercury Atlas MA-9-Cooper 630515-''Things Are Beginning To Stack Up'' | 0026 |
0218 | Mercury Atlas MA-9-Cooper-''Faith7'' Defined | 00:23 |
1965-02 Ranger 8 | ||
0219 | Ranger 8 | 42:18 |
1965-03 Gemini 3 | ||
0220 | Gemini GT-03-650603Liftoff | 00:21 |
1965-03 Ranger 9 | ||
0221 | Ranger 9 No. 1 | 55:39 |
0222 | Ranger 9 No. 2 | 41:59 |
1965-06 Gemini 4 | ||
0223 | GeminiGT-04-EdWhite'sSpaceWalk | 05:45 |
1965-08 Gemini 5 | ||
0224 | Gemini GT-05-Call From LBJ | 00:41 |
0225 | Gemini GT-05-Check Fuel Cell | 00:11 |
0226 | Gemini GT-05-Conrad-''I'm Game!'' | 00:05 |
0227 | Gemini GT-05-Emergency Landing Availability | 00:14 |
0228 | Gemini GT-05-Gordo's Song | 00:37 |
0229 | Gemini GT-05-''Have A Nice Trip & Drive Carefully'' | 00:03 |
1965-10 Gemini GT-06 | ||
0230 | GT-06A&-07-Rendezvous | 00:30 |
0231 | GT-06A&-07-Rendezvous | 00:19 |
0232 | GT-06A-1st Lift off Attempt | 00:30 |
0233 | GT-06-Agena Mission Failure 651025 | 00:16 |
0234 | GT-06-Agena Mission Scrubbed 651025 | 00:14 |
0235 | GT-06A-Santa Claus | 00:26 |
1966-03 Gemini GT-08 | ||
0236 | Gemini GT-08-Docking With Agena | 00:15 |
0237 | Gemini GT-08-Emergency Undocking With Agena | 00:18 |
1966-06 Gemini GT-09 | ||
0238 | Gemini GT-09A-Stafford On Cernan's Visor | 00:24 |
1966-07 Gemini GT-10 | ||
0239 | Gemini GT-10 01 - EVA | 56:05 |
0240 | Gemini GT-10 02 - Re-Entry, Splashdown & Recovery | 58:46 |
0241 | Gemini GT-10 03 - Recovery | 31:00 |
0242 | Gemini GT-10-FindsAgena8 | 00:10 |
0243 | Gemini GT-10-FiresAgenaToAltitudeRecord | 00:12 |
1966-09 Gemini GT-11 | ||
0244 | Gemini GT-11-Performs First Tethering Of Craft With Agena11 | 00:49 |
0245 | Gemini GT-11-Sets Speed Record Towards Agena11 | 00:19 |
1966-11 Gemini GT-12 | ||
0246 | Gemini GT-12-Aldrin, Momento,Vet's Day, Army-Navy | 00:47 |
0247 | Gemini GT-IIIC (Air Force Test Flight - Biggest Thrust Ever Flown) | 48:33 |
1967-11 Apollo 4 | ||
0248 | Apollo AS-04-671109(Saturn V 1st Flight)-Cronkeit Amazed | 00:19 |
1968-03 Apollo 7 | ||
0249 | Apollo AS-07-1stColdInSpace(Shirra) | 00:12 |
0250 | Apollo AS-07-NoToTV | 00:14 |
0251 | Apollo AS-07-Shirra'sHeartRate4Min.IntoFlight | 00:17 |
1968-12 Apollo 8 | ||
0252 | Apollo AS-08-1st Closeup Account Of Moon's Surface | 01:20 |
0253 | Apollo AS-08-1st Lunar Orbit Achieved | 00:06 |
0254 | Apollo AS-08-Borman ''Lay Reads'' | 00:24 |
0255 | Apollo AS-08-Earth View From Record Distance | 00:45 |
0256 | Apollo AS-08-End Of LOS, Lunar Orbit Achieved | 00:30 |
0257 | Apollo AS-08-Houston Before 1st LOS | 00:25 |
0258 | Apollo AS-08-Lift off | 00:24 |
0259 | Apollo AS-08-Longest Distance Medical Diagnosis | 00:29 |
0260 | Apollo AS-08-LOS Countdown | 00:23 |
0261 | Apollo AS-08-TLI Go Ahead | 00:09 |
1969-03 Apollo 9 | ||
0262 | Apollo AS-09 01 (Includes Countdown & Prelaunch Reports) | 45:35 |
0263 | Apollo AS-09 02 (Includes Lift-off & Mission Coverage) | 39:22 |
0264 | Apollo AS-09 03 (Includes Docking & Pre-Press Conference Coverage) | 45:59 |
0265 | Apollo AS-09 04 (Includes LEM Ingress & Press Conference) | 35:49 |
0266 | Apollo AS-09 05 (Includes EVA) | 43:56 |
0267 | Apollo AS-09 06 (Includes EVA & 2nd Press Conference) | 46:09 |
0268 | Apollo AS-09 07 (Includes 2nd Press Conference & LEM Undocking) | 44:54 |
0269 | Apollo AS-09 08 (Includes LEM Undocking & Reentry) | 42:24 |
0270 | Apollo AS-09 10 (Includes Recovery) | 28:44 |
0271 | Apollo AS-09 11 (Includes Recovery) | 46:06 |
0272 | Apollo AS-09-1stDocking Of Command & Lunar Modules | 00:09 |
0273 | Apollo AS-09-Difficult Redocking | 01:18 |
TEIL 3 1969/05-1969/07 (space_03-(#)) | ||
1969-05 Apollo 10 | ||
03001 | Apollo AS-10-Cernan Has Trouble With LEM Redocking | 00:06 |
03002 | Apollo AS-10-Lift off | 00:10 |
1969-07 Apollo 11 Lunar Sound Bytes | ||
03003 | Apollo AS-11-No. 003-1201 Alarm During Moon Landing Attempt | 00:04 |
03004 | Apollo AS-11-No. 004-1st Landing On The Moon' | 01:54 |
03005 | Apollo AS-11-No. 005-Moon Walk 001-''Columbia, This Is Houston, Over'' | 00:02 |
03006 | Apollo AS-11-No. 006-Moon Walk 002-ArmstrongOnThePorch | 00:05 |
03007 | Apollo AS-11-No. 007-Moon Walk 003-Columbia 1Minute To LOS | 00:06 |
03008 | Apollo AS-11-No. 008-Moon Walk 004-Porch Time | 00:05 |
03009 | Apollo AS-11-No. 009-Moon Walk 005-Aldrin Helps Armstrong Out Door | 00:32 |
03010 | Apollo AS-11-No. 010-Moon Walk 006-Armstrong Radio Check | 00:02 |
03011 | Apollo AS-11-No. 011-Moon Walk 007-Aldrin Radio Check | 00:02 |
03012 | Apollo AS-11-No. 012-Moon Walk 008-Radio Checks, TV Transmission Begins | 00:41 |
03013 | Apollo AS-11-No. 013-Moon Walk 009-Armstrong Goes Down Ladder | 00:05 |
03014 | Apollo AS-11-No. 014-Moon Walk 010-Armstrong At Foot Of The Ladder | 00:26 |
03015 | Apollo AS-11-No. 015-Moon Walk 011-''One Small Step'' | 00:24 |
03016 | Apollo AS-11-No. 016-Moon Walk 012-Lunar Soil Described | 00:42 |
03017 | Apollo AS-11-No. 017-Moon Walk 013-Walking On Moon Described | 00:27 |
03018 | Apollo AS-11-No. 018-Moon Walk 014-Descent Engine Marking Of Soil | 00:28 |
03019 | Apollo AS-11-No. 019-Moon Walk 015-Aldrin Helps Armstrong Get Camera | 00:19 |
03020 | Apollo AS-11-No. 020-Moon Walk 016-Armstrong Describes Sight From Inside Shadow | 00:15 |
03021 | Apollo AS-11-No. 021-Moon Walk 017-Armstrong Describes LEM From Shadow | 00:23 |
03022 | Apollo AS-11-No. 022-Moon Walk 018-Surgeon Says Armstrong & Aldrin Well | 00:09 |
03023 | Apollo AS-11-No. 023-Moon Walk 019-Amstrong Gets Contingency Sample | 00:36 |
03024 | Apollo AS-11-No. 024-Moon Walk 020-Beauty Of The Surface | 00:14 |
03025 | Apollo AS-11-No. 025-Moon Walk 021-''Houston, Roger, Out'' | 00:02 |
03026 | Apollo AS-11-No. 026-Moon Walk 022-''You Can Really Throw Things A Long Way'' | 00:06 |
03027 | Apollo AS-11-No. 027-Moon Walk 023-Armstrong Gives Status | 00:17 |
03028 | Apollo AS-11-No. 028-Moon Walk 024-Armstrong Checks TV Picture | 00:07 |
03029 | Apollo AS-11-No. 029-Moon Walk 025-Houston On TV Picture | 00:11 |
03030 | Apollo AS-11-No. 030-Moon Walk 026-Aldrin Prepares To Descend Ladder | 00:06 |
03031 | Apollo AS-11-No. 031-Moon Walk 027-Armstrong ''OK!'' | 00:01 |
03032 | Apollo AS-11-No. 032-Moon Walk 028-Aldrin Begins To Descend Ladder | 00:17 |
03033 | Apollo AS-11-No. 033-Moon Walk 029-Aldrin Descends Ladder | 01:03 |
03034 | Apollo AS-11-No. 034-Moon Walk 030-SRC Camera Transfer Capabilities | 00:13 |
03035 | Apollo AS-11-No. 035-Moon Walk 031-Armstrong-''Negative!'' | 00:00 |
03036 | Apollo AS-11-No. 036-Moon Walk 032-Aldrin Describes Ladder Descent | 00:22 |
03037 | Apollo AS-11-No. 037-Moon Walk 033-Amstrong ''You've Got3 More Steps & Then A Long One'' | 00:05 |
03038 | Apollo AS-11-No. 038-Moon Walk 034-Aldrin Reaches Bottom Of Ladder | 00:43 |
03039 | Apollo AS-11-No. 039-Moon Walk 035-Aldrin''CuttingOut'' | 00:02 |
03040 | Apollo AS-11-No. 040-Moon Walk 036 Armstrong Prepares For Panorama Shot | 00:07 |
03041 | Apollo AS-11-No. 041-Moon Walk 037-Amstrong Changes Lenses | 00:02 |
03042 | Apollo AS-11-No. 042-Moon Walk 038-''Roger Neil'' | 00:02 |
03043 | Apollo AS-11-No. 043-Moon Walk 039-New TV Picture | 00:20 |
03044 | Apollo AS-11-No. 044-Moon Walk 040-Armstrong Enveils Plaque | 00:02 |
03045 | Apollo AS-11-No. 045-Moon Walk 041-Armstrong Reads Plaque | 00:42 |
03046 | Apollo AS-11-No. 046-Moon Walk 042-Preparation To Move Camera | 00:07 |
03047 | Apollo AS-11-No. 047-Moon Walk 043-''It's Somewhat Out Of Focus'' | 00:02 |
03048 | Apollo AS-11-No. 048-Moon Walk 044-Aldrin Asks If Camera Picks Up Mesa | 00:05 |
03049 | Apollo AS-11-No. 049-Moon Walk 045-Houston Arranges TV Camera Placement | 00:35 |
03050 | Apollo AS-11-No. 050-Moon Walk 046-Camera Placed | 00:18 |
03051 | Apollo AS-11-No. 051-Moon Walk 047-PanoramaSweepTooFast | 00:02 |
03052 | Apollo AS-11-No. 052-Moon Walk 048-Picture OK | 00:05 |
03053 | Apollo AS-11-No. 053-Moon Walk 049-Armstrong'' OK, I'm Gonna Move It'' | 00:01 |
03054 | Apollo AS-11-No. 054-Moon Walk 050-Armstrong Describes Hill's Far Side | 00:18 |
03055 | Apollo AS-11-No. 055-Moon Walk 051-Armstrong ''OK!'' | 00:00 |
03056 | Apollo AS-11-No. 056-Moon Walk 052-Camera Final Orientation | 00:36 |
03057 | Apollo AS-11-No. 057-Moon Walk 053-Armstrong ''OK!'' | 00:00 |
03058 | Apollo AS-11-No. 058-Moon Walk 054-Houston Describes Walk To Collins | 01:01 |
03059 | Apollo AS-11-No. 059-Moon Walk 055-Houston Radio Checks Armstrong | 00:02 |
03060 | Apollo AS-11-No. 060-Moon Walk 056-Radio Checks | 00:11 |
03061 | Apollo AS-11-No. 061-Moon Walk 057-Aldrin Evaluates ''Kangaroo Hop'' | 00:16 |
03062 | Apollo AS-11-No. 062-Moon Walk 058-Aldrin''Say Again, Houston'' | 00:00 |
03063 | Apollo AS-11-No. 063-Moon Walk 059-Phone Call From Pres. Nixon | 02:34 |
03064 | Apollo AS-11-No. 064-Moon Walk 060-Houston ''Roger, Out'' | 00:01 |
03065 | Apollo AS-11-No. 065-Moon Walk 061-Houston' 'Break, Break'' | 00:00 |
03066 | Apollo AS-11-No. 066-Moon Walk 062-Aldrin Cutting Out On Transmission Ends | 00:03 |
03067 | Apollo AS-11-No. 067-Moon Walk 063-Houston Asks Buzz To Talk Closer To Mike | 00:04 |
03068 | Apollo AS-11-No. 068-Moon Walk 064-Houston Hails Columbia | 00:03 |
03069 | Apollo AS-11-No. 069-Moon Walk 065-Columbia Answers Houston | 00:01 |
03070 | Apollo AS-11-No. 070-Moon Walk 066-Houston Hails Columbia Again | 00:04 |
03071 | Apollo AS-11-No. 071-Moon Walk 067-Collins Thinks He's Spotted Eagle | 01:01 |
03072 | Apollo AS-11-No. 072-Moon Walk 068-Houston ''OK'' | 00:01 |
03073 | Apollo AS-11-No. 073-Moon Walk 069-Armstrong Inspects LEM | 00:35 |
03074 | Apollo AS-11-No. 074-Moon Walk 070-Houston ''Roger, Out'' | 00:01 |
03075 | Apollo AS-11-No. 075-Moon Walk 071-Houston ''Roger'' | 00:01 |
03076 | Apollo AS-11-No. 076-Moon Walk 072-Houston Directs Columbia Use High Gain Antenna | 00:14 |
03077 | Apollo AS-11-No. 077-Moon Walk 073-Houston Adjusts Columbia Antenna Yaw | 00:06 |
03078 | Apollo AS-11-No. 078-Moon Walk 074-Columbia's High Gain Antenna ''Locked Up'' | 00:04 |
03079 | Apollo AS-11-No. 079-Moon Walk 075-Surgeon ''Everything Looks Fine'' | 00:02 |
03080 | Apollo AS-11-No. 080-Moon Walk 076-Armstrong ''And The Panorama Is Complete'' | 00:01 |
03081 | Apollo AS-11-No. 081-Moon Walk 077-Aldrin Lazer Experiment ''Doors Are Closed And Locked'' | 00:04 |
03082 | Apollo AS-11-No. 082-Moon Walk 078-Lazer Experiment Placement | 00:11 |
03083 | Apollo AS-11-No. 083-Moon Walk 079-Astronauts Negotiate Small Crater | 00:03 |
03084 | Apollo AS-11-No. 084-Moon Walk 080-Difficulty Finding Level Area For Experiment | 00:03 |
03085 | Apollo AS-11-No. 085-Moon Walk 081-Hunt For Good Experiment Location | 00:28 |
03086 | Apollo AS-11-No. 086-Moon Walk 082-Astronauts Leave Camera View | 00:05 |
03087 | Apollo AS-11-No. 087-Moon Walk 083-Armstrong Describes Boulders | 00:36 |
03088 | Apollo AS-11-No. 088-Moon Walk 084-Aldrin Cuts Out Again | 00:02 |
03089 | Apollo AS-11-No. 089-Moon Walk 085-Aldrin Has Trouble Leveling Experiment | 00:05 |
03090 | Apollo AS-11-No. 090-Moon Walk 086-''Neil, This Is Houston, Roger, Out'' | 00:03 |
03091 | Apollo AS-11-No. 091-Moon Walk 087-Neil, This Is Houston, Over'' | 00:02 |
03092 | Apollo AS-11-No. 092-Moon Walk 088-Armstrong ''Go Ahead, Houston'' | 00:01 |
03093 | Apollo AS-11-No. 093-Moon Walk 089-Armstrong ''OK, That Sounds Fine'' Houston ''Roger, Out'' | 00:03 |
03094 | Apollo AS-11-No. 094-Moon Walk 090-Armstrong ''Oh, Shoot!'' | 00:01 |
03095 | Apollo AS-11-No. 095-Moon Walk 091-Houston Orders Battery Charge Stop | 00:07 |
03096 | Apollo AS-11-No. 096-Moon Walk 092-Aldrin Has Trouble Hammering Into Soil | 00:04 |
03097 | Apollo AS-11-No. 097-Moon Walk 093-Aldrin ''Wait A Minute'' | 00:01 |
03098 | Apollo AS-11-No. 098-Moon Walk 094-Houston Orders 2Core Tubes & Solar Wind Experiment Retrieved | 00:09 |
03099 | Apollo AS-11-No. 099-Moon Walk 095-Aldrin ''Roger, Understand'' | 00:01 |
03100 | Apollo AS-11-No. 100-Moon Walk 096-''Columbia, Roger'' | 00:01 |
03101 | Apollo AS-11-No. 101-Moon Walk 097-Aldrin Retrieves Solar Wind Experiment | 00:03 |
03102 | Apollo AS-11-No. 102-Moon Walk 098-Houston Orders Aldrin Return End EVA | 00:07 |
03103 | Apollo AS-11-No. 103-Moon Walk 099-Aldrin ''Roger'' | 00:00 |
03104 | Apollo AS-11-No. 104-Moon Walk 100-Houston Reminder About Close up Camera Magazine | 00:09 |
03105 | Apollo AS-11-No. 105-Moon Walk 101-Aldrin ''OK'' | 00:00 |
03106 | Apollo AS-11-No. 106-Moon Walk 102-Aldrin Prepares To Ascend Ladder | 00:05 |
03107 | Apollo AS-11-No. 107-Moon Walk 103-Adrin ''Adios, Amigos!'' | 00:01 |
03108 | Apollo AS-11-No. 108-Moon Walk 104-Aldrin Checks Houston Before Ladder Ascent | 00:08 |
03109 | Apollo AS-11-No. 109-Moon Walk 105-Phosporous Spot On TV Screen | 00:14 |
03110 | Apollo AS-11-No. 110-Moon Walk 106-Aldrin About To Ascend Ladder | 00:07 |
03111 | Apollo AS-11-No. 111-Moon Walk 107-Armstrong ''How Ya Doin', Buzz'' | 00:01 |
03112 | Apollo AS-11-No. 112-Moon Walk 108-Aldrin ''I'm OK!'' | 00:01 |
03113 | Apollo AS-11-No. 113-Moon Walk 109-Samples Brought Into LEM | 00:04 |
03114 | Apollo AS-11-No. 114-Moon Walk 110-Armstrong ''Uh, Oh!'' | 00:00 |
03115 | Apollo AS-11-No. 115-Moon Walk 111-Armstrong Camera Trouble | 00:08 |
03116 | Apollo AS-11-No. 116-Moon Walk 112-Armstrong ''OK, Stand By A Second'' | 00:01 |
03117 | Apollo AS-11-No. 117-Moon Walk 113-Houston Requests Armstrong Check Enviromentals | 00:05 |
03118 | Apollo AS-11-No. 118-Moon Walk 114-Lick Observatory Confirms Laser Experiment Works | 00:07 |
03119 | Apollo AS-11-No. 119-Moon Walk 115-Consumables ''In Good Shape'' | 00:09 |
03120 | Apollo AS-11-No. 120-Moon Walk 116-Aldrin ''How's It Comin', Neil'' | 00:01 |
03121 | Apollo AS-11-No. 121-Moon Walk 117-Aldrin's Watch Stops | 00:02 |
03122 | Apollo AS-11-No. 122-Moon Walk 118-Armstrong ''OK'' Aldrin ''OK'' | 00:01 |
03123 | Apollo AS-11-No. 123-Moon Walk 119-Samples & Magazine Stored In LEM | 00:22 |
03124 | Apollo AS-11-No. 124-Moon Walk 120-Armstrong ''Thank You'' | 00:01 |
03125 | Apollo AS-11-No. 125-Moon Walk 121-Aldrin Closes LEM Door | 00:06 |
03126 | Apollo AS-11-No. 126-Moon Walk 122-''This Is Houston, Go Ahead'' | 00:02 |
03127 | Apollo AS-11-No. 127-Moon Walk 123-Houston Informs Armstrong Not Readable | 00:02 |
03128 | Apollo AS-11-No. 128-Moon Walk 124-Houston Hails Aldrin | 00:04 |
03129 | Apollo AS-11-No. 129-Moon Walk 125-Houston Can't Read Armstrong Or Aldrin, Stands By | 00:04 |
03130 | Apollo AS-11-No. 130-Lunar Ascent | 00:25 |
1969-07 Apollo 11 | ||
03131 | Apollo AS-11 01 (Includes Countdown & Pre-launch reports) | 45:57 |
03132 | Apollo AS-11 02 (Includes Lift-off) | 46:00 |
03133 | Apollo AS-11 03 (Includes Lift-off) | 45:57 |
03134 | Apollo AS-11 04 (Includes LBJ) | 46:04 |
03135 | Apollo AS-11 05 (Includes Docking) | 45:13 |
03136 | Apollo AS-11 06 (Includes Docking) | 46:20 |
03137 | Apollo AS-11 07 (Includes Severeid) | 46:26 |
03138 | Apollo AS-11 08 (Includes Arthur C. Clarke) (Ends where Apollo AS-11 05 begins) | 46:26 |
03139 | Apollo AS-11 09 (Includes LOS) | 46:02 |
03140 | Apollo AS-11 10 (Includes End of LOS) | 46:03 |
03141 | Apollo AS-11 11 (Includes TV Press Conference & Lunar Orbit) | 46:05 |
03142 | Apollo AS-11 12 (Includes Lunar Orbits) | 46:05 |
03143 | Apollo AS-11 13 (Approx 3.5 Hrs before Lunar Landing) | 46:04 |
03144 | Apollo AS-11 14 (Includes LOS during Lunar Undocking) | 46:05 |
03145 | Apollo AS-11 15 (Includes Mike Wallace & Harry Reasoner) | 46:02 |
03146 | Apollo AS-11 16 (Includes Lunar Descent & Eric Severeid) | 45:55 |
03147 | Apollo AS-11 17 (Includes Lunar Landing) | 46:02 |
03148 | Apollo AS-11 18 (Includes Public Reaction) | 46:02 |
03149 | Apollo AS-11 19 (More Public Reaction, Press Conference) | 45:58 |
03150 | Apollo AS-11 20 (Includes International Reaction, Mike Wallace) | 45:58 |
03151 | Apollo AS-11 21 (Includes Arthur C. Clarke & Robert A. Heinlein) | 46:00 |
03152 | Apollo AS-11 22 (Includes James Burke & Charles Kuralt) | 45:59 |
03153 | Apollo AS-11 23 (Includes Wive's Reactions) | 46:01 |
03154 | Apollo AS-11 24 (Includes Preparation for Lunar Egress) | 46:03 |
03155 | Apollo AS-11 25 (Includes First Steps on Moon) | 46:02 |
03156 | Apollo AS-11 26 (Includes Armstrong & Aldrin Moonwalks) | 46:00 |
03157 | Apollo AS-11 27 (Includes Armstrong & Aldrin Moonwalks) | 40:57 |
03158 | Apollo AS-11 28 (Includes Armstrong & Aldrin Moonwalks, Aldrin Ingress) | 46:01 |
03159 | Apollo AS-11 29 (Includes Armstrong Ingress) | 46:02 |
03160 | Apollo AS-11 30 (Includes Severeid, Clarke & Heinlein) | 46:00 |
TEIL 4 1969/07-1969/11 (space_04-(#)) | ||
1969-07 Apollo 11 Fortsetzung/contd. | ||
0401 | Apollo AS-11 31 (Includes Aftermath & World Reactions) | 46:03 |
0402 | Apollo AS-11 32 (Includes Cronkheit's LBJ Interview) | 46:01 |
0403 | Apollo AS-11 33 (Includes lunar landing of Luna 15) | 46:02 |
0404 | Apollo AS-11 34 (Includes Severeid, Commager, Vonnegut) | 45:59 |
0405 | Apollo AS-11 35 (Includes Lunar Ascent) | 46:00 |
0406 | Apollo AS-11 36 (Includes Lunar Ascent & Orbit) | 46:00 |
0407 | Apollo AS-11 37 (Includes World & Scientific Reactions) | 46:04 |
0408 | Apollo AS-11 38 (Includes preliminaries of rendezvous) | 45:40 |
0409 | Apollo AS-11 39 (Includes Reasoner & Excised Welles Pieces) | 46:02 |
0410 | Apollo AS-11 40 (Includes 2nd Lunar Docking & end of history's longest continuous tv broadcast) | 46:02 |
0411 | Apollo AS-11 41 (Includes Beginning of Re-entry & Splashdown Coverage) | 46:03 |
0412 | Apollo AS-11 42 (Includes LOS & Re-entry) | 46:10 |
0413 | Apollo AS-11 43 (Includes Splashdown & Recovery) | 46:11 |
0414 | Apollo AS-11 44 (Includes Recovery & Arrival on USS Hornet) | 46:17 |
0415 | Apollo AS-11 45 (Includes Nixon's Reception of Quarantined Crew) | 46:07 |
0416 | Apollo AS-11 46 (Includes end of Reception & Closing Comments by Cronkheit & Magee) | 28:01 |
0417 | Apollo AS-11-No. 001-Liftoff | 01:00 |
0418 | Apollo AS-11-No. 002-''Beep'' | 00:00 |
1969-11 Apollo 12 | ||
0419 | Apollo AS-12 - 01 Pre-launch Coverage | 47:02 |
0420 | Apollo AS-12 - 02 Pre-launch Coverage & Apollo AS-11 Retrospective | 47:09 |
0421 | Apollo AS-12 - 03 Pre-launch Coverage, Apollo AS-11 Retrospective, Arthur C Clarke | 47:14 |
0422 | Apollo AS-12 - 04 Pre-launch Coverage, Scientific Controversy In NASA | 47:12 |
0423 | Apollo AS-12 - 05 Launch, Lightning & Laughter | 47:01 |
0424 | Apollo AS-12 - 06 Includes Docking with LEM | 47:28 |
0425 | Apollo AS-12 - 07 Includes TLI | 46:57 |
0426 | Apollo AS-12 - 08 Includes Lunar Landing | 47:08 |
0427 | Apollo AS-12 - 09 Includes Michael Crichton, Arthur C. Clarke | 47:12 |
0428 | Apollo AS-12 - 10 Includes Scientific Discussion Of Apollo AS-11 Lunar Soil Samples | 47:13 |
0429 | Apollo AS-12 - 11 Includes Sampling Of Astronaut Food | 47:09 |
0430 | Apollo AS-12 - 12 Includes Soviet Film Of Man On The Moon & Cronkeit Gets Punchy | 47:11 |
0431 | Apollo AS-12 - 13 Preparation For 1st Moonwalk | 47:10 |
0432 | Apollo AS-12 - 14 Lunar Egress Begins | 47:14 |
TEIL 5 1969/11-1969/11 (space_5-(#)) | ||
1969-11 Apollo 12 Fortsetzung/contd. | ||
0501 | Apollo AS-12 - 15 1st Moonwalk | 47:14 |
0502 | Apollo AS-12 - 16 1st Moonwalk | 47:06 |
0503 | Apollo AS-12 - 17 1st Moonwalk | 47:13 |
0504 | Apollo AS-12 - 18 1st Moonwalk Winds Down | 47:05 |
0505 | Apollo AS-12 - 19 1st Moonwalk Ends, 2nd Moonwalk Begins | 47:02 |
0506 | Apollo AS-12 - 20 Chasing Craters & Surveyor 3 | 46:59 |
0507 | Apollo AS-12 - 21 Finding & Studying Surveyor 3 | 47:03 |
0508 | Apollo AS-12 - 22 Studying Surveyor 3 & Soil | 47:00 |
0509 | Apollo AS-12 - 23 Lunar Ingress | 47:03 |
0510 | Apollo AS-12 - 24 Lunar Ascent | 44:22 |
0511 | Apollo AS-12 - 25 Docking | 41:42 |
0512 | Apollo AS-12 - 26 Re-entry & Splashdown | 47:13 |
0513 | Apollo AS-12 - 27 Recovery | 47:10 |
0514 | Apollo AS-12 - 28 Quarantine, Promotions & Presidential Phone Call | 47:13 |
0515 | Apollo AS-12 - 29 CBS Coverage Concludes, ABC Coverage Of Return Flight Press Conference | 32:55 |
1970-04 Apollo 13 | ||
0516 | Apollo AS-13 01 (Beginning of Coverage) | 46:43 |
0517 | Apollo AS-13 02 (Includes Overview of Mission Plan) | 46:44 |
0518 | Apollo AS-13 03 (Includes Launch & Orbit) | 46:53 |
0519 | Apollo AS-13 04 (Includes Breaking News of Explosion & Press Conference) | 46:50 |
0520 | Apollo AS-13 05 (Includes Press Conference) | 46:46 |
0521 | Apollo AS-13 06 (Includes Analysis and Space Communications) | 46:44 |
0522 | Apollo AS-13 07 (Includes Unaired TV transmission & free return burn) | 46:51 |
0523 | Apollo AS-13 08 (Includes Continuing Coverage & Space Communications) | 46:48 |
0524 | Apollo AS-13 09 (Includes Continuing Coverage & Space Communications) | 46:44 |
0525 | Apollo AS-13 10 (Space Communications & Preparations for LOS) | 46:54 |
0526 | Apollo AS-13 11 (Includes LOS and 2nd Burn) | 46:47 |
0527 | Apollo AS-13 12 (Includes Midcourse Correction) | 46:49 |
0528 | Apollo AS-13 13 (Includes Earth Orbit Entry & SM Jettison) | 46:44 |
0529 | Apollo AS-13 14 (Includes Space Communications & Re-entry Preparations) | 46:45 |
TEIL 6 1970/04-1971/08 (space_06-(#)) | ||
1970-04 Apollo 13 Fortsetzung/contd. | ||
0601 | Apollo AS-13 15 (Includes Mission Retrospective & Re-entry Preparations) | 46:45 |
0602 | Apollo AS-13 16 (Includes Space Communications & Preparations for CM Power-up) | 46:42 |
0603 | Apollo AS-13 17 (Includes Space Communications & Preparations for LEM Jettison) | 46:46 |
0604 | Apollo AS-13 18 (Includes LEM Jettison) | 46:44 |
0605 | Apollo AS-13 19 (Includes Re-entry) | 46:42 |
0606 | Apollo AS-13 20 (Includes Re-entry & Splashdown) | 45:32 |
0607 | Apollo AS-13 21 (Includes Splashdown & Recovery) | 46:45 |
0608 | Apollo AS-13 22 (Includes Recovery & Crew's Press Conference) | 46:42 |
0609 | Apollo AS-13-''2001''On Cassette, TV Broadcast | 00:23 |
0610 | Apollo AS-13-Emergency Press Conference | 00:07 |
0611 | Apollo AS-13-''Farewell, Aquarius'' | 00:02 |
0612 | Apollo AS-13-Heater Energy Costs | 00:09 |
0613 | Apollo AS-13-'Houston,We Have A Problem' | 00:11 |
0614 | Apollo AS-13-''Is That Right'' | 00:01 |
0615 | Apollo AS-13-Kranz Asks For ''What's Good'' | 00:06 |
0616 | Apollo AS-13-Launch | 00:24 |
0617 | Apollo AS-13-''She Sure Was A Good Ship'' | 00:02 |
0618 | Apollo AS-13-''The Age Of Aquarius Ended'' | 00:08 |
1971-02 Apollo 14 | ||
0619 | Apollo AS-14 - 01 Pre-launch Coverage | 46:42 |
0620 | Apollo AS-14 - 02 Pre-launch & Launch Coverage | 46:42 |
0621 | Apollo AS-14 - 03 Technical Problems & Lunar Landing | 01:02:35 |
0622 | Apollo AS-14 - 04 Prep for 1st Lunar Egress | 01:01:56 |
0623 | Apollo AS-14 - 05 1st Moonwalk | 46:44 |
0624 | Apollo AS-14 - 06 Moonwalk, Cooper Sour Grapes, MET | 46:36 |
0625 | Apollo AS-14 - 07 Moonwalk, MET | 46:47 |
0626 | Apollo AS-14 - 08 Moonwalk, MET, Pete Conrad Commentary | 46:56 |
0627 | Apollo AS-14 - 09 Moonwalk, MET | 46:30 |
0628 | Apollo AS-14 - 10 End Of 1st Moonwalk | 26:30 |
0629 | Apollo AS-14 - 11 Beginning Of 2nd Moonwalk | 46:55 |
0630 | Apollo AS-14 - 12 Moonwalk | 46:47 |
0631 | Apollo AS-14 - 13 Moonwalk | 46:24 |
0632 | Apollo AS-14 - 14 Moonwalk, Discussion of Genesis Rock | 46:21 |
0633 | Apollo AS-14 - 15 End Of Second Moonwalk | 45:39 |
0634 | Apollo AS-14 - 16 End Of Second Moonwalk | 46:56 |
0635 | Apollo AS-14 - 17 Lunar Ascent | 46:45 |
0636 | Apollo AS-14 - 18 LM Approaches CM | 46:25 |
0637 | Apollo AS-14 - 19 Re-entry & Splashdown | 46:45 |
0638 | Apollo AS-14 - 20 Recovery | 01:01:53 |
1971-08 Apollo 15 | ||
0639 | Apollo AS-15 - 01 Preliminaries To Launch | 47:07 |
0640 | Apollo AS-15 - 02 Preliminaries, Soyuz 11, Beginning Of Launch | 47:06 |
0641 | Apollo AS-15 - 03 Launch and Docking | 47:13 |
TEIL 7 1971/08-1969/11 (space_07-(#)) | ||
1971-08 Apollo 15 Fortsetzung/contd. | ||
0701 | Apollo AS-15 - 04 Lunar Descent | 47:03 |
0702 | Apollo AS-15 - 05 Lunar Landing | 46:45 |
0703 | Apollo AS-15 - 06 Lunar Egress & Setting Up Rover | 43:01 |
0704 | Apollo AS-15 - 07 Technical Problems & Setting Up Rover | 46:54 |
0705 | Apollo AS-15 - 08 Rover Heads For Hadley Rille | 46:53 |
0706 | Apollo AS-15 - 09 Exploring Hadley Rille | 47:11 |
0707 | Apollo AS-15 - 10 Return From Hadley Rille | 47:09 |
0708 | Apollo AS-15 - 11 Joyriding The Rover | 46:52 |
0709 | Apollo AS-15 - 12 1st Ride Ends | 46:53 |
0710 | Apollo AS-15 - 13 1st Ride Retrospective, Prepping for 2nd Ride | 46:43 |
0711 | Apollo AS-15 - 14 Talking & Stalling Waiting For 2nd Ride Start | 46:50 |
0712 | Apollo AS-15 - 15 2nd Ride Begins | 46:43 |
0713 | Apollo AS-15 - 16 CBS A-Team continues to cover 2nd Ride | 46:42 |
0714 | Apollo AS-15 - 17 2nd Ride Continues | 46:44 |
0715 | Apollo AS-15 - 18 2nd Ride Continues | 46:44 |
0716 | Apollo AS-15 - 19 2nd Ride Continues | 46:39 |
0717 | Apollo AS-15 - 20 2nd Ride Continues | 46:41 |
0718 | Apollo AS-15 - 21 2nd Ride Continues | 46:34 |
0719 | Apollo AS-15 - 22 2nd Ride Continues | 46:40 |
0720 | Apollo AS-15 - 23 2nd Ride Ends to 3rd Ride preliminaries | 46:40 |
0721 | Apollo AS-15 - 24 3rd Ride Delays | 46:37 |
0722 | Apollo AS-15 - 25 3rd Ride Begins | 46:42 |
0723 | Apollo AS-15 - 26 3rd Ride Continues | 46:44 |
0724 | Apollo AS-15 - 27 3rd Ride Winds Down | 46:37 |
0725 | Apollo AS-15 - 28 Postage Stamps, Galilio & 3rd Ride Close Out Activities | 46:51 |
0726 | Apollo AS-15 - 29 3rd Ride Ends, Lunar Ascent | 46:51 |
0727 | Apollo AS-15 - 30 Docking | 46:59 |
0728 | Apollo AS-15 - 31 Docking, Space Walk, Re-Entry & Splashdown | 47:08 |
0729 | Apollo AS-15 - 32 Recovery and Press Conference | 47:08 |
0730 | Apollo AS-15 - 33 End Of Recovery Coverage & Later Press Conference Review | 47:01 |
0731 | Apollo AS-15 - 34 Press Conference Review | 27:24 |
TEIL 8 O-Töne (space_08-(#)) | ||
Extra | ||
0801 | Carpenter (Mrs. Rene)-The Family Of ''Commander Westlake'' | 00:58 |
0802 | Carpenter – Weightlessness Training | 00:49 |
0803 | Deke Slayton - ''A Bunch Of Crap'' | 00:22 |
0804 | Dr. T. Keith Glennan Introduces Mercury Seven 590409 | 00:38 |
0805 | Glenn 1st Press Conference - ''Out Of This World'' | 00:05 |
0806 | Glenn6202 Congress - ''Pay offs From Our Efforts'' | 00:39 |
0807 | Glenn-NYC Parade Speech | 01:11 |
0808 | Glenn-''What Did They Say, John'' | 00:27 |
0809 | JFK610413-Reaction To Gagarin Flight | 00:31 |
0810 | JFK61721-Signs NASA Authorization Bill Day Of Grissom Flight | 01:37 |
0811 | JFK620214-Glenn Mission Delays | 00:22 |
0812 | JFK6208-'We Are Behind' | 00:25 |
0813 | JFK631121-90s & Space | 01:06 |
0814 | LBJ57-Siesta Or Hysteria | 00:27 |
0815 | Mariner 2 | 00:05 |
0816 | Shepard-Survival Training | 00:47 |
0817 | Solar Eclipse Coverage 630720 | 12:43 |
0818 | ''The First Man In Space'' | 54:57 |
0819 | Titov 610805 - Radio Moscow | 00:27 |
0820 | Vanguard Launch | 00:08 |
Extra-Apollo | ||
0821 | Gus Grissom-''There's Always A Possibility'' 1Month Before Fire | 00:20 |
0822 | JFK-Moon Mission 1st Declared | 00:11 |
0823 | JFK-Moon Shot Proposal-' A New Course Of Action' | 00:42 |
0824 | JFK-'We Choose To Go To The Moon!' | 00:49 |
0825 | Shepard After Apollo 1 Disaster | 00:45 |
0826 | Von Braun 6110 ARS - ''Piper Cubs'' | 00:50 |
0827 | Von Braun After Apollo 1 Disaster | 00:52 |
Extra-Gemini | ||
0828 | Hubert Humphrey NASC Chairman 650531 - Space & ''The Wizard War'' | 00:36 |
0829 | JFK Blooper-''Launch The Biggest Payroll'' Day Before Assassination | 00:35 |
0830 | JFK Dedicates San Antonio Aerospace Health Center 631121 | 01:18 |
0831 | LBJ63SOTU-Preeminance In Space | 00:15 |
0832 | Project Gemini Closed – George M. Lowe | 00:46 |
Russian | ||
Russian Soyuz | ||
0833 | Soviets Dock 2 Soyuz 69 | 00:08 |
Russian Sputnik | ||
0834 | Radio Moscow Announces Sputnik Launch | 00:16 |
0835 | Sputnik | 00:09 |
0836 | Sputnik1 | 00:34 |
Vostok | ||
0837 | Vostok 2 | 28:42 |
0838 | Vostok 3 & 4 CBS | 25:05 |
0839 | Vostok 3 & 4 NBC | 21:18 |
weitere Audios | ||
0901 | Sputnik 1 | 00:22 |
0902 | Sputnik 2 | 00:14 |
0903 | NN auf der Bandbeschriftung als Telem. geführt | 00:13 |
0904 | Alan Shepard, bei Mercury Red Stone 3 | 00:33 |
0905 | Gagarin Wostok I | 00:36 |
0906 | Explorer I | 00:14 |
0907 | Armstrong | 00:13 |
0908 | Countdown (Raumstart) | 00:25 |
0909 | Walter Schirra im Weltraum. Radio Wien Aktueller Dienst | 01:00:44 |
1972-12 Apollo 17 | ||
0910 | Apollo 17 lunar landing, landing rec from Net 1 at HSK | 13:25 |
0911 | Apollo 17 T-10.29 to cutoff | 11:13 |
0912 | Apollo 17 liftoff, launch | 11:06 |