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Dokumente Rot-Weiß-Rot aus dem National Archive, Washington
© National Archive, Washington - Courtesy of Joseph MacVeigh
File | Date | Reference | Source | Subject | Pg |
General | |||||
01_gen_01-04 | 13.09.45 | RS/B2/F32(1205) | HQ ISB USF Austria - Otto de Pagetti, Theater A Music Officer | Vienna Activities Report (Political and cultural situation. “Set up a Section in Vienna” | 4 |
02_gen_01-03 | 1945(?) | RS/B1/F15(1054) | HQ ICD USF European Theater | Directive #4 of German Information Services | 3 |
29_gen_01-02 | 1946(?) | ASGR B25/F32 | -- | Die Salzburger Festspiele und der Rundfunk | 2 |
03_gen_01-07 | 10.46 | RS/B7/F78 (1110) | -- | Preliminary Report on Radio listening in General in the US and British Sector of Vienna | 7 |
31_gen_01-14 | 06-08.46 | -- | Commandement en Chef Francaise en Autriche, Direction de l’Information | Liste des Artistes Interdits / …a recommandee specialement a la Commission Hurdes / …de le cas doit etre reconsidere | 14 |
30_gen_01-12 | 03.47 | -- | -- | Various Lists of Banned Actors and Producers | 12 |
11_gen_01-06 | 24.02.47 | B5890.1a/F51 | HQ USF in Austria Information Services Branch From: Press Scrutiny Section (Dr.Ing. W.O. Czern.) To: Dr. van Eerden | Berichte und Informationen of Febr. 14, 1947 Cultural Policy of the Allies in Austria (III) America has not yet offered its best | 6 |
04_gen_01-02 | 03.04.47 | (1046) | From: Martinee To: Savalli | Report on the activity of the Austrian employees of ISB Radio Section | 2 |
28_gen_01-3 | 01.48 | Allied Commission for Austria, Allied Council (Confidential) Proposal by the US Element | Turn-over of Additional Responsibilities and Controls to ther Austrian Government | 3 | |
05_gen_01-08 | 1948? | RS/B9/F124 (1081) | -- | Free Lance Talent: Salaries (List, Salzburg) | 8 |
06_gen | 1948? | (1090) | -- | Free Lance Scriptwriters: Salaries (List) | 1 |
07_gen_01-02 | 1948? | (1091) | -- | Salaries: Free Lance Scriptwrit7ers, Free Lance Talent (List) | 2 |
08_gen_01-02 | 1948? | (1092) | -- | RWR ISB Rdio Section Vienna, Expenses for February | 2 |
09_gen_01-05 | 1948? | (1094) | -- | RWR ISB Rdio Section Vienna, Expenses for November | 5 |
10_gen_01-02 | 23.06.48 | RS/B9/F123 (1095) | -- | Radio Section (Wien) (Staff members, list | 2 |
12_gen_01-06 | 20.08.1948 | RS/B12/F143 | From: J.C. Merill To: Vincent J. Skachinsky, Radio Officer | General questions about RWR operations | 6 |
13_gen_01-03 | -- | -- | -- | Subject: Appointment of Radio Advertising Officer | 3 |
14_gen_01-02 | -- | -- | -- | General Directions for Advertising Department of RWR | 2 |
20_gen_01-02 | -- | RS/B6/F69 (1084) | RWR Network Commercial Broadcast | Generaö Rules for Commercial Broadcasts of the RWR Network | 2 |
15_gen_01-33 | 05.49 | RS/B11/F135 (1131) | (Öffentl. Verwalter f.d. Österr. Rundspruchwesen) | Protokoll über die IX. Länderprogramm-Austauschkonferenz, Velden, 30./31.05.1949 | 33 |
15a_gen_01-06 | 05.48 | (1132) | (Öffentl. Verwalter f.d. Österr. Rundspruchwesen) | Protokoll über die IX. Länderprogramm-Austauschkonferenz, Velden, 30./31.05.1949 Programmspiegel | 6 |
25_gen_01-02 | 16.02.50 | -- | (From) Francis J. Connaughton, Dep. Chief ISB | Responsibilities Turned Over to the Austrians | 2 |
27_gen_01-02 | 16.02.50 | -- | HQ USFIA ISB To: F.J. Connaughton From: Ernst H. Hauessermann, Film Control Officer ISB | Memorandum, Responsibilities Turned over to Austrian Government | 2 |
24_gen_01-03 | 07.03.50 | EOS/B11/F89 | -- | (History of RWR since May 1945) | 3 |
16_gen_01-02 | 05.50 | -- | -- | Abrechnung Werbefunk Mai 1950 | 2 |
17_gen_01-04 | xx.50 | (1057) | From: W.S.Green To: A.D.D. Sruck | Comment Reischek complaint (handwritten) | 4 |
18_gen_01-03 | 26.06.50 | (1056) | To: Intendant Andreas Reischek, Studio Linz (From: Ray E. Lee, Chief IBS) | Reprimanding Reischek for publishing complaints about RWR in newspapers | 3 |
26_gen | 28.07.50 | -- | From: A.N.D. Struck, Radio Chief ISB To: Miss Linde, USACA Chart-Room | Transmitters of RAVAG and Allied Forces’ stations (list) | 1 |
21_gen_01-16 | 23.06.50 | EOS/B11/F99 | Douglas C. Fox, Operative Officer ISB | The USA Position Regarding RWR, Background and History of RWR (p16: Quadrupartite Consideration of Austrian Radio - list of executive orders) | 16 |
20_gen_01-12 | 20.09.50 | RS/B7/F78 | From: W. Stuart Green. Program Office ISB To: Arthur M.D. Struck, Radio Officer ISB | Quarterly High Commissionner’s Report (Including material for approaching historical Report) History of RWR | 12 |
19_gen_01-03 | 15.09.50 | RS/B7/F80 (1055) | From: Andreas Reischek, Intendant RWR To: Ray E. Lee, Chief IBS | Andreas Reischek: why he uttered complaints and subsequently offered his resignation in July 50 | 3 |
22_gen_01-06 | 27.03.51 | State Department Decimal Files / Records Group 84 /B2461 | From: Charles K. Moffly, Public Affairs Officer To: Department of State | RWR Programming Changes and Public Reactions Thereto | 6 |
23_gen_01-11 | 22.05.51 | Alpha-numeric files RG59/B6/ Lot 54054-1 | From: William Stricker, Reg. News Editor To: Alfred Fuhan, Chief POB | Reorganisation of RWR | 11 |
Monthly Reports | |||||
mr_1146_01-07 | 02.11.46 | (1109) | From: Joseph Savalli, Radio Officer ISB To: Col. L.K. Ladue, Chief ISB | 01.-30.10.46 | 7 |
mr_1246_01-02 | 12.46 | (1108) | From: Joseph Savalli, Radio Officer ISB To: Col. L.K. Ladue, Chief ISB | 01.-31.12.46 | 2 |
mr_0147_01-05 | 04.47 | (1107) | From: Joseph Savalli, Radio Officer ISB To: Col. L.K. Ladue, Chief ISB | 01.-31.01.47 | 5 |
Mr_0447_01-06 | 30.04.47 | -- | From: Joseph Savalli, Radio Officer ISB To: Col. L.K. Ladue, Chief ISB | 01.-30.04.47 | 6 |
mr_0747_01-04 | 01.08.47 | (1106) | From: Joseph Savalli, Radio Officer ISB To: Gen. John W.N. Schulz, Chief ISB | 01.-31.07.47 | 4 |
mr_0947_01-04 | 01.10.47 | (1105) | From: Douglas Fox, Radio Officer ISB To: Gen. John W.N. Schulz, Chief ISB | 01.-30.09.47 | 4 |
mr_0148_01-05 | 01.48 | RS/B2/F27 (1052) | -- | 01.48 (p4-9 only & ISB Report p5 ) | 4 |
mr_0248_01-04 | 02.48 | -- | -- | 02.48 (p9-12) | 4 |
mr_0348_01-04 | 30.03.48 | (1104) | From: V.J. Skachinsky, Radio Officer, ISB To: Sidney S. Eberle, Chief of Branch ISB | 03.48 | 4 |
mr_0348a_01-04 | 03.48 | (1040?) | -- | 03.48 ISB Report, p6-9) | 4 |
mr_0448_01-02 | 04.48 | (1103) | (From: V.J. Skachinsky, Radio Officer, ISB) To: Commanding Officer, ISB | 04.48 | 2 |
mr_0448a_01-02 | 04.48 | (1041?) | -- | 04.48 ISB Report, p8-9 | 2 |
mr_0548a_01-03 | 05.48 | (1050) | -- | 05.48 ISB Report p9-11) | 3 |
mr_0548_01-02 | 25.05.48 | RS/B10/F31(1088) | Abteilung “Spiegel der Zeit” ARBEG | Tätigkeitsbericht Mai 1948 | 2 |
mr_0548_03-04 | 05.48 | Translation „Mirror of the Time“ | 2 | ||
mr_0648_01-02 | 25.06.48 | (1087) | From: E. Partisch To: Green | 25.05.48- 25.06.48 | 2 |
mr_0648_03-04 | 23.06.48 | (1086) | From: Martinee To: Stuart W. Green | Monthly Report (Literature) | 2 |
mr_0648_05 | 23.06.48 | (1085) | From: Martinee To: Stuart W. Green | Translation (Literature) | 1 |
mr_0748_01-02 | 07.48 | -- | From: Graff To: Green | 21.06.48-20.07.48 | 2 |
mr_0748_03-04 | 07.48 | (1082) | From: Kabitzky To: Stuart W. Green | Monthly Activities Report 25.06.48- 25.07.48 | 2 |
mr_0748_05 | 07.48 | (1083) | From: Producer Kugler (d.i.Kügler) | Produktionsbericht für Juli 1948 (Children) | 1 |
mr_0748_06-11 | 23.07.48 | (1084) | Abteilung “Spiegel der Zeit” ARBEG | Tätigkeitsbericht Juli 48 | 6 |
mr_0748_12 | 07.48 | (1083) | -- | Translation „Mirror of the Time“ Highlights | 1 |
mr_0748_13-14 | 22.07.48 | (1074) | From: D. Brier To: Program Officer ISB | Monthly Report Broadcasts 07.48 | 2 |
mr_0848_01-03 | 28.08.48 | (1102) | -- | 01.-31.08. | 3 |
mr_0848_04-05 | 25.08.48 | (1077) | From: E. Partisch To: W.S. Green | Monthly Report 25.07.-25.08. (Program) | 2 |
mr_0848_06 | 25.08.48 | (1078) | From: H.Graff To: W.S. Green | Monthly Report (Program) | 1 |
mr_0848a_01-03 | |||||
08.48 | (1047) | -- | 08.48 ISB Report, p4-6 | 3 | |
mr_0948_01 | 09.48 | (1075) | From: Kabitzky To: Skachinsky and Green | 01.-30.09. | 1 |
mr_0948_02 | 09.48 | RS/B10/F131 (1072) | From: Producer Kugler (d.i. Kügler) | Produktionsbericht 01.-30.09. | 1 |
mr_0948_03 | 09.48 | (1074) | From: D. Brier To: W.S. Green | Monthly Report Broadcasts 09.48 | 1 |
mr_0948_04 | 09.48 | (1075) | From: W. Ambroschitz To: Green | Preisausschreiben 09.48 | 1 |
mr_0948_05-07 | 09.48 | (1076) | From: E. Partisch To: W.S. Green | Production Report 25.08-25.09.48 | 3 |
mr_0948a_01-06 | 09.48 | RS/B2/F27 (046) | -- | 09.48 ISB Report, p7,8,11-14 | 6 |
mr_1048_01-03 | 27.10.48 | (1101) | To: Chief of Branch, ISB | 01.-31.10.48 | 3 |
mr_1048a_01-04 | 02.22.48 | (1046) | HQ USFA USACA ISB (From: Frederic L. Pera, Ass’t. Press Scrutiny Officer) | Monitoring reports on RAVAG broadcasts 25.-31.10. | 4 |
mr_1148a_01-04 | 09.11.48 | RA/B12/F144 (1063) | HQ USFA USACA ISB (From: Frederic L. Pera, Press Scrutiny Officer) | Monitoring reports on RAVAG broadcasts 02.-08.11 | 4 |
mr_0149_01-06 | 31.01.1949 | (1048) | (From: V.J. Skachinsky, Radio Officer, ISB) To: Ray E. Lee, Chief of Branch Thru: D.C.Fox | 01.-31.01.49 | 6 |
mr_0249_01-07 | 03.03.49 | (1100) | (From: V.J. Skachinsky, Radio Officer, ISB) To: Ray E. Lee, Chief of Branch Thru: D.C.Fox | 01-28.02.49 | 7 |
mr_0349_01-04 | 30.03.49 | (1049) | (From: V.J. Skachinsky, Radio Officer, ISB) To: Ray E. Lee, Chief of Branch Thru: D.C.Fox | 01.-31.03.49 | 4 |
mr_0449_01-06 | 30.04.49 | RS/B7/F78 (1047) | From: Radio Officer ISB To: Chief of Branch, ISB | 01.-30.04.49 | 6 |