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On the Media/NPR
Archivnummern: AP/m_mm1/npr_otm_2011_(Sendedatum)
© National Public Radio
Datum/Datei | Inhalt | Dauer |
07.01 | 1) Whistleblower update 2) White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs Announces Resignation 3) Bringing Down Saddam 4) Seth Mnookin on The Panic Virus 5) The N-Word 6) Our Tenth Anniversary | 51:56 |
14.01 | 1) Political Rhetoric in the Wake of the Tucson Shooting 2) Does It Matter Why He Did It? 3) Political Satire Iranian-American Style 4) 10 Years of Wikipedia 5) The Making of Blue Valentine 6) Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Public Imagination | 54:53 |
21.01 | 1) Tunisia's Twitter Revolution? 2) Tunisian Blogger Lina Ben Mhenni 3) Subpoenas and Online Service Providers 4) National Security Letters and Gag Orders 5) Updates 6) Comcast Gets the Okay to Buy NBC 7) The Rush to Report 8) Bad Sourcing | 51:57 |
28.01 | Newspaper Special: 1) Are Newspapers Dead Yet? 2) Government Intervention to Save Journalism 3) Should Newspapers Charge for Content Online? 4) Google's Quest to Save Newspapers 5) Is Hyperlocal the Future of News? 6) Newspaper of the Future | 51:55 |
04.02 | 1) Tweeting from Egypt's Tahrir Square 2) What's Al Jazeera's Role in the Egyptian Protests? 3) What is the "Arab Street"? 4) Modern Egyptology 5) Egyptian Hero to the Press 6) Reforming the Senate's 'Secret Holds' 7) The Personal Cost of Blowing the Whistle | 51:58 |
11.02 | 1) Egypt's Leading Newspaper Explains Itself 2) North Africa's Hip Hop Protest Music 3) Italy's Generation Gap in the Media 4) Letters 5) Why Planned Parenthood Won't Get Fooled Again 6) Why Reading about Scandals Might Actually be Good for You | 52:26 |
18.02 | A Special, Live Broadcast of On the Media - Brooke Galdstone, Bob Garfield, Ethan Zuckerman and Other Guests On the Question: Will the Internet Deliver Us Or Destroy Us? | 51:59 |
25.02 | 1) Inside the Libyan Diaspora's Resistance Movement 2) Andy Carvin and Twitter's New Journalism 3) How to Cheat Google 4) Matt Cutts, Head of Google's Web Spam Team 5) How Search Engines are Changing Journalism 6) Steven Rosenbaum and the Curation Nation 7) The Formula for a Most-Emailed Story | 51:59 |
04.03 | 1) Protestors or Rebels: How the Label Changes Our Perception of Libya 2) Does Metaphorical Framing Really Work? 3) Labor's Image Problem 4) The Many Moods of Anonymous 5) Letters 6) An Update On Who Killed The Bill 7) How to Get to Bernie Madoff 8) Lying is Illegal in Canada('s news broadcasts) 9) Churning Out PR | 51:59 |
11.03 | 1) Oy, What a Week for NPR 2) Take the Public Out of Public Broadcasting 3) Keeping the Public in Public Broadcasting 4) The Bias Bias 5) Your Tweets May Be Betraying You 6) How to Jam GPS 7) On the Trail of Stuxnet | 51:59 |
18.03 | 1) The Dangers of Reporting from Libya 2) Japan's Information Crisis 3) Does NPR Have A Liberal Bias? 4) What the Media Can Learn from James O'Keefe 5) Interview James O'Keefe | 51:59 |
25.03 | 1) What's Libya Like? 2) How Wars Are Named 3) Does Public Radio Have a Liberal Bias? The Finale! 4) Ira and Brooke Discuss 5) Triangle Shirtwaist Factory | 51:59 |
01.04 | 1) The Conclusion of the Blow the Whistle Project 2) The Big Impact of Small Town Reporting 3) FOIA As a Political Tool 4) Letters 5) A First Amendment Round-Up 6) SLAPP Back | 51:59 |
08.04 | 1) The Tension in Free Expression 2) The First Amendment and the Courts 3) The Media Blackout of Pastor Terry Jones 4) Reporting From Libya Under the Watch of the Libyan Government 5) The Journalism of North Korea 6) How to Beat Pirates 7) Jonathon Green's Slang 8) Urban Dictionary | 52:46 |
15.04 | On the Media in Egypt: 1) State Run Newspapers and Mona Seif 2) TV in the New Egypt | 52:47 |
22.04 | 1) Turning Away – When the Media Interest Has Waned 2) Newspapers vs. The Internet 3) The Problem of Sock Puppets – When a Celebrity Joins a Forum Anonymously 4) Tweets From Tahrir 5) Hitting Print on The Iraq War 6) The CIA Declassifies Invisible Ink | 52:45 |
29.04 | 1) PlayStation's Breach 2) Apple's iPhone Tracking "Bug" 3) The Guantanamo Leak 4) Is HuffPost Good for Journalism? 5) Unpaid Contributors Sue HuffPost 6) Twitter Bots 7) The Birth Certificate and Legacy of Presidential Rumors | 52:45 |
06.05 | 1) Should the White House Release a Photo? 2) Reaction to Bin Laden Death on Jihadi Websites 3) Al Qaeda Caught on Tape 4) Bin Laden in Culture 5) The Gamification of Jihad 6) Global Media Wars 7) 50th Anniversary of Wasteland Speech | 51:58 |
13.05 | Data Show: 1) The Personal Data Revolution 2) Data Journalism 3) Two Cautionary Data Tales 4) The 'Decline Effect' and Scientific Truth | 51:59 |
20.05 | 1) French Media Reaction to Dominique Strauss-Kahn 2) Syria's Digital Crackdown 3) The Revolving Door: When Regulators End up Working in the Industry 4) Microsoft's Bygone Monopoly 5) Internet: The Filter Bubble 6) Pom Wonderful Presents The Greatest Movie Ever Sold 7) Joseph Wershba, Remembered | 53:05 |
27.05 | 1) Patriot Act Renewed 2) Iraqi Journalists Struggle for Press Freedoms 3) Letters and Comments 4) Making Journalism Illegal 5) The Tragic Story of Phoebe Prince 6) Freedom of App-spression 7) Web Sickness 8) Chat Bots | 51:57 |
03.06 | 1) Pakistan’s War of Information 2) Suspect Arrested in Politkovskaya Murder 3) A Media Post Mortem on "Death Panels" 4) The eG8 and the Future of the Net 5) Times Editor Stepping Down 6) Can You Copyright the Human Body? 7) The Dramatic Re-Enactment 8) Release Getters | 51:57 |
10.06 | 1) Psychic Tips, Media Frenzies and Texas 2) The Paleozoic Internet 3) An Internet Archivist Recommits to Books 4) Life 2.0 5) Computing “That’s What She Said” | 51:57 |
17.06 | 1) A Hacker's Guide to Recent Hacks 2) The Hacking "Epidemic" (Cue Jaws Theme) 3) Libya's Civil War 4) FCC Report says Local Reporting in Crisis 5) Is the FCC too Weak? 6) The Echo Chamber Revisited | 51:59 |
24.06 | 1) The Press Favorite 2) The Conventional Wisdom 3) Journalist Jose Vargas' Illegal Immigration Revelation 4) Pentagon gets Rules of Cyber-War 5) ![]() |
51:57 |
01.07 | An encore broadcast of our one-hour look at the history, the culture and the future of video games: 1) The Influence of Gaming 2) How Nintendo Saved the Video Game Industry 3) The Culture of Gaming 4) The Future of Gaming | 51:51 |
08.07 | 1) News of the World Folds 2) The Chiquita Phone Hacking Scandal 3) The Media's Trial of Casey Anthony 4) Lenny Dykstra's Downfall 5) "Hot Coffee" 6) Mike Vuolo and the Lexicon Valley | 51:58 |
15.07 | 1) Reporting On the Debt Ceiling 2) Government Benefits - We Hardly Knew Ye 3) The Continuing Woes Of Righthaven 4) New Six Strikes Internet Regulations 5) Congress, Copyright and Monkeys 6) News International Scandal Grows 7) Foreign and Corrupt Practices 8) Errol Morris on Tabloid | 51:58 |
22.07 | 1) The Murdoch Family's Endurance 2) Muted U.S. Public Reaction to British Tabloid Scandal 3) What Does a Pie to the Face Really Mean? 4) Phone Hacking: A Guide 5) The Love Triangle, Murder and Missing Head that Sparked a Tabloid War 6) Happy Birthday, Marshall McLuhan 7) Calvin Trillin Looks Back on The Freedom Riders | 52:57 |
29.07 | 1) Reading an Alleged Killer's Manifesto 2) The Wall Street Journal Disappears an Error 3) Fact Checking the Debt Ceiling Debate 4) The Objectivity Bias 5) The Redemption of the New York Times Paywall 6) Ideological Bias at Non-Profit News Organizations 7) Letters 8) "Whether you believe it or not, I believe it." 9) Lexicon Valley, Episode 2 | 52:43 |
05.08 | OTM First Ever Live Show - A Look at the Internet and how it's Changing Us: 1) The Personal Impact of the Web 2) The Global Impact of the Internet 3) Our Future with Technology | 52:45 |
12.08 | The Monolithic Impact Google Has on Our Lives for Better and for Worse: 1) The Case Against Google 2) Google's Wi-fi Problem 3) Blurry in Germany 4) Making Maps, the Google Way 5) Matt Cutts, Head of Google's Web Spam Team 6) Confessions of a Google Employee | 51:14 |
19.08 | 1) What Makes a Gaffe So Sticky 2) Recording Candidates' Every Word 3) What Amazon is Up To 4) An Early Success from Amazon Publishing 5) Books are no Longer an Ad-Free Zone 6) Is It Ever OK to Block Social Media? 7) Broadcasting Treason | 52:44 |
26.08 | 1) A Unique Opportunity for Propaganda 2) Libyan Media: Past, Present and Future 3) State of Post-Revolutionary Egyptian Media 4) Sex Offender Registries Don't Work 5) The Media and the West Memphis Three 6) Letters 7) Presidential Reading 8) Musicians Reclaim Their Copyrights | 52:46 |
02.09 | 1) Classification Conundrum 2) The Leak at WikiLeaks 3) A Storm That Earned Its Hype 4) Scientific Retractions on the Rise 5) Retraction Watch 6) When Television Characters Graduate 7) Remembering Stetson Kennedy | 51:59 |
09.09 | 1) Civil Liberties Since 9/11 2) Arbitrary Restrictions on Photographers 3) Newly Released 9/11 Audio 4) Al Jazeera English in America 5) Growing up in the shadow of 9/11 6) Telling Jokes After September 11th 7) Telling Jokes about September 11th 8) The acquiescent Media after 9/11 | 51:59 |
16.09 | 1) Journalists Predicting the Political Future 2) Asking Politicians About Religion 3) Teasing Your Book on the Funny Pages 4) Hams Travel to South Sudan 5) Escaping Wi-Fi in the National Quiet Zone 6) The Issue of Orphan Works 7) The Upside of Legal Advertising | 51:54 |
23.09 | 1) A Big Change at Al Jazeera 2) Death for Blogging 3) Criticizing Israel, Outside of Israel 4) Ready For The Next Big Internet Crisis 5) The Hacker Law 6) Word Watch: Hacker | 51:58 |
30.09 | 1) Prosecuting the Irvine 11 2) The Battle For Santorum 3) Russian Media Reaction to Putin as Presidential Nominee 4) Monitoring Human Rights From Space 5) Pew Looks At The Local News Ecosystem 6) New Online Game Helps Solve Medical Mysteries 7) Gaming Back to Health | 51:59 |
07.10 | 1) Occupy Wall Street 2) Al Qaeda Loses Its English Voice 3) The Loss of a Valuable Journalistic Tool 4) Daily Mail Misreports Amanda Knox Verdict 5) Teen Fiction Shies Away from Gay Characters 6) Spoilers Don't Spoil Anything 7) Steve Jobs and Apple's Innovative Advertising | 51:58 |
14.10 | 1) The Tea Party vs. Occupy Wall Street 2) "I'm a Mormon" Media Campaign 3) New Supreme Court Session Begins 4) In Defense of the Bl**p 5) Rebel Books 6) Media Skepticism About Iran Assassination Plot 7) Real and Unreal in Professional Wrestling | 51:59 |
21.10 | 1) The Media, the President, and the Horse Race 2) The Media's Contentious Relationship with Presidents 3) The Foreign Press On Occupy Wall Street 4) Word Watch: Occupy 5) South Africa's Uncertain Political Future 6) State-Owned Media in South-Africa 7) Political Satire in South-Africa | 53:16 |
28.10 | 1) (More) Controversy at NPR 2) Covering The Withdrawal From Iraq 3) Is Transparency Always A Good Thing? 4) The Government vs. the Freedom of Information Act 5) The Vulnerability of Information Stored in the Cloud 6) Lack of Video on American TV News 7) Audiences Returning to Network TV News 8) New Variety on Network Evening News | 51:59 |
04.11 | 1) SuperPacs 2012: Off to the Races 2) From Milk Prices to SuperPACs 3) Parents Helping Kids Lie Online 4) The Case Against 5) The Case For 6) Public Radio Journalists and Political Expression 7) Journalists are People Too 8) Website Tracks D.C. Homicides in Real Time | 51:57 |
11.11 | 1) More Questions for News Corp 2) The Fall Of St. Joe 3) The Web Has Become The World's Mood Ring 4) Sentiment Analysis Reveals How the World is Feeling 5) The Art of Self-Surveillance 6) Web Links As Money Makers 7) The Allure of Multiple Personalities | 51:53 |
18.11 | 1) Occupy Wall Street after Zuccotti Park 2) Proposing a Constitutional Amendment to End Corporate Personhood 3) The Trouble With NBA Lockout Coverage 4) Arab Governments No Longer Ignoring Regional Atrocities 5) Freedom Of Information Laws Around the World 6) Freedom Of Information Laws in India 7) Six Weeks of Superbetter 8) Cow Clicker | 51:58 |
25.11 | 1) Was the SuperCommittee a Super Failure? 2) Everyone Rejects Inconvenient Facts 3) The Chiquita Phone Hacking Scandal 4) Phone Hacking: A Guide 5) Pulp Non-Fiction 6) The Love Triangle, Murder and Missing Head that Sparked a Tabloid War 7) Errol Morris on Tabloid | 52:00 |
02.12 | 1) The Fed's Lending During the Crisis Revealed 2) Secrecy Bill Threatens South African Democracy—Or Not? 3) Former News of the World Reporter Paul McMullan 4) Revenge Porn's Latest Frontier 5) Teens Care About Privacy Online 6) Is International Cyber Warfare a Real Threat? 7) How Racist are Americans? Ask Google 8) More Popular Than Jesus | 52:00 |
09.12 | 1) Please Watch The Debates 2) Fox News Asking the Tough Questions 3) How the ACLU Exposed the State Department Censors 4) Live Streaming As Activism 5) Malasyia's Freedom of Speech, Online and Off 6) US Government Seizes Domain Names 7) One Cambodian Journalist's Search for Justice 8) The Dreyfus Affair and Censorship | 51:59 |
16.12 | 1) Federal Agency advises U.S. to Hang up and Drive 2) Changing People's Minds 3) The Addictive Properties of Cell Phones 4) The Blackberry Defense 5) The Facts on the Fact Checking Community 6) Morning Show Payola 7) Covering the Apocalypse 8) Space Madness, Real and Imagined | 52:00 |
23.12 | 1) Egypt's 'Girl In The Blue Bra' 2) The Problem With Likely Voters 3) Two Science Journals Asked to Redact an Article 4) North Korean Propaganda 5) Vaclav Havel's Life "Within the Truth" 6) Letters 7) Apper's Delight 8) Founding Father of Hollywood Focus Groups | 51:59 |
30.12 | 1) Regret the Error 2011 2) Predictions of a Newsosaur 3) The Thorny World of Online Comments 4) How to Create An Engaging Comments Section 5) Hellhounds On My Trail 6) State-Owned Media in South Africa 7) Political Satire in South Africa | 51:57 |