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Radio Austria International Archive (02)
272 Tonbänder - Die nach Schließung von ROI und Löschung aller Dateien geretteten Reste des Bandarchivs.
Teil 2: Tonbänder 137-272, 1989-1992.
Digitalisierung und Index: Murray Hall
Archivnummern: ocgf/ROI/AP/roi_e_arch2_(Laufnummer)
© Dokumentationsarchiv Funk, Sammlung Radio Österreich International
mp3-Datei | Beschreibung | Datum | Dauer |
137 | Personality: An obituary on former foreign minister Alois Mock. | 17:25 | |
138 | Personality: An obituary on Kardinal Franz König. | 07:15 | |
139 | Personality: An obituary on former Austrian president Thomas Klestil. | 04:45 | |
140 | Personality: An obituary on Simon Wiesenthal. | 08:41 | |
141 | Today’s profile is about Jaquieline Lillie. A: AD / Brigitte Hamann’s book: Hitler’s Vienna. A: AD / Hugo Portisch: Österreich II. A: H. Portisch / Elections of the EU-Parliament, the Vienna government, elections in Lower Austria and in other parts of the country. A: JK, Koene, PM, Ward / Franz Ceska (Industrialists Association) on UNIDO. A: PM / ÖAMTC 100 years. A: JK / Viehböck on space. First astronaut from Austria. A: JK / Austrian Academy of Sciences hosts 50th anniversary of the Fullbright education exchange program. A: AD / Austrian Foreign Ministry is launching a campaign in Japan to promote the country. A: Hall / | 22.9.96, 30.9.96, 2.10.96, 14.10.96, 15.10.96; 15.10.96; 16.10.96; 21.10.96; 27.10.96 | 01:28:58 (einzelne Beiträge: 15:04, 07:55, 05:59, 21:18; 05:51; 06:39; 06:01; 08:06; 12:05) |
142 | Lomo, a camera, part of Vienna contemporary art scene. A: Koene / Mauerbach auction. Some artworks, which were plundered by the Nazis, are still in Mauerbach near Vienna. A: AD / Karl Kraus: Last days of mankind. A: Hall / Mauerbach, interview with the director of the auction. A: AD / Japanese on Austrian workers. A: Ward / Doodling, related to yodelling. A: Hall / Mars failure. Interview with director of the Austrian Space research Institute Willibald Riedler in Graz. A: JK / The second international finance and economic forum held in Vienna. TalJK to Foreign Minister Wolfgang Schüssel abou the European Monetary Union and the Euro as currency. A: PM / Austrian historical memory and national identity. Interview with Anton Pelinka. A: JK / Tourism likes and dislikes. A: PM / Austria’s neutrality and a potential joining to NATO. A: PM | 28.10.96; 29.10.96; 01.11.96; 03.11.96; 17.11.96; 17.11.96; 18.11.96; 21.11.96; 03.12.96; 5.12.96; 8.12.96 | 01:27:43 (09:14; 07:24; 09:10; 05:49; 07:30; 15:28; 04:42; 04:16; 12:16; 07:29; 04:25) |
143 | The stepmother of Casper Einem, the interior minister, received a letter bomb. A: Koene / A summit of the EU in Dublin, Ireland. OTs from Franz Vranitzky and Wolfgang Schüssel. A: Ward / Arafat visits Vienna for two days. Also with OT from W. Schüssel. A: JK / Vienna get the right to house the Arnold Schönberg archive. OT from former Minister of Arts Rudolf Scholten. A: JK / Kurt Waldheim wrote “The Answer”, interview with him. A: Ward / Paul Lendvai wrote “Blacklistet”, his memoires. A: Ward / Vranitzky, former Chancellor, talks at the end of his administration about a decade on the top of the government. A: PM / Viktor Klima visits the Netherlands. Interview about joblessness. A: AD / Pernkopf anatomical atlas. A: JK / Foreigner integration in Vienna. Interview with Renate Brauner, Integration Councillor of Vienna. A: JK | 10.12.96; 15.12.96; 18.12.96; 20.12.96; 31.12.96; 31.12.96; 13.01.97; 09.02.97; 12.02.97; 13.02.97 | 01:05:06 (04:47; 05:34; 04:50; 05:37; 11:25; 11:04; 04:15; 03:42; 08:36; 06:16) |
144 | Chinese Art exhibition in the Künstlerhaus in Vienna. Interview with the curator. A: JK / Franz Vranitzky, former Chancellor, talks in an interview about Albania in his function as the head of a OSCE commission. A: PM / Helsinki Federation of Human Rights in Vienna. Interview with the executive director, talk about Albania. A: JK / Nazi compensation fund. Interview with Hannah Lessing. A: Ward / Jewish Museum in Vienna prepared a new exhibition, called Neuland. Interview with Gabriele Kohlbauer-Fritz, curator, and Alisa Douer, photographer. A: AD / Profile: Franz Schubert. A: Bailey / Listening device found in luxury hotel Marriot. Interview with the hotels general director. A: 14.04.97 / Elizabeth, the last Austrian empress. Norman Mailer should write the screenplay for a movie about her life. Interview with another author. A: PM / The biography about Käthe Leichter, written by Herbert Steiner, has been republished after 30 years. Interview with her son, Henry Leichter, who’s in Vienna for the book launch. A: JK / 150th anniversary of the St. Stephens Cathedral in Vienna. Cardinal König, former archbishop of Vienna, and ten thousand representatives will held an ecumenical conference in Graz. A: Koene / Bosnia and war crimes. Interview with Ajup Ganic, Vice President of the Federation of Bosnia, and Robert Beechcroft. A: Ward | 23.02.97; 06.03.97; 07.03.97; 11.03.97; 13.03.97; 09.03.97; 14.04.97; 21.04.97; 22.04.97; 24.04.97; 30.04.97 | 01:30:59 (12:13; 06:29; 05:35; 06:08; 07:53; 13:15; 05:38; 09:39; 09:10; 07:25; 07:34) |
145 | Profile: Niki Lauda. A: Koene / Profile: Erich Korngold. A: Koene / UN-Secretary General Kofi Annan visits Vienna. OTs from Annan and Foreign Minister Wolfgang Schüssel. A: JK / Swanee Hunt, US-Ambassador to Austria, announced to leave her post. A: JK / EU summit in the Netherlands towards the treaty of Amsterdam. OTs from Chancellor Viktor Klima and Foreign Minister and Vice-Chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel. A: Ward / Amnesty International report about plice brutality in Austria. OT from Walter Suntinger from AI A: JK / EU summit in Amsterdam is over, next year in Vienna. Comparison of the two cities. OT from Benito Ferrero-Waldner, Secretary of Stat for foreign Affairs. A: Ward / EU summit wrap-up. A: Ward | 02.02.97; 08.05.97; 20.05.97; 21.05.97; 25.05.97; 18.06.97; 19.06.97; 22.06.97 | 01:19:28 (13:15; 23:27; 07:52; 06:35; 09:07; 06:49; 06:26; 05:57) |
146 | Gottfried Wagner, successor of Richard Wagner, published his book “He who does not howl with the wolfs”. Interview with him. A: AD / Millenium effects. Interview with Stefan Rudas, director of the Institute of Psycho-social research. A: Ward / / UN-Secretary General Kofi Annan visits Vienna. OTs from Annan and Foreign Minister Wolfgang Schüssel. A: JK / 50th anniversary of the Marshall Plan. Interview with Hans Igler, former chief executive of the aid bureau in Vienna. A: Ward / Hella Pick wrote a biography of Simon Wiesenthal, titled “A life in search of justice” (“Eine Biographie”). Interview with Wiesenthal. A: Koene / Salzburg Festival presented a double CD-Rom about his own history. A: AD / Scientists about global warmin, the weather and the Ice Ages. A: Ward / Schönbrunn Zoo celebrates his 245th birthday. Interview with Helmut Pechlaner, Zoo-director. A: JK / Giuseppe Verdi’s opera Aida in Gars am Kamp. A: AD | 02.03.97; 02.04.97; 20.05.97; 29.05.97; 30.06.97; 21.07.97; 25.07.97; 29.07.97; 11.08.97 | 01:18:53 (06:34; 05:44; 07:49; 12:01; 09:57; 08:36; 06:40; 05:52; 15:40) |
147 | Jörg Haider, head of the right-wing Freedom Party FPÖ, on the introduction of the Euro. A: Koene / Central European culture management forum In Salzburg. Interview with Emil Blix, head of the Austrian culture institute in London. A: Mortimer / W. Schüssel, Foreign Ministr and VC, on the phone about the introduction of the Euro. A: PM / New exhibition at the Kunstforum, called “Art and insanity”. Interview with Ingrid Brugger, curator. A: JK / Brown bear immigration from neighbour countries. A: Hall / Exhibition at the Jewish Museum which shows 29 Death masks. Interview with Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek, chief executive curator of the Jewish Museum. A: JK / Ten years ago, Kurt Waldheim, then President of Austria, was put on the US-Watchlist. John Mapother published a new book about the “Waldheim-affair”, titled “Wie man auf die Watchlist kommt”. Ot from Fritz Molden, Mapother’s publisher. A: JK / 425th anniversary of the Spanish riding school. Interview with the head of the school. A: AD / International Press Institute Aleksander Pumpyansky in Vienna. A: JK / Japanese porcelain and lacquers. A: AD / Second Theodor Herzl-symposium held in Vienna. Interview with Ari Rath, political consultant, who was speaJK at the symposium. A: JK / Dorotheum is holding his sales of porcelain and glass. A: AD /Women artists. OT Nancy Van de Vate, austro-american composer. A: AD | 18.08.97; 24.08.97; 31.08.97; 04.09.97; 04.09.97; 08.09.97; 10.09.97; 10.09.97; 12.09.97; 18.09.97; 23.09.97; 23.09.97; 24.09.97 | 01:32:07 (06:51; 09:18; 03:28; 08:12; 03:42; 11:23; 08:21; 05:35; 05:42; 07:22; 06:06; 07:55; 08:12) |
148 | Ellen Mickiewicz’ new book Changing Channels. Television and the Struggle for Power in Russia”. A: Lendvai / A picture of Gustav Klimt at the auction at Christies in London will bring in about 10 million dollars. OT Andreas Rumbler from Christies. A: AD / Chestnut disease. OT Peter Fischer-Colbrie, director of federal parks and gardens. A: JK / Profile: Prater. A: Bailey / Profile: Countertenor Derek Lee Ragin. Mortmer / Viktor Klima on a 2-day visit in Russia. A: Ward / EU summit on unemployment. OT Viktor Klima. A: PM / Kathryn Hall, new US-ambassador to Austria, arrives. OT Hall. A: Koene / Kyoto climate conference. OT Martin Bartenstein, Environment Minister. A: Ward / Italian-Austrian relations. New book from Josef Berghold “From hereditary hostility to the opening of Europe”. A: Hall / Relations between Israel and Austria. Interview with Paul Grosz, president of the Austrian Jewish community. A: AD | 26.09.97; 29.09.97; 05.10.97; 05.10.97; 19.10.97; 02.11.97; 23.11.97; 24.1.97; 04.12.97; 21.12.97; 23.12.97 | 01:25:40 (08:06; 08:43; 07:18; 12:43; 10:34; 02:30; 05:03; 02:42; 05:19; 17:15) |
149 | Profile: Elisabeth exhibition. OT Michaela Lindinger from the Historical Museum. A: AD / Summery of the presidential election. A: Ward / Profile: Erich Lessing. A: Ward / Elie Wiesel, survivor of Auschwitz, visits Austria. A: JK / Museums in internet. Interview with Peter Waibel, professor on the university for applied arts in Vienna. A: Mortimr / Refugees perform a play about asylum-seeJK in Graz. A: Engel / Dalai Lama in Vienna. Interview with Barbara Stöckl on Help TV. A: AD / OSCE-chairman Bronis³aw Geremek on Kosovo. A: JK / Josef Votzi, editor and chief of the weekly newsmagazine profil, in an interview. A: AD / Pope’s visit in Austria. Demonstration at the Hero Square (Heldenplatz). Interviews with the crown and with Paul Zulehner, professor of pastoral theology at the university of Vienna. A: JK | 12.04.98; 20.04.98; 03.05.98; 12.05.98; 13.05.98; 04.06.98; 10.06.98; 18.06.98; 20.06.98; 21.06.98 | 01:38:54 (19:17; 02:52; 11:49; 11:44; 07:01; 07:58; 08:05; 05:45; 07:37; 16;46) |
150 | David Currie, professor of economics at the London business school about the “information-explosion” and the current challenges of the EU. A: Ward / Michael Jungwirth, journalist for Kleine Zeitung and the Upper Austrian Newspaper wrote: “In the driving seat of Europe”. A: Ward / Interview with Mary Robinson, High Commissioner for Human Rights. A: JK / Fatos Nano, Primeminister of Albania, talks about Kosovo. A: JK / EU-presidency fanfare. A: Ward / Innsbruck EU-summit. A: PM / Innsbruck summit. OTs from Eleonore Hostasch, social affairs minister, and Barbara Prammer, women’s minister. :A: PM / Parliamentary clash about a new citizenship-law. Franz Lafer (FPÖ) uses the term “Umvolkung”. A: Hall / Wolfgang Schüssel has illustrated a book titled „Das Rot-Weiß-Rote Weltkugelbuch“. A: JK / Profile: Johann Strauss’ love letters. A: Hall / German spelling reform. A: AD / Quality in EU healthcare. A: Ward / Georg Hainzl rescued. Interview with his doctor. A: JK / Café Sperl becomes Café of the year. A: Bell / Exploration of the Austrian assets during the Nazi-regime. Interview with Clemens Jabloner, member of the new created historian commission. A: Bell | 23.06.98; 25.06.98; 26.06.98; 23.06.98; 02.07.98; 08.07.98; 10.07.98; 10.07.98; 10.07.98; 12.07.98; 15.07.98; 24.07.98; 02.08.98; 28.07.98; 30.09.98 | 01:25:28 (06:43; 10:55; 05:45; 03:36; 00:51; 02:44; 04:39; 04:57; 05:34; 15:54; 06:27; 03:43; 03:09; 07:03; 03:38) |
151 | Johann Strauss in the USA. A: Bailey / Franz Vranitzky on a visit in South-East Asia. A: PM / Profile: Norman Shetler. A: AD / Wolfgang Schüssel in an interview about a potential NATO-joining. A: JK / Paul Lendvai in a talk with Michael Häupl, mayor of Vienna. A: Ward/Lendvai / Jassir Arafat and Franz Vranitzky in Gaza. A: AD / Exhibition about Arnold Schönberg. Daughter Nuria Schönberg-Nono in an interview. A: JK / | 14.07.96; 09.07.96; 04.08.96; 07.08.96; 23.08.96; 08.09.96; 16.09.96 | 56:01 (11:57; 06:16; 14:54; 05:14; 06:33; 03:19; 07:48) |
152 | Exhibition : St. Petersburg Muraqqa. OT from Francesca Habsburg. A: Mortimer / Profile: Met Orchestra plays in Vienna. A: AD / EU and the ban on the British beef exports. Interview with Franz Fischler, agricultural commissioner of the EU. A: Koene / Profile: Venice in Vienna. A: Lindell / BSE and British beef. OT Douglas Hoeg, British agricultural minister. A: Koene / Farouk Kaddumi, Palestinian foreign minister , and Wolfgang Schüssel are talJK in Vienna. A: Koene / Franz Vranitzky in Poland. A: Hall / Srebrenica anniversary in Tuzla (BiH). A: PM | 26.05.96; 27.05.96; 03.06.96; 09.06.96; 01.06.96; 28.06.96; 05.07.96; 12.06.96 | 01:26:15 (14:50; 23:12; 04:20; 10:38; 04:59; 05:39; 13:11; 09:26) |
153 | Easter customs. A: Hall / Jacques Santer, president of the EU commission, and Franz Vranitzky, Austrian Chancellor, are talJK about jobs. A: Ward / The Habsburg dynasty. Otto and Felix Habsburg are allowed to enter Austria. A: Ward / Martin Bartenstein talks about Slovakia’s nuclear power plant Mohovce. A: Engel / Profile: Update about Hans Cohrssen. A: Mortimer / Profile: H. C. Robbins-Landen. A: Lindell / Major Günther Greindl, head of the international policy of defense ministry, about a potential NATO-joining of Austria. A: PM / Profile: Srauss in Russia. A: Bailey / Cardinal Franz König and Simon Wiesenthal received a honorary doctor from Webster University Vienna Campus. A: PM | 08.04.96; 16.04.96; 17.04.96; 21.04.96; 21.04.96; 05.05.96; 09.05.96; 12.05.96; 19.05.96 | 01:23:27 (15:38; 07:26; 03:36; 03:34; 09:11; 14:23; 05:14; 13:43; 10:42) |
154 | Profile: Michael Schnitzler. A: JK / Mozart House in Salzburg. A: Mortimer / Opera Ball. A: Koene / Sarajevo: Wolfgang Schüssel, foreign minister, in the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. A: Ward / Reopening of the Jewish Museum in Vienna. OTs from Hardy Weber, photographer, and Julius Schubs, director of the museum. A: AD / Austrian National Bank sponsored a violin maJK contest. A: JK / Student protests against educational budget cuts. Ots with Rudolf Schulte, science minister, and Franz Vranitzky, Chancellor. A: JK / Profile: Jewish Museum. A: AD / Mozart’s House in Salzburg. OT Friedrich Gehmacher, .president of the international Mozarteum foundation. A: Mortimer / Profile: Marcel Prawy. A: Hall / Centre for the study of American culture in Salzburg. OT Ronald Clifton, director of the institute. A: Mortimer | 14.01.96; 07.02.96; 15.02.96; 25.02.96; 29.02.96; 17.03.96; 15.03.96; 10.03.96; 19.03.96; 04.04.96; 07.04.96 | 01:38:17 (17:10; 07:07; 03:39; 05:14; 04:28; 10:30; 06:09; 14:45; 09:45; 07:37; 11:43) |
155 | Election round up. A: Entire stuff / Cardinal Franz König received the gold medal of honour from President Thomas Klestil. A: Koene / Profile: Bertha von Suttner. A: AD / Profile: Ludwig Wittgenstein. A: Koene / Viktor Klima is becoming new finance minister. A: JK / Profile: Museum of historical musical instruments. A: Lindell / Composers and their preferences for changing flats frequently. A: Hall / Arms revelation by the US. OT Fritz Molden. A: Ward / Exhibition: Aufbau newspaper in the House of Literature. A: Hall / | 18.12.95; 24.12.95; 26.12.95; 31.12.96; 03.01.96; 07.01.96; 21.01.96; 23.01.96; 04.02.96 | 01:37:45 (10:52; 06:32; 18:02; 09:23; 05:00, 14:20; 12:36; 12:07; 08:53) |
156 | Gitta Sereny about her new book “The struggle of truth” about Alfred Speer. A: JK / Profile: National anthem. A: Hall / Profile: Sport in the 19th century in Vienna. Focus on the Strausses. A: Bailey / Profile: Relatios with House of Habsburg and Strauss. A: Bailey / Scientific symposium about Mauthausen held in Vienna. OT Henry Friedlander, American historian. A: JK / Turbulences in national tourism. OT Michael Höferer, designated director of the national tourist office. A: Koene / Frank Stronach in interview. A: Ward / Election overview. A: Entire staff | 25.10.95; 26.10.95; 29.10.95; 05.11.95; 04.12.95; 11.12.95; 12.12.95; 17.12.95 | 01:26:42 (08:51; 16:34; 10:28; 10:22; 06:44; 04:29; 05:10; 24:04) |
157 | Wolfgang Schüssel on the future of democracy. A: JK / Alois Mock, former foreign minister, on Bosnia and France. A: Mortimer / Laser weapons. OT Ann Peters, Human Rights Watch, and Benita Ferrero-Waldner, secretary of foreign affairs. A: JK / Ken Saro-Wiwa, Nigerian human rights activist, received the Bruno Kreisky-Award. A: ? / SPÖ at her national meeting. Franz Vranitzky on the coalition. A: PM / Coalition in crisis. OT Wolfgang Schüssel. A: JK / National budget in crisis. OT Franz Vranitzky and Andreas Staribacher, finance minister. A: JK / Government collapse. Reactions overview. A: Koene / Viktor Frankl received the Ehrenbürgerschaft. A: JK / Vranitzky on SPÖ. Letter bombs. A: Koene / Schüssel on Budget. A: PM / Round up, Schüssel, Vranitzky. A: Ward / Profile: Walter Roberts on Austrian state treaty. A: JK | 18.09.95; 19.09.95; 27.09.95; 29.09.95; 02.10.95; 02.10.95; 10.10.95; 12.10.95; 17.10.95; 18.10.95; 20.10.95; 22.10.95; 22.10.95 | 01:26:55 (05:33; 04:30; 06:27; 02:03; 03:04; 06:03; 04:17; 22:14; 05:00) |
158 | Goldstone on war crimes tribunal. A: JK / Neighbour in Need. OT Marte. A: MH / Foreigners in Austria. OT Bauböck. A: Ward / Cardinal König 90. A: PM / Klestil on Neighbour in Need. A: Ward / Profile: Schiller. A: Ward / Profile: Castles in Salzburg. A: EM / Groer Resignation. A: Koene / Rohde on Bosnian mass murders. A: Koene / Profile: Organic gold course. A: EM / Krajina Helsinki Report, Granic rejects Krajina Criticism. A: Ward / Profile: Christopher Plummer in Salzburg. A: EM | 20.07.95; 26.07.95; ; 26.07.95; 28.07.95; 30.07.95; 30.07.95; 06.08.95; 16.08.95; 20.08.95; 20.08.95; 27.08.95; 27.08.95 | 01:35:13 |
159 | Profile: Probation & social work. A: AD / Salzburg Radio station. A: Mortimer / Profile: Salzburg and red-white-red Station. A: Mortimer / Dalai Lama in Graz. A: PM / Amos Oz, Israeli author. A: Koene / Euro security conference. A: Ward / Vranitzky rust meeting. A: Koene / Russians oppose force, rose. A: Ward / Schüssel on Bosnia. OT Mukherjee. A: Ward / Tobias Lea Vienna Philharmonic. A: Mortimer | 05.06.95; 06.06.95; 15.06.95; 26.06.95; 28.06.95; 04.07.95; 09.07.95; 10.07.95; 12.07.95; 16.07.95 | 01:32:54 |
160 | Soros on Russia, EU currencies. A: PL / Waldner building in New York. A: PM / American liberated Mauthausen. A: PM / Austrians in New Zealand. A: JK / Vranitzky on end WW2. A: JK / Seibel on 50 years Mauthausen. A: Koene / Vranitzky, Santer on EU. A: Ward / Fred Schiller. A: Ward / David Owen on Yugoslavia. A: Koene / Schaumayer retires. A: JK / Salzburg clown profile. A: Mortimer / 50th anniversary Mauthausen. A: Koene | 28.04.95; 03.05.95; 01.05.95; 07.05.95; 08.05.95; 08.05.95; 11.05.95; 18.05.95; 24.05.95; 31.05.95; 04.06.95; 05.06.95 | 57:25 |
161 | Mock on Parkinson. A: PM / Profile: Dance 1995. A: JK & Boutros Ghali on Croatia. A: Ward / Vranitzky on Mohovce. OT Boutros. A: AD/Ward / Profile: Walter Weller. A: Koene / Profile: Heinz Seitinger. A: PM / Busek on Groer. ÖVP leadership. A: Koene / Austria identity seminar. A: Koene / OT Mock’s last words. Vranitzky on 2nd Republic.A: PM | 23.02.95; 26.02.95; 27.02.95; 05.03.95; 05.03.95; 02.04.95; 05.04.95; 10.04.95; 25.04.95; 27.04.95 | 01:20:03 |
162 | tape3 88 // Profile: Salzburg castle. A: Mortimer / Wolfgang Wollte. A: PM / OSCE Fleming. A: PM / Austrian identity. A: JK / Special on Auschwitz. A: KE / Profile: Thomas Brezina. A: KE / Stoisits on Bomb. A: PM / Profile: George Wick. A: Ward / Profile: Leon Askin. A: AD | 13.11.94; 22.01.95; 24.01.95; 25.01.95; 27.01.95; 29.01.95; 07.01.95; 12.01.95; 19.01.95 | 01:15:37 |
163 | Election coverage. A: Entire staff / Walter Weller. Scottish Orchestra. A: Koene / Profile: US-ambassador Hunt. A: PM / EU summary. A: Ward / Profile: Ruth Klüger. A: JK / Profile: Leon Zelman. A: JK / Profile: Art Farmer. A: PM / Profile: Schorske on Vienna. A: JK | 09.10.94; 27.11.94; 25.12.94; 01.01.95; 06.01.95; 08.01.95; 14.01.95; 15.01.95 | 01:36:09 |
164 | Obituary: Erwin Ringel. A: JK / Profile: Alban Berg Quartett. A: Mortimer / Profile: Natural birth book. A: JK / Profile: Milan Turkovic. A: AD / Alpbach wrap up. A: JK / John Hume, North Ireland, on peace breakthrough. A: PM / Profile: George Eisler. A: JK / Yevtushenko. A: JK | 29.07.94; 31.07.94; 14.08.94; 21.08.94; 02.09.94; 08.09.94; 25.09.94; 09.10.94 | 01:20:58 |
165 | tape 85 // Profile: Art Farmer. A: PM / Profile: Wendelin Schmidt-Dengler. A: JK / International Peace Academy & UN. A: JK / US CSCE / Zhirinovsky. A: PM / Vranitzky, Portisch on Lendvai book. A: Ward / Profile: Israeli books in Vienna. A: AD / 1944 exhibition. A: JK / Ganic in Austria. A: PM | 26.06.94; 03.07.94; 05.07.94; 06.07.94; 06.07.94; 10.07.94; 17.07.94; 21.07.94 | 01:12:47 |
166 | Salman Rushdie award. A: JK / More Rushdie. A: Ward / Profile: Water exhibition. A: JK / Newspaper editors conference. A: AD / Musevini (Uganda, Unterolbendorf). A: AD / Profile: Natural History Museum & Blind. A: JK / Mock’s 60th birthday. A: PM / EU referendum. A: Entire staff / Vranitzky on EU vote. A: PM / Yasushi Akashi Balkans roundtable. A: JK / Profile: Space. A: PM / EU corfu summit. A: Ward | 16.06.94; 16.05.94; 22.05.94; 30.05.94; 31.05.94; 05.06.94; 10.06.94; 12.06.94; 13.06.94; 15.06.94; 19.06.94; 26.06.94 | 55:51 |
167 | Vranitzky in Washington plus CNN. A: NJ / Schaumayer. A: Ward / Profile: Austrian national mint. A: Bailey / ÖGB Vranitzky. Mock. Verzetnisch. A: Ward / Idea of Europe. Irish PM Fitzgerald. A: Ward / Profile: Carol Dawn Reinhart. A: AD / Karl Gruber, foreign policy. A: PM / Profile: Oscar Strauss. A: Bailey / Profile: Trees. A: JK | 18.05.94; 21,05,94; 2405.94; 27.05.94; 28.05.94; 01.05.94; 06.05.94; 15.05.94; 08.05.94 | 01:15:50 |
168 | Lothringen Niederweiden. A: AD / Heart exhibition. A: JK / Lothringen Niederweiden. A: AD / Tyrolean garden Schönbrunn. A: Bailey / Heide Gondek book on tourists. A: Ward / Profile: Eugene Hartzell. A: JK / School ship on the Danube. A: JK / Russian comeback. A: Ward / Profile: Schubert’s The Trout. A: AD | 01.04.94; 01.04.94; 01.04.94; 03.04.94; 04.04.94; 10.04.94; 11.04.94; 15.04.94; 17.04.94 | 01:20:41 |
169 | tape 81 // Ambassador Hunt (US). A: PM / Holocaust survivors Schindler’s List. A: Ward / Schindler’s List, Spielberg, Kenneally. A: JK / Profile: Women’s orchestra. A: EB / Krems 100 years. A: AD / Profile: Leopold Kohr. A: Mortimer / Gourmets. A: AD / Austria-Japan. A: JK | 09.02.94; 16.02.94; 17.02.94; 27.02.94; 06.03.94; 20.03.94; 21.03.94; 27.03.94 | |
170 | tape 80 // Post World War 1 poverty. A: EB / Neutrality (from London). A: JK / Profile: George Eisle. A: JK / Profile: Habsburg series. A: AD / 1993 preview and WW2. A: Ward / Profile: Imperial archives. A: AD / Profile: Stella Kadmon. A: EB / Busek on Klestil’s future, job plan. A: Ward / Wiesenthal, Schindler. A: Ward | 30.11.93; 02.12.93; 05.12.93; 19.12.93; 02.01.94; 16.01.94; 23.01.94; 24.01.94; 25.01.94 | |
171 | Right wing handbook Bailer. A: Ward / Antiques fair. A: EB / 1918 Republic. A: Ward / Profile: Singing price. A: JK / Bosnian Christ Flemming. A: EB / Jewish Museum. A: AD / Poetry school. A: JK / Neutrality security conference. A: Ward / EU commissioner regional. A: PM / Profile: English Theatre 30th anniversary. A: JK | 10.11.93; 12.11.93; 14.11.93; 14.11.93; 16.11.93; 18.11.93; 21.11.93; 21.11.93; 15.11.93; 26.11.93; 28.11.93 | 01:08:58 |
172 | Leon Askin at the Viennale. A: Ward / Neighbour in Need (Schuler). A: NJ / Jankowitsch. A: Ward / Mozart & brain power. A: JK / Frederick Morton (Crosstown Sabbath book). EB / Profile: Vienna mens singing society. A: Bailey / Wine Marketing. A: AD / Busek on Lorenz. A: PM / Hans Benedict. Cold peace Mid-east. A: PM / Profile: Frederick Mayer. A: JK / Swanee Hunt new US-ambassador. A: PM / Vranitzky on EU neutrality. A: Ward / Psychotherapy conference. A: JK | 13.10.93; 14.10.93; 14.10.93; 15.10.93; 06.08.93; 17.10.93; 22.10.93; 03.11.93; 05.11.93; 07.11.93; 08.11.93; 09.11.93; 09.11.93 | 01:13:46 |
173 | Dinosaur show. A: JK / Flemming on refugees. A: PM / Trams. A: JK / Profile: Herbert Zipper. A: JK / Profile: Alan Levy. A: EB / Alan Ginsberg. A: JK / Housing for refugees. A: AD / Lacina tax reforms. A: Ward / Helicopters. A: AD / Profile: Auden (removed for reuse). A: NJ / Austrian wine. A: AD / Mozart find. A: EB / Council of Europe summit Bulgaria Rumania Ukraine. A: PM / Martinez exile Austria. A: Ward / Vienna/Kyoto student swap. A: JK | 18.08.93; 19.08.93; 21.08.93; 29.08.93; 05.09.93; 09.09.93; 12.09.93; 21.09.93; 23.09.93; 26.09.93; 03.10.93; 08.10.93; 10.10.93; 10.10.93; 12.10.93 | 29:58 |
174 | Opening Salzburg festival. A: Mortimer / Mock and Dipl Seminar Salzburg. A: PM / Wiesenthal on Demjanjuk. A: PM / Round up of Lower Austrian Elections. A: PM, Ward / Havlik on wage dumping. A: Ward / CSCE & Yugo. A: NJ / Liebowitz. A: JK / Viennale preview. A: Ward / National bank report. A: Ward / Stock exchange. A: Ward / Ceska on recession. A: EB / Fred Morton. A: EB / Paar on refugees. A: Ward / Schuler SOS Mitmensch. A: Ward | 25.07.93; 26.07.93; 29.07.93; 16.05.93; 03.08.93; 04.08.93; 04.08.93; 05.08.93; 07.08.93; 10.08.93; 12.08.93; 13.08.93; 16.08.93; 18.08.93 | 01:29:52 |
175 | School Prof. A: Bailey / Dailai Lama HRC. A: Ward / Mock Kosyrev, Russia FM. A: JK / Warren Christopher HRC. A: JK / Li Lui, Tiananmen q, Mubarak intifada. A: JK / Jimmy Carter, Eugene Freund. A: EF / Children victims of torture. A: Ward / Child rights 7 voices. A: JK / William Pfaff on ethnic minorities. A: PM / Zbigniew Berzezinski. A: JK / Battered women who kill. A: PM / Busek education exchange. A: NJ / Technology in industry BWK. A: JK / Wiesenthal on appeal for Sarajevo. A: NJ / | 12.06.93; 14.06.93; 15.06.93; 15.06.93; 16.06.93; 20.06.93; 21.06.93; 21.06.93; 02.07.93; 02.07.93; 05.07.93; 13.07.93; 13.07.93; 24.07.93 | 01:23:55 |
176 | Lower Austrian election round up. / Arafat in Vienna. A: JK / Elisabetzh Herz. A: PM / Andreas Kohl. A: PM / Rossegger Prof. A: JK / Monster plants IAEA Kydd. A: PM / Biennale OT. A: JK / Augarten 275 anniversary. A: AD / Greater Europe Eur Democrat Union. A: JK / Schrammel feature. A: EB / Israel, Vranitzky trip. A: PM / Ghali and Mock on Human Rights conference. A: JK | 16.05.93; 18.05.93; 20.05.93; 21.05.93; 23.05.93; 24.05.93; 24.05.93; 26.05.93; 30.05.93; 31.05.93; 09.06.93; 11.06.93 | 01:24:18 |
177 | Profile: Gitta Deutsch poet writer. A: JK / Meysel book on GB Queens. A: Ward / Profile: Ziehrer. A: Bailey / Austron. A: JK / Profile: Country music Vienna. A: PK / Indian exhibition. A: DJ / Erwin Pröll. A: Ward / Schumayer Börse. A: JK / Irish PM Reynolds. A: PM / SPÖ election Knapp. A: Ward / Moser. A: PM / Vatican diplomacy. A: JK / Schmidt etc election. A: PM | 25.04.93; 27.04.93; 02.05.93; 06.05.93; 09.05.93; 09.05.93; 11.05.93; 12.05.93; 13.05.93; 14.05.93; 14.05.93; 15.05.93; 17.05.93 | 01:18:39 |
178 | tape 72 // Morton at Krems Symposium European Nationalism. A: PM / Drug. A: PM / Writer poet Gitta Deutsch. A: JK / China follow up Vranitzky Lacina. A: PM / Profile: Spanish Riding School. A: Bailey / Sri Lankan on colour in Austria. A: Ward / IAEA Tomsk Kyd. A: PM / DX incl. OT Sarajevo. A: Ward / Profile: Nationalism in Europe. A: PM / Richard Knight on Vienna. A: Ward / Anti-Semitism book Paley. A: JK / Financial Times ED Sam Brittan on Austrian. A: JK / Fischer on Warsaw. A: PM | 01.04.93; 02.04.93; 07.04.93; 08.04.93; 11.04.93; 13.04.93; 13.04.93; 17.04.93; 18.04.93; 21.04.93; 21.04.93; 22.04.93; 24.04.93 | 01:07:38 |
179 | tape 71 // Galbraith on third world. A: KE / Ausserwinkler smoking. A: NJ / Mock on Bosnia. A: PM / Rauch Kallat rape. A: PM / Tropical woods labelling / JK / John Naisbitt in Austria. A: DH / Greens in Parliament. A: Ward / Sohmen. A: JK / National Bank (Lachs). A: Ward / Spanish Riding School. A: AD / Neighbour in Need. A: DH / Hermges 39 years at RAI. A: KE / American student re Vienna. A: JK / Wolfgang Fellner. A: KE, PL / Prof. H. Bienen on Clinton CIS/Balkans. A: Ward | 07.03.93; 08.03.93; 08.03.93; 09.03.93; 10.03.93; 11.03.93; 12.03.93; 14.03.93; 15.03.93; 16.03.93; 16.03.93; 18.03.93; 18.03.93; 19.03.93; 22.03.93 | 01:23:13 |
180 | tape 70 // UN Social departments leave (Sokalski). A: PM / Schallenberg on UN in Vienna. A: Ward / Profile: Brinkman. A: EB / Pay rates in East. A: JK / Semmering Pass controversy. A: PM / Opera Ball Joan Collins etc. A: NJ / Liberal Forum okay in Parliament (Fischer). A: PM / Rauch-Kallat on Working mothers. A: JK / Profile: Drakan theatre. A: EB / Sisco on NATO/Yugo. A: PM / Hospital doctors. A: NJ / Galbraith interviews. A: PM / Galbraith. A: KE / Heller. A: JK | 08.02.93; 11.02.93; 14.02.93; 16.02.93; 18.02.93; 19.02.93; 19.02.93; 25.02.93; 28.02.93; 01.03.93; 02.03.93; 03.03.93; 04.03.93; 06.03.93 | 01:29:42 |
181 | tape 69 // IAEA reaction on Iraq/Chernobyl (Kyd). A: Ward / Haerpfer/Bosnians UN. A: PM / Lucona Suchet/Gold. A: KE / Profile: Waldmüller. A: JK / UN World Youth Assembly. A: PM / Bergman on Neighbour in Need. A: KE / K Feldmann on refugees/immigration. A: PM / SOS Mitmensch at rally. A: KE / Doctors on foreigners (interview). A: NJ / Cardinal König on world space day. A: PM / Claudia Neuhauser on Rape. A: Ward / Schubert year 1997. A: AD | 14.01.93; 14.01.93; 17.01.93; 17.01.93; 20.01.93; 21.01.93; 22.01.93; 24.01.93; 24.01.93; 26.01.93; 27.01.93; 29.01.93; 16.01.93; 31.01.93 | 01:19:21 |
182 | tape 68 // V: Claus in Vienna. A: PM / Heiss on Austria. A: JK / Kurt Schertsik composer. A: AD / Taize meeting (Brother Emil). A: KE / Theresa Acquar (black in Vienna). A: Ward / Profile: Tom Charlebois in Brno. A: Ward / Mock on BBC. A: DH / Franz Ceska (In. Ver on 93). A: AD / Vranitzky on 1993 plan. A: KE / Haerpfer on Bosnians. A: DW / Three Kings Salzburg (Fasselabend on WEU). :A: KE / Profile: Kurt Schwertsik. A: AD / Right wing study Rauch Kallat. A: JK / Ceska on need for foreigners. A: PM / Frankerb erg in the Right and Xenophobia. A: KE / Women/rape two users Friedmann and Fraser. A: PM | 15.12.92; 17.12.92; 20.12.92; 29.12.92; 30.12.92; 03.01.93; 03.01.93; 03.01.93; 04.01.93; 04.01.93; 07.01.93; 10.01.93; 12.01.93; 12.01.93; 13.01.93; 13.01.93 | 01:28:41 |
183 | tape 67 // Women violence/Serb TV news violence. A: PM / von Kohl (Kosovo violence and war). A: Ward / Belvedere restored. A: KE / Profile: Schönbrunn palace. A: Bailey / Sam Hocking on media in Austria. A: Ward / Iraqi oil minister. A: PM / Shimon Perez. A: PM / Ghamsakurdia on Georgia (in Vienna). A: KE / Toni Stoots on Kunsthalle. A: JK / Human Rights conference Liedermann. PM / Knapersbush feature. A: EB / Rape victims as war victims (Rauch Kallat). A: PM | 18.11.92; 19.11.92; 20.11.92; 22.11.92; 26.11.92; 26.11.92; 03.12.92; 04.12.92; 06.12.92; 06.12.92; 08.12.92; 09.12.92 | 01:22:23 |
184 | tape 66 // Milan Panic and Mock. A: PM / Meisner Blau on Gabcikovo protest. A: NJ / Serbian report. A: KE / Economic outlook. A: JK / Heart attacks. A: JK / Wiesenthal. A: JK / Stalingrad. A: JK / Portisch on US election. A: Ward / A Kohl and Jankowitsch. A: DH / Maier, Schieder and Huffington. A: PM / Income abnormalities (W. Wolf). A: Ward / Jews in Vienna. A: KE / Vranitzky in Slovenia (roundup). A: DH / Francis Maude on privatization. A: Ward / Amb. Türk on Croatia. A: DH / A. Kohl on Hungarian Minister in Slovenia. A: NJ / Profile: Slovene architect. A: DH / British tourists and Austria. A: JK / Eco conference, many interviews. A: KE | 21.10.92; 22.10.92; 22.10.92; 28.10.92; 29.10.92; 02.11.93; 02.11.93; 04.11.93; 04.11.93; 04.11.93; 05.11.93; 05.11.93; 08.11.93; 09.11.93; 10.11.93; 10.11.93; 15.11.93; 15.11.93; 16.11.93 | 01:37:05 |
185 | tape 65 // Anton Pelinka on identity. A: KE / Jack Buekner on US election. A: PM / Peter Greenway. A: NJ / Edith Kurzweil. A: Ward / Edward Teller on atom weapons. A: PM / KGB Files revelations. A: KE / Sussmutch in Vienna. A: PM / Kurzweil on Freud. A: Ward / AD on Kreisler contest. A: AD / Limericks (trailer). A: KE / Willi Brandt. A: NJ / Fuchs in London, Vranitzky. A: KE / Czech foreign minister. A: PM / Klestil’s 200 days. A: NJ / Smallest violin. A: PM / Interview with Otto Habsburg. A: AD / Lacina interview. A: PM | 21.09.92; 22.09.92; 24.09.92; 24.09.92; 24.09.92; 28.09.92; 29.09.92; 30.09.92; 30.09.92; 01.10.92; 08.10.92; 12.10.92; 12.10.92; 15.10.92; 18.10.92; 18.10.92; 19.10.92 | 01:36:23 |
186 | tape 64 // The new Kunsthalle (Stoos). A: Ward / Schallenburg, new Gen, Sec FM. A: NJ / Albertina, The new English Sch. A: DH / The Islamic threat, Amb abroad. A: Ward / G. Bush, WIFO. A: Ward / Amb. Wolte on Maastricht. A: PM / Garfield on advertising. A: AD / Aids Duisburg. A: KE / Britain and Austrian tourism. A: PM / Alan Davie feature with music. A: Ward / Vranitzky, Brundtland, Carlsson pre SI. A: PM / Old people’s power (interview). A: NJ / Euroresearch (H Novotny). A: Ward / Schüller on Somalia & refugee policy. A: PM / Freemasons conference and show. A: DW / IIASA chemical time bomb. A: DW | 07.09.92; 08.09.92; 08.09.92; 08.09.92; 09.09.92; 09.09.92; 10.09.92; 11.09.92; 13.09.92; 14.09.92; 14.09.92; 15.09.92; 16.09.92; 17.09.92; 18.09.92; 18.09.92 | 01:33:56 |
187 | tape 63 // Peter Pilz on Yugoslavia. A: PM / Hungarian President and Klestil. A: PM / Cancer nursing (Tiffany). A: PM / Profile: Friedrich Morton. A: JK / US Senate leader Mitchell. A: PM / Scrabalo Croatian FM. A: NJ / SPÖ Schieder on Yugo, etc. A: PM / Fullerene carbon (Harry Kroto). A: PM / Mock on telephone from London. A: PM / Burgenland biking (Schüssel). A: NJ / Anti-smoking preview. A: PM / Old girls and queen bees. A: JK / Flannagan II. A: DW / J. Hoffmann in CSFR. A: MH / Busek on Maastricht, etc. A: PM / Preview “Elizabeth”. A: AD / Critics “Elizabeth”. A: AD / Hospice opens. A: JK / Salzburg Festival. A: EM | 17.08.92; 19.08.92; 20.08.92; 23.08.92; 23.08.92; 24.08.92; 24.08.92; 26.08.92; 27.08.92; 28.08.92; 28.08.92; 28.08.92; 30.08.92; 31.08.92; 01.10.02; 02.10.02; 04.10.02; 06.10.02; 06.10.02 | 01:21:21 |
188 | tape 62 // Schönbrunn Buffalo. A: NJ / Profile: Danube Shipe. A: LB / Floating schools. A: EB / Esperanto Conference. A: PM / Conflict central Europe. A: PM / Klaus Lucas book. A: JK / Profile: Mortier. A: JK / Germany disarmament (Salzburg). A: PM / AUA qualifiers. A: JK / Profile: Schrammel Music. A: LB / Somalia. A: PM / Klestil, visit to refugees. A: PM / Maria Rauch-Kallat Sarajevo children. A: KE / Social minister on immigrants. A: PM | 20.07.92; 26.07.92; 28.07.92; 29.07.92; 30.07.92; 30.07.92; 02.08.92; 04.08.92; 04.08.92; 09.08.92; 10.08.92; 11.08.92; 12.08.92; 12.08.92 | 01:09:33 |
189 | tape 61 // Josef Haslinger miserable USA. A: KE / Wistrich on Anti-Semitism. A: DW / CFE. A: PM / Joe Zawinul is 60 (plus Klestil). A: KE / Waldheim Klestil swearing in. A: KE / Int. peace seminar. A: PM / Klestik 1st press conference. A: PM / Stalins Austrians victims. A: DW / Bank rates (Schaumayr). A: PM / Writing project Europe. A: JK / Vranitzky on Yugoslavia and economy. A: PM / Electric cars. A: AD / Jankowitsch on Ceil and EC. A: PM / CED CEI roundup (PM Italy, Poland, EBRD Pres Attali and Hung. FM). A: PM / Rothschilds book. A: JK | 03.07.92; 05.07.92; 07.07.92; 07.07.92; 08.07.92; 08.07.92; 09.07.92; 09.07.92; 15.07.92; 15.07.92; 16.07.92; 16.07.92; 17.07.92; 19.07.92; 19.07.92 | 01:14:40 |
190 | tape 60 // France Bucar (Slovenia) war and refugees. A: KE / World congress outdoor advertising. A: DW / Arab League Abdel-Meguid. A: PM / Rothschild Dynasty (Fred. Morton). A: JK / Latvian PM Godmains. A: PM / C. von Kohl on Kosovo book. A: KE / Prof. Wistrich on national.comm. A: KE / Alpbach Forum. A: EB / Vranitzky on Violence against women and children. A: PM / Kumpf Rasthaus. A: JK | 23.06.92; 25.06.92; 25.06.92; 26.06.92; 26.06.92; 29.06.92; 30.06.92; 01.07.92; 01.07.92; 02.07.92 | 01:46:15 |
191 | tape 59 // Birnbaum. A: JK / Profile: Clock Museum. A: JK / Sir Leon Britten, EC, banks etc. A: PM / Bulgarian Depty PM (Eskinaze). A: PM / Malcolm Fraser. A: NJ / David Forsythe US Prof, Bosnia. A: DW / Peter Wiles on Capitalism triumpt. A: PM / Diversity of nationalism in Europe. A: DW / Lore Segal US writer on Vienna. A: JK / Neighbour in Need (Bergmann). A: EB / Profile: Montezuma. A: JK / Concert for Austria (Charim). A: DW / Holiday repeats, Dubrovnik, Anstee, NY map. A: DW / Profile: Daniels Multiculturalism. A: KE / Profile: Lore Segal. A: JK | 30.05.92; 31.05.92; 01.06.92; 02.06.92; 03.06.92; 04.06.92; 05.06.92; 10.06.92; 11.06.92; 13.06.92; 13.06.92; 16.06.92; 18.06.92; 19.06.92; 20.06.92 | 01:17:10 |
192 | Franz Ceska (Ind. Assoc) on EC. A: Ward / Vranitzky, Ausserwinkler (Yugoslavia, Soil test). A: PM / Roksandic I. A: Engel / IIASA (3 speakers). A: JK / Theatre (My children, my Africa). A: JK / Huffington on Eastern Europe. A: PM / Karl-Heinz Böhm on Ethiopia. A: PM / Chemical weapons. A: DW / Profile: Streicher. A: PM / Adamovic (Belgrade on YU). A: JK / Election night 92. A: DW / ÖVP Klestil, Maier, Brenneis, Brettschneider. A: KE | 11.05.92; 12.05.92; 13.05.92; 13.05.92; 14.05.92; 14.05.92; 16.05.92; 18.05.92; 21.05.92; 21.05.92; 23.05.92; 24.05.92; 25.05.92 | 01:06:13 |
193 | Williamson on Soviet Disintegration. A: JK / Possible Polish coup. A: PM / First Round of 92 Presidential elections. A: / Crime conference row (Wotova). A: PM / Mexican Columbus protest. A: JK / Separovic. A: PM / Meysel on OMV 1991. A: AD / Burce Ackerman on Liberal US of Europe. A: JK / Green Berets Plan (Turk). A: Engel / IFABO (Hans Hollein). A: Hermges / S. Wiesenthal on Columbus the Jew. A: JK / Ackerman on Revolution. A. JK / De Michaelis gets award. A: JK / Donau City plans (Swoboda). A: Ward / Schmidt Chiari int. A: Lendvai / EPO the new blood drug (Graf). A: Ward / Genetic engineering. A: AD | 23.04.92; 24.04.92; 26.04.92; 28.04.92; 28.04.92; 30.04.92; 02.05.92; 02.05.92; 05.05.92; 05.05.92; 05.05.92; 06.05.92; 07.05.92; 07.05.92; 08.05.92; 08.05.92; 09.05.92 | 01:24:08 |
194 | CEI in Klagenfurt. A: DW / Meyer IAEA destroy Iraq weapons. A: PM / Greenpeace on Russian Atom acid. A: NJ / Sully on Universities. A: JK / Palestinians and Peace Talks. A: KE / Kohl on Round table. A: KE / Lacina on Monetarism. A: DW / Drugs conference. A: PM / Round table. A: JK / Separovic and Jesensky (Round table). A: PM / OPEC Environment. A: JK / Carradine, Kwan. A: JK | 21.03.92; 25.03.92; 25.03.92; 27.03.92; 03.04.92; 08.04.92; 09.04.92; 08.04.92; 14.04.92; 15.04.92; 15.04.92; 18.04.92 | 01:18:36 |
195 | Husky dogs. A: NJ / Edelweiss. A: EB / Middle East Weapons. A: NJ / Profile: Anstee. A: PM / Anti Xenophob. mts. A: PM / Japanese businessmen. A: KE / Leichter. A: JK / Yeltsin adviser. A: PM / America Show preview. A: JK / Mass migration. A: PM / Lacina, mass migration. A: KE / Yeltsin adviser (Nagorno-Karabak). A: PM / Ermacora on Sudeten Germans. A: EB / Amb. Crowe (UK) Austria. A: PM / Mohawk Indians (music too). A: JK / Duane Hanson sculptor. A: NJ / Stankevic (II). A: PM / Barometer 91 (Lazarsfeld soc). A: JK | 18.02.92; 19.02.92; 20.02.92; 22.02.92; 24.02.92; 26.02.92; 29.02.92; 03.03.92; 04.03.92; 05.03.92; 06.03.92; 07.03.92; 10.03.92; 11.03.92; 11.03.92; 12.03.92; 18.03.92; 18.03.92 | 01:06:21 |
196 | Cohen on Migration. A: KE / Vranitzky and Busek (Recog. dispute). A: PM / Final Solution (Grosz int). A: EB / Armenian For. Minister. A: PM / East-West Finance mtg. A: DW / Vranitzky on neutrality. A: PM / Hungarian Foreign Minister. A: DW / UN Summit New York (Armin Wolf) EBRD. A: PM / Dubrovnik. A: JK / Lacina. A: DW / Anstee review. A: PM / Architech Peter Cook. A: DW / Stefan Zweig (Int. Draxlbauer). A: DW / SPÖ. ÖVP missing element. A: MS | 13.01.92; 14.01.92; 16.01.92; 24.01.92; 25.01.92; 27.01.92; 28.01.92; 01.02.92: 03.02.92; 04.02.92; 05.02.92; 07.02.92; 08.02.92; 11.02.92; 15.02.92; 15.02.92 | 01:26:56 |
197 | Eastern Europe WIIW (Havlik). A: DW / Asylum Law. A: KE / Mozart anniversary. A: KE / Christmas (Feldgrill). A: DW / Kosovo (Kohl). A: DW / WIFO (Busch). A: KE / Novotny on EC, Yugo. A: PM / 1991 review pt1. A: KE / 1991 review pt2. A: DW / Clown Sp. AKH. A: AD | 02.12.91; 04.12.91; 05.12.91; 07.12.91; 10.12.91; 13.12.91; 17.12.91; 31.12.91; 01.01.92; 23.12.91 | 01:05:48 |
198 | tape 52 // Pen keynote Speaker. A: PM / Open skies (Golovko). A: KE / Joseph Brodsly on Vienna. A: KE / Sassen on Migration. A: KE / IIASA Forests. A: PM / Ward, Sully Election one week. A: DW / IAEA, Korea. A: PM / CFE Hartman. A: PM / Dienstbier. A: EB / UNIDO Wotava. A: PM / Anstee and Vranitzky on Environment. A: PM / Social problems. A: NJ / Hohenfellner. A: PM / Peter Sellars. A: JK | 04.11.91; 07.11.91; 08.11.91; 12.11.91; 12.11.91; 26.11.91; 20.11.91; 21.11.91; 22.11.91; 23.11.91; 25.11.91; 26.11.91; 29.11.91; 30.11.91 | 01:25:59 |
199 | tape 51 // Anaesthesia, Chernobyl, Ukraine. A: PM / Budapest. A: KE / Blue Berets. A: PM / Erido. A: DW / Profile: Chinese refugee. A: NJ / Vranitzky with Bush (original). A: PM / US poet Wm Stafford. A: DW / Mubarak, Waldheim Interview. A: PM / ÖGB international relations interview. A: KE / Profile: Russian orthodox church. A: JK / Spacemen back in Austria. A: PM / Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra. A: PM / Topography. A: JK / Anti-Semitism survey. A: PM / Drag Roksandic, Yugo. A: KE | 18.09.91; 20.09.91; 25.09.91; 25.09.91; 06.10.91; 11.10.91; 18.10.91; 19.10.91; 19.10.91; 20.10.91; 21.10.91; 23.10.91; 22.10.91; 25.10.91; 31.10.91 | 01:13:53 |
200 | tape 50 // Rupel-Slovenian Foreign Minister. A: DH / For. Policy Council (Kohl). A: PM / Chmn, UN General Assembly. A: PM / Burgenland. A: KE / Dalai Lama. A: JK / Letvian Foreign Minister. A: PM / Influenza campaign. A: JK / Ambassador Grubmayr USSR, Bonn. A: PM / T. Hammer refugees. A: DW / Wolte on EC application. A: PM / F. Orter on Yugoslavia. A: DW / Liechtenstein visit. A: PM / Ambulance for Yugoslavia. A: DW / Profile: Anglican church. A: JK | 26.08.91; 26.08.91; 29.08.91; 02.09.91; 02.09.91; 03.09.91; 05.09.91; 05.09.91; 07.09.91; 07.09.91; 10.09.91; 11.09.91; 13.09.91; 15.09.91 | |
201 | tape 49 // Stock exchange. A: DH / Bregenz opening. A: EB / Pentagonal, hexagonal. A: PM / Profile: Vienna international theatre. A: AD / Kreisky 1 year. A: DH / Pfaff on Press and Foreign politics. A: PM / Karawakan Tunnel. A: LB / Bacher on Public Broadcasting. A: DH / Media influence Koessler. A: Pm / Heinz Fischer EC. A: PM / Separovic Croatian FM. A: PM / Wm Pfaff on Austria. A: PM / Cabinet on USSR. A: PM / IHF and Kosovo. A: KE / New DUDEN dictionary. A: JK / Mock interview. A: DH / Lendvai on USSR. A: KE | 24.07.91; 25.07.91; 26.07.91; 28.07.91; 29.07.91; 30.07.91; 01.08.91; 02.08.91; 03.08.91; 09.08.91; 12.08.91; 13.08.91; 20.08.91; 21.08.91; 22.08.91; 23.08.91; 24.08.91 | 01:32:28 |
202 | tape 48 // Sport. A: EH / Profile: zernatto. A: EH / Woko,Yugoslavia. A: PL, KE / Jankowitsch on Europe. A: PM / ÖVP new leader. A: PM / Vranitzky, Fasselavbend, Yugo. A: PM / Woko, Engel, Portisch. A: PL, KE / ICD view Austria and EC. A: DW / Busek on Yugoslavia. A: EB / Garel Jones (UK) on Yugo. A: PM / Pahr on Refugees. A: PM / IAEA, Iraq nuclear background. A: PM / Hans Blix on Iraq. A: PM / Profile: Herbert Krejci. A: JK / Lower Austria Tour. A: EB | 24.06.91; 25.06.91; 28.06.91; 28.06.91; 29.06.91; 02.07.91; 05.07.91; 06.07.91; 08.07.91; 09.07.91; 11.07.91; 18.07.91; 19.07.91; 21.07.91; 23.07.91 | 01:17:50 |
203 | tape 47 // Kissinger, Jakowlew, Vranitzky. A: PM / Dallas Stars. A: EB / Kennedy, Kurschev 1961 Oton. A: DH / 1991 Konrad Lorenz Prize (F. M. Blau). A: PM / Refugee Policy (Pahr). A: PM / Irish FM Collins. A: PM / USIS, EW meeting. A: PM / Jousting in Lower Austria. A: EB / Schevardnadse in Vienna. A: KE / Vranitzky in Linz. A: PM / Edward Albee, English Theatre. A: AD / Coca colonization. A: KE / IIASA part 2. A: DW | 03.06.91; 03.06.91; 05.06.91; 05.06.91; 06.06.91; 07.06.91; 12.06.91; 13.06.91; 14.06.91; 15.06.91; 15.06.91; 18.06.91; 21.06.91 | 01:14:49 |
204 | tape 46 // Mencinger Slovenia new country. A: KE / EFTA summit. A: PM / Mozart play. A: EB / Greenpeace criticism of Chernobyl. A: KE / Profile: Meissner-Blau. A: JK / Lauda Boeing 767 Crash. A: DW, PM / Prague. A: KE / Central Europe conference. A: PM / CA bank-privatization in Poland. A: DW / Europe ageing. A: PM | 23.05.91; 24.05.91; 25.05.91; 25.05.91; 26.05.91; 27.05.91; 28.05.91; 28.05.91; 29.05.91; 29.05.91 | 01:13:47 |
205 | tape 45 // T. Nowotny (Europtimismus). A: DW / Profile: American artists in Wien. A: EH / Anstee on Chernobyl mission. A: PM / Hungarians at Webster. A: KE / Schumpeter Symposium. A: KE / People on the move in Europe. A: KE / Profile: Erwin Ringel. A: JK / Anstee Chernobyl follow. A: PM / Burgenland 46 years on. A: GW / Stankjewitsch (Moscow vice mayor). A: PM / Stefan Lehne, book on arms control. A: PM / Women in universities. A: JK / Austria’s image in Japan. A: DW / Expo 95. Dam referending. A: EB / Bears in Slovakia and Austria. A: DW / Chernobyl report. A: PM | 19.04.91; 21.04.91; 23.04.91; 24.04.91; 25.04.91; 26.04.91; 28.04.91; 30.04.91; 06.05.91; 08.05.91; 11.05.91; 11.05.91; 15.05.91; 17.05.91; 18.05.91; 22.05.91 | 01:28:02 / 01:35:00 |
206 | tape 44 // Michael Stürmer on German unity. A: PM / Edward Shils: Intellectuals etc. A: PM / Profile: Kokoschka. A: JK / Computers in Schools. A: KE / Niki Lauda. A: PM / Art House. A: DW / Czar book. A: DW / Women in Eastern Europe. A: PM / NTO, Manfred Wörner. A: PM / 1000 years Austria – why? A: KE / Euroboomers (Pilz). A: EB / European environment recovery. A: KE | 26.03.91; 30.03.91; 31.03.91; 09.04.91; 09.04.91; 10.04.91; 11.04.91; 13.04.91; 15.04.91; 16.04.91; 17.04.91; 18.04.91 | 01:13:58 |
207 | tape 43 // Brussels trip. A: PM / EC Vranitzky Andriessen Wolte. A: PM / Mediaconference. A: DW / Judd. A: EB / Profile: Minnesota. A: DW, MR / UN and CSBM’s. A: PM / Liebscher, Borse. A: PM / Cabinnet, Vranitzky, Fasselabend, Lacina, Ruth. A: PM / Moment of extrication. A: KE / International Peace Institute. A: AD / Amnesty International. A: EB / Heinz Fischer on Kucan visit. A: PM | 18.02.91; 19.02.91; 22.02.91; 15.02.91; 17.02.91; 25.02.91; 01.03.91; 05.03.91; 09.03.91; 12.03.91; 14.03.91; 14.03.91 | 01:19:34 |
208 | tape 42 // Waldheim in Gulf round up. A: EB, PM / Cabinet on Gulf War. A: PM / Kreisky Prize. A: KE / Mock Vranitzky on world affairs. A: PM / Hans Benedict on Iraq. A: DW / Gulf crisis and tourism in Austria. A: AD / Bulgarian Foreign Minister. A: PM / Preview Bratislava. A: KE / CSCE Estonians, Latvians and Maresca. A: PM / President Tudjman on Croatia. A: PM / Kaddumi and PLO, Socialist Int. A: PM / Shimon Perez and Socialist Int. A: PM / Schüssel on East Europe and EES. A: PM / Vranitzky. A: PM / Neighbors to the force. A: CC / Austromir. A: AD | 15.01.91; 17.01.91; 19.01.91; 21.01.91; 23.01.91; 24.01.91; 26.01.91; 28.01.91; 29.01.91; 30.01.91; 31.01.91; 02.02.91; 04.02.91; 05.02.91; 07.02.91; 09.02.91 | 01:28:17 |
209 | tape 41 // Mock 1990 round up. A: PM / Hohenfellner I. A: PM / Hohenfellner II. A: PM / Solanar. A: DW / Riegler on 1991. A: PM / Hohenfellner, disarmament. A: PM / Profile: Serapions. A: JK / Cabinet meeting. A: PM / Mock on Gulf, etc. A: KE | 21.12.90; 28.12.90; 29.12.90; 29.12.90; 03.01.91; 05.01.91; 06.01.91; 08.01.91; 09.01.91 | 01:00:53 |
210 | tape 40 // Vranitzky at CSCE. A: EB / ECIS, Danubius. A: DW / Mock on Sebestyen book. A: KE / Renner institute pix on Austria. A: DW / Thatcher, etc. A: ? / Schmidt-Chiari on Int. A: PM / Johnston on Austria prov. A: EB / Thomas Muster on Money. A: CJ / Arms talks Grinevski. A: PM / Jankowitsch on foreign policy. A: DW / Paul O Grady (Catholics). A: SW / Mock on foreign affairs. A: PM / Human rights day. A: PM / Andriessen EX Austria. A: PM / WIFO: 1991 forecast. A: DW | 20.11.90; 20.11.90; 21.11.90; 24.11.90; 24.11.90; 26.11.90; 27.11.90; 27.11.90; 30.11.90; 05.12.90; 07.12.90; 10.12.90; 13.12.90; 14.12.90; 15.12.90 | 01:01:49 |
211 | tape 39 // Red Cross, Romania. A: EB / WOKO. A: PL, EH / Simon Wiesenthal. A: PM / Michael Palmer on neutrality. A: DW / G. Stourhz-Empire to Republic. A: CJ / Woolsey arms talks. A: PM / WWF “Au” campaign Walter int. A: DW / IPI meeting round up. A: KE / Heinz Fischer interview. A: DH / Messner book. A: CJ / Patzac film. A: DW / CSCE Vienna last min prep. A: PM | 06.11.90; 09.11.90; 09.11.90; 10.11.90; 12.11.90; 13.11.90; 13.11.90; 14.11.90; 15.11.90; 16.11.90; 17.11.90; 19 | 01:28:57 |
212 | tape 38 // Mock pdre New York. A: PM / Elective pre VI. A: MS / Election Pre VII. A: MS / US Architect. A: EB / John Irving in Vienna. A: DW / Election results and reaction. A: PM, CJ, KE / Election reaction. A: MS / US amb. Huffington. A: DW / Klaus Lacina. A: PM / Neutrality meeting. A: KE / Bernstein tribute. A: AD / National parks tourists. A: DW / Media and the east bloc. A: PM / Hinteregger on Chernobyl visit. A: PM / FOCUS street musicians. A: CJ | 26.09.90; 29.09.90; 02.10.90; 05.10.90; 06.10.90; 08.10.90; 10.10.90; 13.10.90; 15.10.90; 16.10.90; 17.10.90; 19.10.90; 20.10.90; 27.10.90; 31.10.90 | 01:31:17 |
213 | tape 37 // Klaus 80 tape, script. A: EB / Holiday special Expo 95. A: DH / Nuclear fears (Gonzalez-Chernobyl). A: PM / Krenek is 90. A: EB / Waldheim in Baghdad. A: DW / Waldheim returns. A: DW / Election Preview III. A: MS / Profile: Leopoldi. A: LB / New US ambassador. A: DW, PM / Thomas Bernhard play in Linz A: EH / Tourist office blacklist. A: DW / Bratislava, Riegler. A: DH / Austria and SE Asia. A: PM / 30 years peacekeeping. A: PM | 13.08.90; 15.08.90; 17.08.90; 20.08.90; 21.08.90; 25.08.90; 26.08.90; 28.08.90; 02.09.90; 06.09.90;; 12.09.90;; 13.09.90;; 17.09.90;; 18.09.90;; 22.09.90 | 01:15:36 |
214 | tape 36 // Salzburg Festival, focus old recordings. A: DH / Kreisky obituary. A: DW / Kreisky Nachlese. A: DH / Pentagon roundup. A: PM / Interview Lacina, re Kreisky. A: PL / Kreisky funeral. A: EH / Bohunice. A: KE | 26.07.90; 28-29.07.90; 30.07.90; 02.08.90; 03.08.90; 07.08.90; 08.08.90 | 01:18:14 |
215 | tape 35 // Vranitzky Antall at Sophron. A: PM / Austria, EE and Asia (Hong Kong). A: MES / Kohl on Riegler, USSR. A: PM / Strauss tv series ends filming. A: EB / International drugs day (Anstee). A: PM / Michalski. A: DW / Galliner. A: PM / Walesa, Vranitzky (Entral Eur). A: PM / Riegler on Pentragonal. A: PM / De Michelis. A: KE / Dahrendorf. A: KE / Vranitzky in Poland. A: DH / PL, DH int. Peter Pilz. A: DH, PL / 4th anniversary Mock. A: PM / Profile: Gulda. A: BL | 19.06.90; 21.06.90; 22.06.90; 23.06.90; 26.06.90; 28.06.90; 28.06.90; 29.06.90; 02.07.90; 03.07.90; 04.07.90; 07.07.90; 13.07.90; 16.07.90; 22.07.90 | 01:33:15 |
216 | tape 34 // Deputy Prime Ministers Pentagonal. A: PM / Flemming on environment issues. A: CJ / International schools boom. A: AD / CFE Archie Hamilton. A: PM / Consul general in New York. A: PM / Profile: AD, Güssing exhibition. A: AD / Environment day (Pilz interview). A: PM / CSFR. A: DW / CSFR. A: DW / CSFR. A: DW / CSFR. A: DW / Vranitzky, environment. A: PM / CSFR, Austria relations. A: DW / Fish sounds. A: PM / Woko, AD. A: PL / Stock exchange. A: KE | 28.05.90; 29.05.90; 30.05.90; 31.05.90; 01.06.90; 03.06.90; 05.06.90; 06.06.90; 07.06.90; 08.06.90; 09.06.90; 09.06.90; 13.06.90; 13.06.90; 15.06.90; 16.06.90 | 01:53:23 |
217 | tape 33 // Japan trade. A: DW / Australia trade. A: DW / Chernobyl inquiry. A: DW / Vranitzky in Dublin. A: RA / Fontana AU sounds. A: DW / OMV Meysel. A: AD / WWF, Bratislava. A: CJ / Pentagonal meeting. A: DH / EFTA de Clerq. A: PM / Canadian billionaire. A: DW / Profile: Weisskopf. A: CJ | 08.05.90; 10.05.90; 11.05.90; 11.05.90; 17.05.90; 17.05.90; 18.05.90; 21.05.90; 23.05.90; 26.05.90; 27.05.90 | 01:34:36 |
218 | tape 32 // Georg Reisch EFTA. A: PM / Space. A: DH / Kohl on trip to CSFR. A: DW / EC events, dutch for. min. A: EB / Schwarzenberg interview. A: DH / Matthäuspassion, Equiluz. A: DH / Riegler in NY. A: PM / Woko, Lendvai. A: EH / Klauhs Obit. A: EB | 29.03.90; 31.03.90; 03.04.90; 05.04.90; 13.04.90; 13.04.90; 26.04.90; 27.04.90; 27.04.90 | 01:05:20 |
219 | tape 31 // Habsburg Soldiers, part 2. A: DW / Oppenheimer-women in UN. A: EB / Hungarian election pre. A: DW / Peter Rose, refugees. A: PM / Bettelheim. A: EB / Hungary. A: DW / Austrian auto (Chrysler). A: DW / Silviu Brucan (Romania). A: PM / Socialists (Vranitzky). A: PM / Kennedy (EC). A: PM / Pre Hungarian elect. A: DW / World Peace day. A: PM / Vranitzky about Noricum. A: PM | 10.03.90; 11.03.90; 13.03.90; 13.03.90; 14.03.90; 15.03.90; 19.03.90; 21.03.90; 22.03.90; 23.03.90; 24.03.90; 24.03.90; 03.04.90 | |
220 | tape 30 // Cheaplabour from E. Europe. A: DW / Vranitzky USA Preview. A: DW / Lacina interview. A: PL / Rain forests. A: DH / Velvet revolution. A: PM / Washington Vranitzky. A: FK / Shortwave anniversary. A: DH / Johann Strauss film, Mrkwica. A: CJ / Habsburg soldiers, inter US author. A: DW / Hungarian elections-preview. A: DW | 10.02.90; 13.02.90; 16.02.90; 16.02.90; 16.02.90; 17.02.90; 17.02.90; 01.03.90; 06.03.90; 09.03.90 | 47:19 |
221 | tape 29 // Novotny, Kreisky book. A: PM / Kreisky inter. human rights day. A: PM / Profile: Redpath. A: JK / New Year’s roundup of 89. A: DW / Astronauts leave from Moscow. A: AD / Round table day 2. A: DW / Round table wrap up. A: PM / Profile: Deak. A: Prague. A: DW / Profile: Cosi fan Tutte 200 anniversary. A: LB / Klestil to Washington. A: DW / STB and vacations in Austria. A: EB | 05.12.89; 11.12.89; 17.12.89; 01.01.90; 08.01.90; 12.01.90; 13.01.90; 16.01.90; 27.01.90; 28.01.90; 01.02.90; 03.02.90 | 01:49:37 |
222 | tape 28 // Vranitzky in Graz. A: PM / US, Austria, Hertzberg. A: DH / Polish foreign minister. A: PM / Arnolf Rainer. A: AD / ÖVP in Graz. A: PM / Bratislava. A: EB / Profile: Dohnal. A: PM / IAEA cleanup Sonnenfeld. A: DW | 21.10.89; 22.10.89; 06.11.89; 22.11.89; 28.11.89; 02.12.89; 03.12.89; 11.11.89; 20.11.98 | 56:50 |
223 | tape 27 // Spacemen (Austrian). A: AD / Budapest Roundup. A: CJ / Profile: Brinkman. A: EH / Herman on US-USSR. A: PM / Benedict “Cherries”. A: DW / Andriessen, Mock. A: CJ / Hochner, Lendvai. A: PL / Klimt and Flöje Play. A: JK | 10.10.89; 24.10.89; 12.11.89; 17.10.89; 17.10.89; 19.10.89; 20.10.89; 20.10.89 | 01:05:25 |
224 | tape 26 // National Park coop, Lötsch. A: DW / Österreich 1, Portisch. A: EB / Astronauts. A: AD / Profile: Otto Biba, Friends of Music | 22.09.89; 29.09.89; 07.10.89; 08.10.89 | 42:26 |
225 | tape 25 // Bloch and Damm. A: CJ, EB // Hochner. A: DW / Vienna Spy Centre. A: Neil Ascherson. A: Ronte. A: DW / VIC anniversary. A: PM / Refugees Hungary. A: CJ / Ambassador Hoess, amb. Moser. A: PM / DW / Taukatsch. A: DW / Wittgenstein. A: JK / Profile: Viktor Frankl. A: JK / Gov of Illinois. A: PM | 25.07.89; 05.08.89; 12.08.89; 12.08.89; 23.08.89; 07.09.89; 07.09.89; 09.09.89; 16.09.89; 17.09.89; 19.09.89 | 01:04:55 |
226 | tape 24 // Ronte, Mod Art Museum. A: BL / Social Demo. A: DW, CJ / Neutrality in Austria. A: AD / Bears exclusive. A: DW / Mastny. A: DH / Mastny II. A: DH / Boskovsky. A: EH / Käthe Leichter. A: JK / Schleisinger on Karajan. A: DH | 04.06.89; 06.06.89; 10.06.89; 13.06.89; 21.06.89; 22.06.89; 23.06.89; 02.07.89; 21.07.89 | 41:42 |
227 | tape 23 // Danube national park. A: AD / Profile: Fritz Janschka. A: CJ / Social democracy special. A: CJ, MH, DJ, EH / Vranitzky in Washington. A: DW, Fuchs / Profile: Mackerras. A: BL / Vranitzky in Vienna. A: PM / CNN Report, Vranitzky. A: PM / Grunwald. A: PM / Social demo, Habsburg. A: CJ / London CSCE conference. A: Ascherson / Mock, foreign policy in the 90s. A: DW | 29.04.89; 30.04.89; 01.05.89; 06.05.89; 07.05.89; 09.05.89; 08.05.89; 18.05.89; 18.05.89; 23.05.89; 24.05.89; 24.05.89 | 01:38:39 |
228 | tape 22 // US jewish grandchildren visit. A: JK / Brezinszki. A: DW / Websters, Austrian US Education. A: JK / Kreisky on 20m Jobless. A: DW / Worlds fair delegation. A: PM / Bogdanov. A: DW / Austrian Astronaut. A: AD / Social democracy, the foreign view. A: CJ / Mauthausen US, jewish visit. A: JK / Profile: Hundertwasser. A: JK / Brger accident. A: EH, AD | 05.04.89; 07.04.89; 09.04.89; 10.04.89; 11.04.89; 13.04.89; 16.04.89; 18.04.89; 19.04.89; 23.04.89; 24.04.89 | 01:22:08 |
229 | tape 21 // Nowotny, How united is EFTA. A: DW / Austrian, Japanese summit Salzburg. A: CJ / Social democracy, red Vienna. A: CJ, EH / Fink, part 2. A: PL / Holzbauer. A: AD / Fink on East Europe Pt1. A: PL / Fink on East Europe Pt 3. A: PL / Zita Funeral. A: CJ / US & Soviet negotiations Profile. A: PM / Social democracy, US links. A: EH, CJ | 20.03.89; 21.03.89; 23.03.89; 25.03.89; 26.03.89; 16.03.89; 30.03.89; 01.04.89; 02.04.89; 04.04.89 | 33:04 |
230 | tape 20 // Dance weeks. A: JK / Social democracy, red Vienna. A: CJ, EH / Burlatzkij. A: PL, DW / Lötsh on Lorenz. A: DW / CSSR Goldstücker. A: PL / Foreign ministers, Shev Mock Howe Baker. A: PM / Z-Bank Europe Policies Reform. A: DW / CFE SCBM Opening. A: PM / EFTA 1. A: DW / Zita. A: DH / EFTA 2. A: DW / EFTA round up. A: DW | 18.02.89; 21.02.89; 27.02.89; 01.03.89; 04.03.89; 06.03.89; 06.03.89; 09.03.89; 14.03.89; 14.03.89; 15.03.89; 16.03.89 | 01:27:48 |
231 | tape 19 // Egypt round up. A: DH / Schultz 1/4. A: PM / CSCE, Tarovsky. A: PM / CSCE, Soviets. A: PM / Social democracy, catholic church. A: CJ, EH, MH. A: ATB. A: DW / MBFR, Mikalov 1/4. A: PM / Social democracy, links with Hungary. A: CJ, EH, MH / Woko, Vranitzky. A: PL / Nemeth, Vranitzky. A: CJ / Socialist women and Europe. A: JK | 16.01.89; 17.01.89; 18.01.89; 19.01.89; 24.01.89; 25.01.89; 02.02.89; 07.02.89; 10.02.89; 14.02.89; 16.02.89 | 01:25:27 |
232 | tape 18 // New Austrians. A: CJ / Soviet Journalist, Danilova. A: DW / Christmas walk through Vienna. A: EB / Fritz Brainin. A: JJK / Schönberg Festival London. A: G / Social democracy (Israel). A: MH / Soviet scientist, Zhirkin. A: DW | 15.12.88; 17.12.88; 24.12.88; 06.01.89; 06.01.89; 10.01.89; 14.01.89 | 01:32:14 |