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This American Life - Ira Glass
"This American Life (
ext. Link ) ist eine einstündige, wöchentlich übertragene Hörfunksendung, die vom US-amerikanischen Chicago Public Radio produziert wird und weltweit als Podcast zu hören ist. Im Mittelpunkt der von Ira Glass moderierten Sendung stehen Reportagen, die sich immer einem spezifischen Thema widmen und teilweise durch Essays oder Kurzgeschichten ergänzt werden" (Quelle:
ext. Link )
This American Life is a weekly public radio show broadcast on more than 500 stations to about 2.2 million listeners. It is produced in collaboration with Chicago Public Media, delivered to stations by PRX The Public Radio Exchange, and has won all of the major broadcasting awards. It is also often the most popular podcast in the country, with another 2.4 million people downloading each episode. There's a theme to each episode of This American Life, and a variety of stories on that theme. Most of the stories are journalism, with an occasional comedy routine or essay.
Archivnummern: AP/e_eng/tal_2018_(Sendung)
© 2018 Ira Glass / Chicago Public Media
Datei | Datum | Inhalt | Dauer |
#635 | 12.01 | Chip in My Brain A boy who can’t dribble gets a coach, a new best friend, and something to believe in. | 70:06 |
#636 | 19.01 | I Thought It Would Be Easier A year into Trump’s presidency, stories of politicians—of both parties—unable to accomplish tasks that seem pretty straightforward. | 61:07 |
#637 | 02.02 | Words You Can't Say In this politically charged climate, it feels like you have to be super careful with your language, no matter who you are or what side you're on. Stories about people who say the “wrong” thing and suffer the consequences, including a very conservative Republican from Louisiana who's lambasted for being too liberal. | 60:34 |
#638 | 09.02 | Rom-Com The one thing you know for sure when you're watching a romantic comedy is that it's going to turn out okay in the end. When you're living one? Not so much. This week for Valentine's Day, stories that unfold like rom-coms. | 63:15 |
#639 | 23.02 | In Dog We Trust Stories of dogs and cats and other animals that live in our homes. Exactly how much are they caught up in everyday family dynamics? We answer this question and others. | 60:53 |
#640 | 02.03 | Five Women A different kind of #MeToo story, about several women who worked for the same man. They tell us not only about their troubling encounters with him, but also about their lives beforehand. Who were they when they entered the workplace, and how did their personal histories shape the way they dealt with his harassment? | 80:38 |
#641 | 16.03 | The Walls Stories from border walls around the world, where one place ends and another begins. And the strange ecosystems that arise. | 72:02 |
#642 | 06.04 | The Impossible Dream Before he leaves the Senate for good, Republican Jeff Flake is trying to get a bill passed. He has his work cut out for him, with a Senate that barely brings anything to the floor, a party he feels estranged from, and a president who seems to hate his guts. Producer Zoe Chace hung out with him for four months. | 67:20 |
#643 | 13.04 | Damned If You Do… It’s one thing to weigh pros and cons. But sometimes all you have is con and con. This week, stories of people having to make a choice, when no good options exist. | 60:28 |
#644 | 27.04 | Random Acts of History Stories about people who accidentally bump into unsettling facts of history in settings meant to teach them history. What they end up learning is very different from what they’re supposed to. | 59:09 |
#645 | 04.05 | My Effing First Amendment Conservative students don't feel like their ideas are welcome on campus. So they're fighting back. We go to Nebraska, where one skirmish spins out of control. | 63:11 |
#646 | 18.05 | The Secret of My Death Cryptic messages on a cell phone and a teeter totter at a construction site: these are clues people found, trying to make sense of a death. | 66:47 |
#647 | 25.05 | LaDonna A security guard at the airport notices something going wrong on the tarmac, and takes it upon herself to fix it. It’s way harder than she expects. | 65:30 |
#648 | 08.06 | Unteachable Moment Stories about people trying to learn something when no one is clear what the lesson is supposed to be. | 60:44 |
#649 | 22.06 | It's My Party and I'll Try If I Want To Democrats are desperate to retake part of Congress. Their best shot is the House. This fall, they’ll be slugging it out with Republicans—but in the meantime, they’re slugging it out with each other. The progressive and moderate wings of the Democratic party are going head-to-head in Democratic primaries all over the country right now, wrestling over what the party should be and stand for. This week, we have the story of a candidate in one primary like that. | 59:31 |
#650 | 29.06 | Change You Can Maybe Believe In An innocent man forgives the cop who framed him. An Argentinian talk show that usually treats women as objects suddenly gets really interested in feminism. This week, stories about changes that seem too tidy to be true. | 63:40 |
#651 | 13.07 | If You Build It, Will They Come? A young preacher opens a new church. A new restaurant reopens old wounds. This week, stories of people trying to build something that will last. | 60:23 |
#652 | 20.07 | ICE Capades Dispatches from a government agency in its tumultuous teenage years. | 66:07 |
#653 | 03.08 | Crime Scene Every crime scene hides a story. In this week's show, we hear about crime scenes and the stories they tell. | 61:20 |
#654 | 10.08 | The Feather Heist A flute player breaks into a British museum and makes off with a million dollars worth of dead birds. | 64:16 |
#655 | 24.08 | The Not-So-Great Unknown What happens when unadventurous people end up in adventurous situations. Like an astronaut who goes to places no one has gone before, even though he’s not really into outer space. | 58:31 |
#656 | 14.09 | Let Me Count the Ways Yes, youʼve heard about the family separations. Youʼve heard about the travel ban. But there are dozens of ways the Trump administration is cracking down on immigration across many agencies, sometimes in ways so small and technical it doesnʼt make headlines. This week, the quiet bureaucratic war that’s even targeting legal immigrants. | 78:49 |
#657 | 21.09 | The Runaways A bunch of teenagers go missing from a town in Long Island. For months, the police treat them as runaways, ignoring the kids' parents, who keep trying to tell them otherwise. They keep trying to tell them that something much worse might have happened. | 63:30 |
#658 | 05.10 | The Unhappy Deciders Making big decisions about other people's lives can feel pretty awful. Zoe Chace followed Senator Jeff Flake as he decided to force the Senate to delay its vote on Judge Kavanaugh. Among her discoveries: Those protestors in the elevator? They aren’t the reason he did what he did. | 61:14 |
#659 | 12.10 | Before the Next One There’s no rulebook on how to handle a school shooting. And no real way to prepare for one. This week, people take what they’ve learned from these tragedies and try to use that knowledge to save others. | 60:13 |
#660 | 02.11 | Hoaxing Yourself Stories of people who tell a lie and then believe the lie more than anyone else does. In other words: Stories about people pulling hoaxes...on themselves. | 59:32 |
#661 | 09.11 | But That's What Happened Stories of women in unsettling situations. When they try to explain what’s wrong, they’re told that they don’t understand—that there’s nothing unsettling about it. | 65:01 |
#662 | 16.11 | Where There Is a Will Stories of people who believe there is always a way. And also those who don’t. | 63:51 |
#663 | 07.12 | How I Read It Documents you don't normally think of, showing you things you didn't expect. | 63:52 |
#664 | 28.12 | The Room of Requirement Libraries aren't just for books. They're often spaces that transform into what you need them to be: a classroom, a cyber café, a place to find answers, a quiet spot to be alone. It's actually kind of magical. This week, we have stories of people who roam the stacks and find unexpected things that just happen to be exactly what they required. | 59:33 |