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A Prairie Home Companion's News from Lake Wobegon
"It's been a quiet week here in Lake Wobegon..." so leitet Keillor seinen Monolog ein in dem er über Wetter, Befindlichkeiten und das Alltagsleben der Bewohner der fiktiven Kleinstadt Lake Wobegon berichtet. Keillors Stimme und Diktion erreichen bis zu 3,5 Millionen Hörer weltweit.“I don’t think the stories are nostalgic. I don’t see them that way. I think they’re just little pictures and life there is far from ideal." (Zitat Garrison Keillor im Interview mit Patt Morrison, komplettes Audio im ap_2012_01-06 archiviert). Endet allwöchentlich mit den Worten "Where all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking and all the children are above average" Dar Archivbestand zu diesem Public radio rock star (Zitat Patt Morrison) umfasst Zeitungsartikel, Audios, Videos siehe vp_2009, DVDs und 1 Buch (siehe Bilder).
On Air seit 1974 (lediglich mit einer Pause von 1987-1988).
Statement zum Ende der Sendung im November 2017:
"I am deeply grateful for all the years I had doing "A Prairie Home Companion" and "The Writer's Almanac", the summer tours, the outdoor shows at Tanglewood and Wolf Trap, the friendships of musicians and actors, the saga of Lake Wobegon, the songs and sketches, Guy Noir, Dusty & Lefty, the sheer pleasure of standing in the warmth of that audience. A person could not hope for more than what I was given. I've been fired over a story that I think is more interesting and more complicated than the version MPR heard. Most stories are. It's some sort of poetic irony to be knocked off the air by a story, having told so many of them myself, but I'm 75 and don't have any interest in arguing about this. And I cannot in conscience bring danger to a great organization I've worked hard for since 1969. I am sorry for all the poets whose work I won't be reading on the radio and sorry for the people who will lose work on account of this. But my profound feeling is that of gratitude, especially to my wife Jenny, and for this painful experience that has brought us even closer together." — Garrison Keillor
Quelle: ext. Link [05.12.2017]
Archivnummern: AP/e_eng/nflw_2017_(Datum)
© Garrison Keillor
Datei | Datum | Inhalt | Dauer |
0107 | 07.01 | "Our beautiful fall has come to an end. We got a frost here on Monday night. People were talking about it down at the Chatterbox Cafe." Eloise Krebsbach runs for mayor, the Lutheran Church updates its directory, Carl Krebsbach does a few odd jobs around town, and the Hedlunds dig up a Lake Wobegon ghost story, a monologue from October 2013. | 12:36 |
0114 | 14.01 | "We got a little snow -- a little snow Monday night. What a beautiful snowfall it was, and not all that cold out." The recent warm weather puts those who suffer from "Pump Handle Phobia" at ease. Plus, Mr. Hansen lends a hand around the neighborhood while his wife visits her sister in Florida, and reveals an unusual secret, a monologue from January 2012. | 09:01 |
0121 | 21.01 | "It got ferociously cold here on Thursday--Wednesday and Thursday--so school was canceled on Thursday. They heard about it Thursday morning on the rise-and-shine show Ole and Toivu." Senator K. Thorvaldson prepares for a trip to Arizona, Carl Krebsbach considers giving up the carpentry business, and Pastor Liz's boyfriend Cliff attends another service at the Lutheran Church, in a monologue from January 2014. | 11:37 |
0128 | 28.01 | "It has been unnaturally warm out there and that has gotten the raccoons thinking that this is the breeding season." A mysterious figure skater out on the lake draws a crowd, Senator K. Thorvaldson finally heads south for the winter, and Donald Thorvaldson catches up with a few classmates, in a monologue from January 2015. | 11:38 |
0204 | 04.02 | "It's been not quite so cold this last week..." Carl Krebsbach gets into a car accident, conversation at the Sidetrack Tap turns even dumber than usual, and Leland buys the Everett house using money he's made running insurance scams, in a monologue from February 1997. | 22:55 |
0211 | 11.02 | "It's been cold there. The furnaces are starting to make strange noises and enormous icicles the size of Minuteman missiles hang from the eves down there." A few stories about the host's distinguished East Coast ancestors, the Valentine's Day Robbery on the Great Northern Railroad, and a childhood Valentine's Day experience, in a monologue from February 2004. | 14:14 |
0218 | 18.02 | "It's been cold here, got down to 30-below wind chill here earlier in the week, starting to warm up a little bit now. They are forecasting more snow for Monday, Tuesday night." Corrine Tollerud returns from St. Olaf College for a weekend, the Hansens attempt to prevent their dog from being hit by cars, Lake Wobegon Lutheran Church holds its Lenten services, and Cindy Hedlund meets someone online after just a few months as a widow, in a monologue from February 2015. | 14:54 |
0225 | 25.02 | "It's been warm there. It's been up in the 20s and so we don't know when the other shoe is going to drop but we are sure that it will eventually, sooner rather than later." Myrtle Krebsbach hosts the Valentine's Day supper and dance, rumors swirl after Pastor Inqvist spends a few days in Nashville, and thoughts on the temptation of putting your tongue on a pump handle in the winter, a monologue originally from February 2003. | 16:28 |
0304 | 04.03 | "It's been warm there. It's been up in the thirties so the snow's been melting and dripping off the icicles, and the sidewalks are clear." Animals venture into the town's yards to look for food, and Alan Jansky returns for a visit after living in Santa Barbara for years, a monologue from March 2008. | 13:21 |
0311 | 11.03 | "It was the most beautiful snowfall in yesterday morning in Lake Wobegon. It was just gorgeous, it was like something out of a children's book." The town pledges for the annual "Big Plunge" fundraising event, Lake Wobegon High School students learn about owls, and a local English teacher makes an enriching discovery while walking in the woods, in a monologue from March 2013. | 11:04 |
0318 | 18.03 | "It's been beautiful this last week. The sun was shining. It's been a gorgeous, gorgeous winter. We got a little snow on Monday, Thursday, just a decorator snow." Mr. Berge tells a few jokes to ducks out on the lake, the Men's Prayer Group gathers at Bunsen Motors, and the Lutheran Church holds its Lenten soup suppers, in a March 2014 monologue. | 11:18 |
0325 | 25.03 | "Had some nice days here this last week. It wasn't too terribly cold. The sun was shining." Lyle teaches high school students about the vernal equinox, the town's old men discuss modern cars, and the last of the rhubarb gets made into pies at the Chatterbox Cafe, in a monologue from March 1997. | 25:23 |
0401 | 01.04 | "We've had wind and snow and rain and cold rain and a little snow, that melting snow, and then wind some more. It's spring we know that now, even if it's a little chilly." Darlene has an epiphany while out for an Easter morning walk, Carl Krebsbach feeds a flock of Tundra Swans out on the lake, Viola Tors attends a clothing-optional Lutheran church in Palm Beach, in an April 2016 monologue. | 13:30 |
0408 | 08.04 | "It's spring, spring out there, which, in the case of Minnesota, means there's a little more snow forecast. About eight inches of snow, some places 10 inches, fell." Farmers prepare for spring planting after a successful year, the town takes a break for Easter Vacation, and Darlene meets a man on, a monologue originally from April 2008. | 13:23 |
0415 | 15.04 | "Getting warm up there, getting up into the 60s and even thinking about getting up into the 70s so it's been very pleasant -- and no snow fell this last week." The town celebrates the 1st of May, and a few memories of post-prom parties at the Bunsens' cabin, in a monologue from May 2015. | 17:05 |
0422 | 22.04 | "Spring has come out awfully certainly there. Just about two weeks ago there was still ice on the lake and now this past week it got up into the 90s. People running around in shorts, t-shirts." Carl Krebsbach's brother-in-law attempts to assemble a garden tiller, high school students prepare for life after graduation, and Mary Tollefson looks into modeling school, in a monologue from April 2002. | 13:19 |
0429 | 29.04 | "It's been kind of cool, sunny but windy out there, and the other day a little snow fell, just a few flakes. We ignored it. We did not comment on it." Bridal shower season arrives, Darlene invites three suitors to the Sidewinder Bar in Millet, and Arlene Bunsen counsels her goddaughter Charlotte against taking up the trombone, in a monologue from April 2015. | 12:57 |
0506 | 06.05 | "It was warm and kind of windy all week and we got this terrific thunderstorm on Wednesday, which was a great boon, to get washed off like that." Fishing season begins and fishermen return to their pursuit of famous walleye Old Pete, Luann cuts her hair very short, the town analyzes photos of Pastor Liz in Rome, and Pastor Haugen irritates his secretary Marlene, a monologue from May 2014. | 10:38 |
0513 | 13.05 | "It's been cool here this last week, actually 'cold' I think would be a better term for it -- and it snowed. But it's only the first week of May and precipitation comes in many different forms." Cool weather temporarily rids the town of insects, Carl Krebsbach becomes a spectacle after being covered in plum blossoms during a storm, and the Lutheran Church searches for a replacement for Pastor Ham, in a monologue from May 2010. | 12:14 |
0520 | 20.05 | "The weather's just been gorgeous. It was warm this last week, it was up in the 80s. There was a little bit of rain, not enough, but there's never enough." The Whippets win a few games with the help of young pitcher "Whiplash" Wilson, garage sale season begins, the Larson boy gets a job at Ralph's Pretty Good Grocery, and a bat invades Lake Wobegon Lutheran Church and frightens Pastor Haugen, in a May 2014 monologue. | 06:26 |
0527 | 27.05 | "It's been warm out here, been in the 80s, so we were very grateful for this big thunderstorm that came along on Tuesday night. Big shards of lightning splitting the sky sure gets everybody's attention."The Lutheran Church search committee looks for a replacement for Pastor Inqvist, caterpillars take over the sidewalks, and Irene Bunsen calls into a radio station at 3:30 in the morning, a monologue originally from May 2010. | 09:52 |
0603 | 03.06 | "It's been June weather. Everything is happening at once. The dragonflies are all kind of breeding and they're out and they're mating." Thoughts on desert living and the benefits of rhubarb, the high school's senior class pulls the annual graduation ceremony prank, and parents contemplate their graduates' futures, in a monologue from June 2014. | 14:08 |
0610 | 10.06 | "It's been cool. There's been some rain, which we appreciate out there because it gives you a reason not to do things you thought you were going to have to do." The high school decides to hold graduation outdoors at the last minute, the class of 2015 pulls off one of the better graduation pranks in recent memory, and the town takes time to enjoy the summer weather, in a June 2015 monologue. | 14:18 |
0617 | 17.06 | "We had some storms out there but it's been all good for us. The mourning doves we hear them in the morning, we see the fireflies at night." Clarence Bunsen sleeps on his boat so he can think in the middle of the night; the story of Mr. Musselman, who was driven from town by deerflies; and the Whippets win a close game, a monologue originally from June 2015. | 09:46 |
0624 | 24.06 | "This is the shank of summer. It's such a gorgeous time of year. It's been so beautiful in Lake Wobegon. The yards, the lawns have never looked more beautiful than they do right now." Thoughts on lawn maintenance and strawberry-rhubarb pie, the Tollefson boy considers moving to Los Angeles, and a deerfly bite helps the Whippets continue their winning season, in a monologue from June 2014. | 07:30 |
0701 | 01.07 | "It's been lovely whether. It's been warm. We got a little bit of rain. It's been great for the tomatoes." Irene Bunsen gloats when her tomato plants outstrip her brother-in-law Clarence's crop, the 4th of July committee debates rules for the annual parade and picnic, and Mr. Olson fights proposed changes to this year's fireworks display on behalf of the volunteer fire department, in a monologue originally from July 1999. | 16:23 |
0708 | 08.07 | "It's been hot and steamy out there and people have been showing up down at the bathing beach, that we don't think are from our town, we are not sure." Pastor Inqvist and his wife take a four-week vacation so the Worship and Music Committee enlists a replacement pastor to deliver the sermon, and the Anderson boy returns after many years as a carnival entertainer, in a July 2001 monologue. | 12:58 |
0715 | 15.07 | "It's been warm and beautiful there, the sun shone down. The tomatoes came up and the onions and the sweet corn and we sit in our backyards, the bushes thick and lush under the canopy of green" Kate Inqvist prepares to leave for her summer job as a camp counselor and her father, Pastor Inqvist, meets a woman tells him about a mystical experience at a Lutheran church in Minneapolis, a monologue from June 1996. | 22:36 |
0722 | 22.07 | "We had about two weeks solid of rain and cold. People are getting moody and owly. But then at last the weather broke and we've had almost paradise now since, since Wednesday." Memories of listening to the radio during tornado warnings, Pastor Inqvist gives a sermon explaining the Trinity, and Mrs. Smiley's dog develops an unnatural attraction to a porcupine after eating Guilford tomatoes, in a monologue originally from June 2004. | 15:33 |
0729 | 29.07 | "It's been hot out there this last week. It's been humid too, so that you wake up in the morning and there's a mist out over the meadows, beautiful mist with the sun shining through it." Gladys feels a longing for doomed love while listening to the opera, the Hansens' dove-breeding business goes awry, Judy Ingqvist searches for elegance, and a few verses of "Aften (Stille, Hjerte, Sol gaar ned)," in a monologue originally from June 2007. | 15:14 |
0805 | 05.08 | "It's that beautiful time of year. Blue skies, a little chill in the air, and all these leaves on the ground, if you want to interact with leaves." Sister Arvonne surreptitiously organizes Halloween activities, and a Lake Wobegon ghost story, in an October 2006 monologue. | 17:02 |
0812 | 12.08 | "It has been fiercely, fiercely cold here this last week." Roger Hedlund visits the Chatterbox Cafe early on a cold morning and considers switching his farm from soybeans and corn to bluestem grass, a monologue from February 2001. | 19:22 |
0819 | 19.08 | "Spring came uncertainly as spring always does. It just took one thunderstorm and green spears -- tulips poking up in the flower beds -- and all the winter clothes went away into boxes down in the basement." High school students attend Prom, Irene Bunsen buys a load of manure to prepare her tomato plot, and Clint and Arlene Bunsen reminisce about their young neighbor as she prepares for a summer job in Oregon, a monologue from April 2005. | 14:20 |
0826 | 26.08 | "We've had quite a bit of rain here this past week, and that is just fine by us. If you grew up on a farm you never complained about rain." Daryl and Marilyn Tollerud plan a vacation, the Sons of Knute collect items for their annual rummage sale, and the Lutheran Church holds a graduation dinner, in a June 2010 monologue. | 11:04 |
0901 | 01.09 | "The Minnesota State Fair was a big thing, along with Christmas, and the Fourth of July, and your birthday. It was enormous, and we always drove down for the day." A few stories about the host's Uncle Louie, who worked at the State Fair Midway, and other memories from the Great Minnesota Get-Together, in a bonus monologue from The Minnesota Show (hosted by Garrison at the Minnesota State Fair Grandstand on September 1, 2017). | 08:58 |
0902 | 02.09 | "Beautiful, beautiful week of fall. Mists on the lake early in the morning, you wake up in the morning, your window is open, you've got a little extra blanket over you." Pastor Liz fills in while the Lutheran Church interviews replacements for Pastor Haugen, news of Marlene's interesting encounter with Father Wilmer spreads through the town, Mrs. Anderson holds a CD release party at the Sidewinder Bar, and the Tolleruds' rooster Ludwig comes to a sad end, a monologue from September 2014. | 12:38 |
0909 | 09.09 | "We've had this very warm September and the trees have not started to turn as yet, but the apples are ripe and there's a smell of them in the air." The host describes a memorable hitchhiking trip to Minneapolis, Pastor Kohler holds a viewing party for the super moon eclipse, and town constables Gary and Leroy pacify Mr. Hoppe with a few jokes, a monologue originally from September 2015. | 14:25 |
0916 | 16.09 | It's been a beautiful week of winter. It got a little bit warm early in the week, but not so warm that we lost much snow, so it wasn't that bad. The host recalls the Native Americans, government agents, Unitarian missionaries, and hippie farmers who've lived in Lake Wobegon over the years, a monologue originally from February 1998. | 23:41 |
0923 | 23.09 | "It's been just the most beautiful fall that we can remember, thank goodness for memory loss. It's just been absolutely gorgeous, just sunny skies and warm days for people whose tastes run in that direction and then cool nights to remind us that it is fall after all." Town constables Gary and Leroy chase down a boat that was abandoned in the middle of the lake, crews rush to finish the summer road construction, and the Magendantzes add a concrete walleye to their menagerie of yard statuary, in a monologue from September 2007. | 11:18 |
0930 | 30.09 | "It's been beautiful, beautiful weather out there -- sunny and bright and highs in the 60s, it's been perfect. Farmers are combining the corn, and the soybeans as well, and the alfalfa is still green." The Lake Wobegon Leonards lose their big homecoming game against the Millet Marauders, the Lutherans brag about their church's new pastor, and folks in town react to fall and cooler weather settling in, a monologue from October 2010. | 14:39 |
1007 | 07.10 | "It's not the New Year, you know, or anything of the sort, but September: a gorgeous, gorgeous time, and the leaves are turning and the smell of apples in the air." The host recalls a notable childhood moviegoing experience, Lyle Janske's 10th grade biology class learns about bears, and a few thoughts on the power of memory, in a September 2015 monologue. | 14:43 |
1014 | 14.10 | "This long, strange, warm fall is finally coming to an end. We're about a week away from frost and we're looking forward to that." A mysterious wedding takes place at the Lutheran Church, and memories of when Uncle Earl secretly bought a TV to watch Minnesota Gophers football games, a monologue originally from October 2015. | 09:34 |
1021 | 21.10 | "Our show coming to you from my hometown Anoka, Minnesota, here on the Rum River, flowing into the Mississippi." Our host shares a few memories about his family's history in his other hometown of Anoka, during a special live broadcast from Anoka High School back in October 2015. | 09:33 |
1028 | 28.10 | "Most of the leaves are off the trees, except a few yellow leaves there on the Aspen trees. Of course the corn is all combined, the beans as well. The fields are mostly just stubble." The town begins procrastinating as winter approaches, and Daryl Rasmussen instigates a memorable Halloween prank, a monologue originally from October 1998. | 24:30 |
1104 | 04.11 | "So beautiful and warm this last week for the first week in November. Got into almost the 70s and almost the 70s is more than good enough for us. What a gift Wednesday and Thursday were." The school board debates requiring students to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and the town prepares for deer hunting season in a monologue originally from November 2001. | 17:57 |
1111 | 11.11 | "It's November, middle of November, and the trees are bare. We had a big wind here this last week, big rainstorm on Wednesday and Thursday. It's been chilly." Pastor Kohler leaves town after his email is hacked, Clarence Bunsen experiences an embarrassing medical condition, a group of deer hunting widows attends a male dance revue in Hurley, Wisconsin, and Mr. Hansen finally burns down an old outhouse, in a monologue originally from November 2015. | 12:00 |
1118 | 18.11 | "It's been chilly out there this week. It's been in the 30s ever since Wednesday night. Winter came in, it just came right in and the wind came up." Pastor Kohler continues a string of depressing sermons as his time in Lake Wobegon winds down, the town prepares for the upcoming holiday weekend, and Mr. Rosen discovers the meaning of Thanksgiving while deer hunting, in a November 2015 monologue. | 14:03 |