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On the Media/NPR
Archivnummern: AP/m_mm1/npr_otm_2017_(Sendedatum)
© National Public Radio
Datum | Datei | Inhalt | Dauer |
06.01 | 0106 | No End In Sight: 1) "I'm John Cantlie" 2) The Shroud Over Syria 3) Held Hostage | 50:23 |
13.01 | 0113 | The Game Has Changed: 1) Secret Dossiers, Muzzled Journalists...The Job of Reporters in 2017 2) A Taxonomy of Trump Tweets 3) How Not to Feed the Beast 4) Trump's Reality Distortion Field 5) Rebecca Solnit on Hope, Lies, and Making Change | 49:55 |
20.01 | 0120 | Future Tense: 1) The President and the Press: A History 2) The View from the Other Side of the Press Corps 3) The Press Corps Makes Its Case 4) How Trump Might Save the Media He So Despises 5) Obama's Last-Minute Surveillance Changes | 49:54 |
27.01 | 0127 | New Reality: 1) "Keep Going Back to Substance and the Truth" 2) Bob Goes to the White House 3) Spicer vs. the Interns 4) The Story Behind the Mexico City Policy 5) The Rise and Fall of Fake News | 50:12 |
03.02 | 0203 | The Ties That Bind: 1) Leaky Faucet 2) Objectivity: What Is It Good For? 3) The Failed Promise of the Internet | 50:11 |
10.02 | 0210 | See You In Court: 1) Word Watch: Constitutional Crisis 2) Protest Rights Under Threat 3) For Antifa, Not All Speech Should Be Free 4) Reimagining Protest in NYC (and Every City) 5) Breaking News Consumer's Handbook: Protest Edition 6) How To Counter Milo's Trolling Playbook | 56:35 |
17.02 | 0217 | Leak State: 1) How a National Security Reporter Reads the Flynn Leaks 2) Diving into the Deep State 3) Is This Treason? 4) Meanwhile, In Congress... 5) Lessons from Serbia for the Trump Era 6) Trump & Chávez: Strongman Personas, Weak Comparison | 49:54 |
24.02 | 0224 | Smoke & Handcuffs: 1) Fox in the White House 2) Posturing On Immigration 3) Looking Beyond ‘Sanctuary Cities’ 4) The Supreme Court Considers Accountability at the Border 5) Why the FEC Doesn’t Work | 51:00 |
03.03 | 0303 | Follow the Money: 1) Paper Trail 2) What Russian Television Tells Us About Trump 3) Ukraine’s Remedy for Fake News: News About Fake News 4) America’s Lost Anti-Corruption History | 50:17 |
10.03 | 0310 | Seeing Is Believing: 1) A Muslim Ban By Any Other Name 2) How The Environment Got Political 3) How To Answer “Is This Cause By Climate Change?” 4) The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Is Worse Than You Think | 50:37 |
17.03 | 0317 | Doesn’t Add Up: 1) The View from Poverty 2) The Trump White House’s Rosy Scenario 3) Seeing Everything Trough the Deficit Lens 4) What the Media Got Wrong About Latest WikiLeaks Dump | 50:19 |
24.03 | 0324 | Highly Irregular: 1) Section 702 Is In the Spotlight 2) The Dark Money Group Backing Neil Gorsuch 3) Should We Be Worried About North Korea, or Not? 4) Doing Diplomacy Without the Press | 49:41 |
31.03 | 0331 | It’s Just Business: 1) Where Your Data Will Go 2) Appalachia Beyond Coal 3) The Man The Government Calls a ‘FOIA Terrorist’ 4) FOIA Isn’t Being Used the Way You Think It Is 5) Acquitting the Innocent: Beyond “Serial” and “Making a Murderer” | 50:18 |
07.04 | 0407 | Out With The Old…: 1) The Filibuster: Protection or Obstruction? 2) Why So Tedious, Taxes? 3) “We Are the Meteor” | 50:28 |
14.04. | 0414 | This American War on Drugs: 1) Breaking News Consumer's Handbook: Drugs Edition 2) The Man Who Declared War On Drugs 3) A (Long) History of American Drug Panics 4) A Case for Law Enforcement | 49:59 |
21.04 | 0421 | "We'll Do It Live!": 1) The End of O'Reilly 2) North Korea: How About Now? 3) The View on Trump from China 4) Playing the "Madman" 5) Let the People Decide | 51:04 |
28.04 | 0428 | In Other Words: 1) Not Such Thing As Failure 2) Tax Reform By Any Other Name 3) When The Wall Is A Metaphor 4) The Problem With Federal Data on Hate Crimes 5) Is It Okay to Say “Jew”? | 50:40 |
05.05 | 0505 | Rewriting the Right: 1) Asking the Right Questions About Health Care 2) Jane Mayer on the Rose of Conservative Orthodoxy 3) Turmoil at the Heritage Foundation & the Future of the Right 4) How to Turn Climate Change Skeptics Into Advocates | 50:39 |
12.05 | 0512 | Shiny Objects: 1) Keeping the Story Straight on Comey 2) Sinclair & the Growing Reach of Conservative Media 3) Why Normal News Language Is Unfit for Trump 4) “The Subject Is the Proper Noun Donald Trump” 5) Bad News Isn’t the Whole Story | 50:07 |
19.05 | 0519 | Curtains!: 1) How the Far-Right Media Spin Trump Chaos 2) A Bill of Indictment 3) Losing the Conservative Moment 4) A Special Election That Isn’t About Trump 5) A Syrian Journalist on Chronicling Life, Not Just War | 50:56 |
26.05 | 0526 | Focus: 1) Too Much Information 2) Rethinking How To Cover Terrorism 3) How Tech Isn’t Stopping Terror 4) As Confederate Monuments Come Down, the Struggle Continues 5) Bryan Stevenson on Memorializing Our Country’s Shameful History | 50:50 |
02.06 | 0602 | Mind the Gap: 1) ‘Something Is Emerging From This Community’ 2) The Russia Disconnect 3) Too Much of a Bad Thing 4) This Segment Will Make You Angry 5) Why Liberals Are Falling for Fake News About Russia | 52:40 |
09.06 | 0609 | Enough With Reality: 1) How Not to Leak 2) Axis Journalism 3) The Dystopian Potential of Augmented Reality | 50:20 |
16.06 | 0616 | Sterner Stuff: 1) Breaking News Consumer’s Handbook: Political Violence Edition 2) Don’t Blame Shakespeare 3) Sen. Ron Wyden on the Secret Republican Health Care Bill 4) The GOP’s Approach To The Investigations 5) Taking the President’s Tweets to Court 6) Puerto Rico, An Island In Search Of Itself | 60:28 |
23.06 | 0623 | Stand And Be Counted: 1) It’s All About The Gerrymandering 2) Save Our Census! 3) How The Census Made “Hispanics” 4) How Government Spyware Tracked Activists and Journalists in Mexico | 52:30 |
30.06 | 0630 | What Ails America: 1) Happy Birthday, Canada? 2) Grieving in Life, and in the Media 3) The Sound of America | 50:18 |
07.07 | 0707 | Apocalypse, Now: 1) When Science Fiction Isn’t Fiction 2) The Desert Reasserts Itself 3) Kim Stanley Robinson On Our Future Cities 4) “Solastalgia,” and Other Words for Our Changing World | 51:23 |
14.07 | 0714 | Three-Dimensional Chess: 1) Through the Lens of the Pro-Trump Media 2) What We Get Wrong About Putin 3) The Backlash to the “Voter Fraud Panel” Isn’t What You Think It Is 4) From the City of Ghosts 5) How an Iraqi Radio Station Helped Save Mosul | 50:32 |
21.07 | 0721 | Doubt It: 1) Walking Back the Backfire Effect 2) Psychology’s Replication Crisis 3) Is There A Liberal Slant to Social Science Research? 4) 8 Months Later: Brooke and Bob On Covering Trump | 50:33 |
28.07 | 0728 | Essential Coverage: 1) The Once-In-A-While Maverick 2) Covering A Secret Bill 3) The Trump Administration’s PR War on Obamacare 4) The Messaging War on Single-Payer Healthcare 5) Citizen Charlie Gard | 50:34 |
04.08 | 0804 | "Shmashmortion": 1) When Republicans Wanted Abortion Rights 2) An Abortion In The Media Spotlight 3) The State Legislator Will See You Now 4) Is ‘Pro-Choice’ a Problem? | 51:31 |
11.08 | 0811 | You’ve Been Warned: 1) A Fragile Patchwork of Press Protections 2) The Show Crisis in America’s Immigration Courts 3) Trump Is Making MS-13 Stronger 4) Gawker and the New Era of Media Censorship | 51:07 |
18.08 | 0818 | Gutted: 1) Your Local TV News Is About To Get A Lot Worse 2) How The Environment Got Political 3) How To Answer “Is This Caused By Climate Change?” 4) The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Is Worse Than You Think | 51:06 |
25.08 | 0825 | This American War on Drugs: 1) Breaking News Consumer’s Handbook: Drugs Edition 2) The Man Who Declared War On Drugs 3) A (Long) History of American Drug Panics 4) A Case for Law Enforcement | 51:01 |
01.09 | 0901 | Unnatural Disaster: 1) Reporting A Disaster Before It Happens 2) Breaking News Consumer’s Handbook: American Storm Edition 3) Flood of Lies 4) “A Total Meat Grinder” | 50:57 |
08.09 | 0908 | Duck and Cover: 1) The Misleading Rhetoric Around DACA 2) How Democrats Used to Talk About Immigration 3) The Southern Poverty Law Center: Anti-Hate Activists, Slick Marketers or Both? 4) What FEMA Is For | 51:05 |
15.09 | 0915 | Look What You Made Me Do: 1) The Debt Ceiling Distraction 2) Taylor Swift: Alt-Right Icon 3) When Neo-Nazis Lay Claim to Your Field 4) In Defense of Boredom | 50:09 |
22.09 | 0922 | Trust Issues: 1) RT, Sputnik and the Slippery Slope 2) What Facebook Won’t Tell You 3) The Flight for Antitrust 4) An Alt-Right Chat Room of One’s Own 5) Whose Internet Ethics? | 53:22 |
29.09 | 0929 | Insult to Injury: 1) What’s Going on in Puerto Rico? 2) Anatomy of an Outrage 3) The Star-Spangled Banner: A Radical History 4) When Crime Data Becomes Politicized 5) Catalonia Crackdown 6) In Hefner’s Wildest Dreams | 50:43 |
06.10 | 1006 | More Human Than Human: 1) It’s Not About the Number 2) The Trouble With Defining “Terrorism” 3) How Country Music Went Conservative 4) Class Politics, Country Music and Hillbilly Humanism 5) What’s So Bad About Being A Replicant? | 51:17 |
13.10 | 1013 | Losing Power: 1) How To Respond When Trump Threatened The First Amendment 2) Beware the “Adults in the Room” 3) David Begnaud on Puerto Rico’s Never-ending Emergency 4) How Gossip Works 5) The Godfather of Gossip | 51:04 |
20.10 | 1020 | Under the Influence: 1) How Congress Made the Opioid Crisis Worse 2) The Lie That Opioids Aren’t Addictive 3) How Obituaries Chronicle the Opioid Crisis 4) Elderly People, Stripped of Their Rights | 52:48 |
27.10 | 1027 | Chokehold: 1) Sexual Harassment, Revisited 2) I Can’t Breathe 3) What the JFK Conspiracy Theories Say About Us 4) Covering The JFK Assassination | 50:43 |
03.11 | 1103 | Off the Radar: 1) The World According to Murdoch 2) Making Sense of Mueller 3) Reporting on Sexual Harassment in Your Own Newsroom 4) Gitmo, Unredacted 5) Resilience in Guantanamo | 51:07 |
10.11 | 1110 | The Ecstasy of Gold: 1) Paradise Found 2) Lifestyles of the Rich and Hidden 3) When a Billionaire Buys Your Publication 4) Who Won the Disney Boycott? 5) Swedish Cowboys & Syrian Refugees | 50:01 |
17.11 | 1117 | The Reckoning: 1) Rebecca Traister on the #MeToo Moment 2) What About Bill? 3) #MeToo in Middle America 4) Bracing for the Backlash 5) When Bad People Make Good Art | 51:44 |
24.11 | 1124 | Apocalypse, Now: 1) When Science Fiction Isn’t Fiction 2) The Desert Reasserts Itself 3) Kim Stanley Robinson on Our Future Cities 4) “Solastalgia,” and Other Words for Our Changing World | 50:37 |
01.12 | 1201 | Flim-Flam Nation: 1) Reality Intolerant 2) In Praise of Radically Transparent Journalism 3) Net Neutrality: Done Deal, Open Question 4) Public Comment is Broken 5) America’s History of Hoaxes and Popular Delusion | 50:30 |
08.12 | 1208 | Power Trip: 1) Sexual Harassment and Realpolitik in the Senate 2) The Rise and Fall of Tax Reform 3) Anatomy of a Trolling 4) How Not to Beat a Bully | 51:33 |
15.12 | 1215 | After the Storm: 1) Puerto Rico “Se Levanta,” Maybe 2) What Maria Revealed 3) Dark Humor After Maria 4) The Puerto Rican Showcase | 53:10 |
22.12 | 1222 | Fire With Fire: 1) Fox’s Rallying Cry Against Robert Mueller 2) The Media’s Trump Problem 3) Is It Right to Dox a Nazi? 4) The Story on Detroit 5) When a Lie Was Just a Plot Device | 50:16 |
29.12 | 1229 | The Feelings Show: 1) Rebecca Solnit on Hope, Lies, and Making Change 2) Brooke Gets Mindful 3) Starting Into the Abyss | 50:22 |