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This American Life - Ira Glass
"This American Life (
ext. Link ) ist eine einstündige, wöchentlich übertragene Hörfunksendung, die vom US-amerikanischen Chicago Public Radio produziert wird und weltweit als Podcast zu hören ist. Im Mittelpunkt der von Ira Glass moderierten Sendung stehen Reportagen, die sich immer einem spezifischen Thema widmen und teilweise durch Essays oder Kurzgeschichten ergänzt werden" (Quelle:
ext. Link )
This American Life is a weekly public radio show broadcast on more than 500 stations to about 2.2 million listeners. It is produced in collaboration with Chicago Public Media, delivered to stations by PRX The Public Radio Exchange, and has won all of the major broadcasting awards. It is also often the most popular podcast in the country, with another 2.4 million people downloading each episode. There's a theme to each episode of This American Life, and a variety of stories on that theme. Most of the stories are journalism, with an occasional comedy routine or essay.
Archivnummern: AP/e_eng/tal_2016_(Sendung)
© 2016 Ira Glass / Chicago Public Media
Datei | Datum | Inhalt | Dauer |
#198 | 11.01 | How to Win Friends and Influence People Stories of people climbing to be number one. How do they do it? What is the fundamental difference between us and them? (02.11.2001) | 59:41 |
#577 | 15.01 | Something Only I Can See When you’re the only one who can see something, sometimes it feels like you’re in on a special secret. The hard part is getting anyone to believe your secret is real. This week, people trying to show others what they see—including a woman with muscular dystrophy who believes she has the same condition as an Olympic athlete. | 59:09 |
#214 | 22.01 | Family Physics We take the stately laws of physics—laws which mathematicians and scientists have spent centuries discovering and verifying—and apply them to the realm of human relationships, to see if they shed useful light on our daily lives. | 60:44 |
#578 | 01.02 | I Thought I Knew You This week, stories of people who are feeling the ground shift underneath them when people they are close to change. Including conservative radio host Tony Beam in South Carolina who is completely baffled by the candidate his audience has decided to get behind this election season | 63:45 |
#579 | 13.02 | My Damn Mind The brain! It's powerful! We have the story of how one man's delusions lead him to a situation that's just as strange as the worst thoughts his mind is cooking up. That story's a collaboration with the New York Times. Our second story is about a man using the power of his own mind to deal with a problem | 60:21 |
#580 | 22.02 | That's One Way to Do It Forget the easy way. This week, stories about people who come up with very innovative…and to their problems. Including the story of a young voter who defies political categorization | 60:54 |
#581 | 26.02 | Anatomy of Doubt This week, a story about doubt: how it germinated, spread, and eventually took hold of an entire community, with terrible consequences. A collaboration with The Marshall Project and ProPublica | 60:45 |
#582 | 14.03 | When the Beasts Come Marching In We human beings think we run the world, that we’ve got things under control. And then an animal shows up, and things don’t go as planned. We have stories this week where seals, wolves and a moose drop in and show us who isn't boss. | 62:46 |
#583 | 25.03 | It'll Make Sense When You're Older At first, it’s super annoying, getting told it’ll make sense when you’re older. Then, when you’re a teenager, hard lessons are learned, despite your best efforts to be too cool to care. By the time you’re actually old, you know a bunch of stuff— and you’re desperate to hold onto it. You might even wonder HOW you know all the things you know. Hosted by Chana Joffe-Walt and featuring SNL’s Sasheer Zamata. | 57:36 |
#584 | 11.04 | For Your Reconsideration The older and wiser we get, the more bewildering our past decisions can seem. This week, people revisit those decisions — and we revisit a story we aired a year ago with new, fascinating updates about a groundbreaking study that turned out to be false. | 59:57 |
#585 | 22.04 | In Defense of Ignorance Exactly how incompetent you are. What your ex’s best friend really thinks of you. The approximate time that you will die. Some things in life are better not to know about. And sometimes there can be a benefit to not knowing. In this episode – examples of ignorance truly being bliss, or even being an asset | 61:07 |
#586 | 06.05 | Who Do We Think We Are? It’s nice to belong, to feel connected to others. But what happens when you realize that your fundamental beliefs don’t line up with the people you want to be close to? Do you bring it up? And, what does that conversation sound like? Including a story by Mariya Karimjee, pictured. Guest host Sean Cole sits in for Ira. | 58:14 |
#587 | 27.05 | The Perils of Intimacy Stories about mysteries that exist in relationships we thought couldn't possibly surprise us, and the strangeness of putting our wants on the line with someone who may not share them at all-- and how much we're willing to risk for someone we may never see again. | 63:38 |
#588 | 03.06 | Mind Games 2016 Stories of people who try simple mind games on others, and then find themselves in way over their heads | 60:05 |
#589 | 17.06 | Tell Me I'm Fat The way people talk about being fat is shifting. With one-third of Americans classified as overweight, and another third as obese, and almost none of us losing weight and keeping it off, maybe it’s time to rethink the way we see being fat. A show inspired by Lindy West’s book Shrill | 70:32 |
#590 | 24.06 | Choosing Wrong Stories of people making the wrong choice, even though the right one is staring them squarely in the eye. Basketball players making a conscious decision to not do the thing that makes them better, pollsters refusing to see the truth of Donald Trump, and more. | 58:22 |
#591 | 18.07 | Get Your Money's Worth Stories of people trying to make sure they get what they paid for, from political change to bedroom slippers. We follow a donor as he vets presidential candidates, and go inside a company wrestling with the consequences of its "no questions asked,” lifetime return policy. | 60:09 |
#592 | 01.08 | Are We There Yet? A bunch of us from our show went to refugee camps all over Greece. We found people falling in love, kids mad at their parents for dragging them to Europe, women doing their laundry in a baseball stadium locker room, and hundreds of people living at a gas station—sitting next to the pumps, smoking. Also: wild pigs. 57,000 refugees are stuck in Greece, making homes in some surprising locations. We hear what that’s really like | 64:44 |
#593 | 05.08 | Don’t Have to Live Like a Refugee We return to Greece with stories of people trying to move on with their lives in whatever way they can. We meet a couple who fell in love even though they weren't expecting anything like that to happen, and even though her family didn't approve. We also meet a shopkeeper in a camp who's running what amounts to a cigarette charity. | 79:58 |
#594 | 12.08 | My Summer Self Summer is a time when change seems more possible than ever. But is that really how it happens? Can people actually reinvent themselves in the warmer months? This week we present stories — and some comedy — about people and their summer selves. | 58:54 |
#595 | 26.08 | Deep End of the Pool What do you do when you're thrown into a situation you’re not prepared for? And while you’re flailing around—what happens to the people who depend on you? This week we present stories of people who find themselves in over their heads, including an attorney who knows little about criminal law assigned to defend a young man facing twenty years in prison. | 61:25 |
#567 | 02.09 | What’s Going On In There Often we see someone’s situation from the outside and think we know exactly what’s going on. This week we get inside and find out just how much more interesting the reality of it is. Including a teenaged girl who records a remarkable story about the boyfriend who abuses her, and why it’s so hard to break up with him. Here are the videos by Bianca Giaever mentioned in the episode. | 60:56 |
#596 | 09.09 | Becoming a Badger This week, stories about people trying their best to turn themselves into something else—like a badger. Or a professional comedian, in a language they didn’t grow up speaking. | 60:33 |
#562 | 16.09 | The Problem We All Live With Right now, all sorts of people are trying to rethink and reinvent education, to get poor minority kids performing as well as white kids. But there's one thing nobody tries anymore, despite lots of evidence that it works: desegregation. Nikole Hannah-Jones looks at a district that, not long ago, accidentally launched a desegregation program. | 61:32 |
#597 | 23.09 | One Last Thing Before I Go This week, stories about what people say when they're in a big, final moment with someone they care deeply about. Including a story about an unusual phone booth in Japan, and a story about estranged brothers in their 80s who consider making amends. | 62:30 |
#560 | 30.09 | Abdi and the Golden Ticket A story about someone who's desperately trying – against long odds – to make it to the United States and become an American. Abdi is a Somali refugee living in Kenya and gets the luckiest break of his life: he wins a lottery that puts him on a short list for a U.S. visa. This is his ticket out. But before he can cash in his golden ticket, the police start raiding his neighborhood, targeting refugees. | 64:18 |
#598 | 07.10 | My Undesirable Talent San Francisco’s Spider-Man burglar was remarkable. He dropped into buildings from skylights, leapt 10 feet from one roof to another. But mostly, his talent got him into trouble. This week, his story, and stories of other undesirable talents. | 61:47 |
#502 | 14.10 | This Call May Be Recorded… To Save Your Life A journalist named Meron Estefanos gets a disturbing tip. She's given a phone number that supposedly belongs to a group of refugees being held hostage in the Sinai desert. She dials the number, and soon dozens of strangers are begging her to rescue them. How can she ignore them? | 60:47 |
#599 | 21.10 | Seriously? Watching lies become the truth in this year's election. And a few people who try to bridge the gap between the way the two sides see the facts. | 66:11 |
#600 | 28.10 | Will I Know Anyone at This Party? This week: Republicans struggling with the split in their own party. | 67:39 |
#601 | 04.11 | Master of Her Domain… Name A story about Hillary Clinton that offers a different picture than what we’ve been hearing from both sides during this campaign. And some funny stuff, because everyone’s tired of the election. | 59:42 |
#602 | 11.11 | The Sun Comes Up People around the country talking about the coming four years. Some of them exultant, some of them, as President Obama said Wednesday, "less so." | 68:44 |
#334 | 18.11 | Duty Calls Josh's mother and younger brother were a mess. His mother drank too much. His brother got arrested a lot. Josh hadn't lived with them since he was nine, and they didn't play much of a role in his daily life—until duty called, and they took over his life. | 62:23 |
#571 | 25.11 | The Heart Wants What It Wants Emily Dickinson said “The heart wants what it wants.” This week stories from people who take that notion to extremes, and are unapologetic about it. | 62:05 |
#603 | 02.12 | Once More, With Feeling Stories of people who decide to rethink the way they’ve been doing things... or try to get others to do that. Including the story of a veteran who finds a new way to talk about war. | 61:01 |
#604 | 09.12 | 20 Years Later Samantha Broun talks to cops, politicians, inmates, and family closest to the crime that changed policy 20 years ago for inmates serving life sentences in Pennsylvania. It's a crime Samantha knows well, because it happened to her mom. | 61:40 |
#605 | 16.12 | Kid Logic 2016 Stories of kids using perfectly logical arguments, and arriving at perfectly wrong conclusions. An updated version of an episode from 2001, with one story swapped. | 58:07 |
#606 | 23.12 | Just What I Wanted Stories from people who want something desperately—for Christmas or otherwise—and then have their wishes fulfilled. Or do they? | 60:26 |