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This American Life - Ira Glass
"This American Life (
ext. Link ) ist eine einstündige, wöchentlich übertragene Hörfunksendung, die vom US-amerikanischen Chicago Public Radio produziert wird und weltweit als Podcast zu hören ist. Im Mittelpunkt der von Ira Glass moderierten Sendung stehen Reportagen, die sich immer einem spezifischen Thema widmen und teilweise durch Essays oder Kurzgeschichten ergänzt werden" (Quelle:
ext. Link )
This American Life is a weekly public radio show broadcast on more than 500 stations to about 2.2 million listeners. It is produced in collaboration with Chicago Public Media, delivered to stations by PRX The Public Radio Exchange, and has won all of the major broadcasting awards. It is also often the most popular podcast in the country, with another 2.4 million people downloading each episode. There's a theme to each episode of This American Life, and a variety of stories on that theme. Most of the stories are journalism, with an occasional comedy routine or essay.
Archivnummern: AP/e_eng/tal_2009_(Sendung)
© 2009 Ira Glass / Chicago Public Media
Datei | Datum | Inhalt | Dauer |
372 | 2009-01-16 | The Inauguration Show On the eve of Barack Obama's inauguration, we sent reporters out all over the country to talk to people about how they're feeling about this new president. Do they believe things will change? Do they think there'll be changes in their own lives? | 01:02:33 |
373 | 2009-01-30 | The New Boss Stories about what happens when someone new takes over—someone with a vision of how things ought to be. Including international economics correspondent Adam Davidson of the Planet Money podcast on how Obama's new stimulus plan might actually be the first ever test of a very, very old theory. | 00:58:02 |
375 | 2009-02-27 | Bad Bank The collapse of the banking system explained, in just 59 minutes. | 00:57:59 |
376 | 2009-03-13 | Wrong Side of History Bernie Epton went down in history as the Other Guy: the white opponent who almost defeated the first black mayor of Chicago. But what's the real story of someone who ended up on the wrong side of history? That and other stories of people with wildly popular or unpopular views for one moment in time, and how those views stand up years, decades, even centuries later. | 00:58:00 |
377 | 2009-03-27 | Scenes From a Recession The economy works in mysterious ways. This week, we highlight the unusual circumstances our economic drought has left us in, and the newly hatched plans being made to survive it. | 00:58:02 |
378 | 2009-04-17 | This I Used to Believe Stories of people forced to let go of their firmly held beliefs. When the daughter of a pro-choice activist concludes that abortion is murder, her mother goes to extraordinary lengths to persuade her daughter to switch sides. And after a woman loses her faith, a football coach—whom she's never met—tries to restore it. | 00:58:03 |
379 | 2009-05-01 | Return To The Scene Of The Crime A live episode of the radio program, including stories told on stage by Dan Savage and Mike Birbiglia. | 00:58:23 |
380 | 2009-05-15 | No Map Stories of people who find themselves in situations far from the beaten path, where there are no guidelines and no useful precedents, including the return of Squirrel Cop. | 01:04:46 |
381 | 2009-05-22 | Turncoat A well-known activist—an anarchic, revolutionary activist—is accused of spying on other activists for the FBI. The strangest thing about the rumor is, it's true. How Brandon Darby transformed from cop-hater to federal witness. Plus, a story by Etgar Keret, about a boy who betrays his people with a pair of shoes. | 00:57:57 |
382 | 2009-06-05 | The Watchmen Since Congress hasn't held 1930's-style hearings into the causes of the financial crisis, we stage one of our own. | 00:58:02 |
383 | 2009-06-19 | Origin Story This week we bring you little-known and surprising stories of how all sorts of institutions—from a controversial legal precedent to a Hollywood teen dance flick—began. | 00:57:27 |
384 | 2009-06-26 | Fall Guy Sometimes when things go wrong, parsing out who all is to blame and taking them to task is just too complicated and haaaard! What's easy is pinning it all on one person and watching them go down in flames. | 00:57:43 |
385 | 2009-07-10 | Pro Se It's tempting to act as your own lawyer, to argue your own cause. Who better to defend your position than you? This week, stories of pro se defenses: Some brilliant, some disastrous. | 00:58:01 |
386 | 2009-07-24 | Fine Print Stories where the fine print changes everything, whether you read it or not. | 00:58:02 |
387 | 2009-08-07 | Arms Trader 2009 The U.S. government spent two years on a sting operation trapping an Indian man named Hemant Lakhani, whom they suspected of being an illegal arms dealer. | 00:58:01 |
388 | 2009-09-04 | Rest Stop Nine radio producers. Two days. One rest stop on the New York State Thruway. In this show, we'll bring you stories of people who are just passing through, and people who are at the rest stop every day—working. One of them has worked there since 1969. A bunch of others came from Asia and eastern Europe to pour coffee for travelers. | 00:58:02 |
389 | 2009-09-11 | Frenemies This week we bring you stories about friends. Or wait, enemies? How about both? Tales of estranged sisters, BFFs breaking up and making up and breaking up, and how reality stars walk the fine line between making friends and making a name for themselves. Including a story from David Rakoff, whose new book Half Empty is available now. | 01:03:48 |
390 | 2009-09-25 | Return To The Giant Pool of Money In which we mark the anniversary of the economic collapse and the anniversary of Planet Money: Recapping some of the original episode, The Giant Pool of Money, and finding out what's happened to all those guys in the year since. | 00:57:45 |
391 | 2009-10-09 | More Is Less An hour explaining the American health care system, specifically, why it is that costs keep rising. One story looks at the doctors, one at the patients and one at the insurance industry. | 01:00:55 |
392 | 2009-10-16 | Someone Else's Money This week, we bring you a deeper look inside the health insurance industry. The dark side of prescription drug coupons. A story about Pet Health Insurance, which is in its infancy, and how it is changing human behaviors—for example, if you have the pet health insurance, you bring your pet to the vet more often, and the vet makes more money and...well, you can see the parallels. | 01:00:48 |
393 | 2009-10-30 | Infidelity Stories of cheating, cheaters and the cheated. Writer James Braly with a story about temptation (performed and recorded at The Moth), Dani Shapiro on being the mistress, and more. | 00:58:01 |
394 | 2009-11-06 | Bait and Switch Stories about people who take the bait, and those who place it. Including the story of man who tries to investigate a neighborhood crime and ends up in jail himself. And the story of the pitfalls of luring customers to a make-believe pizza delivery place. | 00:58:28 |
395 | 2009-11-27 | Middle of the Night Stories of people who are up while the rest of us are sleeping—some for work, some for play, and some for a free sandwich. Including the story of a woman walking alone at night, who encounters another woman walking alone at night, for the exact same reason, and a whole population of people haggling over the cost of oranges at 3 in the morning. | 00:58:03 |
396 | 2009-12-18 | #1 Party School This year, The Princeton Review named Penn State the #1 Party School in America. It's a rotating crown—last year it was University of Florida, before that it was West Virginia University. So we wondered: what's it like to be at the country's top party school? | 01:08:59 |