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This American Life - Ira Glass
"This American Life (
ext. Link ) ist eine einstündige, wöchentlich übertragene Hörfunksendung, die vom US-amerikanischen Chicago Public Radio produziert wird und weltweit als Podcast zu hören ist. Im Mittelpunkt der von Ira Glass moderierten Sendung stehen Reportagen, die sich immer einem spezifischen Thema widmen und teilweise durch Essays oder Kurzgeschichten ergänzt werden" (Quelle:
ext. Link )
This American Life is a weekly public radio show broadcast on more than 500 stations to about 2.2 million listeners. It is produced in collaboration with Chicago Public Media, delivered to stations by PRX The Public Radio Exchange, and has won all of the major broadcasting awards. It is also often the most popular podcast in the country, with another 2.4 million people downloading each episode. There's a theme to each episode of This American Life, and a variety of stories on that theme. Most of the stories are journalism, with an occasional comedy routine or essay.
Archivnummern: AP/e_eng/tal_2002_(Sendung)
© 2002 Ira Glass / Chicago Public Media
Datei | Datum | Inhalt | Dauer |
203 | 2002-01-11 | Recordings for Someone All the stories in this week's show center on personal recordings that one person made for just one other person. | 00:59:00 |
204 | 2002-01-18 | 81 Words The story of how the American Psychiatric Association decided in 1973 that homosexuality was no longer a mental illness. | 00:59:18 |
205 | 2002-02-01 | Plan B There's the thing you plan to do, and then there's the thing you end up doing. Most of us start off our lives with some Plan A which we abandon...switching to a Plan B, which becomes our life. | 00:58:02 |
206 | 2002-03-01 | Somewhere in the Arabian Sea Life aboard the USS John C. Stennis, an aircraft carrier that was stationed in the Arabian Sea and supported bombing missions over Afghanistan. Only a few dozen people on board actually fly jets. It takes the rest of the crew — over 5,000 people — to keep them in the air. This American Life producers visited the Stennis in 2002, about six weeks into its deployment. The hour is devoted to this one story. | 00:59:00 |
207 | 2002-03-08 | Special Ed Stories about people who were told that they're different. Some of them were comfortable with it. Some didn't understand it. And some understood, but didn't like it. | 00:59:00 |
208 | 2002-03-15 | Office Politics Stories of high drama from our nation's workplaces. They turn out to be surprising, emotional places, with all the greed, jealousy, and ambition of real politics. | 00:59:18 |
209 | 2002-03-29 | Didn't Ask to Be Born Two stories that are worst case scenarios for any parent. In each story, when you take apart what happened and how it happened, it's hard to see how anyone could've prevented things from going bad. | 0058:03 |
210 | 2002-04-19 | Perfect Evidence After a decade in which DNA evidence has freed over 100 people nationwide, it's become clear that DNA evidence isn't just proving wrongdoing by criminals, it's proving wrongdoing by police and prosecutors. In this show, we look at what DNA has revealed to us: how police get innocent people to confess to crimes they didn't commit and how they get witnesses to pin crimes on innocent people. | 00:59:02 |
211 | 2002-05-03 | Naming Names Stories about what happens when you name names. When you turn someone over to the authorities, it can set into motion lots of huge, unintended consequences. A reporter turns over an interviewee to the FBI. A group of teachers turn in their principal. A director turns in his Communist colleagues to the United States Congress. | 00:59:18 |
212 | 2002-05-10 | The Other Man Stories about what happens when a new guy comes on the scene, and changes the way everyone who was already there relates to each other. | 00:59:17 |
213 | 2002-05-24 | Devil on My Shoulder Stories of people who are trying to convince you that the Devil is there, whispering in your ear...and stories of people who try to deny he's there, against some very heavy evidence. | 00:58:02 |
214 | 2002-05-31 | Family Physics We take the stately laws of physics—laws which mathematicians and scientists have spent centuries discovering and verifying—and apply them to the realm of human relationships, to see if they shed useful light on our daily lives. | 00:59:19 |
215 | 2002-06-14 | Ask An Expert Stories about people who turned to the experts and got horrible advice. One story is about people who went to therapists who made them sicker. Another is about how the hosts of Car Talk inadvertently (or perhaps intentionally) destroyed a car belonging to one of their own employees. | 00:59:18 |
216 | 2002-07-12 | Give the People What They Want Stories of people who go to great lengths to give people what they want, and how they're rewarded sometimes, misguided other times. | 00:59:18 |
217 | 2002-08-02 | Give It to Them It's been two years since the Mideast peace process collapsed, two years in which each side has done terrible things to the other side. We wanted to understand what that has done to people living in Israel and the West Bank, and to see if anyone is feeling hope. | 00:59:18 |
218 | 2002-08-09 | Act V We devote this entire episode to one story: Over the course of six months, reporter and TAL contributor Jack Hitt followed a group of inmates at a high-security prison as they rehearsed and staged a production of the last act—Act V—of Hamlet. | 00:59:00 |
219 | 2002-08-16 | High Speed Chase Stories of innocent people fleeing from dangerous men in cars who shoot at them. Unlike in the movies, the pursuers aren't foreign agents or rogue CIA agents, but drunk off-duty policemen and small-town teenagers. Real-ife high-speed chases: who gets chased...and who does the chasing. | 00:59:17 |
220 | 2002-08-30 | Testosterone Stories of people getting more testosterone and coming to regret it. And of people losing it and coming to appreciate life without it. The pros and cons of the hormone of desire. | 00:59:18 |
221 | 2002-09-20 | Fake I.D. Stories of people traveling under fake papers, false identities, not for power or personal gain, but for their own deeper personal reasons. | 00:59:01 |
222 | 2002-09-27 | Suckers Some people have a rather dark worldview that divides people into two groups: Suckers and non-suckers. We hear their stories. | 00:59:02 |
223 | 2002-10-11 | Classifieds In this show we take the classifieds from one Sunday edition of the Chicago Sun-Times and one edition of the local alternative weekly Chicago Reader, and fill a program with stories that come from the ads. Through the jobs offered, the missed connections, the crap that people sell each other and the musicians' ads we get a portrait of a whole city. | 00:58:05 |
224 | 2002-10-25 | Middlemen In this week's show, we celebrate the oft-beleaguered and misrepresented middleman. "Cut out the middleman! Death to the middleman!" the angry hordes cry. Not us. We say, "Hi, middleman. Here are three splendid acts to toast your subtle virtues." | 00:59:18 |
225 | 2002-11-08 | Home Movies Home movies are often all the same—kids on the beach, people getting married, birthday parties—so why do we make and watch so many of them? Maybe it's because the story they show and the story they tell are different. In this show, we bring you five stories that all start with a fairly typical home movie but go on to tell a unique story. | 00:57:39 |
226 | 2002-12-06 | Reruns Stories of people stuck in their own personal reruns—moments or episodes that they revisit over and over again. You can watch an animated version of Robert Krulwich's Jackie O story from this episode. | 00:59:04 |
227 | 2002-12-20 | Why We Fight Stories about why we should go to war versus stories of why we shouldn't. | 00:59:18 |