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This American Life - Ira Glass
"This American Life (
ext. Link ) ist eine einstündige, wöchentlich übertragene Hörfunksendung, die vom US-amerikanischen Chicago Public Radio produziert wird und weltweit als Podcast zu hören ist. Im Mittelpunkt der von Ira Glass moderierten Sendung stehen Reportagen, die sich immer einem spezifischen Thema widmen und teilweise durch Essays oder Kurzgeschichten ergänzt werden" (Quelle:
ext. Link )
This American Life is a weekly public radio show broadcast on more than 500 stations to about 2.2 million listeners. It is produced in collaboration with Chicago Public Media, delivered to stations by PRX The Public Radio Exchange, and has won all of the major broadcasting awards. It is also often the most popular podcast in the country, with another 2.4 million people downloading each episode. There's a theme to each episode of This American Life, and a variety of stories on that theme. Most of the stories are journalism, with an occasional comedy routine or essay.
Archivnummern: AP/e_eng/tal_1997_(Sendung)
© 1997 Ira Glass / Chicago Public Media
Datei | Datum | Inhalt | Dauer |
48 | 1997-01-03 | Justice Kitty Felde shows a side of the Yugoslav War Crimes Trials that hasn't been discussed anywhere: a portrait of Americans at the International Tribunal. And other stories. | 00:59:05 |
49 | 1997-01-10 | Animals Stories about the animalness of animals, the irreducible ways in which they are not human. | 00:59:16 |
50 | 1997-01-17 | Shoulda Been Dead Kevin Kelly was in Jerusalem. For reasons too complicated to go into here, he ended up sleeping on the spot where Jesus was supposedly crucified. After Kevin awoke, the thought came into his head: Live as if you'll die in six months. So he did. | 00:59:04 |
51 | 1997-01-24 | Animals Die, People Ponder Stories of people who handle dead animals. Don't worry — it's not as gross as it sounds. In fact, not disgusting at all. A story by George Saunders about an animal control man who falls in unrequited love. A woman who studies illuminated manuscripts, whose pages look like paper but are in fact animals. And other stories. | 00:59:05 |
52 | 1997-01-31 | Edge of Sanity Stories about the border between mental health and mental illness. | 00:59:07 |
53 | 1997-02-07 | Valentine's Day '97 For Valentine's Day, stories about our parents falling in love. And troubles with their love. From Hilton Als, Scott Carrier, Julie Showalter, a magazine column called Men My Mother Dated and others. The idea for this show was inspired by Delmore Schwartz's classic 1937 work of American fiction about his parents' courtship: In Dreams Begin Responsibilities and Other Stories. | 00:59:11 |
54 | 1997-02-21 | Sinatra Stories, tributes, and attempts to understand the Chairman of the Board. | 00:59:18 |
55 | 1997-02-28 | Three Women and the Sex Industry A few months ago, radio producer Sandy Tolan was supposed to do a documentary about strippers with an aspiring writer — and stripper — named Susan. A few days before they were to begin working together, Susan disappeared, presumed dead. | 00:59:01 |
56 | 1997-03-07 | Name Change Stories of people changing their name — some to create a new identity, some to con people. Name changes are particularly American stories: they're the dream of starting over with a clean slate. They're Ellis Island and 12-step programs, the move westward and self help, Marilyn Monroe and Malcolm X and the Artist Formerly Known as Prince, all rolled up in one. | 00:59:05 |
57 | 1997-03-14 | Delivery Stories about the delivery business and the people in it. UPS men, bike messengers, FedEx dispatchers. NOTE: This episode originally included a story by reporter Stephen Glass, which we have removed because of questions about its truthfulness. This story is included in the transcript only for reference. | 00:51:53 |
58 | 1997-04-04 | Small Towns Stories of small town life: the claustrophobia and freedom people feel in small towns, the yearning people feel in small towns. And three teenagers in one of the harshest urban environments explain how the public housing projects are like a small town. | 00:59:07 |
59 | 1997-04-11 | Fire Stories about people who are not afraid of fire, though perhaps they should be. | 00:58:58 |
60 | 1997-04-18 | Business of Death Usually we talk about death as a tragedy, a mystery, a hard-to-comprehend fact of life. But in addition to all that, for all sorts of people it's also ... a job. | 00:59:05 |
61 | 1997-04-25 | Fiasco! Stories of when things go wrong. Really wrong. When you leave the normal realm of human error, fumble, mishap, and mistake and enter the territory of really huge breakdowns. Fiascos. Things go so awry that normal social order collapses. This week's show is a philosophical inquiry in the nature of fiascos — perhaps the first ever. | 00:59:04 |
62 | 1997-05-02 | Something for Nothing Stories of people trying to get rich quick or otherwise make something for nothing. As everyone knows, there's no such thing as something for nothing. You always pay a price. | 00:58:01 |
63 | 1997-05-09 | One Thing People whose lives are organized around one thing. | 00:59:06 |
64 | 1997-05-23 | Summer Stories for the start of summer. We want summer to be this wonderful break, but so often it fails to deliver. We hear Ron Carlson's short story about a summer job delivering tanks of oxygen to the infirm, Scott Carrier takes a river vacation, and more. | 00:59:06 |
65 | 1997-05-30 | Who's Canadian? Notes and stories about the Canadians among us. Are they in fact any different from red-blooded Americans? They claim they're not. Skeptical Americans put their position to the test. | 00:59:08 |
66 | 1997-06-06 | Tales from the Net Are people having experiences on the Internet they wouldn't have anywhere else? Several weeks ago, This American Life invited listeners to help answer that question. | 00:59:06 |
67 | 1997-06-27 | Your Dream, My Nightmare Could it be more obvious? Stories in which someone's dream is someone else's nightmare. All of us get into these situations with strangers, with the people we love most, with our own parents, with our children. | 00:59:07 |
68 | 1997-07-04 | Lincoln's Second Inaugural A show for July 4th weekend. We begin with perhaps the most moving, poetic inaugural speech in American history, and look at its legacy today. In his second inaugural address, Lincoln wondered aloud why God saw fit to send the slaughter of the Civil War to the United States. His conclusion: that slavery was a kind of original sin for the United States, for both North and South, and all Americans had to do penance for it. | 00:59:08 |
69 | 1997-07-18 | Dream House How many of our parents move to some place — some dream house — with some vision of a new life in the new place, and move the family with them, hoping it works out for the kids. Three stories on this theme. | 00:59:00 |
70 | 1997-07-25 | Other People's Mail When you read other people’s mail, you can’t help but try to fill in between the lines. You try to decipher the stories of the people who wrote the letters. We hear four stories of people who read other people’s mail, and what happens to them once they get caught up in these other lives. | 00:59:11 |
71 | 1997-08-01 | Defying Sickness Stories of people trying to do exactly what the doctors say they can’t — or shouldn’t. | 00:59:06 |
72 | 1997-08-08 | Trek An idiosyncratic first-person travelogue about race relations and tourism from radio producer Rich Robinson and television producer Josh Seftel. Their radio story is about a trip they took to the new South Africa. Rich Robinson is black. Josh Seftel is white. The interracial pair travel through the still mostly-segregated society and have very different opinions about what they see, especially when it comes to some distant relatives of Josh's in South Africa. | 00:59:05 |
73 | 1997-08-22 | Blame It on Art The darker side of the art world: petty jealousies, competitiveness, failure. And also what's so great about art. | 00:59:05 |
74 | 1997-08-29 | Conventions What happens when people with one common interest gather in monstrous, fluorescent –lit halls for the weekend? Sometimes they drive each other crazy, sometimes they fall in love. | 00:59:06 |
75 | 1997-09-12 | Kindness of Strangers Stories of the kindness of strangers and where it leads. Also, the unkindness of strangers and where that can lead. All of today's stories take place in the city most people think of as the least kind city in America: New York. | 00:58:01 |
76 | 1997-09-19 | Mob The mob as portrayed in movies, and as it is in real life. And its hold over us. | 00:59:07 |
77 | 1997-09-26 | Pray Can the secular world and the religious world understand each other? | 00:59:00 |
78 | 1997-10-03 | How Bad Is Bad? How bad is bad enough to count? To go to hell? | 00:59:08 |
79 | 1997-10-10 | Stuck in the Wrong Decade People stuck in the wrong decade — or simply carrying a lot of the props from another decade. NOTE: This episode originally included a story by reporter Stephen Glass (no relation to Ira), which we have removed because of questions about its truthfulness. This story is included in the transcript only for reference. | 00:50:38 |
80 | 1997-10-17 | Running After Antelope Stories of people engaged in a battle with nature — a battle they don't stand much chance of winning. Most of the show is Scott Carrier's story of trying for twelve years to chase down and catch an antelope by foot. | 00:59:06 |
81 | 1997-10-24 | Guns Americans who love their guns...and the Americans who love them. | 00:58:02 |
82 | 1997-10-31 | Haunted Stories of people who are haunted, not by ghosts or phantoms, but by other people. | 00:59:06 |
83 | 1997-11-14 | One of Us Stories of outsiders who want to be insiders, and vice versa. | 00:59:05 |
84 | 1997-11-21 | Harold A parable of politics and race in America. The story of Chicago’s first black mayor, Harold Washington, told two decades after his death. Washington died on November 25, 1987. | 00:58:58 |
85 | 1997-12-05 | Poultry Slam 1997 Humans have turned chicken and turkey into what we want them to be. Which means that chickens and turkeys are a mirror of ourselves. | 00:58:36 |
86 | 1997-12-12 | How to Take Money from Strangers Two stories of how to get money from strangers. In both stories, the money is made by people who make the strangers feel good about themselves and about their nation. NOTE: This episode originally included a story by reporter Stephen Glass, which we have removed because of questions about its truthfulness. This story is included in the transcript only for reference. | 00:39:43 |
87 | 1997-12-19 | A Very Special Sedaris Christmas Stories from David Sedaris's book of Christmas stories, Holidays on Ice, read onstage by David, Julia Sweeney and actor Matt Malloy. | 00:59:08 |