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A Prairie Home Companion's News from Lake Wobegon
"It's been a quiet week here in Lake Wobegon..." so leitet Keillor seinen Monolog ein in dem er über Wetter, Befindlichkeiten und das Alltagsleben der Bewohner der fiktiven Kleinstadt Lake Wobegon berichtet. Keillors Stimme und Diktion erreichen bis zu 3,5 Millionen Hörer weltweit.“I don’t think the stories are nostalgic. I don’t see them that way. I think they’re just little pictures and life there is far from ideal." (Zitat Garrison Keillor im Interview mit Patt Morrison, komplettes Audio im ap_2012_01-06 archiviert). Endet allwöchentlich mit den Worten "Where all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking and all the children are above average" Dar Archivbestand zu diesem Public radio rock star (Zitat Patt Morrison) umfasst Zeitungsartikel, Audios, Videos siehe vp_2009, DVDs und 1 Buch (siehe Bilder).
On Air seit 1974 (lediglich mit einer Pause von 1987-1988).
Archivnummern: AP/e_eng/nflw_2016_(Datum)
© Garrison Keillor
Datei | Datum | Inhalt | Dauer |
0102 | 02.01 | "It's been warm out there. It's been in the 40s so we had a brown Christmas -- we had no snow." Hawaiian visitors head to Lake Wobegon for a taste of winter, the Tolleruds and the Hansens fight over a good deed after a freezer malfunction, and some advice for the year ahead as the town celebrates New Year's Eve, in a monologue from December 2011 | 09:02 |
0109 | 09.01 | "It has been unnaturally warm out there and that has gotten the raccoons thinking that this is the breeding season." A mysterious figure skater out on the lake draws a crowd, Senator K. Thorvaldson finally heads south for the winter, and Donald Thorvaldson catches up with a few classmates, in a monologue from 2015 | 11:39 |
0116 | 16.01 | "It's been below zero here this week. It's been bitterly, bitterly cold and it gets really quiet when it's that cold." The host provides a few thoughts on the joys of ice fishing and the benefits of sobriety, and memories of staying with a Catholic "storm family." | 13:22 |
0123 | 23.01 | "It's been a beautiful winter -- really, one of the best winters ever. We got a foot of ice on the lake so you can drive your car out there to your fishing shack if you would like." The host flunks the Public Radio Relevancy Test, Clint and Clarence Bunsen find a buyer for Bunsen Motors, and Pastor Ingqvist and his ex-wife Judy return. | 10:15 |
0130 | 30.01 | 1) A word from the Catchup Advisory Board: Catchup has natural mellowing agents that foster teamwork and tamDuane's mom talks to Calvin, who's subletting Duane's house for a few weeks.p down old resentments 2) Duane's mom talks to Calvin, who's subletting Duane's house for a few weeks | 1) 03:29 2) 09:05 |
0206 | 06.02 | 1) People say that a major in English won't lead to a good job, but it's not true -- A message from the Professional Organization of English Majors 2) A salute to the memory of radio man Bob Elliott 3) Duane is still in New Orleans, so his mom talks with Calvin, who is subletting Duane's house, and HIS mom, Dotty 4) St. Paul, 1855: the story of how the arts arrived in Minnesota's capital city | 1) 01:54 2) 04:35 3) 09:16 4) 08:51 |
0213 | 13.02 | "It's been cold there, but even more than cold it's been windy so it's been rearranging that big snow that we got this last week and moving it around." The Lutheran and Catholic churches observe Ash Wednesday, the story of the Bugs Peterson Gang's 1936 train robbery, and memories of the awkwardness of Valentine's Day in grade school. | 13:03 |
0220 | 20.02 | "It's been warm out there, been up in the 40s, the orange tulips blooming in the window of the Chatterbox Cafe that Darlene planted." Margie and Carl Krebsbach attempt to cuddle to reduce depression, the Suns of Knute cancel their Valentine's Day dinner after Val Tollefson causes a fire, and a crowd gathers after the Soderbergs' car goes through the ice. | 10:33 |
0227 | 27.02 | "It's been warm out there. It's been up in the 40s. You're supposed to get your fishing shack in off the ice here pretty soon. A couple of them have already gone through the ice so time is passing on." A strange flu bug hits the town, a man named Gene Ricketts visits from the Fargo Bible Institute to sell his book, and the host orders a few poetry books online while on pain pills. | 08:22 |
0305 | 05.03 | "It was cold, it was in the 20s, but the sun was shining and that makes all the difference, of course. When the sun shines and you can smell the earth, and then you can imagine that spring is on its way." Pastor Liz delivers a sermon despite having a terrible cold, college kids begin to return home for spring break and Easter, and a few thoughts on the benefits of ice fishing. | 16:05 |
0312 | 12.03 | "We got a little snow out there this last week -- six inches but we don't care. We're not shoveling. The shovel's been put away. The snow plow is parked in the garage." Spring comes to Lake Wobegon and town constables Gary and Leroy respond to a dispute at the Magendantz home, in a monologue from March 2011. | 10:45 |
0319 | 19.03 | "Spring: spring came in on Thursday. We got little snow on Tuesday. No problem, no problem. Just a little decorative, designer snow on Tuesday." Thoughts on the sin of sloth and the 1965 World Series, Carl Krebsbach considers robbing a bank and receives a mysterious phone call, and Darlene worries that her cat may have rabies, in a monologue from March 2014. | 14:19 |
0326 | 26.03 | "It's been beautiful this last week. The sun was shining. It's been a gorgeous, gorgeous winter. We got a little snow on Monday, Thursday, just a decorator snow." Mr. Berge tells a few jokes to ducks out on the lake, the Men's Prayer Group gathers at Bunsen Motors, and the Lutheran Church holds its Lenten soup suppers, a monologue from March 2014. | 11:22 |
0402 | 02.04 | "We've had wind and snow and rain and cold rain and a little snow, that melting snow, and then wind some more. It's spring we know that now, even if it's a little chilly." Darlene has an epiphany while out for an Easter morning walk, Carl Krebsbach feeds a flock of Tundra Swans out on the lake, and Viola Tors attends a clothing-optional Lutheran church in Palm Beach. | 13:16 |
0409 | 09.04 | "It's been raining and chilly out there, a little bit of snow now and then." The host recalls memories of springtime conversations with his uncles and his early days as a writer, three pairs of loons take up residence on the lake now that the ice has melted, and Marv returns to teaching high school driver's instruction classes after a winter break. | 20:42 |
0416 | 16.04 | "It got warm there all of a sudden and you could smell the dirt again. The farmers were out in the field -- still a little wet to be plowing." Pastor Liz checks in on the town's Norwegian bachelor farmers, the Lutheran Church council approves a new budget, the high school begins their production of 'Fiddler on the Roof,' and Lena Bunsen plans to remarry at the age of 75. | 14:40 |
0423 | 23.04 | "Suddenly the world has turned and now there's this great profusion of flowers. We've had warm weather, up in the 70s and the magnolias are blooming, the daffodils, and the tulips, and the crocuses, and the wild ginger, and all of it." The Berger boy joins a band called The Brass Monkeys, Earl and Ruby Dickmeier create the World's Largest Ball of Baggies after the World's Largest Pile of Burlap Bags catches fire, and Maureen gets the hiccups in the middle of Pastor Liz's sermon. | 16:14 |
0430 | 30.04 | "It's been rainy here this last week and a little chilly but now there's this fine green haze in the trees overhead and the flowers are blooming." Senator K. Thorvaldson returns from Florida and has some driving troubles, Florian and Myrtle Krebsbach argue about their living situation, and their son Carl miraculously reels in a monster carp. | 15:44 |
0507 | 07.05 | "It's been sunny and warm up there, warm enough for us anyway, and it's just been absolutely beautiful -- been paradise, gorgeous." Clarence Bunsen gets a haircut, the Lutheran Church council deals with a few small issues, and Duane Bunsen and his wife repair their relationship. | 11:28 |
0514 | 14.05 | "It's been chilly there, rather chilly last night. As a matter of fact, it almost got down below freezing, maybe just barely did, because a few snowflakes fell in town. Only a few people felt them." Fishing season begins and men take to the water to contemplate life, Marilyn Tollerud catches her husband in an embarrassing situation, Father Wilmer gets a DNA test to learn more about his ancestry, and Mary Tollefson sends her cousin Bernice to a recovery program for retired clergy. | 15:09 |
0521 | 21.05 | "It's May, it's been perfect, it's been sunny, it's been in the 70s, been absolutely beautiful. People sleeping at night with the windows open and then they wake up to the sound of birds singing out in the trees." The town finds a way to complain in the midst of beautiful spring weather, Mildred makes off with $220,000 in cash and heads to Buenos Aires, and a few memories of the host's Uncle Jack. | 14:47 |
0528 | 28.05 | "Summer has finally arrived and the birds are singing. Everything is green and people are planting now in a fury of gardening." Barbara Ann Bunsen sends her daughter to a self-esteem program, memories of great old storytellers who have passed away, and the town celebrates Memorial Day. | 14:38 |
0604 | 04.06 | "It's been rainy and that's a good thing, it gives you a chance to stop and think things over and relieves you of having to do the things that you thought you had to do." Pastor Inqvist and his family return for Memorial Day weekend, Clint Bunsen has a brain seizure while fixing Pastor Liz's car, and the Whippets beat the Freeport Flyers in the Toast and Jelly Days game. | 14:12 |
0611 | 11.06 | "It's been hot there this weekend, gradually getting up into the 90s, which makes Scandinavians very short-tempered. As soon as it gets up around 75, they become very impatient when they're perspiring." Mr. Halvorson decided to keep the high school's graduation ceremony outdoors in the face of threatening weather, the host recalls delivering a disastrous commencement address in 1985, and thoughts on modern grad parties. | 15:00 |
0618 | 18.06 | "It has been warm, warm, warm out there, and sunny. It's been beautiful with a few little thunderstorms in there for punctuation. People love those. It's really the variety of our lives." Pastor Liz smokes a cigarette at the Chatterbox Cafe, Darlene's ex husband leaves his new wife, Florian Krebsbach buys a new piece of farm equipment, and the host recalls a shameful tomato incident. | 15:40 |
0625 | 25.06 | "So, so beautiful, what a beautiful week of summer. This green all around us and this blue sky and these big white puffy clouds, like a picture that you would have made in the 4th grade with your crayons and been so proud of." Pastor Liz takes a group of teenagers on a Boundary Waters canoe trip, leads a "Kumbaya" sing-along, and tells them about her favorite boyfriend. | 15:45 |
0702 | 02.07 | "It was a beautiful, beautiful summer day, one of those perfect summer days that we think are rare, and actually they are not. And, anyway, how many do we deserve, I mean, how many do we expect as our due?" The host delivers his final update from his hometown, describes reading and playing baseball in his younger days, recalls the town's residents who've passed away, ponders his legacy as a writer, and offers a few limericks to live by. | 17:07 |
0709 | 09.07 | "Summer has come on, the raspberries are ripe, there are hummingbirds everywhere -- it's been getting warm and humid here." Wally brings a case of mead to the Sidetrack Tap, the parents of Lake Wobegon deal with high school and college students who are home for the summer, and the perfect cover story for laziness, in a monologue from June 2013. | 11:30 |
0716 | 16.07 | "Last Saturday night, people in Lake Wobegon ate supper on their porches and went outside after the sun went down, in their shirtsleeves, and walked out under the full moon." Earl and Ruby Dickmeyer plan a trip to visit their daughter Debbie in Fort Myers, Earl's "World's Largest Pile of Burlap Bags" attracts international acclaim, and Ruby and Sister Arvonne argue about the latest selection for the ladies' book club, in a monologue from October 1997. | 24:33 |
0723 | 23.07 | "Such a beautiful, beautiful, heartbreaking, terribly beautiful fall. You go out and walk along the streets of that little town, under the golden, and the red and the orange, trees." Darryl and Marilyn Tollerud visit their son Eric at St. Cloud State and reminisce about the early years of their courtship, Marilyn attends her parents' 60th anniversary party, and Darryl discovers a box of letters from his first love, Ellen -- a monologue from October 1999. | 23:24 |
0801 | 01.08 | "Glorious, glorious, glorious, magnificent week of fall. These beautiful, beautiful trees -- such splendor, such majesty." Pastor Inqvist gets a new hat; encounters Merle Sanderson, one of the Lutheran pastors who was with him during an infamous pontoon boat incident; performs a last-minute baptism; and receives a troubling telephone message -- a monologue from October 2000. | 22:02 |
0806 | 06.08 | "We had some thunderstorms in Lake Wobegon this last week. We say it was a quiet week in Lake Wobegon but it was kind of wild and kind of violent." The Whippets defeat the Holdingford Bulls in the rain on another long fly ball from Wayne Tommerdahl, Father Emil returns to Our Lady of Perpetual Responsibility, garage sale season begins, and the Women's Bible Study Group goes skinny-dipping, in a monologue from June 2014. | 11:06 |
0813 | 13.08 | "It's been hot and humid out there. Some people are sitting around limp in the face of their air conditioners with their arms wrapped around them and a lot of people are not so troubled by 105-degree heat." Carl Krebsbach soldiers on through a heatwave while repairing the siding on the Bunsens’ house, memories of the winter Great Aunt Cooter went berserk can help keep you cool during a summer heatwave, the Dieners’ daughter postpones her wedding and this makes people think about the state of their own marriages, in a monologue from July 2011. | 11:04 |
0820 | 20.08 | "It's been chilly, been cloudy this whole week but we're used to it. It doesn't really matter." Lake Wobegon High School's class of 2013 graduates, tales of graduation ceremony pranks from years past, and thoughts on being a commencement speaker, in a monologue from June 2013. | 12:31 |
0827 | 27.08 | "It's been hot there this last week -- got up to 93 on Wednesday and that took the starch out of Norwegian Bachelor Farmers in particular." Thoughts on the benefits of summer cabins, the Inqvists reconcile after a night at the Moonlight Bay Supper Club, and Arlene Bunsen holds a bridal shower for her nephew's fiancée, in a monologue from June 2015. | 14:31 |
0903 | 03.09 | "It's been a beautiful, beautiful last week of summer, especially for those of us who don't have to work -- you know, which I don't, being retired and everything. It heightens the pleasure to see other people working so hard, which you do." Thoughts on growing up as a writer in Lake Wobegon, and a few memories of high school romance at the Minnesota State Fair. | 16:28 |
0903 | 03.09 | Bonus download_01: Guy Noir works security at the Minnesota State Fair and accidentally interrupts a public radio podcast. | 07:41 |
0903 | 03.09 | Bonus download_02: Mel's Buffet at the Minnesota State Fair: the place to go if you want to avoid salad. | 01:28 |
0903 | 03.09 | Bonus download_03: Duane's mom calls while he's attending the Minnesota State Fair. | 08:26 |
0903 | 03.09 | Bonus download_04: There are a lot of new foods and exhibits at the Minnesota State Fair this year... | 05:41 |
0910 | 10.09 | "It's been cold and windy there and on the verge of turning warm and sunny, and just when you think it will, we get a little bit of snow, typical for Minnesota at this time of the year." Regulars visit the Chatterbox Cafe to complain about their lives and Carl Krebsbach reminisces about an early relationship with Anne Marie Meister, a monologue from April 1995. | 17:43 |
0917 | 17.09 | "This was the week when the weather turned, just came all of a sudden. This last week, the wind shifted around from the North and you could feel that the temperature dropped about 20 degrees." In a monologue from October 2004, the host wades into frigid water to help Uncle Dean and Aunt Evelyn retrieve the dock, and considers Kafka while visiting Prague. Cousin Larry visits relatives in Norway. | 17:14 |
0924 | 24.09 | "We're all used to disappointment and heartbreak in Lake Wobegon. We're all used to being left behind, of course, it's the story of our lives." Clint Bunsen tries to help a skunk out of a live trap, the host recalls an autumn morning that changed him forever, and Eloise Krebsbach sends her boyfriend to chemical dependency treatment, in a monologue from October 2009. | 13:52 |
1001 | 01.10 | "Homecoming week this week at Lake Wobegon High School, not that we expect alumni to come back -- they don't. They come back, maybe, for the holidays." High school students prepare for the homecoming dance, Laurel returns to town from Long Beach, California after 22 years, and Pastor Liz worries after giving a sermon that everyone enjoys, in a monologue from October 2013. | 15:33 |
1008 | 08.10 | "Been chilly, chilly at night, in the 30s. The crickets are all quiet. We hear the 'pop' of the shotguns from duck hunting." With the election approaching, politics begin to affect marriages, Carla Bunsen receives funding for her performance art piece in New York City, and the Lutheran Church holds its Senior Banquet, in a monologue from October 2014. | 10:50 |
1015 | 15.10 | "It's fall. It's a gorgeous, gorgeous fall. It's been chilly, down into the 30s at night." Thoughts on the benefits of cold weather and Minnesota living, the town watches a lunar eclipse, and Pastor Liz moves into the Lewises' cabin, in a monologue from October 2014. | 14:24 |
1022 | 22.10 | "It's been chilly, of course, because it is almost the end of October. Mist over the lake every morning, the Canada Geese are heading South overhead." Pastor Liz delivers a sermon about the Parable of the Wedding Feast, a man visits Ralph's Pretty Good Grocery to buy a cup of coffee though they don't sell coffee, and the story of the time Eugene Berge picked up a hitchhiker, in an October 2014 monologue. | 13:07 |
1029 | 29.10 | "We had our big frost and it turned cold. All the flowers are dead. They say we'll get some snow before Thanksgiving." Donnie Krebsbach heads to Minneapolis to visit his in-laws and his son returns to town to help a distraught girl learn more about her uncle (who, it turns out, was secretly engaged to Tina Lundeen), a monologue from November 2013. | 10:20 |
1105 | 05.11 | "There was a full moon on Thursday, it snowed a little bit, the sun now goes down before five o'clock and will for a while. Cold is here. The kids are still wearing light jackets because they're from here, that's all." Lake Wobegon Lutheran Church celebrates All Saints' Day and Clint Bunsen gives up deer hunting, a monologue from November 2014. | 11:20 |
1112 | 12.11 | "It's gotten cold up there, just genuinely cold, and we can tell it's cold because the teenagers are now putting on jackets and scarves and mittens and hats and so forth." Fred contemplates giving up furnace repair and moving to Texas, Lake Wobegon Lutheran Church prepares for its lutefisk dinner, Myron has knee replacement surgery, and Pastor Liz receives a strange call for help in the middle of the night, a monologue from November 2013. | 14:10 |
1119 | 19.11 | "We got some more snow here this last week and it's been a little bit cold--no big deal. People are cheerful out there. Furnaces are on now." The town prepares for ice fishing season, Solveig returns from California to make lutefisk, and the exiles begin to trickle back home for Thanksgiving, in a monologue from November 2014. | 12:03 |
1126 | 26.11 | "It's been chilly, but then we expected it would be. It's been clear sunny days, cold, clear nights. You can look up and see the stars up there." Lake Wobegon celebrates Thanksgiving by sharing a few stories from years past, the Tollefsons prepare a turkey using their grandmother's recipe, and Pastor Liz's boyfriend attends a service at the Lutheran Church, in a monologue from November 2013. | 10:56 |
1203 | 03.12 | "We finally got our decent snowfall here on Wednesday night and now Minnesota can look Buffalo and the Yukon in the eye. We need not be ashamed any longer." Mr. Berge enlists shoveling help after the season's first big snowfall, Corrine Tollerud breaks up with her boyfriend, thoughts on modern child rearing, and memories of harrowing school bus rides, in a December 2013 monologue. | 14:56 |
1210 | 10.12 | "You've come to that long, cold, dark time of the year. Not much can be said about that, except that if you have not spent December in the north of Norway, then you don't know what 'cold and dark' is." Pastor Inqvist considers writing a book about Lake Wobegon, Dorothy second-guesses a sentence in her Christmas letter, and Betty Ingebretsen accompanies the 4th and 5th grade carolers at the Good Shepherd Home, in a monologue from December 2014. | 15:03 |
1217 | 17.12 | "It's been warm. It's been in the 40s now, so we're having to face up to the prospect of a brown Christmas but we just have to deal with it, that's all." The Tolleruds retrieve and care for their escaped bull, Pastor Liz attempts to increase membership in the men's and women's bible study groups, and Darlene flirts with Nelson Tollefson, a monologue from December 2015. | 10:28 |
1224 | 24.12 | "It's been much too warm out there. It's been raining. It looks dreary -- it doesn't look like the festival of lights whatsoever." A series of misunderstandings draws a crowd to Our Lady of Perpetual Responsibility, the Tolleruds reluctantly accept a gift from a NYC relative, Lake Wobegon Lutheran Church celebrates St. Lucia Day, and the high school choir goes caroling, in a monologue from December 2011. | 10:25 |
1231 | 31.12 | "The gospel message this morning at the Lake Wobegon Lutheran Church, in case you missed the service, actually the epistle, was the verse from the Colossians in which it says to put on the clothes of compassion and kindness and to forgive each other as God has forgiven us." A few thoughts on making the transition to a new year, in a brief monologue from December 2006. | 03:13 |