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A Prairie Home Companion's News from Lake Wobegon
"It's been a quiet week here in Lake Wobegon..." so leitet Keillor seinen Monolog ein in dem er über Wetter, Befindlichkeiten und das Alltagsleben der Bewohner der fiktiven Kleinstadt Lake Wobegon berichtet. Keillors Stimme und Diktion erreichen bis zu 3,5 Millionen Hörer weltweit.“I don’t think the stories are nostalgic. I don’t see them that way. I think they’re just little pictures and life there is far from ideal." (Zitat Garrison Keillor im Interview mit Patt Morrison, komplettes Audio im ap_2012_01-06 archiviert). Endet allwöchentlich mit den Worten "Where all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking and all the children are above average" Dar Archivbestand zu diesem Public radio rock star (Zitat Patt Morrison) umfasst Zeitungsartikel, Audios, Videos siehe vp_2009, DVDs und 1 Buch (siehe Bilder).
On Air seit 1974 (lediglich mit einer Pause von 1987-1988).
Archivnummern: AP/e_eng/nflw_2015_(Datum)
© Garrison Keillor
Datei | Datum | Inhalt | Dauer |
0103 | 03.01 | "We got a little snow -- a little snow Monday night. What a beautiful snowfall it was, and not all that cold out." Unseasonably warm weather puts those who suffer from "Pump Handle Phobia" at ease. Plus, Mr. Hansen lends a hand around the neighborhood while his wife visits her sister in Florida, and reveals an unusual secret, in a monologue from January 2012. (siehe Bestandsliste 2012) | 09:05 |
0110 | 10.01 | "It's been cold out there, you know that. Wednesday the high was 8 below, which is an interesting phenomenon, when the peak is below you." Schools are closed statewide due to bitterly cold temperatures, people feel encumbered by Christmas gifts they did not want, and Clarence and Arlene Bunsen head to California for a winter vacation. | 12:12 |
0117 | 17.01 | "It has been warm this week, got up into the 30s, and so the sidewalks have been clear, and people have been walking out again." The Sons of Knute host their January gala, the flu comes to Lake Wobegon, and Eloise Krebsbach attempts to live a stress-free life. | 13:41 |
0124 | 24.01 | "It has been unnaturally warm out there and that has gotten the raccoons thinking that this is the breeding season." A mysterious figure skater out on the lake draws a crowd, Senator K. Thorvaldson finally heads south for the winter, and Donald Thorvaldson catches up with a few classmates. | 11:40 |
0131 | 31.01 | "It's been a very mild winter here so far. It was temperatures in the 30s here this last week, which makes us feel very uneasy." Thoughts on the future of Minnesota winters and the state's notoriety for harsh weather, the proper way to free a car stuck in a snowbank, and the benefits of competency. | 09:28 |
0221 | 21.02 | "It's been cold, but not that cold, and people are in a sort of festive mood." High school students dress up to celebrate Snow Week; the men's bible study group holds its Chili Dump; the story of Edgar "Left Foot" Mueller, who owned the Alhambra Ballroom; and the Sons of Knute begin their "Guess the Ice Melt" contest. | 10:21 |
0228 | 28.02 | "It's been cold here, got down to 30-below wind chill here earlier in the week, starting to warm up a little bit now. They are forecasting more snow for Monday, Tuesday night." Corrine Tollerud returns from St. Olaf College for a weekend, the Hansens attempt to prevent their dog from being hit by cars, Lake Wobegon Lutheran Church holds its Lenten services, and Cindy Hedlund meets someone online after just a few months as a widow. | 14:58 |
0307 | 07.03 | "It is warming up, getting up into the 30s, and 40s are forecast, and Daylight Saving Time starts on Sunday so there will be a coffee hour at the Lutheran Church one hour before the service for people who forget to turn their clocks forward." Pastor Liz delivers a sermon about the Third Commandment, high school students finish a few exams before spring break, Ronnie Detmer returns from California after 20 years, and Lillian Tollerud -- the savior of Lake Wobegon's post office -- passes away. | 10:14 |
0314 | 14.03 | "We've had snow out there, we've had about a foot-and-a-half of snow here this last week. It just sort of killed some people. They're just tired of winter but it snowed anyway, despite their objections." Pastor Liz returns from a vacation to Carmel, California and spends some time at the Sidetrack Tap, Marilyn Hedlund evaluates her past romances, and Clint and Irene Bunsen celebrate their 38th wedding anniversary at the Moonlight Bay Supper Club. | 12:56 |
0321 | 21.03 | "We're calling it spring there. It sort of seemed to be spring for a few hours here and a few hours there so that's what people are saying when they run into each other on Main Street." Spring arrives in Lake Wobegon, young people begin to go outside without jackets, and Lyle Janske runs the high school basketball concessions stand to take his mind off his son's illness. | 15:24 |
0328 | 28.03 | "It snowed this last week. It was harmful, it was hurtful to people, and people suffered from it. They were angry at it." The town attends the high school's production of 'Our Town,' Sarah Peterson worries her parents by becoming successful, and Mavis investigates Vern's past, in a monologue from May 2013. | 11:05 |
0404 | 04.04 | "Spring has finally arrived and the crocuses are up and the flowers are up and there's green grass and people are hanging their sheets out on the line, just for the smell of it, just for the beauty of it." Donny Krebsbach ventures onto the lake in search of early spring ice fishing, Christopher Inqvist gets a summer job at Ralph's Pretty Good Grocery, and thoughts on the importance of yard work, in a monologue from April 2013. | 13:14 |
0411 | 11.04 | "It's gotten warmer and the ice is now off the lake. It just happened suddenly one day and people all pointed it out to each other, even though everybody knew it, they enjoyed saying it." The Whippets hold their first practice and add their first female player, Martha Hedlund learns more than she cared to know about her mother's personal life, Pastor Liz counsels Kate Inqvist about an unplanned pregnancy, and Senator K. Thorvaldson turns up in Costa Rica during a 21-day cruise. | 13:18 |
0418 | 18.04 | "It's been warm and it's getting warmer. It's been warm and windy." Clarence Bunsen observes Mrs. Rasmussen hanging her laundry out to dry, Eloise Krebsbach attends her daughter's piano recital, and some of the local farmers spend a long weekend in Las Vegas. | 10:21 |
0425 | 25.04 | It's spring, and that's inspired a number of men to announce their candidacy for the 2016 Presidential election. | 12:55 |
0502 | 02.05 | "Getting warm up there, getting up into the 60s and even thinking about getting up into the 70s so it's been very pleasant -- and no snow fell this last week." The town celebrates the 1st of May, and a few memories of post-prom parties at the Bunsens' cabin. | 17:03 |
0509 | 09.05 | "It's been quiet except for the storms that came through. There was one Sunday morning and Tuesday morning and Wednesday most of the day, and one just a couple of days ago." The Petersons' ice-cream-stealing dog dies, Father Wilmer visits his newfound sisters, and garage sale season begins | 12:10 |
0516 | 16.05 | "It's been raining and chilly at night out there so people are way behind on lawn care, but the tulips and daffodils are in bloom." The town re-examines its philosophy on lawn care, the Lutheran Church holds its church picnic, and the war between Pastor Haugen and his secretary Marlene intensifies, in a monologue from May 2014. | 09:36 |
0523 | 23.05 | "It's been an exciting, exciting week. We had storms early in the week. Sunday and Monday, the sky got dark and, y'know, we were hoping for something really dramatic." Memories of the miraculously eventful tornado of 1985, the Lutheran Church holds its church supper in the basement due to weather, Duane Tollerud realizes he does not enjoy fishing, and the host recalls a life-changing hot air balloon ride. | 14:05 |
0523 | 23.05 | Long Weekend Blues. For the busy executive, Memorial Day Weekend cuts into valuable time that could be spent working. | 04:36 |
0523 | 23.05 | Guy Noir. Guy Noir heads to Washington D.C. to advise Governor Jeb Bush's presidential campaign. | 11:04 |
0523 | 23.05 | Whitman / "Tenting Tonight". Garrison reads a letter from Civil War lieutenant George Whitman about the Battle of Antietam and sings "Tenting Tonight" with Sara Watkins, Sarah Jarosz, Aoife O'Donovan, and Rich Dworsky and The Wolves of Rhythm. | 08:37 |
0530 | 30.05 | "It's been warm and sunny and the town is beautiful. The grass is green and the flowers are in bloom. This town looks like calendar art." Senator K. Thorvaldson returns to town after a trip through South America, the Whippets open their season but lose their ace starting pitcher in the 4th inning, and Pastor Liz loses her train of thought in the middle of a sermon. | 13:34 |
0606 | 06.06 | "It's been cool. There's been some rain, which we appreciate out there because it gives you a reason not to do things you thought you were going to have to do." The high school decides to hold graduation outdoors at the last minute, the class of 2015 pulls off one of the better graduation pranks in recent memory, and the town takes time to enjoy the summer weather. | 14:21 |
0613 | 13.06 | "It's been hot there this last week -- got up to 93 on Wednesday and that took the starch out of Norwegian Bachelor Farmers in particular." Thoughts on the benefits of summer cabins, the Inqvists reconcile after a night at the Moonlight Bay Supper Club, and Arlene Bunsen holds a bridal shower for her nephew's fiancee. | 16:47 |
0620 | 20.06 | "We had some storms out there but it's been all good for us. The mourning doves we hear them in the morning, we see the fireflies at night." Clarence Bunsen sleeps on his boat so he can think in the middle of the night; the story of Mr. Musselman, who was driven from town by deerflies; and the Whippets win a close game. | 09:47 |
0627 | 27.06 | "It's been beautiful summer weather, it's been up in the 80s. We've gotten some rain, not too terribly much and everything is green." Mr. Magendantz changes his lawn-mowing pattern, Irene Bunsen creates her own tomato varieties, the town holds a tractor parade for Midsummer Day, and the host recalls attending a gospel meeting as a teenager. | 11:28 |
0704 | 04.07 | "Full blown summer out there. The raspberries are ripe. They're so sweet -- how we love them. The boats are out on the lake, fishing boats and pontoon boats are out there.” Mr. Snecker falls asleep on the curb in front of the Chatterbox Cafe, the town holds a mostly successful 4th of July parade, and the story of the famous Living Flag. | 14:47 |
0711 | 11.07 | "It's been this gorgeous, gorgeous September, this beautiful time--so much happening." Lake Wobegon welcomes the arrival of fall, a bear surprises Irene Bunsen, then stays in town, starting a debate over who will pay to have it removed, and high school students take the ACT exam, in a monologue from September 2013. | 08:53 |
0718 | 18.07 | "We've gotten some snow, even better than that, we've gotten frost -- frost, when you have a clear night and you have high humidity, you wake up in the morning and everything is covered with frost." A terrible flu hits Lake Wobegon, memories of ice skating and smoking in the warming house, storytelling around a bonfire on a frozen lake, and the Lutheran church ends the year with a surplus, in a monologue from January 2013. | 12:32 |
0725 | 25.07 | "We had about 15 minutes of spring this year, kind of typical in Minnesota, and then it turned into summer all of a sudden." The town avoids Senator K. Thorvaldson and his boring rhubarb stories, and when Sally Emmett gets married after graduating from Macalester College, everyone is mystified by the groom's Californian parents -- a monologue from June 2002. | 20:08 |
0801 | 01.08 | "The crocuses are up and the tulips are up, and then we got a little bit of snow overnight but nobody said a word about it." Dorothy wins the "Guess the Ice Melt" contest, Lyle watches over a tundra swan that has decided to be a dog, and Pastor Liz discards a sermon about the beauty of family, in a monologue from April 2011. | 16:07 |
0808 | 08.08 | "Something about a storm moving through just takes all your troubles with it. All the things that you were worried about this morning just go away with the storm." The Whippets lose a big game to the Avon Bards in the 9th inning, Arlene Bunsen visits her son in Houston, Texas, and an old hermit moves into the Inqvists' house and plants a magnificent garden, in a monologue from June 2008. | 11:28 |
0815 | 15.08 | "This was the week that the weather turned. The big ship swung off to the North." Carl Krebsbach tries a new and embarrassing method of leaf collection, the town celebrates Veterans Day, and newly widowed Becky Beckman keeps a final promise to her husband Bradley by taking his place on an annual deer-hunting trip, in a monologue from November 2010. | 15:28 |
0822 | 22.08 | "We got a good snow here this last week. Over this last weekend, got a foot of snow and it just cheered everybody up immediately." The fresh snow revives conversation around town, Myrtle Anderson tries to return to town 33 years after an embezzlement scandal, and everyone agrees not to turn their Christmas lights on too soon, in a November 2010 monologue. | 15:10 |
0829 | 29.08 | "It's been beautiful this last week. The Lake Wobegon Whippets opened their '94 home season with the annual Memorial Day doubleheader at the Wally 'Old Hard Hands' Bunsen Memorial Park." Ernie discovers the secret to a perfect knuckleball as the Whippets begin their season, high school graduates ponder their future, and the host shares a few memories of the Grand Ole Opry's last night at the Ryman, in a monologue from June 1994. | 17:11 |
0905 | 05.09 | "It's been kind of warm and humid here this last week and yet the migrating birds have been leaving. The orioles and the nighthawks, they know something." Lyle Janske deals with pranksters in the back of his science class, Pastor Liz leaves to write a book and is replaced by Pastor Kohler, and the Lake Wobegon Leonards lose their first game of the season. | 13:26 |
0912 | 12.09 | "It was warm and kind of windy all week and we got this terrific thunderstorm on Wednesday, which was a great boon, to get washed off like that." Fishing season begins and fishermen return to their pursuit of the famous walleye Old Pete, Luann cuts her hair very short, the town analyzes photos of Pastor Liz in Rome, and Pastor Haugen irritates his secretary Marlene, in a monologue from May 2014. | 10:39 |
0919 | 19.09 | "It's not the New Year, you know, or anything of the sort, but September: a gorgeous, gorgeous time, and the leaves are turning and the smell of apples in the air." The host recalls a notable childhood moviegoing experience, Lyle Janke's 10th grade biology class learns about bears, and a few thoughts on the power of memory. | 14:50 |
0926 | 26.09 | "We've had this very warm September and the trees have not started to turn as yet, but the apples are ripe and there's a smell of them in the air." The host describes a memorable hitchhiking trip to Minneapolis, Pastor Kohler holds a viewing party for the super moon eclipse, and town constables Gary and Leroy pacify Mr. Hoppe with a few jokes. Medien-Dateien | 14:33 |
1003 | 03.10 | "This long, strange, warm fall is finally coming to an end. We're about a week away from frost and we're looking forward to that." A mysterious wedding takes place at the Lutheran Church, and memories of when Uncle Earl secretly bought a TV to watch Minnesota Gophers football games. | 09:20 |
1017 | 17.10 | "It's been chilly out there, as it should be towards the middle of October. It was windy, highs in the 50s here this last week, I believe, whitecaps out on the lake." Clarence and Arlene Bunsen disagree about autumn yard work, Brad Bunsen visits during a break from his studies at Macalester College, and a trio of drunken deer creates an impromptu parade. | 17:07 |
1024 | 24.10 | "Our show coming to you from my hometown Anoka, Minnesota, here on the Rum River, flowing into the Mississippi." Our host shares a few memories about his family's history in his other hometown of Anoka, during a special live broadcast from Anoka High School. | 09:38 |
1031 | 31.10 | "All the kids get all dressed up, of course, and go trick-or-treating and there are a few parties in Lake Wobegon. Everybody has a lot of food but it's nothing like it used to be." The host recounts a few of the town's memorable Halloween pranks, including moving livestock to unusual locations, Merle's electrifying talent for automobile modification, and the outdated custom of privy tipping, in a monologue from October 2005. | 19:00 |
1107 | 07.11 | "It's been chilly out there and we're looking for snow. The first official freeze was a couple weeks ago. I think there have been a few more since then, but we're waiting." Daylight Saving Time increases attendance at the Lutheran Church's adult bible study, Pastor Kohler delivers a depressing sermon, and deer-hunting season begins. | 14:37 |
1114 | 14.11 | "It's November, middle of November, and the trees are bare. We had a big wind here this last week, big rainstorm on Wednesday and Thursday. It's been chilly." Pastor Kohler leaves town after his email is hacked, Clarence Bunsen experiences an embarrassing medical condition, a group of deer hunting widows attends a male dance revue in Hurley, Wisconsin, and Mr. Hansen finally burns down an old outhouse | 12:02 |
1121 | 21.11 | "It's been chilly out there this week. It's been in the 30s ever since Wednesday night. Winter came in, it just came right in and the wind came up." Pastor Kohler continues a string of depressing sermons as his time in Lake Wobegon winds down, the town prepares for the upcoming holiday weekend, and Mr. Rosen discovers the meaning of Thanksgiving while deer hunting | 14:03 |
1128 | 28.11 | "We had a full moon here on Wednesday, and then Thursday morning there was this beautiful snow, this decorative snow that came down..." Pastor Kohler delivers his final sermon before leaving for South Dakota, the town's old quarterback returns for Thanksgiving, Irene Bunsen has trouble cooking a 36-pound turkey, and Carl Krebsbach Jr. tries to rekindle a romance with Glenda Tollerud. | 13:25 |
1205 | 05.12 | "We got a few inches of snow here on Monday night and Tuesday and then it turned warm and it melted, so just a practice snow, just a trainer snow you might say." Pastor Liz returns after an assignment to collect oral histories from aged Lutherans, Arlene Bunsen and Marilyn Tollerud have a disagreement while planning the Lutheran Church's Christmas pageant, and Mr. Dettweiler puts up Easter lights instead of Christmas lights. | 11:53 |
1212 | 12.12 | "It's been warm. It's been in the 40s now, so we're having to face up to the prospect of a brown Christmas but we just have to deal with it, that's all." The Tolleruds retrieve and care for their escaped bull, Pastor Liz attempts to increase membership in the men's and women's bible study groups, and Darlene flirts with Nelson Tollefson. | 15:20 |
1219 | 19.12 | "Turned cold on Thursday. We got a little bit of snow on Wednesday. Just a little bit -- about 20 minutes of snow, just a little sort of dusting of snow, a little decorator snow." Pastor Liz delivers a sermon that helps the church's coat drive, the town's ice fishermen take to the lake before it's fully frozen with disastrous results, Carl Krebsbach uses an enormous sum of money to do a good deed, and Marilyn Tollerud visits her uncle Harry. | 13:23 |
1226 | 26.12 | "We got this gorgeous snow. People had prayed, hoped for this snow and then it fell and the world became right again." Duane Bunsen accidentally destroys his mother's collection of glass figurines, the Lutheran Church decides against staging Handel's 'Messiah,' and Marlys Tollerud gives her sister a painting for Christmas. | 12:17 |