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A Prairie Home Companion's News from Lake Wobegon
"It's been a quiet week here in Lake Wobegon..." so leitet Keillor seinen Monolog ein in dem er über Wetter, Befindlichkeiten und das Alltagsleben der Bewohner der fiktiven Kleinstadt Lake Wobegon berichtet. Keillors Stimme und Diktion erreichen bis zu 3,5 Millionen Hörer weltweit.“I don’t think the stories are nostalgic. I don’t see them that way. I think they’re just little pictures and life there is far from ideal." (Zitat Garrison Keillor im Interview mit Patt Morrison, komplettes Audio im ap_2012_01-06 archiviert). Endet allwöchentlich mit den Worten "Where all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking and all the children are above average" Dar Archivbestand zu diesem Public radio rock star (Zitat Patt Morrison) umfasst Zeitungsartikel, Audios, Videos siehe vp_2009, DVDs und 1 Buch (siehe Bilder).
On Air seit 1974 (lediglich mit einer Pause von 1987-1988).
Archivnummern: AP/e_eng/nflw_2014_(Datum)
© Garrison Keillor
Datei | Datum | Inhalt | Dauer |
0104 | 04.01 | "It's been very cold out there, hate to say it, but it's true, and it's about to get colder." The governor preemptively closes schools because of the big cold front, TV crews from California visit to find out why people live in Minnesota, memories of cold winters past, and the town celebrates New Year's Eve. | 13:00 |
0111 | 11.01 | "It was cold—COLD—Monday and Tuesday. So cold. It was minus 40, minus 50, counting the wind chill." Father Wilmer gives a two-and-a-half-minute sermon, the town's dogs enjoy a break from the cold weather, and Jerry Dehner does some thinking during an ice fishing trip. | 14:31 |
0118 | 18.01 | "All the kids are going back to college now. College kids who are going back exhausted after having had almost a month off from school." A "Wayward Moon" makes the town restless, Pastor Liz's boyfriend attends a service at the Lutheran Church, and Darlene visits a man in Windom. | 09:38 |
0125 | 25.01 | "It got ferociously cold here on Thursday--Wednesday and Thursday--so school was canceled on Thursday. They heard about it Thursday morning on the rise-and-shine show Ole and Toivu." Senator K. Thorvaldson prepares for a trip to Arizona, Carl Krebsbach considers giving up the carpentry business, and Pastor Liz's boyfriend Cliff attends another service at the Lutheran Church. | 11:43 |
0201 | 01.02 | "It was cold Monday and Tuesday. Kids were out of school Monday, Tuesday so I guess the school year is going to go on until the middle of June." The town experiences a propane shortage, Myrtle and Florian Krebsbach have marital troubles after 61 years of marriage, and the Bunsens deal with a raccoon problem. | 09:16 |
08.02 | "It's been beautiful out there. We're coming to spring here and everything's gorgeous." Fishing season begins in Lake Wobegon, the host learns of his mother's online Scrabble habit, and the history of the annual Willis Bunsen Grocery Run event, in a monologue originally from May 2013. (siehe Bestandsliste 2013) | ||
15.02 | "We've had snow. We've had a lot of snow. People are discouraged. People are beaten down, they're cranky on account of this snow." Jimmy Krebsbach helps Arlene Bunsen deer-proof her yard, Pastor Liz makes house calls to hear the town's complaints, and a surprise in Mrs. Olson's purse interrupts the sermon at Lake Wobegon Lutheran Church, in a monologue from April 2013. (siehe Bestandsliste 2013) | ||
22.02 | "It's been cold and gray, just a little bit of snow falling, children reluctantly going back to school. Lot of things had to be canceled because of that blizzard a couple of weeks ago." Texting disrupts a choir concert, Darlene resolves to find a man this year, and Clint Bunsen visits his wife's uncle in Omaha, in a monologue from January 2013. (siehe Bestandsliste 2013) | ||
01.03 | "It's been chilly, been cloudy this whole week but we're used to it. It doesn't really matter." Lake Wobegon High School's class of 2013 graduates, tales of graduation ceremony pranks from years past, and thoughts on being a commencement speaker, in a monologue from June 2013. (siehe Bestandsliste 2013) | ||
0308 | 08.03 | "It's been a cold winter but now it's warmer, it's up in the 30s. So it's not all that bad as long as it's moving in the right direction." Mr. Magendantz tries a dangerous new method of snow removal, Father Wilmer catches Darlene napping at the Chatterbox Cafe, and Clint Bunsen tries to prevent Millet from replacing Lake Wobegon as the county seat. | 13:55 |
0315 | 15.03 | "It's been warm. It's in the 40s. The snow has been melting and the sidewalks are clear, and people are out walking around town after all these months of imprisonment." Clint Bunsen continues his fight to prevent Millet from becoming the county seat, the Lake Wobegon Whippets acquire a new center fielder, and Pastor Liz goes sledding after an energetic sermon. | 13:37 |
0322 | 22.03 | "Spring: spring came in on Thursday. We got little snow on Tuesday. No problem, no problem. Just a little decorative, designer snow on Tuesday." Thoughts on the sin of sloth and the 1965 World Series, Carl Krebsbach considers robbing a bank and receives a mysterious phone call, and Darlene worries that her cat may have rabies. | 14:20 |
0329 | 29.03 | "It's been beautiful this last week. The sun was shining. It's been a gorgeous, gorgeous winter. We got a little snow on Monday, Thursday, just a decorator snow." Mr. Berge tells a few jokes to ducks out on the lake, the Men's Prayer Group gathers at Bunsen Motors, and the Lutheran Church holds its Lenten soup suppers. | 11:24 |
0405 | 05.04 | "The fourth Sunday of Lent was last week and Easter is a couple of weeks away so that snow, that big snow that they got on Thursday was really tough on people." The town deals with an early spring snowstorm and Mr. Berge finds himself in a tricky situation out on the rapidly thawing lake. | 10:43 |
0412 | 12.04 | "It's been a beautiful week, the sun was shining and on Wednesday it got up to 70. There was a couple down by the lake, they were making out as if nobody could see them." A bear wakes from hibernation and wanders into town, the Swansons return for a visit after 30 years away, and Pastor Liz announces that she is leaving to become the pastor at a Lutheran Church in Rome. | 11:55 |
19.04 | "It was warm. The week started out warm and then we got some snow here on Tuesday and we just ignored it, of course -- as you would ignore an embarrassing relative." Mr. Berge hits a large pothole and damages his car, the town experiences a pink full moon, and Pastor Liz organizes an outdoor procession to celebrate Holy Week, in a monologue from April 2011. (siehe Bestandsliste 2011) | ||
0426 | 26.04 | "The last of the ice sank into the lake here this last week and the spring rains came, and what a blessing they were. They really greened up this town." The town does some spring cleaning, the story of Lois and Louie, and Pastor Liz delivers her last sermon before leaving for Rome. | 11:45 |
0503 | 03.05 | "It rained all week and even a little bit of snow but we ignored that, of course, because it just melted as soon as it touched the ground so there was nothing we could do about it." The Knights of the Order of the Golden Nimbus install their new officers at Our Lady of Perpetual Responsibility, Pastor Haugen takes over as interim pastor at the Lutheran Church after Pastor Liz leaves for Rome, and Larry creates havoc while trying to dig a grave for Ruthie Jonasson. | 10:33 |
0510 | 10.05 | "It was warm and kind of windy all week and we got this terrific thunderstorm on Wednesday, which was a great boon, to get washed off like that." Fishing season begins and fishermen return to their pursuit of famous walleye Old Pete, Luann cuts her hair very short, the town analyzes photos of Pastor Liz in Rome, and Pastor Haugen irritates his secretary Marlene. | 10:39 |
0517 | 17.05 | "It's been raining and chilly at night out there so people are way behind on lawn care, but the tulips and daffodils are in bloom." The town re-examines its philosophy on lawn care, the Lutheran Church holds its church picnic, and the war between Pastor Haugen and his secretary Marlene continues. | 09:36 |
0524 | 24.05 | "Sunny and in the 70s, big white clouds up in the sky just like in a child's picture book, and trees light green out of your Crayola box." Families open up their cabins for the summer, the town celebrates Memorial Day with a parade, Lake Wobegon High School seniors plan their graduation parties, and the Whippets start their season. | 12:19 |
0531 | 31.05 | "The weather's just been gorgeous. It was warm this last week, it was up in the 80s. There was a little bit of rain, not enough, but there's never enough." The Whippets win a few games with the help of young pitcher "Whiplash" Wilson, garage sale season begins, the Larson boy gets a job at Ralph's Pretty Good Grocery, and a bat invades Lake Wobegon Lutheran Church and frightens Pastor Haugen. | 06:38 |
0607 | 07.06 | "It's been June weather. Everything is happening at once. The dragonflies are all kind of breeding and they're out and they're mating." Thoughts on desert living and the benefits of rhubarb, the high school's senior class pulls the annual graduation ceremony prank, and parents contemplate their graduates' futures. | 14:11 |
0614 | 14.06 | "Flag Day, Flag Day up in Lake Wobegon. They were supposed to do the Living Flag today." The Whippets' Wayne Tommerdahl hits the highest popup in team history in a victory over the Holdingford Bulls, the Thorvaldsons hold a graduation party for their daughter Amy, and Clint Bunsen spends some time at his family's cabin. | 15:17 |
0621 | 21.06 | "We had some thunderstorms in Lake Wobegon this last week. We say it was a quiet week in Lake Wobegon but it was kind of wild and kind of violent." The Whippets defeat the Holdingford Bulls in the rain on another long fly ball from Wayne Tommerdahl, Father Emil returns to Our Lady of Perpetual Responsibility, garage sale season begins, and the Women's Bible Study Group goes skinny-dipping. | 11:42 |
0628 | 28.06 | "This is the shank of summer. It's such a gorgeous time of year. It's been so beautiful in Lake Wobegon. The yards, the lawns have never looked more beautiful than they do right now." Thoughts on lawn maintenance and strawberry-rhubarb pie, the Tollefson boy considers moving to Los Angeles, and a deerfly bite helps the Whippets continue their winning season. | 12:47 |
0705 | 05.07 | "The rains have finally let up and we had sunshine here this week and it was a glorious, glorious 4th of July in Lake Wobegon." Marlene wins the "Best Pie in Town" contest, the World's Largest Pile of Burlap Bags celebrates its 40th anniversary, and to avoid unwanted attention, the town decides not to mark its 150th anniversary. | 06:14 |
0712 | 12.07 | "I get this far away from home -- couple thousand miles -- and I stay away for a long time, and I start to wonder if it's a real place or if I made it up." The town's children spend Thanksgiving sick and in bed, Senator K. Thorvaldson's mysterious love Laura comes to town to meet his family, and a few verses of "My Father, How Long," in a monologue from November 1985. | 25:02 |
0719 | 19.07 | "It's been beautiful this last week. The Lake Wobegon Whippets opened their '94 home season with the annual Memorial Day doubleheader at the Wally 'Old Hard Hands' Bunsen Memorial Park." Ernie discovers the secret to a perfect knuckleball as the Whippets begin their season, high school graduates ponder their future, and the host shares a few memories of the Grand Ole Opry's last night at the Ryman, in a monologue from June 1994. | 17:17 |
0726 | 26.07 | "It's been hot out there this last week. It's been humid too, so that you wake up in the morning and there's a mist out over the meadows, beautiful mist with the sun shining through it." Gladys feels a longing for doomed love while listening to the opera, the Hansens' dove-breeding business goes awry, Judy Ingqvist searches for elegance, and a few verses of "Aften (Stille, Hjerte, Sol gaar ned)," in a monologue from June 2007. | 15:17 |
0802 | 02.08 | "It was the end of school on Wednesday and it was high school graduation on Thursday evening -- some major, major events in our town." A few women appoint themselves "Pentecost Monitors" at the Lutheran Church, Pastor Ingqvist counsels prospective newlyweds, and the high school seniors play their annual practical joke on Superintendent Halvorson, in a monologue from June 2009. | 17:00 |
09.08 | "Had a little bit of front on Monday just to remind us, you know, where we live. But otherwise it was warm. It was up in the 60s." In a monologue from April 2012, the Lake Wobegon Whippets take some spring batting practice, Bud learns a lesson about friendship while putting the dock in the water, and Pastor Liz has an exciting evening on Easter Sunday. (siehe Bestandsliste 2012) | ||
16.08 | "Our beautiful fall has come to an end. We got a frost here on Monday Night. People were talking about it down at the Chatterbox Cafe." A monologue from October 2013, Eloise Krebsbach runs for mayor, the Lutheran Church updates its directory, Carl Krebsbach does a few odd jobs around town, and the Hedlunds dig up a Lake Wobegon ghost story. (siehe Bestandsliste 2013) | ||
23.08 | "It was very brutally, brutally hot here this last week and the deerflies came in, which is a form of plague." Powerful storms roll into Lake Wobegon, Luanne Peterson copes with the arrival of a new patient in the pediatric intensive care unit, and a story to comfort Luanne when she breaks down under an overpass during the storm, in a monologue from June 2012. (siehe Bestandsliste 2012) | ||
0830 | 30.08 | "Summer coming to an end and fall is about to begin. The nights are getting cool, sunset coming earlier and earlier, and in the morning there's fog -- mist out on the lake -- and we can feel it coming." Thoughts on the virtues of sweet corn and the exquisite boredom of summer, remembering Roger Hedlund with a story about his high school basketball days, and Pastor Liz returns from Rome to visit Marlene. | 15:21 |
06.09 | "It's been getting warmer up there. The tulips are up a little bit, and the irises, and the lily of the valley as well." Pastor Liz and Clint Bunsen spend some time together while digging a grave for Liz Tollefson, and Pastor Anderson weeps during her funeral service, in a monologue from March 2013. (siehe Bestandsliste 2013) | ||
13.09 | "It's been a beautiful, beautiful week. It's been warm and sunny--gets up into the 90s in the afternoon but the mornings are perfect." The town deals with a heat wave and the meanest woman in Lake Wobegon passes away, in a monologue from June 2012. (siehe Bestandsliste 2012) | ||
0920 | 20.09 | "Beautiful, beautiful week of fall. Mists on the lake early in the morning, you wake up in the morning, your window is open, you’ve got a little extra blanket over you." Pastor Liz fills in while the Lutheran Church interviews replacements for Pastor Haugen, news of Marlene’s interesting encounter with Father Wilmer spreads through the town, Mrs. Anderson holds a CD release party at the Sidewinder Bar, and the Tolleruds’ rooster Ludwig comes to a sad end. | 12:36 |
27.09 | "It's been this gorgeous, gorgeous September, this beautiful time--so much happening." Lake Wobegon welcomes the arrival of fall, a bear surprises Irene Bunsen, then stays in town, starting a debate over who will pay to have it removed, and high school students take the ACT exam, in a monologue from September 2013. (siehe Bestandsliste 2013) | ||
1004 | 04.10 | "Been chilly, chilly at night, in the 30s. The crickets are all quiet. We hear the 'pop' of the shotguns from duck hunting." With the election approaching, politics begin to affect marriages, Carla Bunsen receives funding for her performance art piece in New York City, and the Lutheran Church holds its Senior Banquet. | 11:21 |
1011 | 11.10 | "It's fall. It's a gorgeous, gorgeous fall. It's been chilly, down into the 30s at night." Thoughts on the benefits of cold weather and Minnesota living, the town watches a lunar eclipse, and Pastor Liz moves into the Lewises' cabin. | 13:59 |
1018 | 18.10 | "It's been chilly, of course, because it is almost the end of October. Mist over the lake every morning, the Canada Geese are heading South overhead." Pastor Liz delivers a sermon about the Parable of the Wedding Feast, a man visits Ralph's Pretty Good Grocery to buy a cup of coffee though they don't sell coffee, and the story of the time Eugene Berge picked up a hitchhiker. | 14:30 |
25.10 | "It's been cloudy. It's been chilly out there. The sun has come out now and then. And then on Thursday this powerful wind came up -- it was very dramatic." A big wind causes havoc all over town, Mrs. Jensen's old boyfriend Kurt visits from the city, and Darlene meets a coyote that resembles her Uncle George, in a monologue from October 2011. (siehe Bestandsliste 2011) | ||
1101 | 01.11 | "It's November, here we are, and on Sunday we fall back. We get an extra hour on early Sunday morning so there will be a large number of people coming in late to church." Cold weather returns to Lake Wobegon, advice on leaving Minnesota, and why jokes are a bridge between people who disagree with each other. | 09:50 |
1108 | 08.11 | "There was a full moon on Thursday, it snowed a little bit, the sun now goes down before five o'clock and will for a while. Cold is here. The kids are still wearing light jackets because they're from here, that's all." Lake Wobegon Lutheran Church celebrates All Saints' Day and Clint Bunsen gives up deer hunting. | 11:43 |
1115 | 15.11 | "It snowed on Monday, early Monday morning. We got about 12-and-a-half inches there in Lake Wobegon. There was no big fuss about it." Margie Krebsbach's English class discusses ‘The Great Gatsby,' Clint Bunsen tangles with two deer who find their way into town, and Dorothy recalls the story of Harold Hansen and Oscar Peterson. | 13:50 |
1122 | 22.11 | "We got some more snow here this last week and it's been a little bit cold--no big deal. People are cheerful out there. Furnaces are on now." The town prepares for ice fishing season, Solveig returns from California to make lutefisk, and the exiles begin to trickle back home for Thanksgiving. | 12:23 |
1129 | 29.11 | "It was good and cold on Thanksgiving Day, which was good. It just made Thanksgiving feel more necessary somehow." Families destroy the social order by purchasing their Thanksgiving meals online, The Host prepares a subpar Grape Salad, and a few observations about unique holiday traditions. | 12:11 |
1206 | 06.12 | "You've come to that long, cold, dark time of the year. Not much can be said about that, except that if you have not spent December in the north of Norway, then you don't know what 'cold and dark' is." Pastor Inqvist considers writing a book about Lake Wobegon, Dorothy second-guesses a sentence in her Christmas letter, and Betty Ingebretsen accompanies the 4th and 5th grade carolers at the Good Shepherd Home. | 15:07 |
1213 | 13.12 | "It has been warm out there, warm out there, and misty, and cloudy, and the snow is melting. It would be gloomy weather if you and I were sensitive people, which, thank goodness, we are not." The local churches prepare for Christmas, Marilyn Tollerud receives a disturbing late-night call from her daughter Sharon, and a few thoughts on the benefits of winter. | 12:59 |
1220 | 20.12 | "We've got snow, we've got snow, so we're covered. Don't worry about us. We're just fine. Not so much sun this week." Clint and Irene Bunsen serve Artillery Punch at their Christmas party, Pastor Liz's mysterious gentleman friend causes a stir, and a few Christmas carols from the townspeople. | 16:16 |
27.12 | "They got snow out there and it turned good and cold and people are cheerful. People are more cheerful when it's bitterly cold out there, because what is the choice?" Sidetrack Tap patrons perform some impromptu satellite dish maintenance, Irene and Clint Bunsen prepare for the holidays, Pastor Liz hosts a caroling party that gets the town talking, and memories of early television in Lake Wobegon, in a monologue from December 2013. (siehe Bestandsliste 2013) |