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Technisches Historisches Archiv ORF/ORS - Konvolut 3 (Frequenzmanagement, Intern. Beziehungen)
Archivnummern: SCHRIFTGUT/ORF-THA/ocgf_tha_03_(Laufnummer)
lfd. | Titel | Datum | Herausgeber | Anmerkung |
Berichte | ||||
1 | HF- Ausbreitung im Mittelwellenbereich | 1933 | Photokopien aus Document Nr. 1 d. CCIR Protokolle 1933 | |
2 | Auszug CCIR Kairo | 1947 | Auszug u. Abschrift aus der Zeitschrift „Radio- Welt“, Heft 11/12 1947 | |
3 | Reisebericht Frankreich- Schweiz Nr. III | 22.01.1947 | Wien | |
4 | UKW-Planung in Österreich | 1953 | Radiotechnik | 10/1953 |
5 | Bilanz eines Jahrzehnts | Dezember 1957 | Österreichischer Rundfunk- Technische Abteilung | |
6 | UKW- und Fernsehsender | Juni 1959 | Österreichischer Rundfunk- Technische Abteilung | |
7 | Richtfunk in Österreich. Festschrift anlässlich der offiziellen Inbetriebnahme des Österreichischen Richtfunknetzes | Juni 1959 | Bundesministerium für Verkehr und Elektrizitätswirtschaft Generaldirektion für die Post- und Telegraphenverwaltung | |
8 | Elektronik und Maschinenbau | 1.05.1960 | 77. Jahrgang 1. Mai 1960 Heft 9/10 | |
9 | New methods of producing television freqency- assignment plans | Mai 1960 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3080- E |
10 | Ionospheric propagation on long and medium waves. Results of an investigation organised by the European Broadcasting Union | März 1962 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3081- E |
11 | Report 322. Documents of the Xth Plenary Assembly Geneva, 1963. World distribution and characteristics of atmospheric radio noise | 1963 | International Telecommunication Union | doppelt |
12 | 40 Jahre Österreichischer Rundfunk | 01.10.1964 | Elektronik und Maschinenbau | 81. Jahrgang Heft 18/19 |
13 | I.F.R.B. Technical Standards Series A | 1965 | Publiè Par L’Union Internationale des Telecommunications Genève | Third Edition |
14 | Experten ARD und DBP. Vorbereiten für eine Lang- und Mittelwellen Konferenz | 1965 | Institut für Rundfunktechnik Hamburg | |
15 | Receiving and measuring stations for broadcasting purposes | 1965 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Technical monograph Nr. 3102 |
16 | Site selection for VHF and UHF transmitting stations | 1965 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Technical monograph Nr. 3104 |
17 | Vorarbeiten für eine Lang- und Mittelwellen Konferenz | 1965 | ||
18 | Information über das Kurzwellenrundfunk- Sendezentrum Moosbrunn | Dezember 1965 | ORF | |
19 | Handbook on High- Frequency Directional Antennae | 1966 | International Telecommunication Union | |
20 | Utilisation di film en television | Februar 1966 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3082- F |
21 | Regles de securite. Applicables au personnel des organismes de radiodiffusion | 1967 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Technical monograph Nr. 3105 |
22 | Report 340. C.C.I.R. atlas of ionospheric characteristics | 1967 | International Telecommunication Union | |
23 | Reports 413, 414 and 415. Documents of the XI Plenary Assembly Oslo, 1966. Improved Efficiency in the use of the Radio- Frequency spectrum | 1967 | International Telecommunication Union | |
24 | Research on VHF Ionospheric propagation Band I | August 1967 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3085- E |
25 | Conseils techniques aux auditeurs et telespectateurs | 1968 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Technical monograph Nr. 3109 |
26 | Technical advice for listeners and viewers | 1968 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Technical monograph Nr. 3109 |
27 | High- altitude VHF and UHF broadcasting stations | 1968 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Technical monograph Nr. 3108; doppelt |
28 | Grundlagen des Farbfernsehen | 1968 | Technische Rundschau | Blaue TR-Reihe Heft 86 |
29 | Materiel pour reportages televises | September 1968 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3086- F |
30 | Empfehlungen und Richtlinien für die qualitativ einwanderfreien Rundspruch- und Fernseh- Empfangsanlagen | 1969 | Schweizerische PTT- Betriebe | |
31 | Bericht Nr. 102. Abschätzung der Raumwellenversorgung im Mittelwellenbereich auf sphärischen Erde | 11.03.1969 | Institut für Rundfunktechnik Hamburg | Technischer Bericht |
32 | Report 252-2. C.C.I.R. interim method for estimating sky- wave field strength and transmission loss at frequencies between the approximate limits of 2 and 30 MHz | 1970 | International Telecommunication Union | |
33 | Techniques de traitement de la modulation en radiodiffusion sonore a modulation d‘amplitude | April 1971 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3088- F |
34 | Specifications des signaux de base recommandes par I’U.E.R. pour la synchronisation des sources de television | November 1971 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3094- F |
35 | Sendeanlagen- und Ausbaukonzept | 1972 | Bericht der Arbeitsgruppe „Sendeanlagen- und Ausbaukonzept“; Erläuterung der Kosteneinsparung; Anlagenkonzept für UKW/FS- Einheitssendeanlagen; Ausbauplan der Sendetechnik 1972-1976; Technische und Finanzielle Bewertung des Ausbauplanes | |
36 | Fernseh- Empfangstechnik I | 1972 | Technische Rundschau | Blaue TR- Reihe Heft 106 |
37 | Möglichkeiten einer Rundfunkversorgung im Langwellen- und Mittelwellenbereich | März 1972 | Gemischte Expertengruppe für technische Rundfunkfragen (GEG) der ARD/DBP | Zusammenfassender Bericht zur Vorbereitung der Internationalen Rundfunkkonferenz 1974 |
38 | IBA Technical Review. Measurement and Control | September 1972 | Independent Broadcasting Authority | Nr. 1 |
39 | Die Kurzwellen- Rundfunkstelle im Wertachtal | 1973 | Sonderdruck aus dem Jahrbuch des elektrischen Fernmeldewesens 1973 | |
40 | Vehicules de mesure de champ et de frequence | 1973 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Technical monograph Nr. 3113 |
41 | Bodenleitfähigkeitskarten im Mittelwellenbereich | 1973 | Technische Mitteilungen des RFZ | 17. Jahrgang Heft 3/1973 |
42 | Bodenleitfähigkeitskarten im Mittelwellenbereich | 1973 | Technische Mitteilungen des RFZ | 17. Jahrgang Heft 4/1973 |
43 | Die Anwendung von Bodenwellenfeldstärkekurven durch Funkdienste im Lang- und Mittelwellenbereich | 1973 | Technische Mitteilungen des RFZ | 17. Jahrgang Heft 4/1973 |
44 | Fernseh- Empfangstechnik II | 1973 | Technischer Rundschau | Blue TR- Reihe Heft 116 |
45 | Wien- Bisamberg | März 1973 | Bericht: Feldstärkemessungen Wien- Bisamberg; Aktenvermerk: Gleichkanalsendesystem | |
46 | Evolution des methodes de production en television | Mai 1973 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3204- F |
47 | IBA Technical Review. Digital Television | June 1973 | Independent Broadcasting Authority | Nr. 3 |
48 | Ausbaukonzept für das Kurzwellenzentrum Moosbrunn | 25.09.1973 | ORF Auslandsdienst | |
49 | Ausgewählte Veröffentlichungen zur LW/MW- Rundfunk- Konferenz 1974 | 1974 | Institut für Rundfunktechnik Hamburg | Rundfunk- Technische Mitteilungen; Sonder Heft 1974 |
50 | Mittel- und Langwellenbeobachtungen westeuropäischer Sender in Südwestafrika | 1974 | Funkschau | Heft 21/1974 |
51 | Drei Wochen Genfer LW/ MW- Konferenz | 1974 | Funkschau | Heft 25/1974 |
52 | Die Raumwellenausbreitungskurven für große Entfernungen im Mittelwellenbereich | 1974 | Technische Mitteilungen des RFZ | 18. Jahrgang Heft 2/1974 |
53 | Organisation of measures to control electrical interference | 1974 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Technical monograph Nr. 3115 |
54 | Rundfunkversorgung in den Langwellen- und Mittelwellenbereichen | 1974 | Rundfunktechnischen Mitteilungen | 18. Jahrgang Heft 2/1974 |
55 | Überlegungen zu einem Zukünftigen Mittelwellenkonzept mit Bodenwellenversorgung bei Tag und Nacht und Raumwellenversorgung bei Nacht | 1974 | Rundfunktechnischen Mitteilungen | Sonderausdruck aus den Rundfunktechnischen Mitteilungen 18. Jahrgang (1974) Heft 4 Seite 210 bis 217 |
56 | Die technischen Übertragungssysteme für Hörfunk und Fernsehen | 1974 | Elektrotechnik und Maschinenbau | Sonderdruck aus 91. Jahrgang, Heft 12, 1974; 4x |
57 | Identification en Europe des emissions de television | März 1974 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3201- F |
58 | Technical parameters for LF/ MF broadcasting | Mai 1974 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3206- E |
59 | Technische Parameter für den LW/ MW- Rundfunk | Mai 1974 | Institut für Rundfunktechnik Hamburg | Übersetzung des UER- Dokuments Tech 3206; doppelt |
60 | Use of digital techniques in broadcasting | June 1974 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3208- E |
61 | Performance specifications of equipment for E.B.U. insertion signals (625- line television systems) | June 1974 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3209- E |
62 | Synchronised groups of transmitters in LF and MF broadcasting | August 1974 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3210- E |
63 | IBA Technical Review. Television Transmitting Stations | September 1974 | Independent Broadcasting Authority | Nr. 4 |
64 | IBA Technical Review. Independent local Radio | September 1974 | Independent Broadcasting Authority | Nr. 5 |
65 | Jahrestagung der Fernseh- und Kinotechnischen Gesellschaft | November 1974 | Fernseh- Informationen | Nr. 21 |
66 | E.B.U. transmitter data cards (fiches) | März 1975 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3207- E |
67 | Guide to Acoustic Practice | Mai 1975 | British Broadcasting Corporation | |
68 | Radio Elektronik Schau | 1976 | 52. Jahrgang Heft 4/ 1976 | |
69 | Ionospheric propagation in Europe in VHF television Band I Volume II | Februar 1976 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3214- F/E; doppelt |
70 | Satellite broadcasting. Design and planning of 12- GHz systems | März 1976 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3220- E; 3x |
71 | IBA Technical Review. Transmitter Operation and Maintenance | April 1976 | Independent Broadcasting Authority | Nr. 6 |
72 | IBA Technical Review. Service Planning and Propagation | July 1976 | Independent Broadcasting Authority | Nr. 7 |
73 | IBA Technical Review. Digital Video Processing- DICE | September 1976 | Independent Broadcasting Authority | Nr. 8 |
74 | IBA Technical Review. Digital Television Developments | September 1976 | Independent Broadcasting Authority | Nr. 9 |
75 | Repetitorium Fernsehtechnik von Rudolf Mäusl | 1977 | Rohde & Schwarz | Sonderausdruck 79/3; doppelt |
76 | Analysis of the 1977 Geneva Plan for satellite broadcasting at 12 GHz. Volume I- Summary statistical analysis (Regions 1 and 3). List of the preponderant interferers | April 1977 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3222- F/E |
77 | Analysis of the 1977 Geneva Plan for satellite broadcasting at 12 GHz. Volume II a- Detailed analysis for Region 1 (Service areas A to L) | April 1977 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3222- F/E |
78 | Analysis of the 1977 Geneva Plan for satellite broadcasting at 12 GHz. Volume II a- Detailed analysis for Region 1 (Service areas M to Z) | April 1977 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3222- F/E |
79 | Analysis of the 1977 Geneva Plan for satellite broadcasting at 12 GHz. Volume III- Detailed analysis for Region 3 | April 1977 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3222- F/E |
80 | Analysis of the 1977 Geneva Plan for satellite broadcasting at 12 GHz. Volume IV- Summary statistical analysis with ideal pointing of the transmitting antennae (area covered by the Active Members of the E.B.U.). Power flux- densities created in Region 2 | April 1977 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3222- F/E |
81 | Analysis of the 1977 Geneva Plan for satellite broadcasting at 12 GHz. Volume V- Graphical results and miscellaneous statistics | April 1977 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3222- F/E |
82 | Fachtechnische Ausarbeitung der T4. Der Einfluss von Echo- und Interferenzstörungen auf die Qualität von Fernsehbilder | April 1977 | ORF | Nr. 21 |
83 | IBA Technical Review. Technical Reference Book 1977 | Mai 1977 | Independent Broadcasting Authority | Nr. 2 |
84 | Specification of inseration data signal equipment for international transmissions | June 1977 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3217- E |
85 | Radio Televizja Sarajevo | Oktober 1977 | Die Brochure | |
86 | Analysis oft he Geneva LF/MF Plan (1975) and comparison with the present situation (European Broadcasting Area) | November 1977 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3223- E |
87 | FS- Testbilder und FS- Prüfzeilensignale | 1978 | Div. Korrespondenz | |
88 | Fachtechnische Ausarbeitung Der T4. Statistisches qualitätsverhalten von FS- Senderketten. Teil 1: Großsendeanlagen | Januar 1978 | ORF | Nr. 25 |
89 | Fachtechnische Ausarbeitung Der T4. Statistisches qualitätsverhalten von FS- Senderketten. Teil 2: BE- Verbindungen, Umsetzergeräte und Senderketten | Februar 1978 | ORF | Nr. 26 |
90 | Radio Atlas | 1978 | Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rundfunkwerbung | |
91 | Video measurement and the correction of video circuits | 1978 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Technical Monograph Nr. 3116 |
92 | Diagrammes d’antennes | 1978 | International Telecommunications Union | |
93 | IBA Technical Review. A Broadcasting Engineer’s VadeMecum | Mai 1978 | Independent Broadcasting Authority | Nr. 10 |
94 | IBA Technical Review. Satellites for Broadcasting | July 1978 | Independent Broadcasting Authority | Nr. 11 |
95 | Der Kurzwellenempfang | Oktober 1978 | Deutsche Welle | |
96 | Bosch Technische Berichte. 50 Jahre Fernseh 1929- 1979 | 1979 | Robert Bosch GMBH | Band 6 (1979) Heft 5/6 |
97 | Utilisation of low- power rebroadcast transmitters within the E.B.U. (VHF/FM- radio and television) | Februar 1979 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3226- E |
98 | Housing of rebroadcast transmitters | Februar 1979 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3228- E |
99 | Colour television film- scanners | September 1979 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3218- E |
100 | Colour motion- picture film materials especially suited to presentation by colour television | September 1979 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3087- E |
101 | E.B.U. transportable control- centre equipment | Oktober 1979 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3230- E |
102 | The E.B.U. standard peak- programme meter fort he control of international transmissions | November 1979 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3205- E |
103 | Supplement to Radio Science. Biological Effects of EM Waves | November- Dezember 1979 | American Geophysical Union | Volume 14 Number 6S Nov- Dec 1979 |
104 | Supplement to report 252-2. Second CCIR Computer-based interim method for estimating sky- wave field strength and transmission loss at frequencies between 2 and 30 MHz | 1980 | International Telecommunication Union | XIVth Plenary Assembly Kyoto, 1978; doppelt |
105 | Supplement No. 3 to report 340. C.C.I.R. atlas of ionospheric characteristics | 1980 | International Telecommunication Union | doppelt |
106 | 25 Jahre Fernsehen. Der Wetterbericht im fernsehen | 1980 | Östereichischer Rundfunk ORF | 12 Berichte zur Medienforschung |
107 | Guiding principles for the design of electronic equipment | Juli 1980 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3215- E |
108 | ENG helical- scan videocassette system using 19- mm (3/4- inch) tape (U- matic H format) | Juli 1980 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3233- E |
109 | Revised background noise criteria for broadcasting studios | August 1980 | British Broadcasting Union Research Department | BBC RD 1980/8 |
110 | IBA Technical Review. Standards for Television and Local Radio Stations | September 1980 | Independent Broadcasting Authority | Nr. 13 |
111 | 25 Jahre Fernsehen in Österreich. Der Weg in das Satellitenzeitalter | November 1980 | Elektronik und Maschinenbau | 97. Jahrgang Heft 11; doppelt |
112 | Procedure under article 10 of the radio regulations applicable to stations oft he broadcasting service in the bands between 5 950 kHz and 26 100 kHz allocated exclusively to this service | November- Dezember 1980 | International Telecommunication Union | Seminar on Frequency Management and the use of the Radio Frequency Spectrum and the geostationary Orbit |
113 | Revision of the sound insulation requirements in broadcasting studio centres | Januar 1981 | British Broadcasting Union Research Department | BBC RD 1981/1 |
114 | Operation and maintenance of rebroadcast transmitters | März 1981 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3229- E |
115 | Analogue television transmission tests with OTS. Synthesis of results prepared jointly by the EBU and Interim Eutelsat | Mai 1981 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3234- E |
116 | Direct broadcasting experiments with OTS. Synthesis of results | Juni 1981 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3231- E; doppelt |
117 | IBA Technical Review. Latest Developments in Sound Broadcasting | Juni 1981 | Independent Broadcasting Authority | Nr. 14 |
118 | IBA Technical Review. Microelectronics in Broadcast Engineering | Oktober 1981 | Independent Broadcasting Authority | Nr. 15 |
119 | EBU report on electronic news- gathering | Dezember 1981 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3225- E |
120 | Some Systems design considerations for High- Definition, Direct Broadcast Television | Dezember 1981 | Future Systems Incorporated | FSI Report Nr. 275 |
121 | 50 Jahre Grossenderanlage Ismaning | 1982 | Bayerischer Rundfunk | |
122 | IBA Technical Review. Digital Coding Standards | März 1982 | Independent Broadcasting Authority | Nr. 16 |
123 | IBA Technical Review. Developments in Radio- frequency Techniques | März 1982 | Independent Broadcasting Authority | Nr. 17 |
124 | IBA Technical Review. Standards for Satellite Broadcasting | März 1982 | Independent Broadcasting Authority | Nr. 18 |
125 | EBU time- and- control codes for television tape- recordings (625- line television systems) | April 1982 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3097- E |
126 | IBA Technical Review. Technical Training in Independent Broadcasting | Juni 1982 | Independent Broadcasting Authority | Nr. 19 |
127 | Displayable character sets for broadcast teletext | Juni 1982 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3232- E |
128 | World Administrative Radio Conference 1979. Analysis and extracts of decisions relating to the broadcasting and satellite broadcasting services in the European broadcasting area | Juni 1982 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3235- E |
129 | NTIA Report 83-127. Estimating the Performance of Telecommunication Systems Using the Ionospheric Transmission Channel. Ionospheric Communications Analysis and Prediction Program User’s Manual | Juli 1982 | U.S. Department of Commerce | |
130 | Main characteristics of a “level- 2” teletext system for European broadcasting organizations using the fixed- format principle | July 1982 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3240- E |
131 | Main characteristics of a teletext system for European broadcasting organisations using the variable- format principle | August 1982 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3241- E |
132 | EBU guiding principles for the HF broadcasting planning conference (1984- 1986) | September 1982 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | SPB 204 |
133 | ORF Technikum Sonderausgabe. Das ORF- Kurzwellen- Sendezentrum Moosbrunn | 1983 | Nr. 5/83 | |
134 | Technical bases for the planning of HF broadcasting | Februar 1983 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | SPB 203 |
135 | Methods for measuring the main characteristics of television cameras | März 1983 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3238- E |
136 | The design of handbooks for broadcasting equipment | Mai 1983 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3239- E |
137 | Technischer Bericht Nr. B 55/83. Konsequenz der sequentiellen Farbübertragung bei MAC | 11.09.1983 | Institut für Rundfunktechnik | |
138 | Radio- Relays for television | 1984 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | EBU Technical Monograph Nr. 3111 |
139 | YLE Measuring Station | 1984 | Oy. Ylesradio Ab. | |
140 | Report to the Second Session of the Conference | 1984 | International Telecommunication Union | World Administrative Radio Conference for the planning of the HF bands allocated to the broadcasting service. First Session, Geneva, 1984 |
141 | White book of the EBU Technical Centre. Evolution of the EBU Technical Centre as a non- governmental international organization in Belgium | January 1984 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | |
142 | Sender Wendelstein. 30 Jahre Fernsehen in Bayern | November 1984 | Bayerischer Rundfunk, Technische Direktion | |
143 | Remote- control systems for television production equipment | Dezember 1984 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3245- E |
144 | Pubblicazione della RAS- Radiotelevisione Azienda Speciale Provincia di Bolzano 1975- 1985 | 1985 | RAS | |
145 | EBU Technical Information. I 11 Maintenance and digital equipment | 1985 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | 1st edition; Ref.: EBU I 11-1985 (E) |
146 | Essential characteristics for a Eutelsat I receiving earth station having the minimum required performance for television | Februar 1985 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3248- E |
147 | EBU code for the synchronization between film cameras and audio tape- recorders | März 1985 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3096- E; doppelt |
148 | 2nd EBU Seminar on Teletext | März 1985 | Metz | TV Videotext 2. Generation. Zusatz- Bedienungsanleitung |
Karl Fischer | Prospective technical developments in the field of teletext | |||
Karl Fischer | Technische Neuerungen in Teletext | |||
Mullard press information | Features TV: The Field Memory Concept: Summary | |||
Mullard press information | Television Receivers- The next generation of ICs | |||
Mullard press information | Improved Performance Teletext | |||
Mullard Technical publication M 83- 0197 | Computer controlled teletext (CCT) | |||
149 | Statistics of the occupancy of the HF bands for broadcasting | Juni 1985 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3242- E; 3x |
150 | Modulation- processing techniques for sound broadcasting | Juli 1985 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3243- E |
151 | Corrigendum to document Tech. 3246 | Juli 1985 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | |
152 | Die historische Entwicklung des Fernsehens. Zur Eröffnung des Deutschen Fernsehrundfunks vor 50 Jahren in Berlin | August 1985 | Bundesministerium für das Post- und Fernmeldewesen | |
153 | Preface to the International Frequency List and the Weekly IFRB Circular | 30.09.1985 | International Communication Union | 11th edition |
154 | Measurements and operational alignment of television tape- recorders for broadcasting. 2nd part: Operational alignment of television tape- recorders for broadcasting | October 1985 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3219- E |
155 | EBU serial interface for 625- line digital video signals | Dezember 1985 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3247- E |
156 | Interface serie de I’UER pour les signaux video numeriques a 625 lignes | Dezember 1985 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3247- F |
157 | Der neue 300er. Sender Teutoburger Wald | 1986 | West Deutscher Rundfunk | |
158 | 40 Jahre Kurzwelle 1946- 1986 | 1986 | Bayerischer Rundfunk | 3x |
159 | Report to the Second Session of the World Administrative Radio Conference for the Planning of the Bands Allocated to the Broadcasting Service | 1986 | International Communication Union | |
160 | EBU training code | Februar 1986 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3255- E |
161 | Code de formation de I’UER | Februar 1986 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3255- F |
162 | IBA Technical Review. Developments in Aerials for Broadcasting | März 1986 | Independent Broadcasting Authority | Nr. 23 |
163 | EBU commentator control unit | April 1986 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3257- E; doppelt |
164 | EBU review. Programmes, administration, law. | Mai 1986 | European Broadcasting Union | Vol. XXXVII Nr. 3; doppelt |
165 | Review of VHF Band 1 field strength prediction | June 1986 | Research Department, Engineering Division The British Broadcasting Corporation | BBC RD 1986/4; Report |
166 | Remote- control systems for broadcasting production equipment ESbus -> System service and common messages | June 1986 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Supplement 1 to Tech. 3245- E; doppelt |
167 | Technische Kurzinformation Nr. V 3/86. Fernseh- und Tonsendungen über Satelliten mittlerer Leistung | 29.10.1986 | Institut für Rundfunktechnik | |
168 | EBU Studies on High- Definition Television | October 1986 | European Broadcasting Union | Reprinted from the EBU Review (Technical) No. 219- October 1986; 3x |
169 | Specifications of the systems of the MAC/packet family | October 1986 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3258- E |
170 | EBU Review- Technical | October 1986 | European Broadcasting Union | Nr. 219 |
171 | Remote- control systems for broadcasting production equipment ESbus -> Video tape- recorder type- specific messages | November 1986 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Supplement 2 to Tech. 3245- E; doppelt |
172 | 50 years of television. EBU review technical | Dezember 1986 | European Broadcasting Union | Nr. 220 |
173 | Measurements and operational alignment of television tape- recorders for broadcasting. 4th part: Special mechanical measurements for television tape- recorders | Dezember 1986 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3219- E; doppelt |
174 | 60 Jahre Sender Langenberg 1927- 1987 | 1987 | West Deutscher Rundfunk | |
175 | Schutzabstände für amplitudenmodulierte Restseitenband- Farbfernsehnormen (Teil I) | 1987 | ||
176 | Methods of measurement of the colorimetric fidelity of television cameras. Measurment procedures | January 1987 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Supplement 1 to Tech. 3237- E |
177 | EBU Review- Technical | April 1987 | European Broadcasting Union | Nr. 222 |
178 | Technical characteristics of feeder links to 12 GHz broadcasting satellites and guidelines for planning in Region 1 | Mai 1987 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3251- E; 5x |
179 | Technische Kurzinformation Nr. V 4/87. HDTV- Satellitenrundfunk bei 40 GHz? | 22.07.1987 | Institut für Rundfunktechnik | doppelt |
180 | D2- MAC/ Paket- System | Juli 1987 | Schule für Rundfunktechnik | doppelt |
181 | EBU Review- Technical | August 1987 | European Broadcasting Union | Nr. 224 |
182 | Pronciples of modulation and channel coding for digital broadcasting for mobile receivers | August 1987 | EBU- Rewiev- Technical | Nr. 224 |
183 | Aufgaben und Aktivitäten des Auslandsdienstes | 14.10.1987 | Pressedienst Spezial | |
184 | EBU Review- Technical | October 1987 | European Broadcasting Union | Nr. 225 |
185 | EBU Review- Technical | Dezember 1987 | European Broadcasting Union | Nr. 226 |
186 | IFRB Programme of Work on HFBC | Dezember 1987 | International Frequency Registration Board | |
187 | EBU Review- Technical. Contents 1988. Numbers 227 to 232 | 1988 | European Broadcasting Union | |
188 | World Administrative Radio Conference on the use of the geostationary- satellite orbit and the planning of space services utilizing it- Second Session, 1988 (WARC- ORB 88). Part 1: Guiding Principles for the development of satellite broadcasting into the 21st century | January 1988 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | SPB 442 |
189 | World Administrative Radio Conference on the use of the geostationary- satellite orbit and the planning of space services utilizing it- Second Session, 1988 (WARC- ORB 88). Part 2: Technical studies on the development of satellite broadcasting into the 21st century | January 1988 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | SPB 442; doppelt |
190 | EBU Review- Technical | April 1988 | European Broadcasting Union | Nr. 228 |
191 | EBU Review- Technical | June 1988 | European Broadcasting Union | Nr. 229 |
192 | EBU Review- Technical | August 1988 | European Broadcasting Union | Nr. 230; doppelt |
193 | EBU Review- Technical | October 1988 | European Broadcasting Union | Nr. 231 |
194 | Analysis of the feeder- link Plan for Regions 1 and 3. Preface | December 1988 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3261- E |
195 | Analysis of the broadcasting satellite feeder- link Plan for Regions 1 and 3. Feeder- link protection margins; Volume I | December 1988 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3261- E/F; doppelt |
196 | Analysis of the broadcasting satellite feeder- link Plan for Regions 1 and 3. List of worst interferers; Volume II | December 1988 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3261- E/F; doppelt |
197 | Analysis of the broadcasting satellite feeder- link Plan for Regions 1 and 3. Overall equivalent protection margins (Orbital positions from 37° W to 29° E); Volume III a | December 1988 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3261- E/F; doppelt |
198 | Analysis of the broadcasting satellite feeder- link Plan for Regions 1 and 3. Overall equivalent protection margins; (Orbital positions from 34° W to 160° E); Volume III b | December 1988 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3261- E/F; doppelt |
199 | Analysis of the broadcasting satellite feeder- link Plan for Regions 1 and 3. Carrier- to- noise ratios; Volume IV | December 1988 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3261- E/F; doppelt |
200 | Analysis of the broadcasting satellite feeder- link Plan for Regions 1 and 3. 14- GHz band; Volume V | December 1988 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3261- E/F; doppelt |
201 | EBU Review- Technical | December 1988 | European Broadcasting Union | Nr. 232; doppelt |
202 | Rundfunk- Anstalt Südtirol | 1989 | RAS | Die Brochure |
203 | RF- Schutzabstände für AM- Restseitenband- Fernsehnormen | 1989 | Deutsche Bundespost | |
204 | Richtlinie für die Beurteilung der Fernsehversorgung | 1989 | Deutsche Bundespost | |
205 | EBU Review- Technical | February 1989 | European Broadcasting Union | Nr. 233 |
206 | EBU Review. Programmes, administration, law. Training for the future | März 1989 | European Broadcasting Union | Supplement to EBU Review- Technical Nr. 233 (February 1989); Vol. XL Nr. 2 |
207 | Hubschrauber- Antennendiagrammessung beim ORF | April 1989 | Hubschrauber- Antennendiagrammessung beim ORF; Frequenz- und Versorgungsplanung im VHF- und UHF- Bereich (insbesondere Gesichtspunkte für die Feldmesstechnik) | |
208 | Digital Sound broadcasting to mobile Receivers | 09.06.1989 | ||
209 | EBU Review- Technical | August 1989 | European Broadcasting Union | Nr. 236 |
210 | Programme of technical tests for direct- broadcasting satellites | Dezember 1989 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3256- E; 3x |
211 | Richtfunkstation Hohe Scheibe. Die neue Brücke im Äther | 1990 | RAS | |
212 | Radio und Fernsehen. Die elektronischen Medien in der Schweiz | 1990 | Pro Radio- Television | 3. neubearbeitete Auflage |
213 | Recommendations oft he CCIR, 1990. Volume IV- Part 1. Fixed- Satellite service. | 1990 | International Telecommunication Union | |
214 | Reports of the CCIR, 1990. Annex to volumes IV- Part 1. Fixed- Satellite service. | 1990 | International Telecommunication Union | |
215 | Recommendations oft he CCIR, 1990. Volume IV and IX- Part 2. Frequency sharing and coordination between systems in the fixed- satellite service and radio- relay systems | 1990 | International Telecommunication Union | |
216 | Reports of the CCIR, 1990. Annex to volumes IV and IX- Part 2. Frequency sharing and coordination between systems in the fixed- satellite service and radio- relay systems | 1990 | International Telecommunication Union | |
217 | Reports of the CCIR, 1990. Annex to volumes V. Propagation in non- ionized media. | 1990 | International Telecommunication Union | |
218 | RTV Ljubljana. Tozd oddajniki in zyeze | 15.01.1990 | Diagramen | |
219 | Senderverzeichnis | 01.04.1990 | Bayerischer Rundfunk | |
220 | EBU Review- Technical | June/ August 1990 | European Broadcasting Union | Nr. 241- 242 |
221 | Entwicklungsgesichtpunkte bei Funhwarnsignal- und Notfunksystemen | 1991 | Institut für Rundfunktechnik | |
222 | Richtlinie für die Beurteilung der Fernsehversorgung | 1991 | Deutsche Bundespost | |
223 | Specification of the systems of the MAC/ Packet Family | January 1991 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Second draft; Tech. 3258- 2nd Issue |
224 | Radio Österreich International. Bericht 1990 | März 1991 | ROI | |
225 | 65- 35 Kroatische Rundfunk- und Fernsehanstalt | 15.05.1991 | Kroatische Rundfunk- und Fernsehanstalt | Publikation zum 65Jährigen Jubiläum des Rundfunks und 35Jährigen Jubiläum des Fernsehens |
226 | Technische Kurzinformation Nr. V3/91. HDTV- Satelitenübertragung wirtschaftliche Aspekte verschidener Verfahren | 23.05.1991 | Institut für Rundfunktechnik | |
227 | Specification for transmission of two- channel digital sound with terrestrial television systems B, G, H and I | Juni 1991 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3266- E; doppelt |
228 | Theoretisches Ermitteln von Nutz- und Störfeldstärken in den Bereichen I, II, III und IV/V | September 1991 | Deutsche Bundespost TELEKOM | |
229 | Specification of the systems of the MAC/ packet family | Oktober 1991 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3258- E |
230 | Verfahren für die Inlandsabstimmung von Fernsehrundfunksendern in den Frequenzbereichen I, III (VHF) und IV/V (UHF) | Oktober 1991 | Gemischte Expertengruppe ARD/ Deutsche Bundespost Telekom (GEG) | |
231 | TV Tower Prague | 1992 | Administration of Radio Communications, Prague | Die Brochure |
232 | EBU Technical- Review | 1992 | European Broadcasting Union | Nr. 252 |
233 | Interfaces de I'UER pour les signaux video numeriques a 625 lignes au niveau 4:2:2 de la Recommandation 601 du CCIR | Januar 1992 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3267- F |
234 | Interfaces de I'UER pour les signaux video numeriques a 625 lignes au niveau 4:4:4 de la Recommandation 601 du CCIR | Januar 1992 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3268- F |
235 | Planning Aspects for Terrestrial DAB | Mai 1992 | ||
236 | Oddajniki in zveze. Mreze Radijskih in Televizijskih Oddajnikov in Pretornikov v Sloveniji | Oktober 1992 | Radiotelevizija Slovenija | Die Brochure |
237 | Das Übertragungsverfahren des zukünftigen digitalen Hörrrundfunks | November- Dezember 1992 | Mitteilung aus dem Forschungszentrum der Telekom | 46. Jahrgang 11 und 12/1992 |
238 | Der neue Brotjacklriegel | 1993 | Bayerischer Rundfunk | doppelt |
239 | Technical standards and regulations for broadcasting- Role of the international organizations | 1993 | EBU Technical Review | |
240 | Prozessoren für besondere Aufgaben | 1993 | Funkschau | 18/1993 |
241 | OFDM- Modulation | 1993 | Rundfunktechnischen Mitteilungen | 37. Jahrgang Heft 3/1993 |
242 | OFDM/COFDM | 1993 | EBU Technical Review | |
243 | Hörfunk- und Fernsehsender in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland | 01.01.1993 | Norddeutschen Rundfunk | |
244 | Results and consequences of WARC- 92 on satellite broadcasting | Mai 1993 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3272- E |
245 | Schweizerische Rundspruch- und Fernseh- Sender | 01.08.1993 | TELECOM | |
246 | Slovenija. Reg. Lok. In ostale radijske postaje | November 1993 | Die Karte | |
247 | Slovenija. Radio Slovenija- program za manjsine | November 1993 | Die Karte | |
248 | Slovenija. Programi Radia Slovenije | Dezember 1993 | Die Karte | |
249 | Schweizerische UKW- Sender | 1994 | TELECOM | Die Brochure |
250 | EBU Technical- Review | 1994 | European Broadcasting Union | Nr. 261; doppelt |
251 | Der Wendelstein | 1994 | Bayerischer Rundfunk | |
252 | Newsletter of the International Telecommunication Union | 1994 | International Communication Union | Nr. 9 |
253 | DAB- Gleichwellennetze bei 1,5 GHz | 1994 | Rundfunktechnischen Mitteilungen | 38. Jahrgang Heft 1/ 1994 |
254 | List of VHF sound broadcasting stations. European Broadcasting Area | 01.01.1994 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Nr. 39 |
255 | RTV Slovenija. Oddajniki in zyeze | 10.01.1994 | Diagramen | |
256 | TV- plan- ab | 14.04.1994 | Tabelle | |
257 | TV- plan- fr. | 14.04.1994 | Tabelle | |
258 | HF propagation usual and unusual | Mai 1994 | European DX Council Paris, France 21- 23 Mai 1994 | |
259 | UKW- Verkehrsrundfunksender mit ARI- System der öffentlich- rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten | Juni 1994 | IRT/ Technische Koordination | |
260 | Rundfunk- Anstalt Südtirol. RAS- Hörfunk- und Fernsehnetzes | 06.09.1994 | ||
261 | Geschäftsbericht des Bayerischen Rundfunks Technik | Oktober 1994 | Bayerischer Rundfunk | |
262 | Information über Radio und Television | Dezember 1994 | TELECOM | Nr. 1 |
263 | Oddajniki in zveze. Mreze Radijskih in Televizijskih Oddajnikov in Pretornikov v Sloveniji | Dezember 1994 | Radiotelevizija Slovenija | Die Brochure |
264 | Schweizerische Fernsehsender | 1995 | TELECOM | Nr. 1. und Nr. 2; Die Brochure |
265 | Ceske Radiokomunikace a.s. | 1995 | Agentura B- Kontakt Plzen | |
266 | EBU Technical- Review | 1995 | European Broadcasting Union | Nr. 266 |
267 | Bulletin Tec 1995/2 | 1995 | Generaldirektion SRG, Technik | |
268 | Czech Television. Facts and figures 1994/1995 | 1995 | Ceska Televize | |
269 | DAB- Empfangstechnik | 1995 | Funkschau | Nr. 11/1995 |
270 | Informationen über Radio und Television | Februar 1995 | Generaldirektion PTT, Direktion Radiocom | Nr. 2 |
271 | Radio and audiovision. Past, present and future; perfection in sound and picture | März 1995 | Deutsche Telekom | |
272 | List of LF/ MF broadcasting stations. European Broadcasting Area | 01.05.1995 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Nr. 48 |
273 | List of VHF/ UHF television stations. European Broadcasting Area | 01.09.1995 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Nr. 40 |
274 | Corrigendum to the List of television stations Nr. 40 as at 1st September 1995 | 01.09.1995 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Nr. 40 |
275 | Gesselschafterversammlung | 01.05.1996 | Institut für Rundfunktechnik | Die Tabelle |
276 | Schweizerische UKW- Sender SRG | 1996 | TELECOM | Die Brochure |
277 | Schweizerische Lokalrundfunksender | 1996 | TELECOM | Die Brochure |
278 | Oddajniki in zveze | 1996 | Radiotelevizija Slovenija | Die Brochure |
279 | Schweizerische Rundspruch und- und Fernsehsender | 1996 | TELECOM | Nr. 1. und Nr. 2 |
280 | EBU Technical- Review | 1996 | European Broadcasting Union | Nr. 268 |
281 | EBU Technical- Review | 1996 | European Broadcasting Union | Nr. 270; doppelt |
282 | Introducing the Radiocommunications Agency | Februar 1996 | Ministry of Transport, Water Management and Public Works | |
283 | What is on the frequencies here? Local BANDSCAN in the East Moravian area (Kostelec, near Zlin) | 1997 | ||
284 | Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty | 1997 | Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty | Article: A short history of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty; Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Inc.- Overview; The RFE/RLCode of Proffesional Standards; What leaders say about RFE/RL; Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Inc.- At a Glance; An RFE/RL web site sampler |
285 | Diffusion EBU | 1997 | European Broadcasting Union | |
286 | EBU Yearbook 1997 | 1997 | European Broadcasting Union | |
287 | EBU Technical- Review | 1997 | European Broadcasting Union | Nr. 272 |
288 | EBU Official Technical Texts. EBU Technical Standards, Recommendations, Statements and Information | 1997 | European Broadcasting Union | OTT- 97- E |
289 | Radiocommunications Agency | 1997 | Div. Dokumente | |
290 | Digital Radio | 1997 | Digital Audio Broadcasting | Div. Dokumente |
291 | Ein BBC- Leitfaden zum Digitalen Rundfunk | 1997 | Digital Audio Broadcasting | |
292 | WolrdDAB Forum. The World Forum for digital Audio Broadcasting | 1997 | WolrdDAB | WorldDAB Newsletter Nr. 2 Juli 1997 und Nr. 3 August 1997; Putting DAB on the Dashboard; WolrdDAB Forum. The World Forum for digital Audio Broadcasting- Into the new age of radio |
293 | Specifications of the Broadcast Wave Format. A Format for audio data files in broadcasting | July 1997 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3285- E |
294 | Specifications of the Broadcast Wave Format. A Format for audio data files in broadcasting. Supplement 1 MPEG Audio | July 1997 | Technical Centre of the European Broadcasting Union | Tech. 3285- E |
295 | Report from Working Group FM. Tromso | 08/12.09.1997 | Conference Europeenne des Administrations des Postes et des Telecommunications | |
296 | European Standards for Broadcatsing | November 1997 | European Broadcasting Union | |
297 | Regulierungsbehörde für Telekomunikation und Post | Dezember 1997 | Das Bundesministerium für Post und Telekommunikation | Post Politische Information; Die Tabelle |
298 | Report from Working Group FM. Izmir | 15/19.12.1997 | Conference Europeenne des Administrations des Postes et des Telecommunications | |
299 | EBU Yearbook 1998 | 1998 | European Broadcasting Union | |
300 | Abschlussbericht des DAB- Projektes Bayern | 1998 | Bayerische Medien Technik GmbH | Band 11 Akzeptanzuntersuchungen |
301 | EBU Official Technical Texts. EBU Technical Standards, Recommendations, Statements and Information | 1998 | European Broadcasting Union | OTT- 98- E |
302 | Report from Working Group FM. Brugge | 02/06.02.1998 | Conference Europeenne des Administrations des Postes et des Telecommunications | |
303 | Report from Working Group FM. Funchal | 18/22.05.1998 | Conference Europeenne des Administrations des Postes et des Telecommunications | |
304 | Catalogue of Publications | Mai 1998 | European Broadcasting Union | |
305 | Final Report: Analyses and Results of EBU/ SMPTE Task Force for Harmonized Standards for the Exchange of Programme Material as Bitstreams | August 1998 | European Broadcasting Union | EBU technical review. Special Supplement 1998; doppelt |
306 | Report from Working Group FM. Tallinn | 21/25.09.1998 | Conference Europeenne des Administrations des Postes et des Telecommunications | |
307 | RDS- TMC. What is it all about? | September 1998 | European Broadcasting Union | |
308 | Die Bayerische landeszentrale für neue Medien. Entwicklung, Förderung und Veranstaltung von privaten Rundfunkangeboten in Bayern | Oktober 1998 | Bayerische Landeszentralle für neue Medien | |
309 | EBU yearbook 1999 | 1999 | European Broadcasting Union | |
310 | Teleletter. Telekommunikation in Österreich. Beilage zu Wiener Zeitung | 1999 | Wiener Zeitung | 1/1999 |
311 | Forecast‘ 99 | 1999 | Div. Dokumente | |
312 | Hörfunk- und Fernsehsender in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland | 01.01.1999 | Norddeutschen Rundfunk | |
313 | Report from Working Group FM. Nicosia | 25/29.01.1999 | Conference Europeenne des Administrations des Postes et des Telecommunications | |
314 | Media Perspektiven | März 1999 | Nr. 2/99 10. Woche 1999 | |
315 | Report from Working Group FM. Vienna | 10/14.05.1999 | Conference Europeenne des Administrations des Postes et des Telecommunications | |
316 | Wellenspiegel 1999/2000. Das technische Sende- und Verbreitungsverzeichnis für private Rundfunkangebote in Bayern | September 1999 | Bayerische Landeszentralle für neue Medien | |
317 | Report from Working Group FM. Bucharest | 13/17.09.1999 | Conference Europeenne des Administrations des Postes et des Telecommunications | |
318 | International Telecommunication Union. Financial Operating Report. For the Biennium 1998/1999 | 2000 | International Telecommunication Union | |
319 | NTIA Spectrum News | 2000 | Office of Spectrum Management | Vol. 2, Issue 1 |
320 | Rundfunk & Audiovision. Verzeichnis der TV- und Hörfunksendestellen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Ausgabe 2000 | 2000 | Deutsche Telekom | |
321 | Report from Working Group FM. Naples | 17/21.01.2000 | Conference Europeenne des Administrations des Postes et des Telecommunications | |
322 | Reforming ITU the way forward | März 2000 | International Telecommunication Union | Recommendations of the Reform Advisory Panel |
323 | The International Telecommunication Union. An overview | April 2000 | The International Telecommunication Union | |
324 | Report from Working Group FM. Prague | 10/14.04.2000 | Conference Europeenne des Administrations des Postes et des Telecommunications | |
325 | Technical Review | May- June 2000 | Asia- Pacific Broadcasting Union | Nr. 188 |
326 | HFCC/ASBU High Frequency Co-ordination Conference. Tentative Schedule B00 | 23.08.2000 | 21- 25 August 2000, Kuala Lumpur | |
327 | ABU-HFC &HFCC/ASBU Shortwave Coordination Meeting. Day 4 ABU- HFC Combined Schedule A01 | |||
328 | ABU-HFC &HFCC/ASBU Shortwave Coordination Meeting. Day 4 ABU- HFC Combined Schedule B00 | 24.08.2000 | ||
329 | Report from Working Group FM. Leon | 11/15.09.2000 | Conference Europeenne des Administrations des Postes et des Telecommunications | |
330 | EBU Technical Review. The best of 2001 | 2001 | European Broadcasting Union | |
331 | Report from Working Group FM. Interlaken | 29.01/02.02.2001 | Conference Europeenne des Administrations des Postes et des Telecommunications | |
332 | ITU/ HFCC/ASBU High frequency Co-ordination Conference. Tentative Schedule A01 | 08.02.2001 | 05- 09 Februar 2001. Geneva | |
333 | Table of Frequency Allocations, Ireland | April 2001 | Office of the Director of Telecommunications Regulations | |
334 | Report from Working Group FM. Manchester | 14/18.05.2001 | Conference Europeenne des Administrations des Postes et des Telecommunications | |
335 | HFCC/ASBU High frequency Co-ordination Conference. Joint HFCC/ASBU + ABU-HFC + non- members’ Tentative Schedule B01 | 26.08.2001 | 27- 31 August 2001, Montreal | |
336 | Report from Working Group FM. Corfu | 24/28.09.2001 | Conference Europeenne des Administrations des Postes et des Telecommunications | |
337 | EBU Technical Review. The best of 2002 | 2002 | European Broadcasting Union | doppelt |
338 | Report from Working Group FM. Lisbon | 28.01/01.02.2002 | Conference Europeenne des Administrations des Postes et des Telecommunications | |
339 | HFCC/ASBU High frequency Co-ordination Conference. HFCC/ASBU Tentative Schedule A02 | 07.02.2002 | 04- 08 Februar 2002, Petersberg/ Bonn | |
340 | Minutes of the Conference Preparatory Group for WRC- 2003. CPG 2003- 3, Oslo | 19/22.02.2002 | Conference Europeenne des Administrations des Postes et des Telecommunications | |
341 | List of ITU- T recommendations | April 2002 | International Communication Union | |
342 | Report from Working Group FM. Helsinki | 13/17.05.2002 | Conference Europeenne des Administrations des Postes et des Telecommunications | |
343 | Competence for a communicative world | Juni 2002 | Rohde & Schwarz | |
344 | Report from the Spectrum Engineering Working Group. Baden | 10/14.06.2002 | Conference Europeenne des Administrations des Postes et des Telecommunications | |
345 | HFCC/ASBU + ABU-HFC High frequency Co-ordination Conference. Tentative Schedule B02 | 29.08.2002 | 26- 30 August 2002, Bangkok | |
346 | Report from Working Group FM. Warsaw | 16/20.09.2002 | Conference Europeenne des Administrations des Postes et des Telecommunications | |
347 | List of ITU- R recommendations | 2003 | International Communication Union | |
348 | Report from Working Group FM. Dublin | 27/31.01.2003 | Conference Europeenne des Administrations des Postes et des Telecommunications | |
349 | HFCC/ASBU High frequency Co-ordination Conference. HFCC/ASBU Tentative Schedule A03 | 06.02.2003 | 03- 07 Februar 2003, Sandton/Johannesburg | |
350 | Catalogue of publications | Mai 2003 | International Communication Union | |
351 | Report from Working Group FM. Stavanger | 01/23.05.2003 | Conference Europeenne des Administrations des Postes et des Telecommunications | |
352 | Report from Working Group FM. Bratislava | 22/26.09.2003 | Conference Europeenne des Administrations des Postes et des Telecommunications | |
353 | The Rode & Schwarz World of Spectrum Analysis | 2004 | Rohde & Schwarz | Die Mappe |
354 | Wireless Communications Standards | 2004 | Rohde & Schwarz | Die Mappe |
355 | HFCC/ASBU High Frequency Co-ordination Conference. HFCC/ABU + ABU- HFC Joint tentative Schedule A04 | 12.02.2004 | 09- 13 Februar 2004, Dubai, United Arab Emirates | |
356 | HFCC/ASBU High Frequency Co-ordination Conference. HFCC/ABU + ABU- HFC Joint tentative Schedule B04 | 26.08.2004 | 23- 27 August 2004, Helsinki, Finland | |
357 | Workshop. Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM)- future of the world- wide radio. Pilot project: digitalization of 1200 kW MW transmitter- test trasmition | 24- 25 November 2004 | Macedonian Broadcasting | |
358 | swissinfo/ Swiss Radio International. 70 Jahre der information verpflichtet | 2005 | Swiss Radio International | Multimedia DVD- ROM |
359 | HFCC/ASBU High Frequency Co-ordination Conference. HFCC/ABU + ABU- HFC Joint tentative Schedule A05 | 10.02.2005 | 07- 11 Februar 2005, Mexico City, Mexico | |
360 | HFCC/ASBU High Frequency Co-ordination Conference. HFCC/ABU + ABU- HFC Joint tentative Schedule B05 | 25.08.2005 | 22- 26 August 2005, Valencia, Spain | |
361 | HFCC/ASBU High Frequency Co-ordination Conference. HFCC/ABU + ABU- HFC Joint tentative ScheduleB06 | 31.08.2006 | 28 August- 1 September 2006, Athens, Greece | |
362 | Die drahtlosen Dienste der PTT | o.D. | PTT | |
363 | EMR. Institut für Europäisches Medienrecht | o.D. | EMR | Die Brochure |
364 | Slovensky Rozhlas | o.D. | Slovensky Rozhlas | Die Brochure |
365 | What is the EBU? | o.D. | European Broadcasting Union | Die Brochure |
366 | BAPT- Ein Portrait | o.D. | Bundesamt für Post und Telecommunications | |
367 | Federal Office for Posts and Telecommunications in the Federal Republic of Germany | o.D. | Bundesamt für Post und Telecommunications | |
368 | Richtfunkverbindung Patscherkofel- hohe Scheibe- Penegal | o.D. | Die Karte | |
369 | Deutsche Welle. Anstalt des öffentlichen rechts | o.D. | Deutsche Welle | |
370 | Einführung in die Antennentechnik | o.D. | ||
371 | English- French- German Technical Vocabulary | o.D. | British Broadcasting Corporations Engineering Division | |
372 | Kurier Spezial | o.D. | Kurier | Sonderausgabe zur ORF- Generalintendanten- Wahl |
373 | Connecting the world | o.D. | International Communication Union | |
374 | Sommerkamp Model TS-340DX | o.D. | Bedienungsanleitung | |
375 | Service Manual 10 Band Communication Receiver RF-4800LBS | o.D. | National Panasonic | Bedienungsanleitung |
376 | Service Manual 10 Band Communication Receiver RF-4900LBS | o.D. | National Panasonic | Bedienungsanleitung |
377 | Kenwood HF Transceiver TS- 850 S | o.D. | Kenwood | Bedienungsanleitung |
378 | Bedienungsanleitung für den SSB/CW- Transceiver TS- 830S | o.D. | Kenwood | Bedienungsanleitung |
379 | Bedienungsanleitung für den SSB/CW/FSK/AM- Transceiver TS- 930S | o.D. | Kenwood | Bedienungsanleitung |
380 | 2 m all mode transceiver Model TR- 9000 | o.D. | Kenwood | Bedienungsanleitung |
381 | Einführung von RDS- Anwendung beim ORF | o.D. | ||
382 | Sendernetze und Versorgungskonzepte für einen Terrestrischen Digitalen Hörrundfunk | o.D. | Institut für Rundfunktechnik | |
383 | Modulationsverfahren für einen digitalen Terrestrischen Hörfunk- Frequenzeffektive Bewältigung des Mehrwegeproblems | o.D. | Institut für Rundfunktechnik | |
384 | POST. Dokumentation über das Post- und Fernmeldewesen | o.D. | ||
385 | Protokolle, Offizielle Veröffentlichungen etc., ITU + IFRB KW- Konferenz etc. | o.D. | Microfiche | |
386 | Diverse Österreichische Karten 1 : 50 000 lose | o.D. | Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungen | 231 Stück |
387 | Diverse europäische Karten lose | o.D. | 18 Stück | |
388 | Vollzugsordnung für den Funkdienst VO Funk (Ausgabe 1968) | 1968 (letzte gedruckte Ausgabe) | Bundesministerium für Verkehr | |
389 | EBU Technical Review – Special Supplement 1998 | 1998 | European Broadcasting Union | |
390 | 2. TTX-Weltkongress in Wien 19.-21.03.1985 | 1985 | European Broadcasting Union | |
391 | FSI Report No. 275: Some systems design considerations for high-definition, direct broadcast television | 1981 | Future Systems Incorporated | |
392 | Hörzu Radio Guide 2004/05 | 2004 | Klawitter, Gerd und Siebel Wolf | |
393 | Taschenbuch der Telekom Praxis 2001 | 2001 | Seiler, Bernd | |
394 | Taschenbuch der Telekom Praxis 2002 | 2002 | Seiler, Bernd | |
395 | Jahrbuch der Telekom Praxis 2004 | 2004 | Schoblick, Robert | |
396 | Kanalbelegung MW | Dezember 1994 | ORF | Planungskarten |
397 | ORF. UKW 1999 | 30.11.1999 | ORF | Planungskarten |
398 | ORF. FS 1999 | 29.11.1999 | ORF | Planungskarten |