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A Prairie Home Companion's News from Lake Wobegon
"It's been a quiet week here in Lake Wobegon..." so leitet Keillor seinen Monolog ein in dem er über Wetter, Befindlichkeiten und das Alltagsleben der Bewohner der fiktiven Kleinstadt Lake Wobegon berichtet. Keillors Stimme und Diktion erreichen bis zu 3,5 Millionen Hörer weltweit.“I don’t think the stories are nostalgic. I don’t see them that way. I think they’re just little pictures and life there is far from ideal." (Zitat Garrison Keillor im Interview mit Patt Morrison, komplettes Audio im ap_2012_01-06 archiviert). Endet allwöchentlich mit den Worten "Where all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking and all the children are above average" Dar Archivbestand zu diesem Public radio rock star (Zitat Patt Morrison) umfasst Zeitungsartikel, Audios, Videos siehe vp_2009, DVDs und 1 Buch (siehe Bilder).
On Air seit 1974 (lediglich mit einer Pause von 1987-1988).
Archivnummern: AP/e_eng/nflw_2013_(Datum)
© Garrison Keillor
Datei | Datum | Inhalt | Dauer |
0105 | 05.01 | "It's been cold and gray, just a little bit of snow falling, children reluctantly going back to school. Lot of things had to be canceled because of that blizzard a couple of weeks ago." Texting disrupts a choir concert, Darlene resolves to find a man this year, and Clint Bunsen visits his wife's uncle in Omaha. | 12:17 |
0112 | 12.01 | "We've gotten some snow, even better than that, we've gotten frost--frost, when you have a clear night and you have high humidity, you wake up in the morning and everything is covered with frost." Terrible flu hits Lake Wobegon, memories of ice skating and smoking in the warming house, storytelling around a bonfire on a frozen lake, and the Lutheran church ends the year with a surplus. | 12:32 |
0119 | 19.01 | "It's been cold out there but it's a dry cold, you know, so it's not painful or anything and of course we are used to it. But, the battle of the thermostat goes on in every house in Lake Wobegon." The town gathers firewood to prepare for the cold weather, Mavis celebrates her 75th birthday in Los Angeles, and Clint Bunsen reflects on missing the opportunity to move to the Southwest. | 10:55 |
0126 | 26.01 | "It's been cold, it's been cold. It's been in the low teens--highs in the day. We don't do wind chill in Lake Wobegon. It seems like bragging to us somehow." Memories of the terrible winter of 1951--including sheltering local deer in the high school gym and Seena Halvorson meeting her husband while ice fishing--and Margie and Carl Krebsbach have an awkward encounter with their son, who has just moved home. | 16:02 |
0202 | 02.02 | "It's been bitterly, bitterly, bitterly cold in Lake Wobegon. It was so cold that they did not do the fire drill up at the high school." A group of Miami tourists arrives in town on a bus tour, Dorothy puts together a last-minute meal for them at the Chatterbox Cafe, and Renee Rasmussen's husband Delbert returns for the first time in years. | 13:40 |
0209 | 02.09 | "The snow coming in... It's been kind of a warm week. It's been in the 20s, and a little snow here this last week, a little sliver of moon up in the sky." Marilyn and Bud Bunsen worry about their daughter's unusual plans for the annual Snowball Dance, and a few members of the 1952 Lake Wobegon Leonards football team reminisce about their 1-8 season while visiting Naples, Florida. | 12:02 |
0216 | 16.02 | "It's been warm here this last week, been up in the 30s. Just the right temperature to keep the snow on the ground--keep it from melting." Vern visits Mavis for Valentine's Day, Pastor Liz hosts a dinner for the local singles, and the story of Louis Powell, the town's rare Unitarian. | 12:52 |
0223 | 23.02 | "It was the most beautiful snowfall in yesterday morning in Lake Wobegon. It was just gorgeous, it was like something out of a children's book." The town pledges for the annual "Big Plunge" fundraising event, Lake Wobegon High School students learn about owls, and a local English teacher makes an enriching discovery while walking in the woods. | 13:41 |
0302 | 02.03 | "It's been getting warmer up there. The tulips are up a little bit, and the irises, and the lily of the valley as well." Pastor Liz and Clint Bunsen spend some time together while digging a grave for Liz Tollefson, and Pastor Anderson weeps during her funeral service. | 11:08 |
0309 | 09.03 | "Drove up here this last week in the cold and the ice because I needed to get some of this 'plaster' that has been in our family for years..." A bad cough requires a cold remedy made from fresh mustard and Aunt Flo makes soup because her daughter is visiting from Minneapolis, in a monologue from March 2002. | 17:20 |
0316 | 16.03 | "We're all used to disappointment and heartbreak in Lake Wobegon. We're all used to being left behind, of course. It's really the story of our lives." Clint Bunsen tries to free a skunk from a trap, a booger joke causes Larry to shoot tapioca out of his nose, and Eloise Krebsbach buys an artificial limb to replace her boyfriend Fred, in a monologue from October 2009. | 13:55 |
0323 | 23.03 | "It's been a cold spring here, the ice still out there on the lake but the pelicans have arrived and other migrating birds have come in anyway." The milk truck gets stuck in Mr. Hoppe's driveway, Carl Krebsbach builds a house for a stockbroker friend, and it's a tough time for marriage, unless you have a ritual argument like Myrtle and Florian Krebsbach, in a monologue from April 2009. | 16:08 |
0330 | 30.03 | "Had a little bit of frost on Monday just to remind us where we live but otherwise it was warm. It was up in the 60s -- people had their windows open." The Lake Wobegon Whippets take some spring batting practice, Bud learns a lesson about friendship while putting the dock in the water, and Pastor Liz has an exciting evening on Easter Sunday, in a monologue from April 2012. | 12:25 |
0406 | 06.04 | "It has warmed up there. There's still some snow on the ground but there are signs of spring. The loons have come in to the lake and they're singing to each other." Spring is on its way and Donnie Krebsbach gets into trouble while attempting to rescue his fish house. | 09:15 |
0413 | 13.04 | "Got a big snow here this last week. Snow in the middle of April just pushed people right to the edge--just so terribly discouraging." Myrtle Krebsbach monopolizes the microphone after winning the "Pick the Pope" contest, Mavis and Vern break off their relationship, and the Pettersons embark on a 60-day juice cleanse. | 08:50 |
0420 | 20.04 | "We've had snow. We've had a lot of snow. People are discouraged. People are beaten down, they're cranky on account of this snow." Jimmy Krebsbach helps Arlene Bunsen deer-proof her yard, Pastor Liz makes house calls to hear the town's complaints, and a surprise in Mrs. Olson's purse interrupts the sermon at Lake Wobegon Lutheran Church. | 12:45 |
0427 | 27.04 | "Spring has finally arrived and the crocuses are up and the flowers are up and there's green grass and people are hanging their sheets out on the line, just for the smell of it, just for the beauty of it." Donny Krebsbach ventures onto the lake in search of early spring ice fishing, Christopher Inqvist gets a summer job at Ralph's Pretty Good Grocery, and thoughts on the importance of yard work. | 13:17 |
0504 | 04.05 | "It snowed this last week. It was harmful, it was hurtful to people, and people suffered from it. They were angry at it." The town attends the high school's production of 'Our Town,' Sarah Peterson worries her parents by becoming successful, and Mavis investigates Vern's past. | 11:06 |
0511 | 11.05 | "It's been beautiful out there. We're coming to spring here and everything's gorgeous." Fishing season begins in Lake Wobegon, the host learns of his mother's online Scrabble habit, and the history of the annual Willis Bunsen Grocery Run event. | 12:58 |
0518 | 18.05 | "It's a gorgeous, gorgeous fall here. Gorgeous nights--warm days, cool nights." Pastor Liz hosts a bonfire and Mr. Lofgren's orchard produces an exceptional harvest of his "Julia" apples, in a monologue from September 2012. | 13:05 |
0525 | 25.05 | "It's been rainy out there It's been raining most of the week and so everything is blossoming and blooming. Everything is green." Father Wilmer hosts a picnic at Our Lady of Perpetual Responsibility, the Lake Wobegon Whippets open their season, and the story of Wally "Old Hard Hands" Bunsen. | 13:26 |
0601 | 01.06 | "It was cloudy and chilly here this last weekend--Memorial Day weekend, which was a sore disappointment to people..." Myrtle and Florian Krebsbach take a trip to Iowa, Amy Tollerud graduates high school and prepares to leave for college, and Clarence Bunsen has an automotive encounter with a June bug. | 11:30 |
0608 | 08.06 | "It's been chilly, been cloudy this whole week but we're used to it. It doesn't really matter." Lake Wobegon High School's class of 2013 graduates, tales of graduation ceremony pranks from years past, and thoughts on being a commencement speaker. | 13:04 |
0615 | 15.06 | "It was a quiet week. It was a contemplative week, a week of meditation--in other words, it rained a lot." The host finds his own book at the Hedlunds' garage sale, Lake Wobegon High School valedictorian Louise Larson celebrates graduation, the Halvorson-Josephson wedding is called off, and a few thoughts on Father's Day. | 12:05 |
0622 | 22.06 | "Midsummer's Day--daylight, daylight, daylight--going on into the night and then there was a full moon on Sunday, the strawberry moon." The children of Lake Wobegon Lutheran Church leave for bible camp and Pastor Liz takes two weeks of vacation, but first, she pays a visit to Mr. Lilledale, who has not been himself. | 17:03 |
0629 | 29.06 | "Summer has come on, the raspberries are ripe, there are hummingbirds everywhere--it's been getting warm and humid here." Wally brings a case of mead to the Sidetrack Tap, the parents of Lake Wobegon deal with high school and college students home for the summer, and the perfect cover story for laziness. | 11:35 |
0706 | 06.07 | "Spring there--spring came on suddenly as spring always does. It just took one thunderstorm and green spears, tulips poking up in the flower beds and all the winter clothes went away into boxes down in the basement." Irene Bunsen does a little gardening and the high school prom coincides with the local farmers' manure-spreading week, in a monologue from April 2005. | 14:20 |
0713 | 13.07 | "Beautiful, beautiful weather out there. Sun: bright, highs in the 60s. It's been perfect. Farmers are combining the corn and the soybeans as well, and the alfalfa is still green." The Lake Wobegon Leonards lose their big homecoming game against the Millet Marauders and the folks in town react to fall and cooler weather, in a monologue from October 2010. | 14:42 |
0720 | 20.07 | "It's the week of the fall equinox, when we turn towards the darkness -- and we have this week. It's been chilly, it's been cloudy, and the sun -- less of it." Darlene encounters a coyote that resembles her Uncle Jack, Val Tollefson delivers a strange prayer at the adult bible study group, and a visit to the Lake Wobegon Town Dump, in a monologue from September 2011. | 09:35 |
0727 | 27.07 | "It's been warm out there. The flowers are up -- the peonies and lilacs, and of course the tulips are up. Those beautiful golden songbirds come back from their migrations." Uncle Will and Aunt Miriam move to Pasadena and Carl Krebsbach takes his new boat out for a very cold fishing opener, in a monologue from May 2000. | 19:56 |
0803 | 03.08 | "We got a little snow out there this last week -- six inches but we don't care. We're not shoveling. The shovel's been put away. The snow plow is parked in the garage." Spring comes to Lake Wobegon and town constables Gary and Leroy respond to a dispute at the Magendantz home, in a monologue from March 2011. | 10:49 |
0810 | 10.08 | "Unseasonably warm early in the week but now, thank goodness, the temperature has dropped into the single digits, which is to everyone's satisfaction." The town's ice fishermen deal with an unexpected lack of ice, residents gear up for the Winter Festival, Lake Wobegon sets a world record, and Darlene is forced to stay close-mouthed, in a monologue from January 2012. | 15:00 |
0817 | 17.08 | "It's been warm out there. It's been in the 40s, so we had a brown Christmas." | 09:03 |
0824 | 24.08 | "It was kind of a hot summer here for a couple weeks. The Norwegians got all pale and innervated and were gasping for breath like fish on a stringer." | 11:42 |
0831 | 31.08 | "It's getting on towards fall. The flowers are turning dry. Nobody's mowing their lawn anymore -- there's no need to. It's been kind of dry the last few weeks." Darlene becomes a vegan after accidentally killing a frog, the Schroeder family makes wine from wild grapes, and the Sons of Bernie visit the State Fair, in a monologue from September 2008. | 13:36 |
0907 | 07.09 | "Oh, we knew it was going to snow. We could see that sky--that was a snow sky. People who have lived here for more than five minutes know what that snow sky looks like." Plus, discovering hidden treasures under the floor of Lake Wobegon Lutheran Church, Pastor Liz delivers a sermon on one of her least favorite Gospels, and Lake Wobegon exiles return home for Thanksgiving, in a monologue from November 2011. | 08:05 |
0914 | 14.09 | "It's fall at last. It was very warm--very warm--early in the week. It got hot. People were even thinking of bringing back their air conditioners but that would've shown weakness." College students return to their campuses, the oldest man in town takes up smoking again, Pastor Liz leads a camping trip, and Mr. Dehner's dog plays shortstop for the Lake Wobegon Whippets. | 13:02 |
0921 | 21.09 | "It's been this gorgeous, gorgeous September, this beautiful time--so much happening." Lake Wobegon welcomes the arrival of fall, a bear surprises Irene Bunsen, then stays in town, starting a debate over who will pay to have it removed, and high school students take the ACT exam. | 08:54 |
0928 | 28.09 | "It's been absolutely perfect, perfect autumn weather--temperatures in the 70s and a mist coming up off the lake in the morning and drifting on up the hill into the woods." Dorcas Hansen rehearses for the school play and Pastor Liz dreads a meeting with her friend Carol. | 09:46 |
1005 | 05.10 | "Homecoming week this week at Lake Wobegon High School, not that we expect alumni to come back--they don't. They come back, maybe, for the holidays." High school students prepare for the homecoming dance, Laurel returns to town from Long Beach, California after 22 years, and Pastor Liz worries after giving a sermon that everyone enjoys. | 15:30 |
1012 | 12.10 | "It's been warm for us -- what we would consider warm -- temperatures in the 70s and sunny. Sort of like New Orleans but with essential differences." The town considers the benefits of a move to New Orleans, Roger and Cindy Hedlund clean out their cabin for winter, Mavis finally breaks up completely with Vern, and Pastor Liz hosts a delayed Confirmation mass and heads to Minneapolis for a massage. | 12:08 |
1019 | 19.10 | "We said goodbye to summer here this last week, there's just no doubt about it. It just turned cold, the north wind blew in, and cold air, and the sun went down behind the cloud." The town's residents reluctantly turn on their furnaces, parents attend parent-teacher conferences, and a story about being left behind in Seward, Nebraska. | 10:58 |
1026 | 26.10 | "Our beautiful fall has come to an end. We got a frost here on Monday Night. People were talking about it down at the Chatterbox Cafe." Eloise Krebsbach runs for mayor, the Lutheran Church updates its directory, Carl Krebsbach does a few odd jobs around town, and the Hedlunds dig up a Lake Wobegon ghost story. | 12:38 |
1102 | 02.11 | "We had our big frost and it turned cold. All the flowers are dead. They say we'll get some snow before Thanksgiving." Donnie Krebsbach heads to Minneapolis to visit his in-laws and his son and a distraught girl arrives in town to learn more about her uncle (who, it turns out, was secretly engaged to Tina Lundeen). | 10:14 |
1109 | 09.11 | "The big wind came along this last week and blew all of the leaves down, so there's no more illusion that we might get another, y'know, week of warm weather." Deer hunting season kicks off in Lake Wobegon, Daryl Tollerud and Roger Hedlund head to Carl Krebsbach's hunting shack where they share a few stories, and rumors fly about Pastor Liz's new boyfriend. | 12:02 |
1116 | 16.11 | "It's gotten cold up there, just genuinely cold, and we can tell it's cold because the teenagers are now putting on jackets and scarves and mittens and hats and so forth." Fred contemplates giving up furnace repair and moving to Texas, Lake Wobegon Lutheran Church prepares for its lutefisk dinner, Myron has knee replacement surgery, and Pastor Liz receives a strange call for help in the middle of the night. | 14:47 |
1123 | 23.11 | "It was the most beautiful snowfall in yesterday morning in Lake Wobegon. It was just gorgeous, it was like something out of a children's book." The town pledges for the annual "Big Plunge" fundraising event, Lake Wobegon High School students learn about owls, and a local English teacher makes an enriching discovery while walking in the woods, in a monologue from February 2013. | 13:40 |
1130 | 30.11 | "It's been chilly, but then we expected it would be. It's been clear sunny days, cold, clear nights. You can look up and see the stars up there." Lake Wobegon celebrates Thanksgiving by sharing a few stories from years past, the Tollefsons prepare a turkey using their grandmother's recipe, and Pastor Liz's boyfriend attends a service at the Lutheran Church. | 11:23 |
1207 | 07.12 | "We finally got our decent snowfall here on Wednesday night and now Minnesota can look Buffalo and the Yukon in the eye. We need not be ashamed any longer." Mr. Berge enlists shoveling help after the season's first big snowfall, Corrine Tollerud breaks up with her boyfriend, thoughts on modern child rearing, and memories of harrowing school bus rides. | 14:40 |
1214 | 14.12 | "They got snow out there and it turned good and cold and people are cheerful. People are more cheerful when it's bitterly cold out there, because what is the choice?" Sidetrack Tap patrons perform some impromptu satellite dish maintenance, Irene and Clint Bunsen prepare for the holidays, Pastor Liz hosts a caroling party that gets the town talking, and memories of early television in Lake Wobegon. | 16:12 |
1221 | 21.12 | "There was a beautiful big moon up there on Tuesday, Wednesday, and the light from that moon was so bright on the snow that some people woke up in the middle of the night." Tales of late-night baking and strange dreams, and the recently improved Lutheran Church Choir sings a few hymns during their Christmas banquet at the Moonlight Bay Supper Club. | 10:46 |
1228 | 28.12 | "Sort of balmy, balmy weather early in the week and then we got some drizzle and then finally last night we got some snow, snow, beautiful snow." Mavis and Vern continue their relationship despite Irene's objections (and become the talk of the town in the process), Pastor Liz visits elderly residents for the holidays, and the Chatterbox Cafe's potato sausage gives the town a festive aroma, in a monologue from December 2012. | 12:13 |