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On the Media/NPR
Archivnummern: AP/m_mm1/npr_otm_2008_(Sendedatum)
© National Public Radio
Datum | Datei | Inhalt | Dauer |
04.01 | 0104 | 1) IOWA! 2) Land of Plenty 3) Daughter of the East 4) Food Fight 5) Grading on the Curve 6) Strike Three 7) The Persistence of Memory | 50:57 |
11.01 | 0111 | 1) The Waiting Is The Hardest Part 2) A Year of Murders 3) Death Ray 4) The Internets 5) The R-Word 6) Take It As Red | 50:46 |
18.01 | 0118 | 1) Mission Impossible 2) Tale of the Tapes 3) The Politics of Exclusion 4) Primary Colours 5) Pay As You Go 6) Trials and Tribulations 7) Twenty Years Later | 50:57 |
25.01 | 0125 | 1) The War at Home 2) The Young and the Reckless 3) Public Affairs 4) 10 Is The Loneliest Number 5) Search Terms 6) En Passant | 50:55 |
01.02 | 0201 | 1) Relationship Angst 2) Earmarks: The Other White Meat 3) Tallying Delegates 4) Marketplace of Ideas 5) To Blog Or Not To Blog? 6) Listener Mail 7) Influence Peddler 8) Political Threads | 50:50 |
08.02 | 0208 | 1) FOIA's Foil 2) Managing Oversight 3) Kenya's Fragile Press 4) Oops! I E-mailed a Reporter 5) Guarding Piracy 6) Public Address System 7) Gitmo's Pop-Culture Moment | 50:56 |
15.02 | 0215 | 1) Congressional Contempt 2) Haditha Untold 3) Pimp My News 4) The Shows Go On 5) Fight Or Flight 6) Instant Karma 7) Sign Of The Times | 50:57 |
22.02 | 0222 | 1) Crisis of Confidence 2) What He Said 3) Drawing Within the Lines 4) Obama's Debut 5) Character Matters 6) Meat Marketing 7) Letters 8) Jungle Love | 50:56 |
29.02 | 0229 | 1) Love Is On The Air 2) The Early Word 3) Broadcasting to the Converted 4) People Power 5) WFB RIP 6) A Shred of Evidence 7) Smurfiversary | 50:50 |
07.03 | 0307 | 1) This Magic Momentum 2) The No Talk Express 3) NPR CEO O-U-T 4) The Long Arm of the Law 5) Bugging Out 6) Letters 7) Revenge of the Nerds 8) Life Squared | 50:51 |
14.03 | 0314 | 1) 40 Years Later: Hersh on My Lai 2) Anti-American Ambivalence 3) Shutter to Think 4) A Thousand Words 5) Sweet and Lowbrow 6) At the Wire's End | 50:56 |
21.03 | 0321 | Iraq War: 1) 5 Years of Covering Iraq 2) The Embed Experiment 3) Stagecrafting the War 4) Finding A Voice | 51:02 |
28.03 | 0328 | 1) See It My Way 2) Branding the Games 3) Bound for Glory 4) Under The Gun 5) Extra! Extra! We Still Want News 6) Crying Foul 7) Letters 8) Ballot Initiative 9) Prank Calling | 50:56 |
04.04 | 0404 | 1) Pressing On 2) Editors in Chief 3) Al Jazeera's American Face 4) The Convenient Untruths 5) Writing a Wrong 6) Update 7) A Call to Rebels | 50:57 |
11.04 | 0411 | 1) Breaking the Wiretap 2) Battlefield Ethics 3) How to Fix Tech Policy 4) The Last Shall Be First 5) You Can't Write This Stuff 6) Punditmonium 7) Playing One On TV | 50:56 |
18.04 | 0418 | 1) Debate Club 2) Papal States 3) Ghostwritten Prescriptions 4) The Future Perfect 5) War of the Worlds | 50:54 |
25.04 | 0425 | 1) Instruments of War 2) Cooking the Books 3) Dialing for Dollars 4) Oh No They Didn't! 5) The Forgotten Paper 6) Comics on the Stand 7) Rude Awakening | 50:56 |
02.05 | 0502 | 1) Illegal Sects 2) Under Murdoch's Watch 3) Search is the New Black 4) The Pleasure Principle 5) Correction and Letters 6) Sex, Drugs, and Video Games 7) Acid Reflux | 50:49 |
09.05 | 0509 | 1) Scott Bloch(ed) 2) Letter of the Law 3) Inside the Mind of a Talking Head 4) The Elite Beat 5) Travels and Tribulations 6) Object Lesson | 50:57 |
16.05 | 0516 | 1) Taking Fire 2) Best Seats in the House 3) Just Say Know 4) Real Noticias 5) Feet Fight 6) Word Watch: Green Collar 7) News as Muse | 50:56 |
23.05 | 0523 | 1) One For The Books 2) Down With Paper! 3) Long Live Paper! 4) The Bookmaker 5) Vanishing Reviews 6) The Long Tale 7) OTM's Novel Challenge Finale | 50:55 |
30.05 | 0530 | Issues of space and media: 1) Space Odyssey 2) The News Tower 3) Building Hype 4) Clearing The Air 5) Sound Reasoning 6) Moveable Type 7) Head Room | 50:54 |
06.06 | 0606 | 1) Happen Stance 2) The Olbermann Effect 3) HuffPo a Go Go 4) Letters 5) Stagecraft at Guantanamo 6) Standard Bearers | 50:56 |
13.06 | 0613 | 1) Debates Present 2) Debates Past 3) Hard Times 4) Left Out 5) New Jersey to Yemen 6) Real Virtual Therapy 7) Picturing Science 8) Tim Russert | 50:57 |
20.06 | 0620 | 1) Brand China 2) Journalism With Chinese Characteristics 3) China Vision | 50:55 |
27.06 | 0627 | 1) Fleeting Expletives 2) Online China 3) Influence Peddlers 4) The Listening Life | 50:58 |
04.07 | 0704 | 1) Zimbabwe 2) The Eat Beat 3) Empty Pews 4) The Evangelical Elite 5) Talking A Red Streak 6) Clay Felker, RIP 7) The X Factor | 50:56 |
11.07 | 0711 | 1) Meet the New FISA 2) Who's Watching the Watchers? 3) Google Can't Keep Secrets 4) Resisting Google 5) The Google Defense 6) New Times at The Washington Times? 7) Public Relations Retaliation | 51:09 |
18.07 | 0718 | 1) Supply and Command 2) Unhealthy Reporting 3) Weathering the Storm 4) Unfair Use? 5) Tough Love 6) The Intelligence Community 7) I Am Whatever You Say I Am 8) Search and Destroy | 51:10 |
25.07 | 0725 | 1) The Media Hearts Obama? 2) Dammit Janet! 3) Comments on Comments 4) Hellhounds On My Trail 5) Aren't We There Yet? 6) Ad Hominem Attack 7) Twice Told Tale? 8) Getting in Character | 52:10 |
01.08 | 0801 | 1) Olympic Trials 2) NBC's Olympics Experiment 3) Classified Report(er) 4) Last Days in Iraq 5) Project: OTM T-Shirt 6) On the Move 7) FAQ Check | 51:11 |
08.08 | 0808 | 1) Sweating the Suspect 2) The File Next Time 3) Free Copy 4) Letters 5) A Nose For News 6) Silver Screen's Silver Bullet? 7) Depth of Field | 51:03 |
15.08 | 0815 | 1) Shining a Light 2) Full of Surprises 3) 40 Years Later: Hersh on My Lai 4) Stirring Up the Past 5) Celluloid Heroes | 51:09 |
22.08 | 0822 | 1) Challenging Convention 2) No There There 3) Obama Nation Abomination 4) Fool Me Twice 5) How Tweet It Is 6) Micro Reporting 7) State of the Union 8) Media Mogul 9) Dress to Repress | 52:09 |
29.08 | 0829 | 1) The Best Most Fair Trusted Headquarters for Politics! 2) Those Who Came Before 3) Hidden Persuaders 4) Harry and Louise Part Deux 5) Full of Gas 6) OTM Beshirted 7) Press Time 8) Summer of '68 | 52:08 |
05.09 | 0905 | 1) Kiss Off 2) Margins of Error 3) Crunching the Numbers 4) Reporting Left Behind 5) Text Me 6) Film School 7) The Industry Voice | 52:09 |
12.09 | 0912 | 1) Stick Up 2) Pass It On 3) Vice Versus 4) A Series of Unfortunate Events 5) Information Warfare 6) Search Me 7) Short of Anonymous 8) Call Into Question | 52:11 |
19.09 | 0919 | 1) Crash Coverage 2) Cub Reporters in a Bear Market 3) Uncorrectable 4) The Old Switcheroo 5) The Limits of Control 6) Tapping the Net 7) The Rosenbergs a Half Century Later | 52:11 |
26.09 | 0926 | 1) A Week in the Life 2) Rescue Mission 3) Chronicle of a Death Foretold 4) A Crash By Any Other Name 5) Incarceration Now! 6) Information Please 7) Pulpit Politic | 53:11 |
03.10 | 1003 | 1) He Said, She Said 2) Becoming the President 3) The Trust Deficit 4) Past is Present 5) Weird Science 6) The Calculated Risk of Blogging 7) Hulu Hoopla 8) Virtual Vice 9) Manga Diplomacy | 52:08 |
10.10 | 1010 | 1) In Other News 2) Father Figures 3) The Abrams Doctrine 4) The Last Straw 5) Instruments of War 6) Ad Infinitum 7) Smear Campaign 8) Reign of Terror | 52:17 |
17.10 | 1017 | 1) Keeping them Honest? 2) La Otra Eleccion 3) Reading Between the Lines 4) Cover Ups 5) Prison Sentence 6) Swearing the Truth | 52:11 |
24.10 | 1024 | 1) Poll Me Twice 2) Magnetic Polls 3) Poll Dancer 4) Ghost of Bradley Present 5) Paper Backs 6) The Terrorist Vote 7) War Room Revisited 8) The Art of Invention | 52:11 |
31.10 | 1031 | 1) Time’s Up 2) Photo Finish 3) The Mobilization Equation 4) Politicizing Copyright 5) Pledge You, Pledge Me 6) Confessions from the Trail 7) Blazing the Trail | 52:12 |
07.11 | 1107 | 1) Call Time 2) President of the World 3) Global Headache 4) Net Routes 5) The Progressives Progress 6) Right On Red 7) The Dirty South 8) The Recording of America | 52:11 |
14.11 | 1114 | 1) Show Me The Money 2) The Marrying Kind 3) Drive American 4) A Perfect Vehicle for Criticism 5) Fool’s Errand 6) Enya Gets Played 7) Hot Off the Press | 51:11 |
21.11 | 1121 | 1) Risk and Return 2) 3 Step Guide 3) Banking On News 4) The Still Small Voice 5) Remembering to Remember 6) Letters 7) Bad Study Habits 8) Knowing Me, Knowing You | 52:10 |
28.11 | 1128 | 1) Money Talks 2) Gateway Drugs 3) The Paper Market 4) God No! 5) Snap Judgments 6) You Are What You Is | 52:40 |
05.12 | 1205 | 1) Detailed Coverage 2) The Twitter Wire Service 3) The New Hacker 4) Click to Agree 5) Patently Wrong 6) American Society 7) Long Day's Journey Into Night | 52:10 |
12.12 | 1212 | 1) Writers On the Rolls 2) The Stories They Carried 3) Dying to Be Seen 4) The Flog of War 5) Getting Paid For It 6) Japan's Most Exclusive Clubs | 52:08 |
19.12 | 1219 | 1) A Number of Challenges 2) I'll Shoe You 3) The Language Legacy 4) At Obama's Podium 5) Beg Your Pardon? 6) Orwell and the English Language 7) Death of a Source | 52:08 |
26.12 | 1226 | 1) War Crimes 2) Porn's Fine Lines 3) A Few Regrets 4) Letters 5) The Art of Diagnosis | 52:09 |