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On the Media/NPR
Archivnummern: AP/m_mm1/npr_otm_2009_(Sendedatum)
© National Public Radio
Datum | Datei | Inhalt | Dauer |
02.01 | 0102 | A rebroadcast of OTM in China: 1) Brand China 2) Journalism With Chinese Characteristics 3) China Vision | 51:58 |
09.01 | 0109 | 1) The New Israeli Barrier 2) Al Jazeera’s Exclusive 3) Dr. Gupta Goes to Washington 4) Almost Blu 5) Cloud Atlas 6) I-Smell a Flop 7) The Evolution of A1 8) The News Then and Now | 52:01 |
16.01 | 0116 | 1) Find Out What It Means To Me 2) He Said, He Said 3) The Swedish Model 4) In The Realm Of The Real 5) We Are The World 6) Heavy Medals 7) One Click Disclosure 8) The Enduring PR Offensive | 52:10 |
23.01 | 0123 | 1) Blackberry Jungle 2) Changing Platforms 3) Tabula Rosa 4) Peer to Peer 5) Bodies of Evidence 6) Watching War 7) Something Like Truth 8) The Face Never Lies | 52:09 |
30.01 | 0130 | 1) A New Face on TV 2) Out on a Limb-augh 3) Wither The New York Times 4) The Real Slim Shady 5) Liberté, Égalité, Newspapers 6) Growing Up Online 7) Moshi Moshi | 16:47 |
06.02 | 0206 | 1) It's All On the Line 2) Saving the Days 3) The Newspaper Gild 4) Notice Me 5) An Eye For An Eye 6) Life with Mr. X 7) The Spy Who Loved Us | 52:11 |
13.02 | 0213 | 1) The Privileged 2) Prescription Stimulants 3) Prosecutorial Discretion 4) The Cost of Being Green 5) The Science of Media Relations 6) The Crime of Blasphemy 7) Blinded By the Light 8) Paradise Lost | 52:10 |
20.02 | 0220 | 1) Digital Killed the Analog Star 2) The Die is Cast 3) Word Watch: Bipartisan 4) Getting Desperate 5) Stopping the Press 6) War of the Worlds | 52:02 |
27.02 | 0227 | 1) The True Cost of War 2) The Week in Leaks 3) The Apple, Jacked 4) Breaking the Case 5) Letters 6) WWGD 7) Boxed In 8) Tomorrow's Tonight | 52:10 |
06.03 | 0306 | 1) On the Outs 2) Meet the New Boss 3) Rocky Mountain Bye 4) How to Bail? 5) The Confidence Man | 52:10 |
13.03 | 0313 | 1) Meme Watch 2) A Shrug Goodbye 3) Secret Success 4) Leak Proof 5) Letters 6) The Net’s Mid-Life Crisis | 52:11 |
20.03 | 0320 | 1) Get Ready, Get Set ... Outrage! 2) Papers, Guns and Databases 3) Star Search 4) Cry for Yelp 5) First, Do No Harm 6) Smirch Engine | 52:11 |
27.03 | 0327 | 1) Stim Sell 2) War Is Over, If You Want It 3) Viva Journalismo 4) The Long Arm of the Law 5) The Witnesses That Didn't 6) The Infinite Shelf 7) Blogging the Stimulus 8) Gimme that Online Religion | 52:10 |
03.04 | 0403 | 1) Darwin's in the Details 2) The Net Effect 3) The Future Brain 4) Paper Trail 5) Yellow Fever 6) Chain Rule | 52:11 |
10.04 | 0410 | 1) Hear No Evil2) Seeing is Believing 3) Getting Heated 4) The Art of Censorship 5) Google Me Once 6) Free Is Just Another Word For Nothing Left To Lose 7) So Long, We Barely Looked Things Up in Ye | 52:11 |
17.04 | 0417 | 1) Tea Time All The Time 2) Brew Up a Brand 3) The Other Pirates 4) The Twitter Revolution 5) Define Ad 6) Chemical Principles 7) DIY Gaming 8) The Patriot in the Stacks | 52:20 |
24.04 | 0424 | 1) 7 Letter Word2) Inside Their Heads 3) The Sound of Pain 4) Belated Honor 5) Punctuation Infatuation 6) Food Fight 7) Grading on the Curve 8) Bugging Out | 52:18 |
01.05 | 0501 | 1) Stop, Drop and Roll2) Recurrent Fever 3) Report Card Time 4) The Emerging Media Strategy 5) 100 Days Many Years Later 6) Artificial Sweeteners 7) Pulp Fictions | 51:57 |
08.05 | 0508 | 1) Old and New Media Go to Washington 2) The Paper Chase 3) Truth and Consequences 4) Merry Young Trolls 5) Where I'm Calling From 6) Mo Money Mo Problems 7) Truth or Satire? | 52:19 |
15.05 | 0515 | 1) To Release or Not to Release2) Cleaning Up the Language 3) Holy Grail 2.0 4) All in a Name? 5) Qapla! | 52:17 |
22.05 | 0522 | 1) Speaking of Terror 2) Delete All 3) Droning On 4) Rewrite 5) 59 Minutes 6) Pitch Perfect | 52:17 |
29.05 | 0529 | 1) Court and Spark 2) Tip Calculator 3) Grade Inflation 4) Peer Pressure 5) The Inheritance Of Loss 6) Living in the Future | 52:17 |
05.06 | 0605 | 1) Global Audience 2) Public Opinions 3) The Rise of "Satellite Sheiks" 4) The P.R. Front 5) The Morbid Metric 6) Talking Retro 7) Talking Tween | 52:17 |
12.06 | 0612 | 1) Globe in Crisis2 Watching the World Go By 3) Eagle Eye 4) Smoking Makes You Ugly 5) Just Say Know 6) Letters 7) Static Relationship 8) Process Journalism 9) Game Changer | 52:17 |
19.06 | 0619 | 1) Iranian Clampdown 2) Your Turn 3) The New Revolution? 4) Missed Connections 5) The Stat Police 6) Extreme Makeover: FOIA Edition 7) Anonymous Callers 8) For the Love of Reading | 52:20 |
26.06 | 0626 | 1) Getting A Second Opinion 2) Torturous Wording 3) Leaving the Story 4) Moving On Up? 5) Help Line 6) Ambushing the Ambushers 7) The Art of the Ambush | 52:17 |
03.07 | 0703 | 1) Debunk This! 2) Tabula Rosa 3) Ghost of Bradley Effect 4) The Witnesses That Didn't 5) Great Expectorations 6) Missile Crisis Memories | 52:16 |
10.07 | 0710 | 1) A King's Farewell 2) Look Who’s Coming to Dinner 3) The Silent Treatment 4) Do Unto Others 5) Time and Space 6) Heart of Stone 7) Mr. Khrushchev Goes to Washington | 52:20 |
17.07 | 0717 | 1) Bench Warming 2) Broken Record 3) Best Selling 4) Just Eat It 5) The Child in White 6) Letters 7) Covering Big Food 8) How the Sausage Was Made | 52:20 |
24.07 | 0724 | 1) The Language of Reform 2) Pollbearers 3) Blame Canada 4) Buybacks 5) Copyright Flack 6) Neswpaper Leighoffs 7) The Insider 8) Voting, On Roids 9) Life of the Party | 52:18 |
31.07 | 0731 | 1) The Origins of Rumors 2) Looking for a Fight 3) Covering Recovery 4) Is This New? 5) Give it Back 6) Getting to Know You 7) Too Good to Check 8) In Memoriam: Stone Weeks and Holt Weeks | 52:32 |
07.08 | 0807 | 1) Everyone's Favorite Radical 2) The Revolution Will Be YouTubed 3) A Local Paper's War Story 4) On the Front Lines 5) Psychology of Sacrifice 6) What's In a Name? | 52:39 |
14.08 | 0814 | The future of the internet: 1) Smirch Engine 2) The Net Effect 3) The Future Brain 4) The Net's Mid-Life Crisis | 52:36 |
21.08 | 0821 | 1) Sight Unseen 2) In Sickness and In Health 3) Color Me Offended 4) Iraq's New Censor 5) Find Evan Ratliff, Win $5000 6) The Road to Non-Profit 7) Post-Newspaper Journalism? 8) Don Hewitt | 52:39 |
28.08 | 0828 | 1) Report Card 2) The Wrong Debate? 3) Cover Ups 4) Prison Sentence 5) Edward M. Kennedy | 52:37 |
04.09 | 0904 | 1) Fight or Flight 2) Movie Critic 3) The Thousand-Yard Snare 4) Sue You 5) Word 6) Brooke, Clive and Ethan at Aspen | 52:18 |
11.09 | 0911 | 1) President, Interrupted 2) Just Read It 3) Different Perspectives 4) Captured: Evan Ratliff 5) Don't Quote Me 6) 9/11 And Films | 52:17 |
18.09 | 0918 | 1) The Seeds of a Story 2) Calling All Leakers 3) Without a Net 4) He Lived in Public 5) And God Said 6) Defining Moments | 52:16 |
25.09 | 0925 | 1) Newspapers Go To Washington 2) In Memoriam, W. Horace Carter 3) A New Privilege 4) Growing Neutrality 5) Cutting the Cable 6) Ruin Porn 7) Time in Detroit 8) True Enough | 52:16 |
02.10 | 1002 | 1) The Other Provision 2) A Torture Narrative 3) Italy's Mogul 4) Driven to Do Something 5) Digital Delusion 6) The Amygdala Goes Hollywood 7) Shadow and Substance | 51:20 |
09.10 | 1009 | 1) Taking Our Medicine 2) Shot of Fear 3) Recurrent Fever 4) Direct to Consumer Science 5) Making the Team 6) You Decide, We Report 7) Endorsement Deal 8) Star Search | 52:18 |
16.10 | 1016 | 1) The One Percent War 2) Book Club 3) Update 4) Obama to FOX: You’re GOP 5) Off Target 6) The Curse of the Mogul 7) Game Theory 8) Hard Times | 52:20 |
23.10 | 1023 | The Future of the Music Industry: 1) Facing the (Free) Music 2) They Say That I Stole This 3) Played Out 4) * Podcast Extra: Teens on Tunes * 5) Charting the Charts 6) "Why I'm not Afraid to Take your Money" | 56:09 |
30.10 | 1030 | 1) Investigating the Investigators 2) The Innocence Mission 3) Take For Granted 4) News Ex Machina 5) The Right Place at the Wrong Time 6) The Fear Factor 7) Last Words | 52:22 |
06.11 | 1106 | 1) Covering the Third War2) A Higher Power 3) TV's Unlikely Ally 4) Is Paid Content Nigh? 5) Refusing to Pay 6) Finding Utopia 7) Update 8) Shields Up 9 Tear Down This Quote | 52:23 |
13.11 | 1113 | 1) Prognosis Negative 2) The Good Doctor 3) Web Sickness 4) Health Craze 5) Oopsies! 6) Political Games 7) Big Enough to Fail 8) Bye Bye Lou | 52:18 |
20.11 | 1120 | 1) Obama In China 2) Unfinished Business 3) Waiting for Info 4) Sixth Sense 5) Online and Isolated? 6) Letters 7) Count Down 8) It's Not in the P-I | 51:54 |
27.11 | 1127 | The past, present and future of the book: 1) Book It 2) * Podcast Extra: Indies on the Industry 3) Books 2.0 4) For the Love of Reading 5) For the Love of Books 6) Word on the Street 7) Reinterpreting War 8) Books That Die | 51:52 |
04.12 | 1204 | 1) Speech! Speech! 2) Mea Perplexa 3) Talk is Cheap 4) On the Take 5) Mike Penner: 1957-2009 6) Kisha Clubs | 51:55 |
11.12 | 1211 | 1) Hot Mail 2) The Heat of Battle 3) Follow for Now 4) Open to Scrutiny 5) The Long Arm of Tyranny 6) Under Lock and Key 7) Indians Abroad | 51:54 |
18.12 | 1218 | 1) Broad Minded 2) Don't Read That 3) Unsafe Sext 4) The Searchers 5) "Dirty" Documents 6) Life Archive 7) Read All About Me | 51:53 |
25.12 | 1225 | 1) The Last Worst Time 2) In Memoriam, James F. Brown 3) Film Buff 4) Making Monsters 5) The Industry Voice 6) When America Went Psycho 7) The Wilhelm | 51:54 |