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On the Media/NPR
Archivnummern: AP/m_mm1/npr_otm_2004_(Sendedatum)
© National Public Radio
Datum | Datei | Inhalt | Dauer |
02.01 | 0102 | 1) The Year in British Media 2) Big Brother Grows Up 3) Trials and Tribulations 4) Gavels On Air 5) Media Person of 2003 6) Buried in Media 7) Letters 8) These Offers Won't Last! 9) The Father of Public Relations | 52:59 |
09.01 | 0109 | 1) Snooping in the Dark 2) Fear & Fallout 3) Out Source 4) Pakistani Media: Part 2 5) Dialectics of Repression 6) Letters 7) Talking Right to Left 8) Primarily Ignored | 53:00 |
16.01 | 0116 | 1) Not So Fast 2) Living with the Hopefuls 3) Supreme Secrecy 4) Out of Touch 5) Pen, Notepad, Gun 6) Letters 7) Independently Wealthy 8) Sundance Kids | 52:59 |
23.01 | 0123 | 1) Topdog, Underdog 2) The Spin Room 3) Adopt-a-Journalist 4) Whoop(s) 5) Letters 6) Angle on the Address 7) Publishing for a Young Iraq 8) Profitable Occupation 9) Topic: War Reporting | 53:00 |
30.01 | 0130 | 1) Sticking to Their Guns 2) Sticking to Our Minds 3) Hutton Chops 4) Pope Death Watch 5) Letters 6) Nudge Nudge 7) Primetime Primary 8) State Secrets' Secret 9) Jack Paar's Legacy | 53:00 |
06.02 | 0206 | 1) Tat for Tit 2) Medicare Ad 3) Just the Numbers? 4) The Virus Industry 5) Off-Target Treaty 6) Wordwatch: Echo Chamber 7) Beatles On the Air 8) Soupy Weighs In | 52:59 |
13.02 | 0213 | 1) Comcast Chases Mouse 2) Herd, Not Answered 3) Operation No Post 4) (Not Enough) Sunshine State 5) Go West, Young Mogul 6) Coming Out Swinging 7) Entertain(t)ing the Jury 8) War Film in Peace Time 9) The Girls Are Back in Town | 53:00 |
20.02 | 0220 | 1) Dean Colored Glasses 2) Pesca On the Trail 3) Where's the Beef? 4) Embedded, The Play 5) Letters 6) Big Wheels Keep on Turnin' 7) Four Star General (Motors) 8) Movie Means and Ways 9) Making Up for Hi-Def | 52:59 |
27.02 | 0227 | 1) Crisis in Haiti 2) Palestinian Pollster 3) Stern Warning 4) The Two Johns 5) Twisted Trails 6) Garfield vs. Hollywood | 52:59 |
05.03 | 0305 | 1) Nice Package 2) D.H.S. - The Series 3) The G-Word Shuffle 4) Says Who? 5) An Indecent Proposal 6) Underselling the Pirates 7) Movies About Movies 8) Trust This Review | 51:03 |
12.03 | 0312 | 1) Indy Campaigning 2) Pipes Versus Pictures 3) Low Power to the People 4) Continental PubCasting 5) The Peterson Circus 6) Stereotype-Based Reality 7) Spin Sisters 8) Specialty Mags | 51:19 |
19.03 | 0319 | 1) Public Service or Public Relations? 2) The Nightly News Sell 3) Chalabi in Charge 4) An Embed Reflects 5) No Room for Dissent 6) No Money for Law-Breaking 7) Cinema's (Still) Dead | 51:14 |
26.03 | 0326 | 1) Foreign Eyes on the Beltway 2) Stereotypes and the Lying Reporters who Report Them 3) Journalism 101 4) Phone(y) Research 5) Mourning Edition 6) Letters 7) Selling America 8) America, the Product | 51:02 |
02.04 | 0402 | 1) Nasty Boys 2) No Taste for Deregulation 3) Ratings Gamed 4) Talk Radio: Game ON 5) Alistair Cooke, Remembered 6) Letters 7) We Bust, You Decide 8) Release Getters | 50:53 |
09.04 | 0409 | 1) The Rice Show 2) Iraq And A Hard Place 3) Home Field Disadvantage 4) War Porn 5) One Hundred Days 6) A Perfect Vehicle for Criticism 7) Copy-Caught 8) Dogging the Wag | 51:42 |
16.04 | 0416 | 1) Fanning the Flames 2) Podium Standoff 3) The Power of Reconciliation 4) Letters 5) McLuhan on McLuhan 6) Googly Eyes 7) Gay and Gamer 8) Can't Talk Now | 51:37 |
23.04 | 0423 | 1) Silent Blast 2) Enablers-in-Chief 3) Extreme Crackdown 4) Getting Personal 5) Bush Hush 6) Re: Everything 7) A Book for Every Girl & Boy | 51:43 |
30.04 | 0430 | 1) Enemy Jazeera? 2) The Fallen 3) Media Culpa 4) The Archivist 5) Weather or Not, Here it Comes 6) Creation of the Media 7) Blog Jockeys | 51:28 |
07.05 | 0507 | 1) The Scandal, From There 2) Digging Our Own Grave 3) Classified: Suspicious 4) Premie Punditry 5) The Wizard of Lizard 6) Letters 7) Moralize This! 8) Godzilla Lives 9) My Sin, My Soul…Whose Lolita? | 50:56 |
14.05 | 0514 | 1) The News From Over There 2) War in the Digital Age 3) Party of One 4) PBS Feels the Chill 5) Come Again? 6) Mud-Slinging Professional Style 7) Biased Balance 8) The News At Teatime | 51:22 |
21.05 | 0521 | 1) Don't Shoot the Translator 2) State Secrets Secret 3) The Good Soldier 4) Word Up 5) Letters 6) Subcontinentally Wrong 7) The Drink Stink 8) Sir Yes Sir! | 51:29 |
28.05 | 0528 | 1) Note of Regret 2) The News The Whole News and Nothing But the News 3) Stars and Stripes 4) If I Had Hammer 5) FOIA Oh-Boya! 6) The Plame Game (again) 7) Examining Ourselves 8) Man on the Street | 53:00 |
04.06 | 0604 | 1) If You Can't Destroy Them, Join Them 2) Rush for the Grunts 3) Spectrum Speculations 4) Autumn in Russia 5) OTM Updates 6) G-Bomb 7) Right on Campus 8) Roving Reporters | 51:13 |
11.06 | 0611 | 1) Lost in Remembrance 2) Hot to Handle 3) Keep it Covert 4) Before the Purge 5) Clean Up Follow Up 6) Not the Juiciest 7) The Wonkette 8) Did You Hear? | 51:22 |
18.06 | 0618 | 1) The Connection 2) E-Qaeda 3) Beating Berlusconi 4) ConText Clues 5) The Arizona Project 6) The Right to Air Arms - Part 2 7) More and Moore Movies 8) What's up, Doc? | 50:58 |
25.06 | 0625 | 1) Hand it Over 2) In Visible Offense 3) Deregulation Update 4) Driven to Download 5) Wilco Keeps it Real 6) Don't Touch That Radio Dial 7) Glenn Gould's Media 8) Earworms | 50:55 |
02.07 | 0702 | 1) The Handover: Who Knew? 2) Trial of the Century 3) Parenting the Internet 4) Mob Scene 5) Le Freakout: Part I 6) Letters 7) More on Moore 8) The Worst PR Job in the World | 51:03 |
09.07 | 0709 | 1) Throwing the Pick 2) Le Freakout: Part 2 3) To Print or Not to Print 4) Outrage? Not so much 5) Letters 6) Lessons Learned 7) Wishful Editing 8) Outfoxed | 51:04 |
16.07 | 0716 | 1) What's Wrong with Kerry? 2) Ralph 'n Rupert 3) He Told Us So 4) Goliath Stumbles 5) Russia Update 6) Sweating Suspects 7) The Count 8) More to Life than Books | 50:55 |
23.07 | 0723 | 1) UnConventional Correspondents 2) A Cause for Alarm 3) Out With the Old 4) In With No News 5) America, the Product 6) Private Eyes 7) Steal this Login 8) Here a Cult, There a Cult | 51:01 |
30.07 | 0730 | 1) What Can We Say? 2) On Radio Row 3) American Candidate 4) Bob in Space 5) We're Supported by You, the Subscriber 6) They Doth Protest Too Much 7) This is What Reality Looks Like 8) Islamica News | 50:55 |
06.08 | 0806 | 1) Iraq Calling 2) Smells Like Censorship 3) China Crisis 4) Updates and Letters 5) Mooning the Media 6) Doctor, I've a Pain in My HIPAA 7) Medical Malpractice | 50:55 |
10.08 | 0810 | 1) No Bloody News 2) Analyze What? 3) Ain't That Good News 4) Satellite Speakeasy 5) Arnold's Press 6) Judging Judy 7) God is in the Details 8) Endgame | - |
13.08 | 0813 | 1) People Get Ready 2) Shepherding the Flock 3) This is Only a Test 4) Letters 5) Honor Lost 6) Hoaxer Loses His Head 7) We Don't Need No Stinking I-Visas 8) Twelve Angry (& Televised) Men | 51:05 |
20.08 | 0820 | 1) Fog Machine 2) That's Entertainment 3) Let Them Leak 4) Izzy Rules 5) Identity Crisis 6) Spin the Tail 7) Kerry's FCC Change 8) Lollywood Goes Pop | 50:55 |
27.08 | 0827 | 1) Not So Swift 2) Balance & Lies 3) Marginal Understanding 4) Pledge This! | 50:55 |
03.09 | 0903 | 1) Mad As Zell 2) Made-for-Fox-Event 3) Protesting the Coverage 4) The Yes Men 5) John McCrossover 6) Stealing Our Reality 7) Rule Change 8) Kickers | 50:55 |
10.09 | 0910 | 1) Critical Mass Media 2) In the Mirror of Beslan 3) Mano a Mano 4) How to Cover a Hurricane 5) Eyes (and Ears) of the Storm 6) Journalists as People 7) The Forgotten Network | 50:55 |
17.09 | 0917 | 1) The Longest 60 Minutes 2) Who Said What Now? 3) Kerry Takes No Questions 4) Communications Breakdown 5) Paper Tiger in Tehran 6) Genocide Handbook 7) Commercial Success 8) Death of the Single | 50:55 |
24.09 | 0924 | 1) World on Bush on World 2) Transparency is Right 3) Homefront Confidential 4) Sue Me, Sue Me 5) Settling Down With a Good Movie 6) Interrogating Freedom 7) Re: The Longest Sixty Minutes 8) Leakers | 50:55 |
01.10 | 1001 | 1) Many Layers of Spin 2) How Did They Do? 3) Afghan Elections 4) Thin Air 5) CBS Chills Out 6) A Public Betrayed 7) Six Months Later | 50:55 |
15.10 | 1015 | 1) Measure for Measure 2) Media Meddlers 3) Can't Cover the Bulge 4) Photo Realism 5) Generation Text 6) Sinclair's Stolen Honor 7) Local News, Local Democracy 8) October Surprise | 50:55 |
22.10 | 1022 | 1) King of the Hill 2) When Buckeyes Attack 3) Poll Crazy 4) Polls Be Gone 5) Market vs. Message 6) Stand by Our Man 7) Back Page Power 8) Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better | 51:00 |
29.10 | 1029 | 1) Blast Off 2) Kill the Messenger 3) The Debate Effect 4) The Lie Downers 5) Drive to Win 6) Tender is the Night 7) Letters 8) Doing the Scary Laugh Week After Week | 50:55 |
05.11 | 1105 | 1) Handled With Care 2) Returns to Power 3) Deep Freeze 4) Lights Out 5) Innocent Accounting Errors 6) The C-Word 7) The Persuaders | 50:59 |
12.11 | 1112 | 1) Sunni Triangulating 2) The Pistol and the Olive Branch 3) Pop the Question 4) Spies Like Us 5) The Sound of Ashcroft 6) Letters 7) Hacks 'R' Us 8) Don't Let the Beat Stop | 50:55 |
19.11 | 1119 | 1) Face the Nations 2) The Good Soldier 3) Army of Three 4) Story of the Moral 5) Media in a Blue State 6) Wordwatch: Evangelical 7) Ocean State Standoff 8) Spies in the House of Lost Love 9) Spying Dull, Bureaucratic! | 50:59 |
26.11 | 1126 | 1) Intolerable 2) All About Dan 3) Payola Persists 4) Driven to Download 5) Earworms 6) Nashville Bob | 50:55 |
03.12 | 1203 | 1) Media Mutiny 2) Revolution, Inc. 3) Update: Reporters in Court 4) Opaque Justice 5) Perilous Times 6) Letters 7) Psyche! 8) All You Need Is Hate 9) Nashville Bob MP3 | 50:55 |
10.12 | 1210 | 1) Filter vs. Filter 2) Justice For Journos 3) State Silence Duns Sun 4) Chavez in Charge 5) Writing + Content = A19 6) Dinosaurs, a Jedi, and a Really Big Shark 7) The Box Office in No Man's Land 8) Hollywood is Calling | 50:55 |
17.12 | 1217 | 1) More Than a Fetus 2) Term Paupers 3) Sued by the Judge 4) Nuclear Reaction 5) The Ambassador 6) Un-Enlightened 7) Letters 8) Picturing the World | 50:55 |
24.12 | 1224 | 1) 1600 Pen Ave. 2) Who Said What Now? 3) Rolodex Journalism 4) Man Bites Dog 5) Gender Detector 6) Garfield vs. Hollywood | 50:55 |
31.12 | 1231 | 1) Hard News 2) Janet Cooke's Legacy 3) Society of the Spectacle 4) Corrections 5) Pulling Back the Curtain 6) 1939 Radio 7) Media Diet of a Bronx Teen 8) Arun Has Left The Building | 50:55 |