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A Prairie Home Companion's News from Lake Wobegon
"It's been a quiet week here in Lake Wobegon..." so leitet Keillor seinen Monolog ein in dem er über Wetter, Befindlichkeiten und das Alltagsleben der Bewohner der fiktiven Kleinstadt Lake Wobegon berichtet. Keillors Stimme und Diktion erreichen bis zu 3,5 Millionen Hörer weltweit.“I don’t think the stories are nostalgic. I don’t see them that way. I think they’re just little pictures and life there is far from ideal." (Zitat Garrison Keillor im Interview mit Patt Morrison, komplettes Audio im ap_2012_01-06 archiviert). Endet allwöchentlich mit den Worten "Where all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking and all the children are above average" Dar Archivbestand zu diesem Public radio rock star (Zitat Patt Morrison) umfasst Zeitungsartikel, Audios, Videos siehe vp_2009, DVDs und 1 Buch (siehe Bilder).
On Air seit 1974 (lediglich mit einer Pause von 1987-1988).
Archivnummern: AP/e_eng/nflw_2012_(Datum)
© Garrison Keillor
Datei | Datum | Inhalt | Dauer |
0107 | 07.01 | "The crocuses are up and the tulips are up and then we got a little bit of snow overnight but nobody said a word about it." Dorothy wins the "Guess the Ice Melt" contest, the tundra swans return to Lake Wobegon, spring yard work begins, and Pastor Liz is forced to use her emergency sermon, in a monologue from April 16, 2011. | 16:03 |
0114 | 14.01 | "Unseasonably warm early in the week but now, thank goodness, the temperature has dropped into the single digits, which is to everyone's satisfaction." The town's ice fishermen deal with an unexpected lack of ice, residents gear up for the Winter Festival, Lake Wobegon sets a world record, and Darlene is forced to stay close-mouthed. | 09:38 |
0121 | 21.01 | "It's been cold out there. It was one below zero here the other day and everybody felt pretty good about that." Kenny does some soul searching after leaving the Sidetrack Tap and getting stuck in a hidden snow tunnel, the Women's Circle switches from quilting to writing, and Pastor Liz has a revelation while "night swimming." | 16:33 |
0128 | 28.01 | "We got a little snow -- a little snow Monday night. What a beautiful snowfall it was, and not all that cold out." The recent warm weather puts those who suffer from "Pump Handle Phobia" at ease. Plus, Mr. Hansen lends a hand around the neighborhood while his wife visits her sister in Florida, and reveals an unusual secret. | 09:05 |
0204 | 04.02 | "Barely-not-quite-winter -- in the 30s, low 40s, so there's not much snow around. People are kind of cranky as well." The Tolleruds have a gerbil loose in their house, reflections on hiding embarrassing photos and personal effects from your children, the town continues to deal with a warm winter, and Darlene defends a hair color mishap. | 11:23 |
0211 | 11.02 | "Valentine's Day coming up on Tuesday, so love is in the air." Cold weather returns to Lake Wobegon, the Lake Wobegon Leonards basketball team suffers a disheartening defeat, the Bunsens baptize a new granddaughter on Super Bowl Sunday, and Marilyn Tollerud tells the story of her grandfather, who outlived a dire prognosis. | 12:28 |
0218 | 18.02 | "It's been warm there. It's been in the 30s — just a little trace of snow here and there, a sunny sky here today. Not winter as we know it. We will survive somehow." The town's Fourth of July committee meets to plan this year's parade, Daryl Tollerud encounters an angry skunk, and Clint Bunsen has a revelation about his ancestry. | 14:32 |
0225 | 25.02 | "It was a new moon on Monday so it was purely dark for three nights and there was very little snow on the ground to reflect any starlight or streetlights." Clint Bunsen turns to a vegetarian diet after his wife discovers a dangerous German cookbook, Pastor Liz makes a few pastoral calls, and they share an awkward encounter when Clint visits to repair her toilet. | 10:31 |
0303 | 03.03 | "We had a little snow here on Tuesday to try and freshen up our snow cover somewhat -- which was getting a little threadbare." Thoughts on ice fishing preparation, and Lake Wobegon Elementary students suffer the airborne effects of an unfortunate school lunch, in this monologue from 2007. | 10:24 |
0310 | 10.03 | "We got a little snow out there this last week -- six inches but we don't care. We're not shoveling. The shovel's been put away. The snow plow is parked in the garage." Spring comes to Lake Wobegon and town constables Gary and Leroy respond to a dispute at the Magendantz home, in this monologue from 2011. | 10:48 |
0317 | 17.03 | "It's been warm out there — temperature's been in the 50s and the 60s. The snow has melted, a good deal of it, except for very stubborn snow that hangs out in the woods." Lucille Tollerud leads a protest against changes to the post office, and other examples of "Irishness" in Lake Wobegon, in a monologue from 2000. | 21:56 |
0324 | 24.03 | "It's been a big week in Minnesota weather. We had a little snow at the beginning of the week and it was cold and then it got warmer and the sun came out." The story of Mr. Turnblad, who built a sailboat, sailed the Gulf of Mexico for three months, and returned to Lake Wobegon a changed man. Plus, Darlene falls for a new bread deliveryman, and the town deals with rain on the night of the junior/senior prom, in a monologue from 2009. | 13:57 |
0331 | 31.03 | "It's been warm out there. It's been windy. The ice went out on the lake a long time ago and even the old grumblers in the Chatterbox Cafe have had to admit that spring is here." March was a month of "firsts" in Lake Wobegon, Pastor Liz plans for Easter, and the story of aviator Wilbur Scott, who finds a final resting place at the Sidetrack Tap. | 10:34 |
0407 | 07.04 | "It is spring. The lawns have turned lush and green. The loons have arrived -- loons, who are monogamous, and one pair of loons will command a whole wide expanse of water out on Lake Wobegon." The town celebrates Easter, spring yard sales begin, the local Norwegian bachelor farmers wash their sheets, and Pastor Liz delivers an unexpectedly powerful Good Friday sermon. | 08:11 |
0414 | 14.04 | "Had a little bit of frost on Monday just to remind us where we live but otherwise it was warm. It was up in the 60s -- people had their windows open." The Lake Wobegon Whippets take some spring batting practice, Bud learns a lesson about friendship while putting the dock in the water, and Pastor Liz has an exciting evening on Easter Sunday. | 12:26 |
0421 | 21.04 | "It's been kind of cold and rainy there this last week. We got a little snow on Monday -- we don't need to talk about that at all." The high school seniors prepare for their Senior Prom, the Sons of Knut do some spring cleaning, Pastor Liz ponders her encounter with a highway patrolman, and Mr. Nelson goes on a strange journey. | 15:14 |
0428 | 28.04 | "It's been a beautiful spring. It's up in the 60s, been a little rainy but it's warm enough for us." Deer become a nuisance in Lake Wobegon, local high schoolers prepare for prom while the Good Shepherd Nursing Home holds its Sweethearts Dance, and Clarence Bunsen inherits a modest sum when his Aunt Astrid passes away. | 11:18 |
0505 | 05.05 | "Kind of wet this week but nice and warm, up into the 80s. It's the real start of summer here. Spring is just a very brief season in Minnesota." Lake Wobegon Lutheran Church holds its annual book sale. Plus, the story of Dean Levine, who dreamt of becoming a cashier. | 12:54 |
0512 | 12.05 | "It's been spring and the grass is lush and green and the flowers are up. It's just gorgeous. It's that time of year in Minnesota when it's too warm to snow again and not quite warm enough to go swimming." Corrine Tollerud returns from college having discovered Kierkegaard, Mr. Holmberg avoids a public speaking sentence, and Father Wilmer receives an unusual bequest. | 14:59 |
0519 | 19.05 | "It's been hot out there and we're not used to it. Gets up into the 80s and it's very humid and people get nauseous walking back and forth into air conditioning and back out." The strawberries and blueberries are plentiful in Lake Wobegon, the junior high boys go skinny-dipping in the lake, and Pastor Liz arrives to much celebration and curiosity, in a monologue from 2010. | 14:56 |
0526 | 26.05 | "It's summer at last and the rhubarb is coming in and the lilacs are in full bloom. Somebody's been cutting alfalfa. The crickets, you can hear them, and the frogs are singing." A rainstorm drenches the town, the Lake Wobegon Whippets begin spring training, local families open their lake cabins, and the Lutheran church switches to its summer service schedule. | 11:00 |
0602 | 02.06 | "It's been beautiful. It's been dry. It's been in the 70s, a little breeze coming in, very low humidity." The class of 1962 returns for a reunion, the class of 2012 plans their senior prank, the story of an epic food fight, a tent caterpillar infestation hits Lake Wobegon, and Corrine Tollerud discusses Kierkegaard and Christianity with Pastor Liz. | 14:50 |
0609 | 09.06 | "It's been warm there -- what we would consider warm. It's been up in the 80s and it's been kind of rough on these Scandinavians." The high school graduation ceremony moves out of the air-conditioning-less gymnasium, the students are disappointed by the transit of Venus, Hannah Rasmussen overuses a metaphor in her valedictorian speech, and the Mueller children return to Lake Wobegon for their mother's funeral. | 12:21 |
0616 | 16.06 | "It was very brutally, brutally hot here this last week and the deerflies came in, which is a form of plague." Powerful storms roll into Lake Wobegon, Luanne Peterson copes with the arrival of a new patient in the pediatric intensive care unit, and a story to comfort Luanne when she breaks down under an overpass during the storm. | 12:34 |
0623 | 23.06 | "A lot of heat at the beginning of the week and storms -- sheets of rain coming down -- it was a beautiful, beautiful thing." Lake Wobegon celebrates Father's Day, Lake Wobegon Lutheran church celebrates the baptism of Roger Hedlund's granddaughter, and the sounds of the town interrupt the Sunday service. | 11:50 |
0630 | 30.06 | "It's been a beautiful, beautiful week. It's been warm and sunny--gets up into the 90s in the afternoon but the mornings are perfect." The town deals with a heat wave and the meanest woman in Lake Wobegon passes away. | 13:22 |
0707 | 07.07 | "It's been warm--got up to 100 degrees on the Fourth of July so everything has slowed down in town. Dogs are not chasing anything anymore." Pastor Liz checks in on the students at her Lutheran Bible Camp, the Lake Wobegon Whippets defeat the Avon Bards and their unorthodox third baseman, and the town celebrates the Fourth of July. | 12:18 |
0714 | 14.07 | "It's been gorgeous, it's been perfect, it's been sunny, it's been warm. The raspberries and the strawberries are coming in. The tomatoes are not too far away." Lake Wobegon enjoys the summer strawberry crop, and the story of Bernice and Earl, who served who served as missionaries in Ecuador before returning to a Minnesota rhubarb farm. | 14:57 |
0721 | 21.07 | "It's been warm out there--warm enough so that people are now able to sleep at night with their windows open, which changes everything in a person's life." High school graduates prepare to explore the world, and a life-changing trip to the Grand Canyon, in a monologue from 2003. | 13:45 |
0728 | 28.07 | "It's been warm out there this week. Been up in the 80s--unusual for October. The trees are at their peak and everybody should've been happy." Clint Bunsen endures a talkative duck hunting companion, the Lake Wobegon High School football team faces a feared rival, and Pastor Liz chooses between three very different sermon topics, in a monologue from October 2011. | 12:55 |
0804 | 04.08 | "It's been warm out there--what we call warm. It's been in the 90s. It's been good tomato-growing weather." Irene Bunsen grows a crop of unique tomato plants and a potential buyer bartends at the Sidetrack Tap to get a feel for the place, allowing Wally to enjoy some time on his pontoon boat, in a monologue from 1999. | 20:02 |
0811 | 11.08 | "The Whippets won last Sunday afternoon. They played the Freeport Flyers and they won by a score of 3-2. It was a great game--it was one of those close, tight games where everything that happens means a lot because it's so close." Babe Ruth visits the town for an exhibition game against the Lake Wobegon Schroeders, in a monologue from 1985. | 27:30 |
0818 | 18.08 | "We're coming to the end of this warm spell in November and it is none too soon. Need to get real here. If we go on much longer with this sort of weather in November and it just encourages people to entertain all kinds of illusions." A monologue from November 2001. | 14:40 |
0825 | 25.08 | "It turned cold this week, to everybody's great relief -- to finally have winter here, for sure. No doubt about it. No going back and forth between fall and winter, but just winter. The real thing." | 15:56 |
0901 | 01.09 | "It's been warm and humid this last week and we've gotten a lot of rain, which has been good for the gardens in my town." The town apprehends a band of mailbox vandals, Bruno the Fishing Dog tears through Irene Bunsen's tomato patch, the Whippets start their season, and thoughts on fresh produce in Lake Wobegon, in a monologue from 1999. | 21:03 |
0908 | 08.09 | "Mozart's 250th birthday this year. All over America, even in Lake Wobegon: choirs celebrating, singing Mozart." Recollections of choirs in Lake Wobegon, plus songs for "Mary Jo" and "One More Spring in Minnesota," in a monologue from 2006. | 18:50 |
0915 | 15.09 | "It's a gorgeous, gorgeous fall here. Gorgeous nights--warm days, cool nights." Pastor Liz hosts a bonfire and Mr. Lofgren's orchard produces an exceptional harvest of his "Julia" apples. | 13:22 |
0922 | 22.09 | "A big wind came in yesterday and brought in a little taste of November for us. It turned chilly and cold almost right away." Jimmy Krebsbach returns from Texas to visit his friends and family (leaving behind his large collection of Cadillacs) and reveals the origin of a strange scar on his chest. | 14:08 |
0929 | 29.09 | "Fall has come on. There's a definite chill in the air and there are people who have to get up in the night and close their bedroom windows." The Hansens take a road trip to Yellowstone, Kurt visits Amsterdam after retiring as the janitor of the Lake Wobegon elementary school, and Pastor Liz goes on a date with a youth minister. | 09:29 |
1006 | 06.10 | "It was warm and beautiful early in the week, and then Wednesday night you could feel the earth turn and the world change." The Pettersons host an enormous bonfire and Orville makes a friend while on a train trip to California. | 16:23 |
1013 | 13.10 | "It's been chilly. It's been sunny out there. The gardens are all in--everybody's picked everything there is to pick. People are working on their yards now." Pastor Liz avoids giving a sermon about a difficult verse, the Bakkes move to Arizona to care for Jack's mother, and Darlene bumps into her old English teacher at the El Dorado Casino. | 15:45 |
1020 | 20.10 | "It's been chilly and drizzly and rainy here this last week, and windy as well, so a lot of the leaves have fallen in town." Falling leaves herald conflicting yard work styles, Clint Bunsen makes some improvements to his deer stand, and memories of ill-gotten poker winnings. | 14:13 |
1027 | 27.10 | "It's been chilly and kind of gray and drizzly. Winter sort of arrived in a big rush on Thursday. It was briefly sunny, back on Sunday." Irene Bunsen and Mrs. Anderson argue about the ownership of an enormous pumpkin, Lyle points out a hard-to-see meteor shower, which draws a crowd of onlookers, and the last boxelder bugs of the season find refuge in Lake Wobegon Lutheran Church. | 12:28 |
1103 | 03.11 | "The world has taken a turn towards the cold. The sun comes out but it's not warm anymore -- we've taken the big turn towards fall." Art's rules for staying at the Night o' Rest Motel, Dorothy urges Chatterbox Cafe customers to try pumpkin bread pudding, and Pastor Liz meets a carpenter named Michael at a bar in St. Cloud. | 13:41 |
1110 | 10.11 | "It's been cloudy and chilly, a little rainy. It's been November weather and all these geese flew in--about 500 of them in a flock, along with about 10 swans." The election puts a damper on conversation in Lake Wobegon, Clarence Bunsen proposes the cancellation of the Christmas Lutefisk Dinner, and Mr. Hoppe dies on his way home from the Sidetrack Tap. | 11:43 |
1117 | 17.11 | "Winter came in Sunday night. A cold front moved in and the snow fell. Big beautiful flakes still falling on Monday morning." Memories of sledding in Lake Wobegon, Daryl Tollerud goes deer hunting and attends the Annual Meatloaf Dinner (formerly the Annual Lutefisk Dinner), and Pastor Liz discusses Gabriel García Márquez at a dinner party. | 13:51 |
1124 | 24.11 | "It's Thanksgiving this week and the exiles up from the cities for the traditional Thanksgiving, whatever that may mean nowadays. And then on Thursday, this ice storm hit and the roads became slick and slippery." Our Lady of Perpetual Responsibility hosts the town's joint Thanksgiving service, women gather at the Bon Marche Beauty Salon, and Clint Bunsen puts up his Christmas lights. | 14:03 |
1201 | 01.12 | "It's been cold out there. It's been in the 20s and the 30s, big full moon this Wednesday, people putting up Christmas decorations." Dorothy and Darlene swap Thanksgiving stories, the Bunsens host a Thanksgiving dinner for people with no place else to go, and Mavis and Vern spend some time together despite their political differences. | 14:03 |
1208 | 08.12 | "Sort of balmy, balmy weather early in the week and then we got some drizzle and then finally last night we got some snow, snow, beautiful snow." Mavis and Vern continue their relationship despite Irene's objections (and become the talk of the town in the process), Pastor Liz visits elderly residents for the holidays, and the Chatterbox Cafe's potato sausage gives the town a festive aroma. | 12:14 |
1215 | 15.12 | "We had our first really good snowfall of the year. It was predicted in the Gospel from St. Luke, which was last Sunday morning." The Lake Wobegon public schools get a snow day, Lake Wobegon Lutheran Church's seasonal decorations cause discomfort in the congregation, Pastor Liz visits the town's elderly residents, and the Bunsens comfort their daughter after her terrible week at work. | 12:13 |
1222 | 22.12 | "It's been kind gray and cloudy, sort of drizzly, this last week, waiting for snow to come. We've had a little bit of snow but not as much as we deserve." Mrs. Hansen makes an anonymous donation, the Tolleruds are forced to change their Christmas dinner plans when their daughters invite a Brazilian exchange student, and Pastor Liz hosts guests who have nowhere else to go. | 06:39 |
1229 | 29.12 | "We got a little snow -- a little snow Monday night. What a beautiful snowfall it was, and not all that cold out." In a monologue from January 2012, warm weather puts those who suffer from "Pump Handle Phobia" at ease. Plus, Mr. Hansen lends a hand around the neighborhood while his wife visits her sister in Florida, and reveals an unusual secret. | 09:33 |