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A Prairie Home Companion's News from Lake Wobegon
"It's been a quiet week here in Lake Wobegon..." so leitet Keillor seinen Monolog ein in dem er über Wetter, Befindlichkeiten und das Alltagsleben der Bewohner der fiktiven Kleinstadt Lake Wobegon berichtet. Keillors Stimme und Diktion erreichen bis zu 3,5 Millionen Hörer weltweit.“I don’t think the stories are nostalgic. I don’t see them that way. I think they’re just little pictures and life there is far from ideal." (Zitat Garrison Keillor im Interview mit Patt Morrison, komplettes Audio im ap_2012_01-06 archiviert). Endet allwöchentlich mit den Worten "Where all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking and all the children are above average" Dar Archivbestand zu diesem Public radio rock star (Zitat Patt Morrison) umfasst Zeitungsartikel, Audios, Videos siehe vp_2009, DVDs und 1 Buch (siehe Bilder).
On Air seit 1974 (lediglich mit einer Pause von 1987-1988).
Archivnummern: AP/e_eng/nflw_2010_(Datum)
© Garrison Keillor
Datei/Datum | Inhalt | Dauer |
21.08 | The smell of freshly mowed grass becomes Proust's madeleine, conjuring up memories of young love on a summer afternoon. | 15:30 |
28.08 | The wild grapes are ripe along the East side of the lake and the Schroeder's have set about making their wild grape wine. | 13:48 |
04.09 | Fall settles in around Lake Wobegon, which is a good thing, because we could only bear so much summer. | 11:55 |
11.09 | A review of summer vacations -- the historical low point of any good Lutheran's year. | 12:41 |
18.09 | Dorothy at the Chatterbox Café is raising eyebrows with a new hairdo. | 17:18 |
25.09 | Clint and Irene Bunsen are away in Indiana, and the tomatoes in their yard are just perfect. But they won't last. So the folks in Lake Wobegon turn to pastor Liz for the right thing to do. | 12:59 |
02.10 | The Lake Wobegon Leonards lose their big homecoming game and the folks in town react to fall and cooler weather settling in. | 15:07 |
09.10 | Pastor Liz makes her way around town and loses $200 bucks in the Side Track Tap. | 10:36 |
16.10 | Marilyn Tollerud decides not to go commercial with her famous pumpkin bread. | 10:35 |
23.10 | Recollections of a trip to Aunt Eva & Uncle Jack’s farm about chickens, sad songs and a 30 foot fall (in the buff) from the haymow. | 11:42 |
30.10 | It's Halloween in Lake Wobegon, things get crazy, and we all learn a valuable lesson. | 17:17 |
13.11 | The first large snowfall of the year finds Lake Wobegon residents unprepared. | 15:39 |
20.11 | 33 years after embezzling $200K from the Lake Wobegon State Bank, 92 year old Myrtle Anderson wants to come back home. | 15:19 |
20.11 | Extra: Guy Noir - Guy visits Saint Augustine where he is given an offer that is difficult to resist from Rupert Murdoch. | 13:22 |
27.11 | Thanksgiving in Lake Wobegon brought fresh snow and a stream of exiles returning home. | 12:08 |
04.12 | In Lake Wobegon, even a huge snowfall doesn't cancel events - most of which would bring more pleasure if they were cancelled. | 11:29 |
11.12 | Lutheran's don't like to pretend to be happy, they would rather just stay home. | 09:14 |
18.12 | Our Lady of Perpetual Responsibility prepares for their annual Christmas pageant, minus the "slaughter of the innocents" from last year. | 13:29 |
25.12 | Four memorable Christmases. | 17:16 |
31.12 | Lunar Eclipse | 06:26 |