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On the Media/NPR
Archivnummern: AP/m_mm1/npr_otm_2001_(Sendedatum)
© National Public Radio
Datum | Datei | Inhalt | Dauer |
06.01 | 0106 | 1) The world is a morgue 2) White House press corps 3) Helen Thomas 4) Time-Delayed New Year’s 4) Al Gross obit 5) Marty Glickman obit 6) The death of George magazine 7) Feuding ferret magazine 8) Word watch: End of the day 9) Susan Estrich | 53:00 |
13.01 | 0113 | 1)Bill O’Reilly 2) George W. Bush and the press 3) Ari Fleischer 4) Blame the media 5) 1939 Radio 6) AOL/Time Warner merger 7) Future of music on the internet 8) The magical Alan Greenspan | 53:01 |
20.01 | 0120 | 1) Pop Culture Texas 2) Southern Partisan 3) Likeability 4) Utah Jazz 5) English Celebrities 6) IT 7) Word watch: Luddite 8) Prank calls 9) Tom Mabe | 53:00 |
27.01 | 0127 | 1) Football vs. High Culture 2) Reporters as theater critics 3) Michael Deaver 4) Word watch: Love Child 5) When fox attacks: Jesse Jackson 6) Sundance 7) On The Media Held Hostage 8) Descripters for the blind 9) Bloody Sunday | 53:00 |
03.02 | 0203 | 1) CNN 2) Falun Gong 3) Word Watch: Urban 4) Minorities and Radio Advertising 5) Vanity Plates 6) Oedipus 7) Beat Sweetners 8) Letters to Ted 9) Painters in film | 54:33 |
10.02 | 0210 | 1) Al Gore goes to J School 2) Al Gore master class 3) Journalist Spies 4) Sex on TV 5) Dating Shows 6) Left Behind 7) Letters 8) Olive Garden 9) Cinamatic Selves 10) Wilhelm | 53:00 |
17.02 | 0217 | 1) Reporters under fire int he Middle East 2) Network mea culpa 3) Garrick utley 4) Ken Johnson 5) Pundit watch 6) Discussion: Reporter on Israel 7) Lynn Cheney VS. Eminem 8) Holywood VS Hardcore 9) Everquest | 53:00 |
24.02 | 0424 | 1) There’s Now’t as Queer As Folk 2) Spying ont he Times 3) Sorry from Boston 4) Death of a legend 5) Case Closed? Lockerbie re-examined 6) Bet goes to Canada 7) Primetime Blues 8) Who’s your favorite friend? 9) T.G.I….T? 10) Coming out of the (commercial) closet | 53:00 |
03.03 | 0303 | 1) DVD's: Everyone's a Cineaste 2) The Charm Offensive 3) Pundit watch 4) Sentenced by the press 5) Professor Gore, revisited 6) Enquirer scoops 7) Jesse and the jackals 8) Letters 9) MTV: Pulling back the curtain on pulling back the curtain 10) Bush on DVD | 52:54 |
10.03 | 0310 | 1) Local news 2) Financial Shows 3) News in exile 4) Cheatwood 5) Anchor School 6) Weather Hype 7) Media Movies 8) Series 7 9) Unscripted TV | 58:59 |
24.03 | 0324 | 1) TV Gouges politicians 2) Gore and Greenspan 3) Pundit watch 4) Release getters 5) Movie Airplanes 6) Airplane edits 7) Canadian MP Hoax Piece 8) Movie Musicals 9) Oscar music | 54:06 |
31.03 | 0331 | 1) Foundations and Public Broadcasting 2) Indian sting 3) San Francisco newspaper war 4) Congress and E-mail 5) Letters 6) Trust us 7) RJ Cutler 8) Mary Richards Statue 9) Blurbs | 54:07 |
07.04 | 0407 | 1) Dan Rather: „Caught in a Texas Tornado” 2) British Electioneering 3) Corrections 4) Brills/Inside Merger 5) Labor reporting 6) Freemasons get PR 7) Brooke and Bob 8) Gore and Letterman 9) Corporate Anthems 10) OTM Anthem | 58:26 |
14.04 | 0414 | 1) Cross-Ownership 2) Media corruption in Peru 3) Punditron 4) Birds 5) Mr.Clippy 6) Letters 7) Weakest link 8) Female Game Show 9) Word watch 10) Porn and Comic self-regulation | 53:02 |
21.04 | 0421 | 1) Jets, Lies and Videotape 2) Russian TV 3) McVeigh an the Media 4) Word watch 5) Av Westin 6) Responding to Westin 7) Don Hewitt 8) Bat Boy 9) Nihilism in pop culture | 53:02 |
28.04 | 0428 | 1) Marketing prescription drugs 2) 100 days 3) Suing for sources 4) Nicholson Baker 5) Word watch: extreme 6) Tarcey Munaku 7) The week 8) ESPN goes fishing | 53:02 |
05.05 | 0505 | 1) Excerpts from a public radio special: The Execution Tapes 2) The execution of Ivon Ray Stanley 3) Reactions from public radio listeners 4) Televising executions: A critical roundup 5) Criticism of the public radio special: The execution tapes 6) ABC in Oklahoma 7) Victims’ rights and the media 8) Pitching a tent in Terre Haute 9) Execution broadcasts abroad 10) Death in the media | 53:02 |
12.05 | 0512 | 1) Not necessarily the news 2) Le Monde 3) Letters 4) British tabloids 5) The ad drougth and journalism 6) Is journalism school necessary? 7) Ugly Betty 8) Skinny people eating fat 9) Healthy frasier 10) Stealing books package | 53:02 |
19.05 | 0519 | 1) Mainstreaming urban culture 2) Scott Shuger 3) Upfronts 4) The Brazill trial 5) Dead celebrities 6) Intellectual property 7) Esquire fudges facts 8) Covering strikes 9) Ethnic press 10) Bonus commertial track! | 53:03 |
26.05 | 0526 | 1) Jackass 2) Bringing good things life? 3) New editor at the New York Times 4) The mayor, the mistress, his wife, her lover 5) Mayor as Myth 6) Vandal scandal 7) Q & A 8) „The columnist” | 52:02 |
02.06 | 0602 | 1) KBOO 2) Trafficant: Media darling? 3) Tom Grant 4) Obituary Writers Conference 5) G-Men 6) Letters 7) Non-traditional casting 8) Ugly actors | 53:03 |
09.06 | 0609 | 1) Benneth Roth 2) Fleischer responds 3) AIDS int he media 4) Bg2 5) Ehrenreich 6) Pay for play 7) The death of the single 8) Record scratch | 53:02 |
16.06 | 0616 | 1) 2) Bush goes to Europe 3) Media witnesses to an execution 4) Television city 5) Iverson 6) Critic 7) Glastonbury 8) Motley crue 9) HBO: TV’s darkside 10) CBS reacts | 52:59 |
23.06 | 0623 | 1) The bulger killings 2) Chandra Levy 3) letters 4) Politicians muscle radio broadcaster 5) BBC switches off short-wave in North Amerika 6) color TV AT 50 7) Survivor lawsuit 8) MBA in the news 9) Specialty magazines | 53:03 |
07.07 | 0707 | 1) Reporters under fire int he Middle East 2) Letters 3) Bill O’Reilly 4) Journalism Ethics Hotline 5) Wilhelm 6) Corporate anthems 7) OTM Anthem | 52:59 |
14.07 | 0714 | 1) A decade of CourtTV 2) Campaign finance reform 3) Pentagon Papers 4) Pop Courtrooms 5) Dominick Dunne 6) Found magazin 7) Corporate Media Literacy 8) Media Literacy Camp | 58:28 |
21.07 | 0721 | 1) Covering Kissinger 2) Katherine Graham 3) Isaacson at CNN 4) Catcher int he Rye 5) Bloomberg for mayor 6) Brian on Bloomberg 7) Artificial heart 8) Buyouts 9) Letters 10) Sharks 11) Movie mutts | 52:59 |
28.07 | 0728 | 1) Privacy 2) Changing of the editorial guard 3) Mayan scribes 4) MTV grows up 5) MTV: Pulling back the curtain on pulling back the curtain 6) The art of price is right 7) Am Apes 8) Abiomed 9) Erik Barnouw | 53:03 |
04.08 | 0804 | 1) Crackerjack 2) NTV 3) CNN music 4) Graft alert 5) Haitian journalist 6) Dead men talking 7) Letters 8) Baseball announcers 9) Baseball ads | 52:32 |
11.08 | 0811 | 1) War of words int he Middle East 2) Official Secrets 3) Letters 4) George Harrison 5) TV’s heroes 6) Wordwatch: Luddite 7) Clinton’s big book deal 8) Book scan 9) Soundalikes | 52:56 |
18.08 | 0818 | 1) Waxman 2) China and the internet 3) News or not? 4) Product placement 5) BCC and the royals 6) British celebrities 7) Environment, inc. 8) Don Imus | 52:57 |
01.09 | 0901 | 1) Lifetime #1 in prime time 2) Fighting for the first amendment 3) Mike’s pockets 4) Mr. Rogers retires 5) Anti-drug news programming 6) Lifetime 7) Readers’s digest 8) Wordwatch: end of the day 9) High School papers on line 10) Media diet | 58:27 |
08.09 | 0908 | 1) Gentleman’s agreement 2) International cnferencs on racism 3) Grammar news 4) Attic remembered 5) Trauma and journalism 6) The crime beat 7) Wordwatch: schizo 8) XM Radio 9) MTV music awards | 52:58 |
22.09 | 0922 | 1) The first 48 hours 2) What the press isn’t covering 3) International papers 4) Like a movie 5) Will Ferrell 6) Max Robbins 7) War in the headlines 8) Words and the president 9) Los Angeles Time’s critic condemned 10) final assessment | 51:03 |
29.09 | 0929 | 1) Pentagon and the Press 2) War At Home 3) Covering the World 4) Taliban Documentarian 5) Broadway Blues 6) World Press 7) Online Response To Tragedy 8) False Hopes 9) Watch What You Say | 53:10 |
06.10 | 1006 | 1) The Recount...Reversed? 2) Wordwatch on terrorism 3) Whither columnists? 4) Vetting the ads 5) For irish journalists, the „troubles” hit home 6) Giving the star and crescent the pr treatment 7) Letters 8) Urban legends as mass therapy? 9) A very modern conflict 10) Coffee talk with Ted Koppel | 52:50 |
13.10 | 1013 | 1) Al Jazeera 2) Headlines 3) The making of a media image… for terrorists 4) Paris match jouro behind the lines 5) A tale of three networks: CNN… 6) …And the Fox family channel 7) The media diet of Mohammed Atta 8) PSY-OPS 9) Religion of love? 10) Best sellers in war time | - |
20.10 | 1020 | 1) Network Anthrax 2) Surgeon general David Satcher 3) Disaster and de-ragulation 4) British v. american censorship 5) Could we have prevented 9/11? 6) Letters 7) „Women of cover” 8) The new look of CNN 9) Leakers | 52:58 |
27.10 | 1027 | 1) Decoding the Pentagon 2) The de facto „Shutter control” 3) Remembering the mayoral races 4) The race to replace Rudy G. 5) Acting conservative 6) The SAG elections 7) The look of war from across the water 8) The only show in Afganistan 9) Our nation’s cultural glue | 52:59 |
03.11 | 1103 | 1) Casualty Count 2) The European View of the War 3) Who’s Got the Charity Beat? 4) Firefighting and the Lessons of 9/11 5) Jesse Ventura 6) Staying Informed “The Body’s” Way 7) Pakistani Press 8) “Overcome” 9) The Viral Internet 10) The Parody NPR Song Parody | 52:58 |
10.11 | 1110 | 1) Who’s Side is the Media on? - The Devil’s? 2) Who’s Side is the Media on? - The Saints’? 3) European Public Opinion 4) The Media Diet of a Californian Afghan 5) Panic Press 6) Letters 7) Packaging Patriotism 8) From Media-mogul Billionaire to Mayor Bloomberg 9) Will 9/11 change the way America watches TV? 10) Microsoft, AKA? 11) Anathor Word for Microsoft | 52:59 |
17.11 | 1117 | 1) The Origins of 24 Hour News 2) Reporting from Afghanistan 3) Al-Jazeera’s Captive Audience 4) Missed Credit 5) Mike’s Pockets 6) Violent Films find Voracious Audience 7) This Movie is Terribly Good, Says Critic 8) Philadelphia Inquirer Editor Quits 9) Who Controls Local TV News? | 53:12 |
24.11 | 1124 | 1) The History of Propaganda 2) Four Journalists Killed in Afghanistan 3) Peace, War, and P.R. 4) Indoctrination and Rejuvenation 5) Civilian Casualties: counting the minutes 6) SPAM: More than Meat 7) Letters 8) America on the Radio 9) America on the radio II | 53:10 |
01.12 | 1201 | 1) Cloning 2) Iranian Television 3) Destroying Information 4) Ugly Actors 5) Pauline Kael 6) World Press 7) British Papers 8) New York Exposed | 51:04 |
08.12 | 1208 | 1) PsyOps 2) Covering Israel: World Press 3) Covering Israel: American Media 4) Victim Recount 5) UN: News vs. Propaganda 6) Initiative 911 7) Marketing in Pakistan 8) Enron 9) Amazon Reviewer 10) Stealing Books 11) Yule Log | 51:04 |
15.12 | 1215 | 1) Cause-Related Advertising 2) The Bin Laden Tape 3) Arab Press Reaction 4) How Much Hitler? 5) The President’s Commercial 6) The Homeland Security Chief’s Commercial 7) Letters 8) Mike’s Pockets: The Crawl 9) Teenagers and the Internet 10) Bob’s Anthrax Scare | 53:04 |
22.12 | 1222 | 1) NPR’s Middle East Coverage 2) Voice of Palestine 3) Images of Mohammed al-Durrah 4) Zimbabwe 5) The Spirit of America 6) America in Egypt 7) Terrorist Actor 8) Afghan Public Relations 9) The Queen | 53:01 |
29.12 | 1229 | 1) Time Delay New Year 2) The First 48 Hours 3) Ted Koppel 4) Leakers 5) Cultural Glue 6) Dead Celebrities 7) DVD’s 8) DVD Parody | 51:00 |