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On the Media/NPR
Archivnummern: AP/m_mm1/npr_otm_2012_(Sendedatum)
© National Public Radio
Datum | Datei | Inhalt | Dauer |
06.01 | 0106 | 1) Requiring Local TV Stations to Disclose Political Ad Buys Online 2) The Onerous Task of Disclosing Political Ad Buys Online 3) Personal Data and the Election 4) The Trouble With The Latest National Defense Authorization Act 5) Government Reverses Itself on Online Gambling 6) The Laugh Track 7) Movie Riffing in the Internet Age | 51:58 |
13.01 | 0113 | 1) When Republicans Go Populist 2) The Story That Continues to Dog Romney 3) Naked Statutes 4) Drones: Coming Soon to a Sky Near You? 5) The Gentleman Hacker of 1903 6) Who owns your image after you die? 7) Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Public Imagination | 51:58 |
20.01 | 0120 | 1) A Wild Week for Online Piracy 2) Defending SOPA and PIPA 3) Citizens United and the Presidential Campaign 4) Montana Goes Its Own Way on Citizens United 5) Get Back On The Boat 6) Dollars for Doctors 7) Who Owns Data From Inside Your Body? | 51:58 |
27.01 | 0127 | 1) A Good (and Bad) Week For Apple 2) The Supreme Court and the State of the Union 3) The Supreme Court on GPS Tracking 4) Carolyn Lerner and the Office of Special Counsel 5) Tom Devine on Whistleblower Protections 6) Internet Censorship From Around the Globe 7) Internet is a tool, not a human right 8) Everyone Should be able to Access the Internet | 51:59 |
03.02 | 0203 | 1) Life in Facebookistan 2) Facebook v. Europe 3) China's Fake Facebooks 4) That Little Thing Called "Like" 5) Facebook versus the Epiphanator 6) Friend Request 7) Is There Life After Facebook? | 51:59 |
10.02 | 0210 | 1) Tweeting Graphic Videos From Syria 2) Why Dana Milbank Loves Newt Gingrich 3) Christopher Hayes on Campaign Coverage 4) Defending the First Amendment Right to Profanity 5) Virtual Pacifism 6) Jacqueline Kennedy's White House | 51:54 |
17.02 | 0217 | 1) A Strong Case of Linsanity 2) A Little Reality On Russian TV 3) Trouble for Elsevier, the Leading Academic Publisher 4) The New England Journal of Medicine's 200th Anniversary 5) The Changing Nature of Knowledge in the Internet Age 6) Anthony Shadid, 1968-2012 7) Journalists Allowed Into Los Angeles' Dependency Courts 8) The Downside of Opening Children's Courts in L.A. 9) How Music Conveys Emotion | 51:58 |
24.02 | 0224 | 1) Silencing the Messenger in Syria 2) This Is Not A Film 3) Rumblings of War with Iran 4) Bad News (casts) 5) The Lifespan of a Fact 6) The Legacy of Faces of Death | 51:58 |
02.03 | 0302 | 1) Getting Out the Vote in Iran 2) Iran's "Halal Internet" 3) Online Privacy Gets 'A Bill of Rights' 4) The End of Anonymous Commenting 5) The Transparency Grenade 6) Go FOIA Yourself! 7) Andrew Breitbart 8) Could the News Corp phone-hacking scandal end up in U.S. Courts? 9) The Reel Sounds of Violence | 51:58 |
09.03 | 0309 | 1) The Pundit Tracker 2) Stand By Your Ad 3) Oleg Kashin and the Dangers Of Russian Journalism 4) Advertisers Who Don't Know They're Advertising 5) Listener Mail 6) The Professor Versus Wikipedia 7) Attack of the Reply Girls! | 51:58 |
16.03 | 0316 | 1) What To Make of Kony 2012 2) The Kony that Ugandans Know 3) Calculating Body Counts 4) An Amendment to Protect Mexican Journalists 5) Mexico's El Diario Pleads with Drug Cartels 6) CDC's Graphic Anti-Smoking Campaign 7) Tobacco's Freedom of Silence 8) The NEW "Choice of a New Generation" | 51:58 |
23.03 | 0323 | 1) Why the Trayvon Martin Story Took So Long to Gain Traction 2) Reporting Fatigue 3) The Lure of Reporting About Southern Stereotypes 4) The Curator's Code 5) Divorcing Google 6) The Archive Team 7) An Archive of Soccer Fan Chants 8) Updating Your Social Media After You Die | 51:58 |
30.03 | 0330 | 1) How Questioning "Obamacare's" Constitutionality Went Mainstream 2) Supreme Court Justices Read Newspapers Too 3) Trayvon Martin, Week Two 4) The Multiple Personalities of National Geographic 5) The Convenience of the Co-op Controversy 6) New Endings 7) Personal Video Games | 51:59 |
06.04 | 0406 | 1) President Obama, Press Critic 2) Misconceptions about Gas Prices and the Presidency 3) A Problematic Test Case for Bloggers As Journalists 4) Combating "Bad" Speech with More Speech 5) The First Cell Phone Call 6) Letters 7) YouTube's Reply to the "Reply Girls" and Other Irrelevant Videos 8) The Upside of Legal Advertising | 51:59 |
13.04 | 0413 | 1) The Perils of Reporting in North Korea 2) The Associated Press in North Korea 3) Forecasting Political Scandals 4) Media Access Project Shutting Down 5) Making Laws More Public 6) The Failure of 'Failing Schools' 7) Word Watch: Hacker | 51:59 |
20.04 | 0420 | 1) How Publishing and Reading Are Changing 2) No Pulitzer Prize for Fiction 3) Is Amazon A New Monopoly? 4) Are Publishers Stuck In The Past? 5) The Story of Pottermore 6) Taking On Amazon 7) The Problem of Knock-Off Books 8) Do Book Copyrights Hide Them From View? 9) Life After Publishers | 51:59 |
27.04 | 0427 | 1) "Cover the Night", A Qualified Success 2) A Viral Video From Your Government 3) A Ugandan Response to Kony 2012 4) Reporters Unwittingly Exposing Sources 5) Sebastian Junger and RISC 6) Dear Government: Make Yourself Plain 7) Will the Phone Hacking Scandal Bring Down The British Government? 8) Policing Gossip 9) The Secret Formula That Predicts When Celebrities Will Break Up | 53:44 |
04.05 | 0504 | 1) Political Misdirection from The White House 2) Public Files Come Online...Sort Of 3) Balancing Cybersecurity and Privacy 4) An ISP Promises to Stand Up to the Government 5) Western Technology in Oppressive Regimes 6) Commotion Wireless and the Transparency of Privacy 7) Local Television Broadcasting in the West Bank 8) Israeli Raid on Palestinian TV Station 9) The Israeli Ministry that Ordered the Raid | 52:37 |
11.05 | 0511 | 1) Reaction to Obama's Support of Gay Marriage 2) 5 Ways To Spot a B.S. Political Headline in Under 10 Seconds 3) The AP (Temporarily) Holds a Big Story 4) An Apology for Reporter Edward Kennedy 5) Why the Myth that Vaccines Cause Autism Survives 6) The Killer That Stalked New York 7) The Phony Statistic About College Graduates 8) Remembering Barney Rosset | 52:13 |
18.05 | 0518 | 1) Comcast's Big Change 2) The Future of the Phone 3) A New (Troubling) Speech Law in Libya 4) Germany Publishes "Mein Kampf" 5) What's the Harm in Hate Speech? 6) When Freedom of the Press is Not a Priority 7) Reporting on Taboo Topics in Liberia | 53:47 |
25.05 | 0525 | Television's Trying Times: 1) TV Hijackers 2) How We Watch TV 3) Chaos Scenario Revisitied 4) Is Online-Only TV Ready For Prime Time? 5) Producing Television for the Internet 6) The Incredible Value of Live Sports 7) Will We Ever Watch TV Together Again? 8) When is it OK to Spoil? | 52:13 |
01.06 | 0601 | 1) Combatants and "Combatants" 2) Balancing Advocacy and Accuracy 3) Hollywood Goes to China 4) Chinese Censorship Gets Complicated 5) When A Brand Becomes Too Successful 6) How to Make 3.3 Million Dollars in 30 Days 7) Covering Crowdfunded Video Games 8) Cow Clicker | 52:13 |
08.06 | 0608 | 1) Secrets That Aren't Secret 2) Reclaiming The Right To Petition 3) How British Science Journalists are Secretly Undermining the American Media 4) Scientific Retractions on the Rise 5) Retraction Watch 6) Facebook May Allow Children to Join 7) Covering the Apocalypse 8) Ray Bradbury Dies at 91 | 53:26 |
15.06 | 0615 | 1) The Evolving Propaganda War in Syria 2) Public Relations for Dictators 3) Minneapolis Police Filming Their Own Work 4) The Perils of Filming Police 5) When To Put The Camera Down 6) The Thunder is Playing Well 7) | 52:13 |
22.06 | 0622 | 1) The Mexican Media and the Presidential Elections 2) The Risks for Journalists in Mexico 3) Reporting in Juarez 4) Violence against journalists in Veracruz 5) Reporting via Placemat 6) Rehabilitating Juarez's International Image 7) Mexico's Image Problem | 52:13 |
29.06 | 0629 | 1) The Personal Data Revolution 2) Data Journalism 3) Two Cautionary Data Tales 4) The 'Decline Effect' and Scientific Truth | 53:07 |
06.07 | 0706 | 1) First and Worst 2) On Cloud 1010110 3) The Government Wants Your Twitter Information 4) Is 'Borrowing' the Secret to Buzzfeed's Success? 5) Buzzfeed Founder: No, Borrowing is not the Secret to Buzzfeed's Success 6) Pitch Perfect | 51:59 |
13.07 | 0713 | 1) The Fight Over Bain Capital 2) Political Screaming Match 3) Letters 4) Introducing Joe Olivo 5) Rolodex Journalism 6) eBooks That Read You 7) 33 Episodes in 3 Days | 51:59 |
20.07 | 0720 | 1) Campaign Finance Reform Bill Dies 2) A Surprising History of Political Disclosure 3) The Super Pac App 4) May I Use This Quote? 5) Old Interviews, New Insights 6) Letters 7) Endangered Sounds 8) The Listening Life | 51:59 |
27.07 | 0727 | 1) Syrian Rebels Appeal to Donors Through Video 2) Covering the Olympics Outside the Games 3) Branding Police at the Olympics 4) What You Hear When You Watch The Olympics 5) "Trust Me, I'm Lying" 6) Enforcing Online Privacy Laws 7) Domestic Drones in North Dakota 8) Down and Out | 51:59 |
03.08 | 0803 | 1) Why the Olympics Are Still Tape Delayed 2) Real Headlines That Sound Like Onion Headlines 3) The Differences Between Venture Capital and Private Equity 4) Coming Out Posthumously 5) When Journalists Let Sources Approve Quotes 6) The Copyright Treaty That Won't Die 7) Year Zero 8) Soundalikes | 51:59 |
10.08 | 0810 | 1) @Polling 2) Following Politicians' Deleted Tweets 3) Twitter and Political Humor 4) Softening North Korea's Image 5) The Trial of Pussy Riot 6) Letters 7) Assessing the True Threat of Cyberwar 8) Mat Honan’s Epic Hacking | 51:59 |
17.08 | 0817 | 1) The Press's Ayn Rand Obsession 2) The Presidential Ad Season Begins in Earnest 3) Media Scrutiny Theater Returns! 4) Non-Profit Foundations and For Profit Newspapers 5) Homicide Watch 6) Object Lesson 7) Remembering the Cosmo Girl | 51:59 |
24.08 | 0824 | 1) And I'm Not Going to Take it Anymore 2) Why Bob's Achin' for Akin 3) License Plate Readers and Your Privacy 4) Arabic Language TV And Covering Syria 5) Al-Arabiya Defends its Syria Coverage 6) Connecting Through a Revolution | 52:00 |
31.08 | 0831 | 1) Fact Checking and "post-truth" Politics 2) "We're Not Going to Let Our Campaign be Dictated by Fact-Checkers" 3) The People's Pledge Holds, For Now 4) Citizen Adelson 5) Why So Many Strange Stories Out of Florida? 6) Fight or Flight 7) Why Nigerian Email Scams Work 8) A Surprisingly Successful "Fake" "Erotic" E-book | 51:59 |
07.09 | 0907 | 1) Covering the Totally Predictable Conventions 2) Tired of Covering the Campaigns 3) Why Conventions Matter 4) Slouching Towards Charlotte 5) Sun Myung Moon 6) Letters 7) Tone Check 8) Comments on Comments 9) The Thrilling Conclusion of the Real World Onion Headlines Contest | 51:58 |
14.09 | 0914 | This week, a full hour of highlights from our exploration of liberal bias and public media, which we conducted in March of 2011: 1) A Brief History of Bias Accusations Against NPR 2) Ira Glass's Challenge 3) Does NPR Have a Liberal Bias? 4) Conclusions on NPR's Liberal Bias | 51:59 |
21.09 | 0921 | 1) The Problem with Getting it Wrong 2) Bamboozled by "Bacile" 3) Checking in on Fact Checking 4) The Lifespan of Fact 5) "A Wilderness of Error" 6) Fact Checking the End of the World | 52:37 |
28.09 | 0928 | 1) The Lady with the Microphone 2) "Illegal" vs. "Undocumented" 3) Manipulating Science Reporting 4) Russia's Expanding Definition of Treason 5) "Subversives" 6) "Terms of Service; Didn't Read" 7) Emoticon Origins :-) 8) The Oogieloves in the Great Box Office Misadventure | 52:37 |
05.10 | 1005 | 1) The Post-Game Wrap-Up 2) Nate Silver on the Pitfalls of Prediction 3) Should Government Fund Public Broadcasting? 4) How "Muslim Rage" Got it Wrong 5) Upton Sinclair and the Modern Media Campaign 6) The Blaine Game | 52:11 |
12.10 | 1012 | All About Elections: 1) This Is Your Brain on Politics 2) Young Man, Big Money 3) Ad Nauseam 4) Covering the Modern Campaign 5) The World's First Political Consulting Firm 6) The Dirty South | 52:11 |
19.10 | 1019 | 1) Fact-Checking Done Right 2) The End of Endorsements 3) Taliban Declares War on Journalists 4) Red Bull, NASA, and Felix Baumgartner 5) Subpoenaeing Science 6) Missile Crisis Memories 7) The Long Shadow of the Cuban Missile Crisis | 51:58 |
26.10 | 1026 | The Facebook Show: 1) Life in Facebookistan 2) Facebook v. Europe 3) China's Fake Facebooks 4) That Little Thing Called "Like" 5) Facebook versus the Epiphanator 6) Friend Request 7) Is There Life After Facebook? | 51:58 |
02.11 | 1102 | 1) Hurricane Hoaxes and Confused Reporting 2) Is Twitter Wrong? 3) Forecasting Tuesday 4) Seattle Times Purchases Political Ads 5) Clark Kent Quits The Daily Planet 6) How to Sort Good information from Bad on Twitter 7) A Correction 8) America's Lagging Internet 9) A Gun You Can Print at Home | 51:55 |
09.11 | 1109 | 1) Grading Obama's First Term 2) How Negative was this year's Election Coverage? 3) A Black Box Behind A Bamboo Curtain 4) A Look Inside China Central Television 5) Why You Can't Vote Online Yet 6) What it Means to be "Online" 7) The History of Election Night | 51:58 |
16.11 | 1116 | 1) Patraeu’s Relationship with Journalists 2) Will the Petraeus Scandal Be Good for Privacy? 3) Mexico's Illuminating Information Laws 4) The Houston Chronicle Leaves Mexico 5) A Mormon Reporter on the Romney Bus 6) The IDF's Twitter Offensive 7) Is Anybody Down? | 52:14 |
23.11 | 1123 | Publishing - Adapt or Die: 1) How Publishing and Reading Are Changing 2) No Pulitzer Prize for Fiction 3) Is Amazon A New Monopoly? 4) Are Publishers Stuck In The Past? 5) The Story of Pottermore 6) Taking On Amazon 7) The Problem of Knock-Off Books 8) Steal My Book, Please 9) Life After Publishers | 50:29 |
30.11 | 1130 | 1) "My Stolen Face" 2) A Catalyst in the Hollywood Blacklist 3) A Son's Apology for the Communist Blacklists 4) The Last Censor of Myanmar 5) A New Whistleblower Law | 51:57 |
07.12 | 1207 | 1) The Ethics of Photographing Tragedy 2) The NFL and Player Concussion 3) Private Funding, Medical Journals, and Bias 4) In Defense of "Homophobia" 5) The OED and the Case of the Missing Words 6) Gambling on the Future 7) Assessing the Risk of a Robot Uprising 8) Living by the Trends in the New York Times Style Section | 51:58 |
14.12 | 1214 | 1) Should Republican Politicians Quit their Fox Addiction? 2) "Zero Dark Thirty" 3) A Correction From a Listener 4) Regret the Error 2012 5) Piltdown at 100: A Look Back on Science's Biggest Hoax 6) John McAfee's Media Manipulations 7) Mistaken Movie Indentity | 61:25 |
21.12 | 1221 | 1) The Untold Story of Guns 2) How Myths Form After a School Shooting 3) Speculating about Adam Lanza's Mind 4) Interviewing Kids In the Wake of a Tragedy 5) Politicizing the Congressional Research Service 6) To Bork 7) The Great Newspaper Strike of 1962-63 8) TURNING DOWN LOUD COMMERCIALS | 51:59 |
28.12 | 1228 | Television: 1) TV Hijackers 2) How We Watch TV 3) Chaos Scenario Revisitied 4) Why TV Is So Good Right 5) Reality TV is Even Faker Than You Think 6) The Incredible Value of Live Sports 7) Will We Ever Watch TV Together Again? 8) When is it OK to Spoil? | 51:59 |