Findmittel 0-M


Sendungsbestand div. Phil Tintner Sendungen


bdr_tintnerzoomBlue Danube Radio (anfangs Ö3 International) war ein vom ORF veranstalteter und bis Ende 1986 von der österreichischen Bundesregierung finanzierter österreichischer Hörfunksender mit Sitz in Wien. Er wurde im Sommer 1979 mit der Fertigstellung der UNO-City als lokales englischsprachiges Programm eingerichtet und sendete auf der UKW-Frequenz 102,5 MHz, zunächst nur in Mono und nur im Raum Wien zu empfangen, im übrigen Bundesgebiet in den Anfangsjahren nur via TV als Begleitton zum Testbild. Anfangs wurde nur einige Stunden pro Tag ein eigenes Programm gesendet, die übrige Zeit wurde oft von Ö3 übernommen. Ab Mai 1992 war der Sender in ganz Österreich auf der vierten Hörfunk-Frequenzkette des ORF zu empfangen, wobei deren technische Reichweite seit 1997 nicht mehr ausgebaut wurde. Ab Anfang 1995 teilte sich Blue Danube Radio die Sendezeit mit FM4, bis es im Februar 2000 zugunsten dieses Senders völlig eingestellt wurde.

Unser Dank gilt Herrn Michael Roselieb, er stellte seine Aufzeichnungsvideothek zur Digitalisierung zur Verfügung und bearbeitete die Audiofiles.

Archivnummern: ocgf/OR/AP/bdr_tintner_(Datei)

Dateiname Datum Inhalt Dauer
Mitschnitte v. Blue Danube Radio      
bdr_001 JJJJ-MM-TT Blue Danube Radio Mix, keine komplette Sendung, keine Sprachanteile 06:09:07
bdr_002 JJJJ-MM-TT Blue Danube Radio Mix, keine komplette Sendung, keine Sprachanteile 06:07:17
bdr_003 JJJJ-MM-TT Blue Danube Radio Mix, keine komplette Sendung, keine Sprachanteile 06:06:43
bdr_004 1989-04-TT Blue Danube Radio Mix, keine komplette Sendung, einige Sprachanteile Tintner 05:47:19
bdr_005 JJJJ-MM-TT Blue Danube Radio Mix, keine komplette Sendung, keine Sprachanteile 06:07:29
bdr_006 JJJJ-MM-TT Blue Danube Radio Mix, keine komplette Sendung, einige Sprachanteile Tintner 05:12:26
bdr_007 1989-12-11 Blue Danube Radio Mix, keine komplette Sendung, einige Sprachanteile Tintner 00:23:14
bdr_008 1990-02-11, 1990-05-26 Blue Danube Radio Mix 00:43:29
bdr_009 1990-07-28, 1990-09-29 Blue Danube Radio Mix 00:48:41
bdr_010 1991-01-03 Blue Danube Radio Mix 00:07:14
bdr_011 1991-01-13 Blue Danube Radio Mix 00:36:32
bdr_012 1991-05-19 - 1991-07-20 Blue Danube Radio Mix 00:44:18
Good Morning Vienna      
pht_gmv001 1989-12-11 Good Morning Vienna Mo 00:33:41
pht_gmv002 1989-12-12 Good Morning Vienna Di 01:41:31
pht_gmv003 1989-12-13 Good Morning Vienna Mi 01:41:01
pht_gmv004 1989-12-14 Good Morning Vienna Do 00:52:36
pht_gmv005 1989-12-15 Good Morning Vienna Fr 01:25:11
pht_gmv006 1989-12-16 Good Morning Vienna Sa 01:21:41
pht_gmv007 1989-12-17 Good Morning Vienna So 01:40:45
pht_gmv008 1989-12-18 Good Morning Vienna Mo 01:39:42
pht_gmv009 1989-12-20 Good Morning Vienna Mi 01:24:02
pht_gmv010 1989-12-21 Good Morning Vienna Do 00:58:39
pht_gmv011 1989-12-22 Good Morning Vienna Fr 01:07:18
pht_gmv012 1989-12-24 Good Morning Vienna So 01:32:36
pht_gmv013 1989-12-25 Good Morning Vienna Mo 00:55:45
pht_gmv014 1989-12-26 Good Morning Vienna Di 01:34:45
pht_gmv015 1989-12-27 Good Morning Vienna Mi 01:30:35
pht_gmv016 1989-12-28 Good Morning Vienna Do 01:17:28
pht_gmv017 1989-12-29 Good Morning Vienna Fr 01:30:52
pht_gmv018 1989-12-30 Good Morning Vienna Sa 01:28:49
pht_gmv019 1989-12-31 Good Morning Vienna So 01:29:26
pht_gmv020 1990-01-01 Good Morning Vienna Mo 00:29:33
pht_gmv021 1990-01-02 Good Morning Vienna Di 01:33:57
pht_gmv022 1990-01-03 Good Morning Vienna Mi 00:49:46
pht_gmv023 1990-01-04 Good Morning Vienna Do 01:57:22
pht_gmv024 1990-01-21 Good Morning Vienna So 01:36:10
pht_gmv025 1990-01-22 Good Morning Vienna Mo 01:38:01
pht_gmv026 1990-01-23 Good Morning Vienna Di 00:48:54
pht_gmv027 1990-01-24 Good Morning Vienna Mi 01:33:27
pht_gmv028 1990-01-25 Good Morning Vienna Do 01:32:21
pht_gmv029 1990-01-26 Good Morning Vienna Fr 01:28:33
pht_gmv030 1990-01-27 Good Morning Vienna Sa 01:29:57
pht_gmv031 1990-01-28 Good Morning Vienna So 01:34:51
pht_gmv032 1990-01-29 Good Morning Vienna Mo 01:33:40
pht_gmv033 1990-01-30 Good Morning Vienna Di 01:28:42
pht_gmv034 1990-01-31 Good Morning Vienna Mi 01:33:06
pht_gmv035 1990-02-01 Good Morning Vienna Do 01:31:46
pht_gmv036 1990-02-02 Good Morning Vienna Fr 01:27:59
pht_gmv037 1990-02-03 Good Morning Vienna Sa 01:31:21
pht_gmv038 1990-02-04 Good Morning Vienna So 01:40:25
pht_gmv039 1990-02-06 Good Morning Vienna Di 01:39:44
Midday Magazine      
pht_mm001 1989-12-11 Midday Magazine Mo 01:14:25
pht_mm002 1989-12-13 Midday Magazine Mi 01:01:48
pht_mm003 1989-12-15 Midday Magazine Fr 01:08:11
pht_mm004 1989-12-16 Midday Magazine Sa 01:00:06
pht_mm005 1989-12-17 Midday Magazine So 00:48:38
pht_mm006 1989-12-18 Midday Magazine Mo 00:58:46
pht_mm007 1989-12-20 Midday Magazine Mi 00:56:17
pht_mm008 1989-12-22 Midday Magazine Fr 00:43:51
pht_mm009 1989-12-23 Midday Magazine Sa 00:12:36
pht_mm010 1989-12-24 Midday Magazine So 00:55:40
pht_mm011 1989-12-26 Midday Magazine Di 00:54:53
pht_mm012 1989-12-28 Midday Magazine Do 01:40:01
pht_mm013 1989-12-30 Midday Magazine Sa 00:54:26
pht_mm014 1990-01-01 Midday Magazine Mo 01:12:46
pht_mm015 1990-01-21 Midday Magazine So 00:48:24
pht_mm016 1990-01-22 Midday Magazine Mo 00:50:34
pht_mm017 1990-01-24 Midday Magazine Mi 01:43:51
pht_mm018 1990-01-26 Midday Magazine Fr 00:58:40
pht_mm019 1990-01-28 Midday Magazine So 00:48:49
pht_mm020 1990-01-29 Midday Magazine Mo 01:15:39
pht_mm021 1990-01-31 Midday Magazine Mi 01:10:56
pht_mm022 1990-02-02 Midday Magazine Fr 1:28:33
pht_mm023 1990-02-03 Midday Magazine Sa 00:15:23
pht_mm024 1990-02-06 Midday Magazine Di 00:58:39
pht_mm025 1990-02-08 Midday Magazine Do 01:47:33
pht_mm026 1990-02-10 Midday Magazine Sa 01:06:27
pht_mm027 1990-05-28 Midday Magazine Mo 01:15:59
pht_mm028 1990-05-30 Midday Magazine Mi 01:13:56
pht_mm029 1990-06-01 Midday Magazine Fr 01:04:33
pht_mm030 1990-06-04 Midday Magazine Mo 00:56:33
pht_mm031 1990-06-07 Midday Magazine Do 01:37:48
pht_mm032 1990-06-09 Midday Magazine Sa 00:50:27
pht_mm033 1990-06-11 Midday Magazine Mo 01:16:55
pht_mm034 1990-06-14 Midday Magazine Do 01:26:50
pht_mm035 1990-06-16 Midday Magazine Sa 00:47:27
pht_mm036 1990-07-14 Midday Magazine Sa 01:38:07
pht_mm037 1990-07-15 Midday Magazine So 01:42:09
pht_mm038 1990-07-16 Midday Magazine Mo 01:29:59
pht_mm039 1990-07-19 Midday Magazine Do 01:41:57
pht_mm040 1990-07-21 Midday Magazine Sa 01:25:38
pht_mm041 1990-07-22 Midday Magazine So 00:58:34
pht_mm042 1990-07-24 Midday Magazine Di 01:30:04
pht_mm043 1990-07-26 Midday Magazine Do 01:46:36
pht_mm044 1990-07-28 Midday Magazine Sa 01:31:11
pht_mm045 1990-10-01 Midday Magazine Mo 00:58:35
pht_mm046 1990-10-03 Midday Magazine Mi 01:19:18
pht_mm047 1990-10-06 Midday Magazine Sa 01:04:59
pht_mm048 1990-10-07 Midday Magazine So 01:12:16
pht_mm049 1990-10-10 Midday Magazine Mi 01:51:36
pht_mm050 1990-10-13 Midday Magazine Sa 00:59:31
pht_mm051 1990-10-14 Midday Magazine So 01:19:01
pht_mm052 1990-10-16 Midday Magazine Di 01:48:18
pht_mm053 1990-10-18 Midday Magazine Do 01:48:54
pht_mm054 1990-10-20 Midday Magazine Sa 01:00:55
pht_mm055 1990-12-25 Midday Magazine Di 01:32:34
pht_mm056 1991-01-01 Midday Magazine Di 00:50:58
pht_mm057 1991-01-03 Midday Magazine Do 01:42:16
pht_mm058 1991-01-05 Midday Magazine Sa 01:15:29
pht_mm059 1991-01-06 Midday Magazine So 01:16:41
pht_mm060 1991-01-09 Midday Magazine Mi 01:43:00
pht_mm061 1991-01-10 Midday Magazine Do 01:41:43
pht_mm062 1991-01-12 Midday Magazine Sa 00:55:02
pht_mm063 1991-04-29 Midday Magazine Mo 01:26:24
pht_mm064 1991-05-01 Midday Magazine Mi 00:51:46
pht_mm065 1991-05-04 Midday Magazine Sa 00:41:03
pht_mm066 1991-05-05 Midday Magazine So 00:56:22
pht_mm067 1991-05-07 Midday Magazine Di 01:47:26
pht_mm068 1991-05-09 Midday Magazine Do 01:21:48
pht_mm069 1991-05-11 Midday Magazine Sa 00:56:18
pht_mm070 1991-05-12 Midday Magazine So 01:15:39
pht_mm071 1991-05-14 Midday Magazine Di 01:30:55
pht_mm072 1991-05-16 Midday Magazine Do 01:45:32
pht_mm073 1991-07-24 Midday Magazine Mi 01:46:04
pht_mm074 1991-07-26 Midday Magazine Fr 01:45:30
pht_mm075 1991-07-27 Midday Magazine Sa 01:39:50
pht_mm076 1991-07-29 Midday Magazine Mo 01:45:54
pht_mm077 1991-07-30 Midday Magazine Di 01:28:01
pht_mm078 1991-08-01 Midday Magazine Do 01:44:57
pht_mm079 1991-08-03 Midday Magazine Sa 01:47:31
pht_mm080 1991-08-04 Midday Magazine So 01:27:19
pht_mm081 1991-08-06 Midday Magazine Di 01:34:34
pht_mm082 1991-08-08 Midday Magazine Do 01:45:38
pht_mm083 1991-08-10 Midday Magazine Sa 01:45:11
pht_mm084 1991-09-25 Midday Magazine Mi 01:47:24
pht_mm085 1991-09-27 Midday Magazine Fr 01:45:51
pht_mm086 1991-09-28 Midday Magazine Sa 01:25:56
pht_mm087 1991-10-01 Midday Magazine Di 01:41:17
pht_mm088 1991-10-03 Midday Magazine Do 01:28:17
pht_mm089 1991-10-05 Midday Magazine Sa 01:25:57
pht_mm090 1991-10-06 Midday Magazine So 01:44:09
pht_mm091 1991-10-08 Midday Magazine Di 01:43:01
pht_mm092 1991-10-10 Midday Magazine Do 01:46:07
pht_mm093 1991-10-12 Midday Magazine Sa 00:55:39
pht_mm094 1991-11-08 Midday Magazine Fr 01:55:13
pht_mm095 1991-11-09 Midday Magazine Sa 00:57:38
pht_mm096 1991-11-10 Midday Magazine So 00:51:57
pht_mm097 1991-11-12 Midday Magazine Di 01:46:32
pht_mm098 1991-11-14 Midday Magazine Do 00:55:46
pht_mm099 1991-11-16 Midday Magazine Sa 01:16:06
pht_mm100 1991-11-17 Midday Magazine So 01:18:26
pht_mm101 1991-11-19 Midday Magazine Di 01:46:00
pht_mm102 1991-11-21 Midday Magazine Do 01:45:38
pht_mm103 1991-11-23 Midday Magazine Sa 01:15:19
pht_mm104 1991-12-15 Midday Magazine So 00:50:41
pht_mm105 1991-12-18 Midday Magazine Mi 01:45:08
pht_mm106 1991-12-19 Midday Magazine Do 01:47:32
pht_mm107 1991-12-21 Midday Magazine Sa 00:52:33
pht_mm108 1992-01-04 Midday Magazine Sa 01:14:31
pht_mm109 1992-01-27 Midday Magazine Mo 01:45:32
pht_mm110 1992-01-28 Midday Magazine Di 01:45:45
pht_mm111 1992-01-31 Midday Magazine Fr 01:44:24
pht_mm112 1992-02-01 Midday Magazine Sa 01:15:24
pht_mm113 1992-02-04 Midday Magazine Di 01:44:55
pht_mm114 1992-02-06 Midday Magazine Do 01:46:16
pht_mm115 1992-02-08 Midday Magazine Sa 01:14:48
pht_mm116 1992-02-09 Midday Magazine So 01:15:56
pht_mm117 1992-02-11 Midday Magazine Di 01:06:25
pht_mm118 1992-02-13 Midday Magazine Do 01:38:57
pht_mm119 1992-02-14 Midday Magazine Fr 01:05:12
pht_mm120 1992-02-15 Midday Magazine Sa 01:16:30
pht_mm121 1992-03-08 Midday Magazine So 01:16:36
pht_mm122 1992-03-10 Midday Magazine Di 01:45:56
pht_mm123 1992-03-12 Midday Magazine Do 01:44:51
pht_mm124 1992-03-14 Midday Magazine Sa 01:06:34
pht_mm125 1992-03-16 Midday Magazine Mo 01:45:16
pht_mm126 1992-03-18 Midday Magazine Mi 01:43:48
pht_mm127 1992-03-20 Midday Magazine Fr 01:46:06
pht_mm128 1992-03-24 Midday Magazine Di 01:45:42
pht_mm129 1992-03-26 Midday Magazine Do 01:44:14
pht_mm130 1992-03-28 Midday Magazine Sa 01:17:22
Good Morning Austria      
pht_gma001 1990-02-08 Good Morning Austria Do 01:34:48
pht_gma002 1990-02-09 Good Morning Austria Fr 01:41:44
pht_gma003 1990-02-10 Good Morning Austria Sa 01:35:08
pht_gma004 1990-05-27 Good Morning Austria So 01:33:42
pht_gma005 1990-05-28 Good Morning Austria Mo 01:36:40
pht_gma006 1990-05-29 Good Morning Austria Di 01:38:30
pht_gma007 1990-05-30 Good Morning Austria Mi 01:40:25
pht_gma008 1990-05-31 Good Morning Austria Do 01:36:17
pht_gma009 1990-06-01 Good Morning Austria Fr 01:40:39
pht_gma010 1990-06-02 Good Morning Austria Sa 00:44:10
pht_gma011 1990-06-03 Good Morning Austria So 00:43:38
pht_gma012 1990-06-04 Good Morning Austria Mo 01:34:03
pht_gma013 1990-06-05 Good Morning Austria Di 00:41:41
pht_gma014 1990-06-06 Good Morning Austria Mi 00:06:07
pht_gma015 1990-06-08 Good Morning Austria Fr 01:22:48
pht_gma016 1990-06-09 Good Morning Austria Sa 01:30:14
pht_gma017 1990-06-10 Good Morning Austria So 01:35:18
pht_gma018 1990-06-11 Good Morning Austria Mo 01:30:53
pht_gma019 1990-06-12 Good Morning Austria Di 01:37:24
pht_gma020 1990-06-13 Good Morning Austria Mi 01:41:08
pht_gma021 1990-06-14 Good Morning Austria Do 01:35:23
pht_gma022 1990-06-15 Good Morning Austria Fr 01:39:29
pht_gma023 1990-06-16 Good Morning Austria Sa 01:40:10
pht_gma024 1990-07-12 Good Morning Austria Do 01:39:48
pht_gma025 1990-07-13 Good Morning Austria Fr 01:40:58
pht_gma026 1990-07-14 Good Morning Austria Sa 01:35:48
pht_gma027 1990-07-15 Good Morning Austria So 01:38:44
pht_gma028 1990-07-16 Good Morning Austria Mo 01:33:29
pht_gma029 1990-07-17 Good Morning Austria Di 01:40:19
pht_gma030 1990-07-18 Good Morning Austria Mi 01:39:35
pht_gma031 1990-07-19 Good Morning Austria Do 01:31:31
pht_gma032 1990-07-20 Good Morning Austria Fr 01:39:44
pht_gma033 1990-07-21 Good Morning Austria Sa 01:41:28
pht_gma034 1990-07-22 Good Morning Austria So 01:36:27
pht_gma035 1990-07-23 Good Morning Austria Mo 01:38:50
pht_gma036 1990-07-24 Good Morning Austria Di 01:37:40
pht_gma037 1990-07-25 Good Morning Austria Mi 01:33:47
pht_gma038 1990-07-26 Good Morning Austria Do 01:40:42
pht_gma039 1990-07-27 Good Morning Austria Fr 01:37:30
pht_gma040 1990-07-28 Good Morning Austria Sa 01:39:35
pht_gma041 1990-10-01 Good Morning Austria Mo 00:28:30
pht_gma042 1990-10-02 Good Morning Austria Di 01:33:40
pht_gma043 1990-10-03 Good Morning Austria Mi 01:36:20
pht_gma044 1990-10-04 Good Morning Austria Do 01:26:52
pht_gma045 1990-10-05 Good Morning Austria Fr 01:39:55
pht_gma046 1990-10-06 Good Morning Austria Sa 01:38:42
pht_gma047 1990-10-07 Good Morning Austria So 01:38:11
pht_gma048 1990-10-08 Good Morning Austria Mo 01:40:01
pht_gma049 1990-10-09 Good Morning Austria Di 01:36:52
pht_gma050 1990-10-10 Good Morning Austria Mi 01:39:51
pht_gma051 1990-10-11 Good Morning Austria Do 01:39:31
pht_gma052 1990-10-12 Good Morning Austria Fr 01:41:10
pht_gma053 1990-10-13 Good Morning Austria Sa 01:35:24
pht_gma054 1990-10-14 Good Morning Austria So 01:28:48
pht_gma055 1990-10-15 Good Morning Austria Mo 01:40:24
pht_gma056 1990-10-16 Good Morning Austria Di 01:40:20
pht_gma057 1990-10-17 Good Morning Austria Mi 01:38:44
pht_gma058 1990-10-18 Good Morning Austria Do 01:40:58
pht_gma059 1990-10-19 Good Morning Austria Fr 01:39:30
pht_gma060 1990-10-20 Good Morning Austria Sa 01:28:41
pht_gma061 1990-12-25 Good Morning Austria Di 01:39:47
pht_gma062 1990-12-26 Good Morning Austria Mi 01:41:54
pht_gma063 1990-12-28 Good Morning Austria Fr 01:28:43
pht_gma064 1990-12-29 Good Morning Austria Sa 01:29:11
pht_gma065 1990-12-30 Good Morning Austria So 01:27:19
pht_gma066 1990-12-31 Good Morning Austria Mo 01:26:38
pht_gma067 1991-01-01 Good Morning Austria Di 01:41:06
pht_gma068 1991-01-02 Good Morning Austria Mi 01:28:42
pht_gma069 1991-01-03 Good Morning Austria Do 01:41:46
pht_gma070 1991-01-04 Good Morning Austria Fr 01:27:28
pht_gma071 1991-01-05 Good Morning Austria Sa 01:26:14
pht_gma072 1991-01-06 Good Morning Austria So 01:40:28
pht_gma073 1991-01-07 Good Morning Austria Mo 01:39:51
pht_gma074 1991-01-08 Good Morning Austria Di 01:41:20
pht_gma075 1991-01-09 Good Morning Austria Mi 01:41:23
pht_gma076 1991-01-10 Good Morning Austria Do 01:43:45
pht_gma077 1991-01-11 Good Morning Austria Fr 01:37:16
pht_gma078 1991-01-12 Good Morning Austria Sa 01:31:01
pht_gma079 1991-04-28 Good Morning Austria So 01:37:55
pht_gma080 1991-04-29 Good Morning Austria Mo 01:39:26
pht_gma081 1991-04-30 Good Morning Austria Di 01:39:04
pht_gma082 1991-05-01 Good Morning Austria Mi 01:39:07
pht_gma083 1991-05-02 Good Morning Austria Do 01:39:35
pht_gma084 1991-05-03 Good Morning Austria Fr 01:41:36
pht_gma085 1991-05-04 Good Morning Austria Sa 01:39:40
pht_gma086 1991-05-05 Good Morning Austria So 01:28:08
pht_gma087 1991-05-06 Good Morning Austria Mo 01:38:21
pht_gma088 1991-05-07 Good Morning Austria Di 01:34:23
pht_gma089 1991-05-08 Good Morning Austria Mi 01:51:14
pht_gma090 1991-05-09 Good Morning Austria Do 01:36:59
pht_gma091 1991-05-10 Good Morning Austria Fr 01:39:23
pht_gma092 1991-05-11 Good Morning Austria Fr 01:40:47
pht_gma093 1991-05-12 Good Morning Austria So 01:38:12
pht_gma094 1991-05-13 Good Morning Austria Mo 01:26:24
pht_gma095 1991-05-15 Good Morning Austria Mi 01:38:55
pht_gma096 1991-05-16 Good Morning Austria Do 01:37:27
pht_gma097 1991-07-23 Good Morning Austria Di 01:34:07
pht_gma098 1991-07-24 Good Morning Austria Mi 01:39:46
pht_gma099 1991-07-25 Good Morning Austria Do 01:35:05
pht_gma100 1991-07-26 Good Morning Austria Fr 01:28:11
pht_gma101 1991-07-27 Good Morning Austria Sa 01:38:15
pht_gma102 1991-07-28 Good Morning Austria So 01:35:16
pht_gma103 1991-07-29 Good Morning Austria Mo 01:37:25
pht_gma104 1991-07-30 Good Morning Austria Di 01:38:32
pht_gma105 1991-07-31 Good Morning Austria Mi 01:36:36
pht_gma106 1991-08-01 Good Morning Austria Do 01:39:58
pht_gma107 1991-08-02 Good Morning Austria Fr 01:37:53
pht_gma108 1991-08-03 Good Morning Austria Sa 01:40:50
pht_gma109 1991-08-04 Good Morning Austria So 01:40:47
pht_gma110 1991-08-05 Good Morning Austria Mo 01:29:00
pht_gma111 1991-08-06 Good Morning Austria Di 01:39:31
pht_gma112 1991-08-07 Good Morning Austria Mi 01:39:27
pht_gma113 1991-08-08 Good Morning Austria Do 01:39:22
pht_gma114 1991-08-09 Good Morning Austria Fr 01:36:37
pht_gma115 1991-08-10 Good Morning Austria Sa 01:41:34
pht_gma116 1991-09-24 Good Morning Austria Di 01:38:55
pht_gma117 1991-09-25 Good Morning Austria Mi 01:35:23
pht_gma118 1991-09-26 Good Morning Austria Do 01:38:22
pht_gma119 1991-09-27 Good Morning Austria Fr 01:41:21
pht_gma120 1991-09-28 Good Morning Austria Sa 01:42:27
pht_gma121 1991-09-29 Good Morning Austria So 01:40:33
pht_gma122 1991-09-30 Good Morning Austria Mo 01:37:45
pht_gma123 1991-10-01 Good Morning Austria Di 01:38:46
pht_gma124 1991-10-02 Good Morning Austria Mi 01:37:45
pht_gma125 1991-10-03 Good Morning Austria Do 01:38:35
pht_gma126 1991-10-04 Good Morning Austria Fr 01:38:54
pht_gma127 1991-10-05 Good Morning Austria Sa 01:44:47
pht_gma128 1991-10-06 Good Morning Austria So 01:42:15
pht_gma129 1991-10-07 Good Morning Austria Mo 01:34:16
pht_gma130 1991-10-08 Good Morning Austria Di 01:38:41
pht_gma131 1991-10-09 Good Morning Austria Mi 01:38:45
pht_gma132 1991-10-10 Good Morning Austria Do 01:36:29
pht_gma133 1991-10-11 Good Morning Austria Fr 01:35:19
pht_gma134 1991-10-12 Good Morning Austria Sa 01:34:28
pht_gma135 1991-11-04 Good Morning Austria Mo 01:37:24
pht_gma136 1991-11-05 Good Morning Austria Di 01:34:43
pht_gma137 1991-11-07 Good Morning Austria Do 01:35:46
pht_gma138 1991-11-08 Good Morning Austria Fr 01:28:59
pht_gma139 1991-11-09 Good Morning Austria Sa 01:35:52
pht_gma140 1991-11-10 Good Morning Austria So 01:37:36
pht_gma141 1991-11-11 Good Morning Austria Mo 01:35:12
pht_gma142 1991-11-12 Good Morning Austria Di 01:37:37
pht_gma143 1991-11-13 Good Morning Austria Mi 01:35:23
pht_gma144 1991-11-14 Good Morning Austria Do 01:36:10
pht_gma145 1991-11-15 Good Morning Austria Fr 01:36:10
pht_gma146 1991-11-16 Good Morning Austria Sa 01:41:30
pht_gma147 1991-11-18 Good Morning Austria Mo 01:36:43
pht_gma148 1991-11-19 Good Morning Austria Di 00:40:29
pht_gma149 1991-11-20 Good Morning Austria Mi 01:37:34
pht_gma150 1991-11-21 Good Morning Austria Do 01:39:17
pht_gma151 1991-11-22 Good Morning Austria Fr 01:35:39
pht_gma152 1991-11-23 Good Morning Austria Sa 01:40:38
pht_gma153 1991-12-15 Good Morning Austria So 01:40:04
pht_gma154 1991-12-16 Good Morning Austria Mo 01:33:31
pht_gma155 1991-12-17 Good Morning Austria Di 01:40:05
pht_gma156 1991-12-18 Good Morning Austria Mi 01:40:35
pht_gma157 1991-12-19 Good Morning Austria Do 00:25:23
pht_gma158 1991-12-20 Good Morning Austria Fr 01:40:23
pht_gma159 1991-12-21 Good Morning Austria Sa 01:35:32
pht_gma160 1991-12-22 Good Morning Austria So 01:40:03
pht_gma161 1991-12-23 Good Morning Austria Mo 01:39:14
pht_gma162 1991-12-30 Good Morning Austria Mo 01:39:41
pht_gma163 1991-12-31 Good Morning Austria Di 01:40:47
pht_gma164 1992-01-01 Good Morning Austria Mi 01:41:24
pht_gma165 1992-01-02 Good Morning Austria Do 01:39:42
pht_gma166 1992-01-03 Good Morning Austria Fr 01:37:08
pht_gma167 1992-01-04 Good Morning Austria Sa 01:31:22
pht_gma168 1992-01-26 Good Morning Austria So 01:31:55
pht_gma169 1992-01-27 Good Morning Austria Mo 01:37:51
pht_gma170 1992-01-28 Good Morning Austria Di 01:39:58
pht_gma171 1992-01-30 Good Morning Austria Do 00:57:27
pht_gma172 1992-01-31 Good Morning Austria Fr 01:37:11
pht_gma173 1992-02-01 Good Morning Austria Sa 01:40:47
pht_gma174 1992-02-02 Good Morning Austria So 01:37:55
pht_gma175 1992-02-03 Good Morning Austria Mo 01:39:03
pht_gma176 1992-02-04 Good Morning Austria Di 01:35:41
pht_gma177 1992-02-05 Good Morning Austria Mi 01:39:35
pht_gma178 1992-02-06 Good Morning Austria Do 01:34:43
pht_gma179 1992-02-07 Good Morning Austria Fr 01:35:49
pht_gma180 1992-02-08 Good Morning Austria Sa 01:25:50
pht_gma181 1992-02-09 Good Morning Austria So 01:31:56
pht_gma182 1992-02-10 Good Morning Austria Mo 01:39:04
pht_gma183 1992-02-11 Good Morning Austria Di 01:31:45
pht_gma184 1992-02-12 Good Morning Austria Mi 01:31:20
pht_gma185 1992-02-13 Good Morning Austria Do 01:39:56
pht_gma186 1992-02-14 Good Morning Austria Fr 01:40:13
pht_gma187 1992-02-15 Good Morning Austria Sa 01:36:50
pht_gma188 1992-03-08 Good Morning Austria So 01:43:34
pht_gma189 1992-03-09 Good Morning Austria Mo 01:37:07
pht_gma190 1992-03-10 Good Morning Austria Di 01:31:48
pht_gma191 1992-03-11 Good Morning Austria Mi 01:39:52
pht_gma192 1992-03-12 Good Morning Austria Do 01:27:06
pht_gma193 1992-03-13 Good Morning Austria Fr 01:40:24
pht_gma194 1992-03-14 Good Morning Austria Sa 01:40:35
pht_gma195 1992-03-15 Good Morning Austria So 01:41:56
pht_gma196 1992-03-16 Good Morning Austria Mo 01:38:52
pht_gma197 1992-03-17 Good Morning Austria Di 01:37:28
pht_gma198 1992-03-18 Good Morning Austria Mi 01:31:23
pht_gma199 1992-03-19 Good Morning Austria Do 01:36:39
pht_gma200 1992-03-20 Good Morning Austria Fr 01:41:11
pht_gma201 1992-03-21 Good Morning Austria Sa 01:41:06
pht_gma202 1992-03-22 Good Morning Austria So 01:40:47
pht_gma203 1992-03-23 Good Morning Austria Mo 01:30:57
pht_gma204 1992-03-24 Good Morning Austria Di 01:35:12
pht_gma205 1992-03-25 Good Morning Austria Mi 01:39:09
pht_gma206 1992-03-26 Good Morning Austria Do 01:39:40
pht_gma207 1992-03-27 Good Morning Austria Fr 01:40:23
pht_gma208 1992-03-28 Good Morning Austria Sa 01:40:23
div. Sendungen      
bdr_ser001 1991-05-06 Serenade Mo 00:20:40
bdr_ser002 1991-12-21 Serenade Sa 00:57:57
bdr_nr001 1991-08-11 Nachtradio Ö3 01:51:02
bdr_nr002 1991-08-23 Nachtradio Ö3 01:51:45
bdr_nr003 1992-01-04 Nachtradio Ö3 01:51:33
bdr_cb001 1992-05-01 Continental Breakfast Freitag 02:27:47
bdr_cb002 1992-05-26 Continental Breakfast Dienstag 00:25:21
bdr_cb003 1992-07-02 Continental Breakfast Donnerstag 02:31:45
bdr_cb003a 1992-07-02 Continental Breakfast Donnerstag Nachrichten in Deutsch und Englisch (extrahiert aus der Gesamtsendung) 00:05:24
bdr_cb003b 1992-07-02 Continental Breakfast Donnerstag Nachrichten in Deutsch und Englisch (extrahiert aus der Gesamtsendung) 00:07:28
bdr_cb003c 1992-07-02 Continental Breakfast Donnerstag Nachrichten in Deutsch und Englisch (extrahiert aus der Gesamtsendung) 00:05:03
bdr_cb003d 1992-07-02 Continental Breakfast Donnerstag Werbeblock (extrahiert aus der Gesamtsendung) 00:03:16
bdr_cb003e 1992-07-02 Continental Breakfast Donnerstag Werbeblock (extrahiert aus der Gesamtsendung) 00:03:03
bdr_cb003f 1992-07-02 Continental Breakfast Donnerstag Werbeblock (extrahiert aus der Gesamtsendung) 00:03:06
bdr_cb004 1994-05-06 Continental Breakfast Freitag 03:00:04
bdr_cb005 1994-12-23 Continental Breakfast Stuart Freeman 03:00:25
bdr_cb006 1994-12-24 Continental Breakfast Duncan Larkin 02:51:10
bdr_sao001 1992-05-03 Sunday at One 00:47:56
bdr_sao002 1992-05-10 Sunday at One 00:50:00
bdr_sao003 1992-05-17 Sunday at One 00:14:03
bdr_cc001 1992-07-02 Classic Classics with Ellis Hill Donnerstag 00:41:47
bdr_cc002 1994-12-22 Classic Classics with Ellis Hill Donnerstag 01:41:27
bdr_cc003 1994-12-23 Classic Classics with Ellis Hill Freitag 02:33:48
bdr_cc004 1994-12-24 Classic Classics with Ellis Hill Samstag 01:59:54
bdr_mf001 1990-10-03 Melody Fair 00:13:40
bdr_mf002 1992-01-03 Melody Fair Freitag 00:41:31
bdr_pb001 1994-12-22 Playback Duncan Larkin Do 01:26:23
bdr_pb002 1994-12-23 Playback Duncan Larkin Fr 01:25:26
bdr_pb003 1994-12-24 Playback Duncan Larkin Sa 02:00:03
bdr_tao001 1994-12-22 Today at 1 Do with Stuart Freeman 00:59:41
bdr_tao002 1994-12-23 Today at 1 Fr with Stuart Freeman 00:59:15
bdr_tao003 1994-12-24 Today at 1 Sa with Stuart Freeman 01:00:02
bdr_dt001 1994-12-22 Drive Time with Duncan Larkin 01:53:31
bdr_mam01 1994-12-22 Magic Moments with Ellis Hill 01:54:30
bdr_mam02 1994-12-23 Magic Moments with Ellis Hill 00:09:21
bdr_ctf01 1991-12-21 Caseys Top 40 00:13:56
bdr_jouraut 1991-10-05 Journal de Autrice (übernommen von ROI) 00:00:59
bdr_country   Pilotfolge einer Serie nur für Country und Contempory Music 00:32:52
bdr_ft001 1991-10-05 Funtastics Show (Plus Werbeblock Ö3) 00:40:32
bdr_ft002 1991-12-21 Funtastics Show 00:32:17
bdr_ft003 1991-12-22 Funtastics Show Andrew Littlejohn 00:17:22
bdr_news01 1991-10-05 Nachrichten aus dem Midday Magazine 00:04:14
bdr_news02 1991-10-05 ORF-Nachrichten (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch) 00:15:18
bdr_news03 1991-10-06 News Headlines 00:02:45
bdr_news04 1991-11-08 Midday-News 00:03:37
bdr_news05 1991-12-22 ORF-Nachrichten (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch) 00:15:06
bdr_news06 1991-12-22 Midday-News 00:03:38
bdr_news07 1991-12-30 ORF-Nachrichten (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch) 00:15:13
bdr_news08 1992-01-01 ORF-Nachrichten (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch) 00:15:10
bdr_kwerb 1991-11-10 Krone Werbung vor 7 Uhr 00:00:22
musicbox01 1991-12-22 Musicbox mit Hermes Phettberg 00:49:42
songcontest01 2001 Songcontest Pre-Sendung auf FM4 00:15:26
songcontest02 2001 Songcontest Sendung auf FM4 02:59:17
songcontest03 2004 Songcontest Pre-Sendung auf FM4 00:03:51
songcontest04 2004 Songcontest Sendung auf FM4 03:02:07
div. Signations      
bdr_sigmf   Signation zur Sendung Melody Fair 00:00:41
bdr_sigser   Signation zur Sendung Serenade 00:00:12
bdr_sig   Signation von Blue Danube Radio 00:00:05
Fotos und andere Dateien      
bdr_pht   Foto von Phil Tintner inklusive Autogramm  
bdr_gruppe   Foto von Phil Tintner, Ellis Hill, Chris Wisbey  
bdr_artikel01 1992-03-28 Artikel von Miro  
bdr_artikel02 1992-05-05 Artikel von Karin Bauer  
phil_info   Persönliche Informationen zur Person Phil Tintner v. Hr. Roselieb aufgeschrieben  

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