Amateur Radio

<-- DXCC - DX Century Club

What makes some DXCC-Entities so important?

zoomTo confirm a succesful contact with at least 100 countries (to have "weorked them") was a major achievement in the earlier days of amateur radio. Only a happy few succeded and thus joined the exclusive "DX Century Club" of ARRL. Today the claim is much higher - and getting on top takes much more time, effort (and luck) with 338 radio countries (or rather "DXCC Entities") now on the list. Some of these entities are - or used to be - the "real hard ones" to get at. Enjoy our presentation!

zoomVP8THU Southern Sandwich, FT5XO Kerguelen, A52A Buthan , VK0IR Heard, ZL9CI Campbell etc.- Professionally written, filmed and produced are James Brooks’, 9V1YC, broadcast-quality documentaries from some of Amateur Radio's most exciting events. They let you see what its like behind the scenes at some of the most famous DXpeditions in the history of ham radio, and let you learn all the tips and tricks from the pileup masters. Only US$25 each, including free shipping: linkext. Link James donated a complete set of all ten currently available DVD editions to our archive.

<-- Research files and History of Amateur Radio

From the pioneer days up to today

zoomWe look back to the eventful development of amateur radio in some selected countries. So far wer provide an in-depth research into the history of Austria, Germany, Hungary, and the rise of ham radio in the Soviet Union - unfortunately all of it, for the time being, just in German. (Please follow the German flag on top of this page). Enjoy nontheless, there is a lot of pictorial stuff to be seen - and even if you stay here, in our English section, you will find a growing number of stories among our research files, and last but not least in the picture galleries of our "Virtual Museum".

QSL Collection - Dokumentationsarchiv Funk

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