Amateur Radio from the St. Peter & St. Paul Rocks

Continent: South America - Coordinates: 00.55N.29.20W HJ50 - Zones: WAZ 11, ITU 13 - Allocation: PP0-ZY0(S) - IOTA: SA-014, ex SA-231

Area and History


Area and HistoryzoomThe Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago (Portuguese: Arquipélago de São Pedro e São Paulo) is a group of 15 small islets and rocks in the central equatorial Atlantic Ocean. It lies in the Intertropical Convergence Zone, a region of severe storms. It is approximately 510 nmi (940 km; 590 mi) from the Brazilian northeastern coastal town of Touros, 625 km (388 mi) northeast of the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha, 990 km (620 mi) from the city of Natal, and 1,824 km (1,133 mi) from the western African coast. The islets expose serpentinized abyssal mantle peridotite and kaersutite-bearing ultramafic mylonite on the top of the second-largest megamullion in the world (after the Parece Vela megamullion under Okinotorishima in the Pacific) and the highest one of the world. It is the only location on Atlantic Ocean where the abyssal mantle is exposed above sea level. In 1986, the archipelago was designated as an environmentally protected area. Since 1998, the Brazilian Navy has maintained a permanently manned research facility on the islands. The main economic activity around the islets is tuna fishing.

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DXCC in accordance with point 2(a) of DXCC criteria, confirmations for contatcts from 01.01.1966

DJ2KS/PY0 29.08.1965 DJ2KS (DL6XP, DJ2DR) 40QSOs, nicht anerkannt/not valid
PY0XA 08/1966 W9WNV, K1IMP Bogus operation
PY0SP, PY0DX 15.-19.12.1967 PY7ACJ, PY7AKW, Y7ACQ (PY7AOA, PY7ABU) linkext. Link
PY0SP, PY0DX 17.-19.11.1968 PY7ABU, PY7AKQ, PY7AOD, PY7AKW, PY7ACQ, PY7PO linkext. Link
PT0MI, PY0WH 06/1972 PT2MI, PY2WH  
PS0WH 12/1973 PY2WH QSL via W3DJZ
PW0PP, PY0RO. 23-26.07.1978 PY7XC, PY1RO QSL: PW0PP via PY7XC; PY0RO via PY1RO
PY0SJ, SP,ZSA-C 28.09.-02.10.1982 PY2PA, PY2CPU, WA2MOE, N4BQW, K8CW. QSL via PY2PA
ZY0SA, ZY0SB 23.02.-04 03.1987 PY1ZT, PY1BVY QSL via PY1BVY linkext. Link
ZY0SW, SS, SY 14.-20.05.1989 PT7AA, PS7KM, PS7JS QSL via PT7WA
PY0SK, PY0SR 05.-13.05.1991 PP5JD, PS7KM, PY4VB, DF9TF, DJ9ZB QSL via PY2YP
ZY0SK, ZY0SP 03.-08 02.1994 PT7AA, PS7KM, PS7JN, PS7RT QSL via PT7WA
ZY0SK, ZY0SG 03.-14.02.1997 PT7AA, PS7KM QSL via PT7WA
ZV0SB, ZV0SW 15.-22.03.1999 PT2GTI, PT2HF, PT2NP  
PS0S 25.-27.08.2000 PY2SP, PY2ZX QSL via PY2SP
PW0S 03.-18.02.2001 PT7BZ, PY7XC, PY7ZY, PY0FF QSL via KU9C
ZY0SAT 31.03.-14.04.2001 PS7JN QSL via PS7JN
ZY0SAT 24.02.-11.03.2002 PS7JN QSL via PS7JN
ZW0S (1) 06.-18. 04.2003 PS7JN QSL via PS7JN
ZW0S (2) 02 17.09.2003 PS7JN QSL via PS7JN
ZW0S (3) 03.-18.12.2003. PS7JN QSL via PS7JN
PY0S/PS7JN (1) 25.11.-10 12.2004 PS7JN QSL via PS7JN
PY0S/PS7JN.(2) 07.-22.09.2005 PS7JN QSL via PS7JN
PY0S/PS7JN (3) 20.01.-02.02.2006 PS7JN QSL via PS7JN
PT0S 10.-23.11.2012 PY2XB PP5XX HA7RY AA7JV 160-6m,QSL via HA7RY linkext. Link

QSL Gallery

DJ2KS/PY0 - 29.08.1965 - Too early for DXCC

DJ2KS/PY0 - 29.08.1965 - Too early for DXCCzoomPhysician Hans-Ulrich Widdel was on boad the scientfic vessel "R.V. Meteor" on her Atlantic Expedition. He was in charge of solar observations during the "Year of the Quiet Sun", 1965. En route during a stop-over to visit the St. Peter & Paul observatory, he set up his gear on the rocks, using a hot-water tube as support, and worked about 40 stations in one hour. Unfortunately, St.P&P did not yet count for the DXCC.

PY0XA - August 1966 - A bogus operation

PY0XA - August 1966 - A bogus operationzoomIn August, 1966, Don Miller, W9WNV, and Herb Kline, K1IMP, claimed to have been on the Rocks with a Collins S-Line (32S3 and T75S3B) and a Waters Vertical. It was a bogus operation. Read all the papers and listen to a unique DokuFunk interview of Herb Kline - CR9AK, K1IMP relating to his involvement in the scum.

PY0SP / PY0DX - 15.-19.12.1967

PY0SP / PY0DX - 15.-19.12.1967zoom(To be translated) Montar uma estação de rádio nos rochedos de S. Pedro e S. Paulo e de lá falar com o resto do mundo era um velho sonho de quase todo radioamador brasileiro. Em meados de 1962, um grupo de radioamadores do Recife e Caruaru vinha tentando organizar uma expedição ao local.Em 67 conseguiram!
Tomaram parte da aventura aos rochedos pela Corveta Ipiranga, radioamadores PY7ACJ – Salvador Remides, PY7AOA – Gastão C. de Almeida, PY7ACQ – Plínio B. dos Santos, PY7AKW – Dausiley Caminha, PY7ABU – Jaime A. de Melo, pesquisadores do Instituto de Biologia Marinha da UFRN: Francisco J. da Cruz, Clementino C. Neto e José J. B. Frota, o repórter Pedro L. Ferreira da revista O CRUZEIRO, a tripulação da corveta: capitão de corveta Heitor A. B. Júnior, que tinha como auxiliares os oficiais capitão-tenente Odilon L. Wollstein, capitão-tenente Luis P. Schara e tenente Antônio E. Kazniakowski, o tenente Ricardo Colluci e Paul-Antoine Evin, da reserva da marinha francesa.

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PY0SP / PY0DX - 17.-19.10.1968

PY0SP / PY0DX -  17.-19.10.1968zoomThis DXpedition was named "Almirante Luz Doring" in honour of the Brazilian Navy authority, recently deceased, who had made possible the first trip to the Rocks. In this second trip Brazilian Navy's vital contribution was effected by corvette "Purus" (Picture) which performed the transportation of all the oprationg gang and equipment. The Corvette was a small battle and rescue ship with a crew of 78 men under the command of Captain Antonio Eduardo Souza Trinidade. (Built by: N.V. Scheepswerf & Machinefabriek - Debiesboch (Netherland) in 1954/55
On 25th June 2004, Brazilian Navy sold this corvette to the Namibian Navy, and she was renamed as "Lt Gen Jerobeam Dimo Hamaambo") It was a seven-day trip of which only two were actually spent on the Rocks. Operation time was 36 hours, and over 4.000 contacts were made in spite of troubles with transmitters and generators. A small motor boat and a raft were used for landing equipment and personnel.

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PY0RO, PY0PP - July 1978

PY0RO, PY0PP - July 1978zoomOperators: PY1RO, Rolf; PY7BXC, Jim. 5.000 contacts in three days on 10-160m CW/SSB. They had come from Fernan do do Noronha on the vessel "Doudou Diop". Equipment: TS820, FT101E, 2 trap vedrticals, 265' longwire.

PT0S - 10.-23. November 2012


PT0S - 10.-23. November 2012zoomExpedition homepag: linkext. Link
The Araucaria DX Group, in conjunction with the TX3A Team, is pleased to announce a DXpedition to St. Peter and St. Paul Rocks, PY0S, under the call sign PT0S. The PT0S DXpedition will be on the air from approximately Nov 10 to Nov 22 , 2012. Please check this website regularly for news updates or announcements. (Like all things maritime, the exact dates of our travel to the rocks will be subject to the weather and issues related to the boat.)There has been an official ban on Amateur Radio activities from PY0S. Although the ban, which was created for environmental and safety reasons, remains in place, the Araucaria DX Group was given a special permit by Brazil's SECIRM (Secretaria da Comissao Interministerial para Os Recursos do Mar), the Brazilian Navy, Ministry of Environment and LABRE to conduct a two week long operation. - The operation will have a strong low band focus. There will be a dedicated 160 meter station operating on 160 meters from sunset to sunrise. A second station will be on 80 and 40 meters at night. During the day we will operate two stations on the higher bands -- and 6 meters -- based on conditions. RTTY will also be supported. - The DXpedition's goal is to give this rare and difficult entity to as many amateurs as possible, taking maximum advantage of this unique opportunity. The group will be using newly designed RX antennas and receiving equipment to allow small and QRP stations to work PT0S on all bands, but especially on 80 and 160 meters. All QSO-s will be loaded onto LoTW within 36 hours of taking place.
Operators will be Fred Carvalho PY2XB (PY2XB/PY0F, PQ0F, VP5/PY2XB, 8P9XB), Peter Sprengel PP5XX/PY5CC (PY0FM, PW0T, HK0NA). Tomi Pekarik, HA7RY and George Wallner, AA7JV. Due to environmental considerations, we have been limited to four operators.
(Source: PT0S Homepage)

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