Amateur Radio from the Spratly Islands

# 2 - Second activation: 1S1A

20.-24.February 1973, Spratly Island

# 2 - Second activation: 1S1AzoomSome 4.500 QSOs and 3 1/2 days later the team withdrew, returnig control to the one million plus birds who make their home at Spratly Island. Propagation was poor but weather and equipment performance was outstanding. The "Yankee", with only one engine still operable, returned the team safely home to Vung Tau at 18:00GMT on 26 February. Commermoration was directed to Captain Victor B. Clyronomides who piloted to "Yankee" to and from the island, and to Burt Dhalstrom and Arnie Kittelson, owner of the boat, making her available at no costs. VS6DR, KA6RN, DU1WBT, KA6JT, and Earl at XV5AC maintained a 24 hour security watch throughout the expedition.

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