Amateur Radio from Desecheo

NR5M, K5LZO, KA5SBS/KP5 - #4

6-11 March,1985

NR5M, K5LZO, KA5SBS/KP5 - #4zoom"The results of our stay were graftifying - 17.000 QSO's on 7 bands (160, 80/75, 40, 30, 20, 15, 10). Eastern Airlines rolled out the red carpet and got lots and lots of equipment there and back in operating conditions. Butternut Electronics provided antennas for 160 and 80. Madison Electronics 'cuffed' numerous spare parts, some of which did not make it back - a dinghy turned over in the swells. The guys involved in rounding up the monkeys on the island helped us tote over two tons of equipment a quarter.mile across rocks and corals and up a 50 feet hill/cliff to the operating location. And special thanks to Dave Busick, N5JJ, who conceived and designed the station and antenna configuration, provided much of the eqipment, but had to stay home due to a last minute illness."

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