Amateur Radio from Desecheo

KW2P etc./KP5 - #11

28 December, 1992 - 3 January, 1993

KW2P etc./KP5 - #11zoomRobert E. Steward, jr., KW2P, now W2SF, was first licensed in 1961. His call as a novice was WV2WIU, in General class WA2WIU. After chasing the DXCC award he was no longer active until the early 1970's, when he passed the Advanced test and then the Extra class license. He changed his call to KW2P, in the early 1990's and suddenly had an interest in going on a DXpedition. His first trip was an IOTA to the Dry Tortugas, in 1992 I went to Navassa Island (KP1), he also spent time operating in Jamaica (6Y5) - and after his 1993 Desecho Island (KP5) operation and some time spent operating from Puerto Rico (KP4) he went, in late 1995, to St. Paul Island (CY9), and in late 1999 to (TF). Bob is now retired and spends 6 months in the Florida Keys during the winter giving out IOTA NA-062.
Randy, N0TG, was also /KP1 on Navassa, and /6Y5, /VP5, VP2KAQ

Download [7.0 MB]Expedition Report, DX Magazine 01/1994 [PDF , 7.0 MB]

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