Amateur Radio from Desecheo

KP2A/KP5 - #9


KP2A/KP5 - #9zoomLee Reisenweber, VP2VE, Licensed 1958 (K3RGD Baltimore, Maryland), also: K3RGD, PJ5/K3RGD, 3D2VA (1998/99), A35VR (1998/99) is President of the BVI Amateur Radio League.
Kenneth Kopp, Licensed since 1951, ex WN5TKI, W5TKI, WA4HAA, W0OQM, VP5PP, served on R/O, US Coast & Geodetic Survey/NOAA oceanographic survey ships "HYDROGRAPHER" and "DISCOVERER", ARRL Montana VHF/UHF Frequency Coordinator, ARRL Assistant NW Division Director. Retired from Montana Power Company (Communications Technician). Five years/million miles as over-the-road driver for Swift Transportation.

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