Amateur Radio from Swain's Island

Area and history

Continent: Oceania - Coordinates: 11.05S 171.05W AH48LW - Zones: WAZ 32, ITU 62 - Allocation: AH8 - IOTA: OC-200

Area and historyzoomSwains Island (Olohega) is an atoll in the Tokelau chain, the most northwesterly island administered by American Samoa. Although culturally belonging to Tokelau, politically, it is a territory of United States of America. It has variously been known as Olosenga Island, Olohega Island, Quiros Island, Gente Hermosa Island and Jennings Island throughout its history. The current population of the island is 37, all located in the only village. The island has a land area of 1.508 km² (0.582 sq mi, or 372.55 acres).

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KH8SI - Juli 2005

...and previous activities

KH8SI - Juli 2005zoomOur team gathered in Honolulu, HI, to check equipment and headed south on Hawaiian Airlines to Pago Pago, American Samoa. Hawaiian Airlines was very supportive of our expedition. Using equipment owned by the team members and Larry Gandy AH8LG (President of the American Samoa ARC) and loans from SteppIR, gathered at the home of Larry and Uti Gandy and verified that the equipment worked.
We then met with the Family which has owned Swains Island since its discovery and the Government of Am Samoa. The final details of our expedition were planned. Our original plan was to charter a large interisland ferry, but Typhoon Olaf caused a great deal of damage in Am Samoa which preoccupied our planned transportation. We then found the 'Tasman Explorer', a Tuna Boat, and arranged somewhat less comfortable transportation. Typhoon Percy then scored a direct hit on Swain's Island which added a relief effort to our DXpedition. We carried Water, Food, Clothing, Gasoline and other supplies to the residents in addition to our DXPedition equipment.
Amateur Radio received a great deal of favorable publicity and many hours of live TV coverage because of our effort.
Swains Island is far enough from the closest point on Tutuila, the nearest island in Am Samoa to count under the DXCC rules formerly in effect.
Because the Typhoons were still nearby the trip to Swains was roigh! Rolling up to 45 degrees and pitching in the swells. The only transportation between the 'Tasman Explorer' and Swains is by small boat and again the high surf delayed our ship to shore movement.
We finally managed to get all the people and equipment to the shore, through the surf, and up the steep coral beach. We set up the CW Tent, then the SSB Tent, the generators and all equipment, and assembled YAGI for both CW and
SSB, and SteppIR Vertical and Inv-Vee for the low bands. We had two dedicated positions in both the CW and SSB tents when bands were open, we ran on two bands per mode.
The openings were fairly short and we tried to concentrate on Europe where the need was greatest but didn't slight any continent or area. The QSO rate was high during the openings.
Swains has been owned by the same family and became a territory of the USA during the Coolidge Administration. The island had a major coconut plantation until demand for Copra declined leaving no source of income on the island. Members of the family still live on Swains and find fish, lobster, crab, coconut crab, and coconuts on the island. Other supplies must be brought from Am Samoa by boat.

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N8S - April, 2007

'The Big One'

N8S - April, 2007zoomKH8SI had been a brave effort, but the DX community was hungry for more. An international team set out to provide the new DXCC entity "to all the deserving", and, indeed, broke all records with 117.205 contacts in the log, when they closed down on 15 April. On their journey back home they operated from Samoa (17-24 April, FW5AA, 17.500 contacts, KH8, 18.200 contacts)
N8S Homepage: linkext. Link

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NH8S - Third attempt

6.-16. September, 2012

NH8S - Third attemptExpedition Web Site: linkext. Link
Operators: 9V1FJ, Barry Fletcher; AA4NN, Joe Blackwell; DJ2VO, Juergen Borsdorf; DL3DXX,
Dietmar Kasper; K5AB, Alan Brown; K9CS, Carl Schroeder; K9CT, Craig Thompson, Team Leader; K9NW, Mike Tessmer; N2TU, Lou Dietrich; N6HC, Arnie Shatz; N6HD, David Greenhut; NA6M, Mark Stennett; ND2T, Tom Berson; SM5AQD, Hawk Eriksson; W6KK,
Charles Spetnagel; W8GEX, Joe Pater, Team Leader; W8HC, Hal Turley; W8TN, Clark Stewart; WB9Z, Jerry Rosalius. - 105.455 Contacts. - QSL: Swains Island DXpedition, P.O. Box 5005, Lake Wylie, SC 29710, USA

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