A Tribute to Jim B. Smith, VK9NS, SK

zoomIt is with deep sadness that we inform you that Jim (VK9NS) passed peacefully away on Norfolk Island at 15:40 local time on 10 February 2009 after a short illness. Jim is survived by his wife Kirsti (VK9NL) and his four children: Bruce (G3HSR), Stuart, Sheena and Fraser (all living in the UK).
"Jim was first licensed in 1947 as VS1BQ in Singapore. Over the years Jim operated as CAR (VU4 Nicobar), VS1BQ, DL2TH, HZ1AB, MP4BER, 9V1PR, P29JS, VR4BJ, H44BJ, G3HSR, C21AA, T3KJ, T3AJ, VK9YS, VK9XS, VK9NS, VK0JS/VK9N, 9M8JS, VK0JS, ZL0AAB, ZM7JS, ZL1BUN, T30JS, T1JS, T32JS, T33JS, A35MR, A51JS, S21U, WR1Z, WR1Z/KH9, S21ZA, VK9WW, A35MR/p, A51MOC, VU2JBS, NO1Z/KH1, VK9WW, WR1Z/KH8, H40AB and A52JS, just to name a few. In 1980 Jim started the Heard Island DX Association linkext. Link Three years later he and his wife VK9NL, Kirsti, put the rare VK0/H on the air as VK0NS and VK0NL. Over the years Jim put on several all time new countries as well as many rare ones from the Pacific and Asia. In fact he took part in the regulations for Amateur Radio in several DXCC Entities. When not out on DXpeditions Jim could usually be found on 14222. He was also a serious DXer having worked all countries on SSB, Mixed and only missing one on CW. In April 1986 Jim was inducted into the CQ DX Hall of Fame." (Quoted from Daily DX #029/2009) Condolence may be sent to Kirsti via email to mailjimkirsti@ni.net.nf

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Bruce Smith, G3HSR, recalling his father

Download [1.7 MB]Bruce Smith, G3HSR, recorded 05 March 2009 (09:33) [MP3 , 1.7 MB]

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Jim about some of his HIDXA Expeditions: linkext. Link

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From Jim's Photo Album

Pictures courtesy of Bruce Smith, G3HSR, and DX Magazine

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