
Specially printed postcards are circulated in America by members of the Radio Relay
League for reporting the reception of experimental transmissions. Such reports are very
valuable to the transmitters concerned. Transmitting Licence holders, by keeping this
Journal, which is now the official organ of the British Wireless Relay League, advised as to
the location of their stations, may receive advice from the innumerable listeners -in as to the
ranges achieved and other details relating to the transmissions. Owners of receiving stations
can, on the other hand, greatly help the transmitting experimenters by passing reports by
postcard. In so doing they would induce new transmitting licence holders to promptly come
forward with details of their stations for inclusion in " The Wireless World " lists (WW 05 May 1923, p 158)

01 - Übereinstimmung mit Amateur Call Book 1920
02 - 8FR im CB 1920. This image was published 50 years later in the March 1968 Old Timer’s Bulletin, the Journal of the AWA. Duvall claimed to have several cards dating before WWI. (Patrick Rigg)

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