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Media Network 1992

mn_1992zoomVon Media Network, dem legendären von Jonathan Marks gestalteten Medienmagazin, liegen zahlreiche Sendungen von 7. August 1980 (DX Juke Box) bis 26. Oktober 2000 (letzte Ausgabe) als Digitalisate und Manuskripte vor. - Aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen nur für Direktvorführungen am Hörplatz im Dokumentationsarchiv. - Zahlreiche Folgen gingen verloren. Wir ersuchen dringend um Hilfe bei der Rekonstruktion. - Die von Andy Sennitt fortgeführte Version als wöchentlicher Newsletter befindet sich ab 15. März 2007 im Archiv (nicht indiziert): dok_bul_medianetwork - Media Network Videos: mn

Archivnummern: AP/m_mm2/mn_1992_(Sendedatum)
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Index: Marion Heindl

Media Network      
Datei Inhalt Dauer Skripts
920102 Farewell 208. Radio Luxembourg's English service signed off. Illustrated interview with Richard Jackson about Radio Thailand. 31:44 x
920109 Dijkstra. Radio Moscow feature. Radio Alma. WRTH awards fehlt x
920116 Second-hand shortwave radio. Conversation with Bob Tomalski on the introduction of 3 new audio formats. Mini Disc. Interview with the new boss of Radio Vilnius. Plans for a special ham radio station to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Voice of America. K3EKA is the station based in the VOA HQ in Washington DC. 31:39 x
920123 More from Moscow on Russian Bards: Richard Measham of BBC Monitoring explains how time changes in Russia have affected the complex external broadcast schedule. Vasily explains about Radio Ala. Interval signal contest as compensation for Jim Cutler's Impossible Contest. 31:22 x
920130 Victor. Polish Radio. Bart on HDTV developments. Swiss Radio International. fehlt x
920205 DX Nightmare SRI 5XX: interval signal contest with a difference - 3 signals at the same time, one of them backwards. Swiss Radio International announced a major change to its transmitter usage. BBC closes its Daventry SW transmitting station at the end of March 1992. GB67XX. Bryan Clarke reports on a station in Bougainville. NOS has started D2MAC test transmissions as Bart Kuperus reports. Victor Goonetilleke - tuning tips from Asia. 31:44 fehlt
920206 France, the French way, Sofirad. BBC. WARC. Romania. Arthur fehlt x
920207 Kashmir, Iraq and Andorra: Voice of Free Kashmir. Victor Goonetilleke reports on his observations from Sri Lanka. Mother of Battles Radio. Pete Myers looks at the coverage by CNN of the Gulf War. EBU is worried. Broadcasting from Andorra. Richard Langley reports on plans to cut RCI funds again. Richard Measham reports on Radio Rossi. 32:22 fehlt
920213 Nice Radio and Update from Kiev: portrait of the battle for English language radio on the French Riveria 31:41 x
920227 Start of RTL 5, WARC report from Malaga 1992 Part 4, satellite radio, Vasily Strelnikov reports from Moscow about the start of the Voice of Russia 31:26 fehlt
920305 News Updates from the shortwave bands. Radio Luxembourg. Julius Hermans has been listening to Radio Ala. Radio Dublin. Books about HF propagation. Radio Netherlands English broadcasts are expanding to the Pacific. Victor Goonetilleke has been following broadcasts from Kashmir. A Purple Hair story from Hungary. Digital radio experiments (DAB). Arthur Cushen has media news updates from Tonga. 31:44 fehlt
920305v Vasily in Moscow. Report by Rosella Strom who went to Geneva, Switzerland as part of the World Radio Congress at the ITU. 31:44 x
920312 Dave Rosenthal reviews a new specialist book about sun and propagation. Kosuth radio network from Hungary. 32:21 x
920319 WARC Questions. Andy Sennitt report. Equipment update. Dutch broadcasters get ether frequencies. WJCR starts. ANARC update / EDXC fehlt x
920325 Radio Tirana Albania: one of the strongest propaganda voices out of the Balkans, mouthpiece of Enver Hoxha. 14:54 x
9203xx   33:25 fehlt
920402 Kuwait. Falklands Flashback. Conferences 31:38 x
920409 Satellites: Radio Netherlands starts feeding radio stations in Latin America and the Caribbean with a satellite signal. Profile of the first commercial radio station in Bulgaria, Radio Aura. Start of TV Marti. Lowe HF150 communications receiver. Radio Australia is talking about a television service. 35:03 x
920416 China, Taiwan: BBC World Service television to Asia has been spotted in the clear. Re-examination of the war of words across the Straits of Taiwan. Radio Democracy. Rise and fall of the Christian Science Monitor World Service in Boston. World Monitor channel. BBC is expanding its Pay TV service to Africa. CNN has appeared on Astra. Lou Josephs reports that several MW frequencies are being blocked with English transmissions from Havana. 32:19 x
920423 Satellite explanations. David Monson visits Sangean factory in Taiwan. EDXC Expeditions in Finland. International distribution of the Lowe HF150, DAK Industries new shortwave DM3000 is difficult to get hold of. Marcel Rommerts has news about Radio Galaxy from Moscow. New book - The Setmakers about the history of British radio receivers from the BREMA association. 31:39 x
920430 WSN Network starts. Receiver update, Grove launches a new set, SW-77 differences, Lowe distributed in the US. New Russian stations. Radio 7 - what's going on? Sri Lanka 31:47 x
9205 Interview Noah Samara Worldspace plans fehlt fehlt
920507 VOA Koreas WSHB: Bill Whitacre reports on the start of a VOA Kurdish language radio service. Spanish Foreign Radio on a new out of band channel. The Asian Broadcasting Institute reports on the current war of words between North and South Korea. Lou Josephs reports on the financial woes of the Christian Science Monitor. Grundig Satellite 700. 31:34 x
920514 Vilnius visit. Are upgrades a good idea? What’s all this sync? Test of the Grundig Satellite 700. RTL Radio. Arthur Cushen. WRTH spot. Mike Bird fehlt x
920521 Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan 6295, Julius Hermans on Vilnius visit, Secret Love montage with Diana Ross and Bee Gees Chain Reaction – original song. European Radio International Project with press review in Brussels. fehlt x
920528 WorldSpace, interview Noah Samara, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer. Jamming by Cuba. George Jacobs, WHRI. Radio 16th of September for Haiti. fehlt x
920604 Caribbean Bandscan: WorldBand Radio. Challenges of some stations making a station identification. Lou Josephs has been travelling in the Caribbean, where he encountered many satellite fed music stations. Radio Free Grenada. Radio Antilles, originally set up by Deutsche Welle. BBC's Caribbean service. 32:40 x
920611 BBC Soap Opera to Russia, woodpeckers from space. Pat Gowan. Fidonet with Andy Sennitt. Phase Track review. Review of DC777 in dash SW radio. Over the horizon radar. Receiver stuff with Reading. Dave Rosenthal. Boston, new receivers dumped. SW Navigator fehlt x
920618 New York Festival. Pirate radio bust. VOA tests SSB. Firato cancelled. DAK bankrupt fehlt x
920625 Strange Religion from Tokyo and AWR Europe: Spanish Foreign Radio is working on a relay station in Costa Rica. Radio Miami has done a deal with a station in Honduras. The Megaphone Newsreel marches across the continent. Radio Vilnius is worried about its relay in Moldova. Baltic Radio International. AWR Europe's World DX News signs off. Radio Norway plans special transmissions for Burma. New station in Wimbledon. Aum Shinrikyo. 31:37 x
920702 Propagation feature. Friedrichshafen report. DW AMDS. Arthur Cushen. Clandestine list: Finn Krone. Firato fehlt x
920709 Radio Havana Cuba. Radio Moscow. Dutch Ministry of Culture:10 serious applications for commercial radio and TV licenses. Rwanda fehlt x
920715 Radio Noordzee Nationaal, Naarden. Strengholt company got the licence to broadcast Dutch language music. Plans to broadcast Radio Free Burma on shortwave via the transmitters of Radio Norway at Kvitsoy. 31:35 x
920722 Voz de Afrika, John Campbell, Radio Venceremos, Nils Schiffhauer, WRTH fehlt fehlt
920723 Democratic Voice of Burma starts up. TDF launches Allois rotatable antenna system for broadcasters. Feature on Russian commercial radio. Interview with Ben Doud of Radio-7. RFE and RL research in Afghanistan and Russia with Gene Parter. SW Navigator review with Jim Frimmel. Hypercard based. 31:44 x
920730 Vriezen on Caroline: interview with Radio Netherlands Dutch Service presenter Wim Vriezen 12:58 x
920806 Radio Free Asia & Bloopers: receiver news. Yaesu Musen announces a new FRG-800, which is supposed to have better dynamic range than the FRG-8800. Radio Free Europe, TV Marti and Radio Free Asia are under fire from the US Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy. Tom Korologos. Bloopers. Tony Barrett has heard a special transmission from HCJB in Quito, Ecuador. 31:47 x
920813 Special including profile of Radio St Helena with an interview with Swedish DXer Jan Tuner. Australian military HF broadcasting at Diggers Rest. Jamming transmitter in Sudan. 31:40 x
920820 MN Transatlantic special. Feature on WNYW with Lou Josephs. WRUL, WNYW and WYFR broadcast programmes. RFE, Kol Israel. Sarajevo. 31:45 x
920827 Hurricane Andrew. Spy number stations. New winter schedule frequencies. News from Asia. Radio Fax to close fehlt x
920903 Bad weather in Pacific. KSDA. Hurricane in Guam. Classic FM opens in UK. T2FD Antenna outside. Changes coming to Radio Norway International. Book review - Numbers station. 21:31 x
920910 ICF-SW15: DG Dijkstra announces Asia relay for RNW. BBC and DW also via Russia. Radio Recovery AM set up in Homestead Florida, because of Hurricane Andrew. Andy Bulgaria out of band. Marcel Rommerts on Voice of Peace heard on holiday in Jordan, and Aruz Sharif. 31:57 x
920916   30:49 fehlt
920917 US international broadcasting. Radio Netherlands was expanding its output. Italy approves 500 local FM stations. Slow changes in the media in South Africa, Radio RSA is changing its name to Channel Africa. Sony ICF-SW33. Marcel Rommerts reports on the new High Adventure Ministry's station on Palau during his trip to Asia. 31:15 x
920924 Firato News Show: 1992 FIRATO, one of the last public audio/video fairs to be held in Amsterdam. The analogue MAC system is running into trouble. Sony demonstrates a MiniDisc. Grundig will expand its range of Satellite receivers. Delay to the SW-100 communications receiver. Guide for ICF2001 owners. BASICCODE. Lou Josephs explains how stations are using databases for customer marketing. NAB Superradio Future of Radio Australia. Victor Goonetilleke reports that SLBC is testing to North America. 31:44 x
921001 Radio Vlaanderen Internationale Wavre. Radio Beijing changes name. TWR via Radio Tirana 1395 kHz. AM Stereo - Digital Radio (Eureka 147). Group W, USA Digital Radio. WWVH - Dave Rosenthal, SESC. America’s watch on Cuban exile. "Can’t get lower than this"-jingle. 31:32 x
921008 Media reaction to El Al. Radio Netherlands, the mediaraad. Radio Luxembourg goodbye. Indian stuff. Balance from Cushen. Mystery religious station / pirates complaining about SW Magazine fehlt x
921015 Mediaraad Report & RTL Satellite: Paul Holmes, a New Zealand broadcaster. Trans World Radio has hired airtime from Radio Tirana Albania. Russian separatists are jamming a station. John Catlett of Radio Luxembourg announces the decision to end the English language programming. Interview with Pat Gowan, G3IOR, who's fascinated by reception of satellites on the wrong side of the Earth. 31:45 x
921022 Caracol Reportage: Jeff White reports from Bogota profiling Caracol and RCN and their use of international broadcasters. Ken MacHarg reports on areas where they plan to establish relay facilities. National Unity Radio in Sudan. Lex Harding starts Radio 538. Andy Sennitt of the WRTH has news from the Balkans about transmitters for hire. 32:03 x
921029 Nice joke opening from Jim Cutler. Holka Code 3, Listener calls. Andy Sennitt. Hobby pirates from Czechoslovakia. Power SW Radio on 6295. Waterford Radio Caroline. Radio Kaduna, Nigeria. Vatican Radio Feature done by Rosella Strom. Comment on WEWN. Diana Ross. Monserrat. NHK Radio Japan Yamata expands. Red Hot Dutch. UK Gold launches. Cushen - good signal from Radio St Helena. 5 time zones in Australia. VNG 2500 kHz run by the consortium. fehlt x
921105 Story from Rosella Strom who'd been visiting Vatican Radio - Listen for Heaven's Sake. WRTH Travellers guides. Andy off to edit 1993 WRTH. Blueboxing. PBX Fraud. Hoogeveen weather maps. Doeven electronics. 31:06 fehlt
921105_man Round-up of broadcasting news, shortwave services, weather services, Hoogeveen, RX-1700 fehlt x
921107 Cambodia & WRMI: Radio Australia launches a service targeting listeners in Cambodia. Nick Meanwell has news about how All India Radio plans to use shortwave to serve audiences in Asia. Radio Miami International WRMI starts testing. Challenges facing visually handicapped shortwave listeners. Philips has designed a set of low-energy Christmas lights for the Lopik transmitter site. 31:50 fehlt
921112 Report from Washington. Answerline on Vatican Radio. ABC report on Radio Liberty fehlt x
921118 Report from Washington II. ABC report on Radio Liberty fehlt x
921119 Arthur Cushen. News show. Check. fehlt fehlt
921126 Meanwell on all India radio, TX sites, WRMI IDS, RNW via Moscow transmitters, Cambodia, Radio Australia, interview with Jock Elliott fehlt x
9212 Vatican WRN 31:32 fehlt
921203 Richard Measham at VOA Washington conference on shortwave decline. KCBI tests on shortwave. NDXE opening to the show. Adventist world radio, further shortwave and mediumwave stations. DBS radio. Voice of Ethiopia external ETLF. Voice of the Gospel, Ethiopia 1977. Open Radio Moscow - New World Radio 20 kW in Washington. Mike Bird, propagation survey. Receiver Review: fehlt fehlt
921204 Typhoon Gay hits Marshall Islands and puts many of the radio stations off the air. Discussion in the UK about the licence fee for radio and TV from the BBC. Radio Luxembourg decides to pull the plug on all English language transmissions. VOA has reduced its Spanish language broadcasts to Latin America. TWR Bonaire 800 kHz announces major transmission cutbacks on MW and SW. 31:47 x
921210 Cushen. Phone calls. Croatia reportage. Somalia fehlt x
921217 Listener generated show. Interview with Hans Bakhuizen about DAB. John Tusa leaves BBC World Service. Radio Czechoslovakia International was to be dissolved with the split of the country into Czech Republic and Slovakia. Radio Norway International ponders the future of its foreign service. 32:08 fehlt
921217_man Andy Sennitt. Phone calls. ITU. Somalia update fehlt x
921224 Bucharest flashback. WEWN starts testing. What will Tusa do? Satellite update fehlt x
921231 Radio Luxembourg closed down their English service. Bloopers. 31:43 fehlt

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