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United Nations Radio Classics
164 Sendungen 1948-1988 vom ehem. Rundfunkdienst der Vereinten Nationen. Reportagen, Pressekonferenzen, Auftritte prominenter Staatsmänner, UNO-Generalversammlungen,
Hörspiele und Features mit namhaften Darstellern. Sendesprache, wenn nicht anders angegeben: Englisch.
Archivnummern: AP/e_eng/unrc_(Dateiname)
© UNO via DokuFunk
war_on_flu.mp3 | 1954 | The War on Flu - The story of influenza and the fight against the virus led by the World Health Organization. | Drama | 14:00 |
Curse_congo.mp3 | 1959 | Mel Ferrer: The Curse of the Congo - American actor Mel Ferrer tells the story of a boy in the Congo cured with the help of powdered milk supplied by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). | Drama | 05:00 |
Bride.mp3 | 1955 | A Bride for Miguel - A talented Mayan weaver in Guatemala receives help from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) | Drama | 14:00 |
Indonesia.mp3 | 1958 | Yaws in Indonesia - French-born American actress Claudette Colbert tells the story of a father and his son infected with yaws in Indonesia. | Drama | 04:00 |
Approval.mp3 | 1955 | The Stamp of Approval - Talking” stamps tell their story and the evolution of the Universal Postal Union in this programme. | Drama | 14:00 |
Cosmonauts.mp3 | 1963 | USSR Cosmonauts Yuri Gagarin and Valentina Tereshkova - USSR Cosmonauts Yuri Gagarin and Valentina Tereshkova share their experiences regarding space travels, dreams of going to the moon and nuclear threats in space. - Language: Russian | Interview | 39:00 |
Magic.mp3 | 1955 | Two Kinds of Magic - A programme about the history of Baghdad and the reconstruction of the Baghdad University with the help of UNESCO | Drama | 13:00 |
Newlife.mp3 | 1959 | The Dance of New Life - British actor Boris Karloff narrates this description of a leprosy clinic in the village of Tiranka, Nigeria. | Report | 05:00 |
Humanrights.mp3 | 1948 | Declaration of Human Rights - Eleanor Roosevelt reads the Universal Declaration of Human Rights | Speech | 12:00 |
Ustinov_unhcr.mp3 | 1959 | To Feed the - Soul British actor Peter Ustinov narrates the story of a refugee family in Europe helped with a loan from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees | Drama | 05:00 |
Sinatra_polio.mp3 | 1959 | the Fight Against Polio - American singer and actor Frank Sinatra, tells the story of two victims of Polio in Indonesia. | Report | 04:00 |
Pele.mp3 | 1992 | Press Conference by Pelé - Soccer player Edson Arantes do Nascimento from Brazil, better known as Pelé, explains his commitment as Goodwill Ambassador for the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro | Interview | 22:00 |
A77.mp3 | 1950 | Document A/777 - A taste of world history behind the adoption of “the conscience of mankind”, the Universal declaration of Human Rights, by American writer and journalist Norman Corwin | Drama | 58:00 |
Mandela.mp3 | 1984 | Ceremony Naming Nelson and Winnie Mandela's Corner in New York - This ceremony honors Nelson and Winnie Mandela and the fight against the Apartheid regime in South Africa. | Speech | 08:00 |
Blue_man.mp3 | 1959 | The Blue Man - A blind camel driver in Algeria gets his vision back in this story highlighting the work of the World Health Organization and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) | Drama | 14:00 |
Fairbanks_post.mp3 | 1957 | A Penny for Your Post - The history of postal services and the Universal Postal Union narrated by American actor Douglas Fairbanks Jr. | Report | 04:00 |
Birth_baby.mp3 | 1955 | The Birth of a Baby - A midwife in Syria, trained by UNICEF and World Health Organization, helps improve maternal health and child care in rural areas. | Drama | 14:00 |
Muh_ali.mp3 | 1979 | Press Conference by Muhammad Ali - Boxing legend Muhammad Ali speaks about God, boxing and using his fame for a good cause in this press conference at UN Headquarters. | Interview | 34:00 |
Black.mp3 | 1955 | The Teacher was Black - This program describes the work of the United Nations against racism, prejudice and stereotypes in the 1950’s | Report | 14:00 |
Follows_end.mp3 | 1955 | What Follows the End? - The hopes and fears of a refugee family in Austria, and how the UN High Commission for Refugees came to the rescue. | Drama | 14:00 |
Freedom.mp3 | 1949 | Let Freedom Ring - Through excerpts from historic speeches, a commemoration of the first anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. | Report | 14:00 |
Desmond_tutu.mp3 | 1985 | Desmond Tutu Addresses UN Special Committee - Nobel Peace Prize Archbishop Desmond Tutu denounces the Apartheid regime in South Africa in this speech before the Special Political Committee | Speech | 33:00 |
Liberation_1.mp3 | 1970 | Towards Liberation - Part 1 (Life under Apartheid and Colonialism) - A programme about the struggle for basic human rights and against racial segregation in South Africa, Southern Rhodesia, Mozambique and Namibia | Report | 13:00 |
Liberation_2.mp3 | 1970 | Towards Liberation - Part 2 (The Struggle) - How the struggle for liberation in Africa began and what happened when the early non-violent struggle was met with violence | Report | 14:00 |
Liberation_3.mp3 | 1970 | Towards Liberation - Part 3 (International Opinion) - This programme analyzes the effects of the international community’s involvement in the liberation movement in Africa | Report | 14:00 |
Liberation_4.mp3 | 1970 | Towards Liberation - Part 4 (Hope or Despair) - Hope for freedom in Africa and the end of racial segregation remains as fight against armed forces intensifies | Report | 12:00 |
Lemkin.mp3 | 1978 | Lemkin, Citizen of the World - The story of Polish lawyer Raphael Lemkin, known for defining genocide and drafting the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide | Drama | 13:00 |
Declaration.mp3 | 1973 | Born Equal and Free - A review of the concepts and ideals that inspired the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as the successes and failures that followed | Report | 13:00 |
Peace_nobel.mp3 | 05.12.1988 | UN Peacekeeping Forces Receive Nobel Peace Prize - Peacekeeping Forces are a living demonstration of “the will to peace”, says Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar in this celebration of Nobel Peace Prize to the UN | Speech | 48:00 |
Leila.mp3 | 1955 | Leila - The story of an Afghan woman dying in childbirth and the work of the World Health Organization (WHO) to prevent the preventable | Drama | 14:00 |
Loma.mp3 | 1955 | Water for Loma - The building of pumps and the fight for access to clear water in El Salvador | Report | 14:00 |
Solutions.mp3 | 1972 | A Matter of Solutions - This programme humorously describes the challenges facing the United Nations in solving the problems of the world | Report | 13:00 |
Mother_child.mp3 | 1975 | For Mother and Child - 13 year old Vicky Jackson of Guyana narrates this programme about children’s rights on Human Rights Day | Drama | 13:00 |
Mandela_2.mp3 | 22.06.1990 | Nelson Mandela Addresses General Assembly - ANC leader Nelson Mandela addresses the General Assembly about his fight against the Apartheid regime in South Africa, four years before being elected President | Speech | 24:00 |
Stevie_wonder.mp3 | 13.05.1985 | Stevie Wonder Press Conference - American singer Stevie Wonder describes his commitment against Apartheid in this press conference at UN Headquarters | Interview | 22:00 |
Macbride.mp3 | 1974 | One Man's Involvement - A portrait of Sean MacBride, United Nations High Commissioner for Namibia, cofounder of Amnesty International, and recipient of 1974 Nobel Peace Prize | Report | 13:00 |
Woman_1.mp3 | 1975 | Half the World is Woman – Part 1 - a survey of the situation of women around the world on International Women’s Year | Report | 04:00 |
Woman_2.mp3 | 1975 | Half the World is Woman – Part 2 - This programme analyzes women’s involvement in political struggles and decision making around the world | Report | 04:00 |
Woman_3.mp3 | 1975 | Half the World is Woman – Part 3 - To achieve gender equality, education is the key and more cooperation is needed among women | Report | 04:00 |
Woman_4.mp3 | 1975 | Half the World is Woman – Part 4 - An immediate result of 1975’s campaign to achieve equality between men and women was that a number of governments brought more women to high level advisory positions | Report | 04:00 |
Woman_5.mp3 | 1975 | Half the World is Woman – Part 5 - This programme shows that women are the greatest victims of under-development, being weighed down by prejudice in societies around the world | Report | 04:00 |
Woman_6.mp3 | 1975 | Half the World is Woman – Part 6 - How changes in the traditional female role imply changes in the traditional male role | Report | 04:00 |
Boyer_peace.mp3 | 1953 | Peace on Earth - Actor Charles Boyer discusses the cruelties of war, highlighting the urgency for peace in troubled areas such as Korea, India, Iraq, Germany and Syria, and giving a voice to soldiers and civil society | Report | 30:00 |
17_robarts.mp3 | 1962 | The United Nations at 17 - American actor Jason Robards explains UN's goals and perspectives in this programme produced by the United States Committee for the UN | Report | 14:00 |
Menchu.mp3 | 17.11.1992 | Rigoberta Menchu Press Conference - The Guatemalan activist for indigenous rights gives her first press conference at the United Nations after receiving the Nobel Peace Prize at age 33 | Interview | 33:00 |
Stevenson.mp3 | 1965 | Adlai Stevenson Interview - The last interview with Adlai Stevenson, US ambassador to the UN, before his sudden death. Acclaimed journalist Tom Barman speaks to Stevenson about the Vietnam War in an interview conducted in London | Interview | 04:00 |
Strength.mp3 | 1950 | All Your Strength - Actor Sir Cedric Hardwicke stars in this documentary drama about the need of joining forces worldwide to achieve peace and prosperity | Drama | 29:00 |
Kaye_unicef.mp3 | 1955 | Ambassador at Large - Comedian, actor and singer Danny Kaye travels through Southeast Asia as Ambassador- at-Large for UNICEF in a fast-paced report on the challenges facing the region | Report | 28:00 |
Murrow_dark.mp3 | 1948 | Between the Dark and the Daylight - Edward Murrow, a pioneer of television journalism, tells the moving stories of needy children in Europe | Report | 13:00 |
Gable_couldbe.mp3 | 1949 | Could Be - Actor Martin Gable is part of this anticipation drama about "what could be" if the countries put as much determination in coming together as they did in the past attacking each other | Drama | 58:00 |
Dengxiaoping.mp3 | 1974 | Deng Xiaoping General Assembly Speech - As Executive Vice-Premier of the People's Republic of China, Deng Xiaoping evokes in front of the General Assembly a new and more moderate Chinese Foreign Policy and pleads for the establishment of a new international economic order. Language: Chinese | Speech | 44:00 |
Cheguevara.mp3 | 1964 | Ernesto "Che" Guevara Addressing the General Assembly. Language: Spanish | Speech | 40:00 |
Eyewitness.mp3 | 1953 | Eyewitness - Actor Melvyn Douglas tells the story of UN staff working in the field, lending his voice as an 'eyewitness' to poverty around the globe and the cruelties of war | Report | 28:00 |
Fear.mp3 | 1950 | Fear Itself - Actor Martin Gable describes the last days of World War II, the war's cruelties and its consequences, with particular emphasis on the ascendancy of the Soviet Union | Report | 58:00 |
Khruschev.mp3 | 1960 | Nikita Khrushchev Addressing the General Assembly - The Head of the USSR Delegation denounces actions carried out by colonialists and compliments freedom fighters in Cuba, Congo and other countries. Language: Russian | Speech | 41:00 |
Motion_cotton.mp3 | 1959 | In Tempests of Motion - Actor Joseph Cotten evokes the major changes brought by the 19th century industrial revolution, in this programme celebrating the International Labor Organization (ILO) 40th birthday | Report | 27:00 |
Kennedy.mp3 | 1963 | John F. Kennedy Addressing US Staff - "If there wasn't a United Nations, we would certainly have to invent one", says United States President John F. Kennedy in this speech to the American staff of the Organization | Speech | 03:00 |
Kelly_jungle_1.mp3 | 1952 | Jungle in Retreat – Part 1 Actor and dancer Gene Kelly narrates this UNESCO program, which highlights the adventures of a UN expedition that traveled 25,000 miles in 100 days throughout Southeast Asia | Report | 29:00 |
Kelly_jungle_2.mp3 | 1952 | Jungle in Retreat – Part 2 Actor and dancer Gene Kelly narrates this UNESCO program, which highlights the adventures of a UN expedition that traveled 25,000 miles in 100 days throughout Southeast Asia | Report | 29:00 |
Colonialism.mp3 | 12.10.1960 | Nikita Khrushchev Urges End to Colonialism - At 15th session of the General Assembly, the Head of the USSR delegation introduced the Declaration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples, urging to put an end to colonial slavery. Language: Russian | Speech | 02:00 |
Voixnouv_1.mp3 | 1961 | Voix Nouvelles – Part 1 - The day of the admission of sixteen newly independent African countries to the United Nations. Language: French | Report | 27:00 |
Voixnouv_2.mp3 | 1961 | Voix Nouvelles – Part 2 - The day of the admission of sixteen newly independent African countries to the United Nations. Language: French | Report | 22:00 |
Voixnouv_3.mp3 | 1961 | Voix Nouvelles – Part 3 - The day of the admission of sixteen newly independent African countries to the United Nations. Language: French | Report | 19:00 |
Letters_olivier.mp3 | 1953 | Letter From Father - Actor and director Sir Laurence Olivier commemorates the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in this drama produced with UNESCO | Drama | 14:00 |
Prospect.mp3 | 1975 | Man's Prospect in the Year 2000 - A UN Radio journalist imagines the year 2000 in a report from 1975. Explore his predictions on such topics as economics, population and food | Report | 14:00 |
Roosevelt_child.mp3 | 1954 | Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt's Statement on World Children's Day | Speech | 01:00 |
Unforgettable.mp3 | 1954 | My Most Unforgettable Child - Actors Audrey Hepburn, Bing Crosby, Kirk Douglas, Deborah Kerr and Shirley Booth narrate a UNICEF documentary on children around the world, from orphans in Warsaw to sick children in the Philippines | Report | 23:00 |
Neruda.mp3 | 1972 | Nobel Laureate Pablo Neruda Recites His Poems at the United Nations during an homage to his accomplishments. Language: Spanish | Speech | 43:00 |
Johnpaul_1.mp3 | 02.10.1979 | Pope John Paul II Addressing the General Assembly – Part 1 - One year after his election, Pope John Paul II recalls the horrors of World War II and underlines the dangers of injustice and violation of human rights for peace | Speech | 43:00 |
Johnpaul_2.mp3 | 02.10.1979 | Pope John Paul II Addressing the General Assembly – Part 1 - One year after his election, Pope John Paul II recalls the horrors of World War II and underlines the dangers of injustice and violation of human rights for peace | Speech | 40:00 |
Popepaul.,mp3 | 1965 | Pope Paul VI Addressing the General Assembly. Language: French | Speech | 30:00 |
Cooper.mp3 | 1950 | Shooting Gallery- Actor Gary Cooper narrates this moving exploration of the struggle against addiction | Report | 28:00 |
Day_happened.mp3 | 1954 | The Day It Happened - A drama on the work of the International Red Cross, featuring actors Madeleine Carroll and Franchot Tone, writer Lowell Thomas, and Dag Hammarskjöld, the second Secretary-General of the UN | Drama | 28:00 |
Magdalena.mp3 | 1950 | The Doctor and Magdalena - Actors Gene Lockhart and Marsha Hunt perform in this drama that raises awareness of tuberculosis | Drama | 28:00 |
Quietwar.mp3 | 1953 | The Quiet War - Actress Helen Hayes narrates reports on the Korean War | Report | 27:00 |
Tomorrow.mp3 | 1959 | Tomorrow for Two - In this drama narrated by British actor Herbert Marshall, an officer from the International Refugee Organization (former Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees) reunites with two displaced persons whom he assisted two years earlier | Drama | 27:00 |
Hammarskjld.mp3 | 1960 | Dag Hammarskjöld on UN Day - "The road of Beethoven in his Ninth Symphony is also the road followed by the authors of the preamble of the Charter", says former Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld in this introduction to a symphonic concert for UN Day | Speech | 04:00 |
Oneflag_1.mp3 | 1950 | Under One Flag – Part 1 - A feature about the United Nations and its mandate during the Korean War, when the Security Council authorized various countries to fight under one flag to restore peace | Report | 21:00 |
Oneflag_2.mp3 | 1950 | Under One Flag – Part 2 - A feature about the United Nations and its mandate during the Korean War, when the Security Council authorized various countries to fight under one flag to restore peace | Report | 22:00 |
Popevisit.mp3 | 1965 | UN Radio Report on Pope Paul VI's Visit to the UN - A report describing the first visit ever of a Pope to the United Nations, and his first address to the General Assembly | Report | 60:00 |
Arafat_1.mp3 | 1974 | Yasser Arafat General Assembly Speech – Part 1 - Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat addresses the General Assembly for the first time, trying to draw similarities between some of the major political issues of the time and the Palestinian situation. Language: Arabic | Speech | 42:00 |
Arafat_2.mp3 | 1974 | Yasser Arafat General Assembly Speech – Part 1 - Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat addresses the General Assembly for the first time, trying to draw similarities between some of the major political issues of the time and the Palestinian situation. Language: Arabic | Speech | 46:00 |
Decision_1.mp3 | 1948 | Year of Decision: A Progress Report on the Atom – Part 1 - American actor John Garfield reports in this feature about atomic energy, after US President Harry Truman announced that his country was in possession of an atomic bomb | Report | 29:00 |
Decision_2.mp3 | 1948 | Year of Decision: A Progress Report on the Atom – Part 1 - American actor John Garfield reports in this feature about atomic energy, after US President Harry Truman announced that his country was in possession of an atomic bomb | Report | 27:00 |
Account.mp3 | 1956 | Current Account - A drama about the peaceful use of atomic energy narrated by actor Melvyn Douglas | Drama | 27:00 |
Diplomat_1.mp3 | 1957 | I, the Diplomat – Part 1 - British actors Michael Redgrave and James Mason, as well as director Orson Welles, narrate this drama about the history of diplomacy | Drama | 28:00 |
Diplomat_2.mp3 | 1957 | I, the Diplomat – Part 2 - British actors Michael Redgrave and James Mason, as well as director Orson Welles, narrate this drama about the history of diplomacy | Drama | 27:00 |
Lodge.mp3 | 1957 | You and the UN - US Ambassador to the UN Henry Lodge answers questions of American citizens about the UN's achievements regarding prevention of war | Interview | 13:00 |
Birthdayparty.mp3 | 1955 | The Birthday Party. American actress Julie Harris stars in this drama about life and love in a refugee camp | Drama | 13:00 |
Sinew.mp3 | 1957 | The Sinews of Peace. American actor Burgess Meredith illustrats the United Nations Charter in action | Drama | 13:00 |
freedomskies.mp3 | 1954 | Freedom of the skies. The creation of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the UN body in charge of rules of airspace, aircraft registration and safety | Drama | 13:00 |
Greatday.mp3 | 1955 | A Great Day. Recalling June 26, 1945, the day the United Nations Charter was signed | Report | 28:00 |
Mitetich.mp3 | 1955 | The Story of Nicholas Mitetich. A refugee shares his experience and feelings in this true story narrated by Broadway star Albert Dekker | Drama | 28:00 |
Wasnotthere.mp3 | 1955 | The Man Who Wasn't There. April 25 1945, the day the Conference of San Francisco started, leading to the creation of the UN | Drama | 12:00 |
Windowsworld.mp3 | 1951 | Windows on the World. Written and produced by Norman Corwin, American actor Douglas Fairbanks Jr. narrates the early days of the UN in a report from the beginning of the 6th General Assembly | Report | 58:00 |
Warning.mp3 | 1956 | A Friendly Warning. British-American journalist Alistair Cooke narrates in this drama where mankind has to come together to face an alien invasion | Drama | 27:00 |
Purepractical.mp3 | 1958 | The Pure and the Practical. A survey of the second United Nations Conference in Geneva on the peaceful uses of atomic energy | Report | 27:00 |
Brokenlink.mp3 | 1957 | The Broken Link. How the Suez Canal crisis led to the creation of the United Nations Emergency Force to observe the end of hostilities | Report | 28:00 |
Cauca.mp3 | 1961 | El Valle del Cauca. The Cauca Valley Corporation in Colombia, established to control flooding, irrigation, to generate electric energy and protect the soil. Language: Spanish | Report | 14:00 |
Seattable.mp3 | 1955 | Your Seat at the Table. A trip through the world of diplomacy, to its new age emerging with the creation of the United Nations | Drama | 14:00 |
Longwalk.mp3 | 1954 | The Long Walk. One year after the end of the Korean War, American actor Fredric March stars in this programme mixing original stories and music | Drama | 29:00 |
Trumpets.mp3 | 1954 | No Trumpets. American actor Melvyn Douglas stars in this drama celebrating the United Nations 9th birthday… with no trumpets | Drama | 14:00 |
Hunger.mp3 | 1957 | A Geometry of Hunger. The challenges arising from the population growth in the 20th century for alimentation and nutrition | Report | 14:00 |
Alliance.mp3 | 1953 | The Grand Alliance. American actor Joseph Cotten narrates on the universal challenges facing mankind, and the ways of addressing them | Report | 27:00 |
Smallworld.mp3 | 1951 | It's a Small world. Actors Loretta Young, Ronald Colman and Bing Crosby star, among many others, in this drama about children in Egypt | Drama | 14:00 |
Stirring.mp3 | 1955 | A Stirring of the Giant. A journey through Africa, "a giant awake, preparing to claim a new place in the world" | Report | 27:00 |
Tradewinds.mp3 | 1958 | Trade Winds of Tomorrow. A report on the European Economic Community and how its implications for the world as a whole are reflected in the organs of the United Nations | Report | 23:00 |
Chartersaucer.mp3 | 1956 | The Charter in the Saucer. British actor and director Laurence Olivier stars in this fantasy mixed with fact co-produced with the BBC | Drama | 30:00 |
Disinherited.mp3 | 1954 | The Disinherited. Actor Joseph Schilkraut narrates exploring the life of refugees, the year the High Commissioner for Refugees was awarded its first Nobel Prize | Drama | 24:00 |
Invisible.mp3 | 1958 | Report on the Invisible. A summary of the report by the United Nations Scientific Committee on the effects of atomic radiation | Report | 27:00 |
Handsun.mp3 | 1956 | The Hand and the Sun. The talking drums of Togoland are at the center of this programme about the right to self-determination | Report | 23:00 |
2ndhundred.mp3 | 1957 | The Second One Hundred Million. The silent war on poliomyelitis, after the first hundred millions shots were fired by the World Health Organization | Report | 13:00 |
Parisistanbul.mp3 | 1950 | Paris to Istanbul Express. A journey across Europe on the mythical train, the Orient Express, from France to Turkey, through Italy, Yugoslavia and Greece | Drama | 14:00 |
Ticket55.mp3 | 1955 | Tickett for 55. What is a year but a numbered lottery ticket for the whole human race?, asks this programme compiling all events, gains and losses of the year 1955 gone by | Report | 14:00 |
Greatdilemma.mp3 | 1956 | The Great Dilemma. A special programme on disarmament, its past, present and future, co-produced with the American Broadcasting Company | Drama | 28:00 |
Humanity.mp3 | 1955 | Humanity's Children. A drama taken from a true story, inside a refugee camp in Europe | Drama | 28:00 |
Prosperity.mp3 | 1958 | The Pulse of Prosperity. The new concept of action towards better life for all - the fight has to be global. | Report | 28:00 |
Article71.mp3 | 1955 | You and Article 71. American journalist Pauline Frederick moderates this special roundtable discussion for the 10th Anniversary of the United Nations, showing how all people belong to the Organization | Interview | 28:00 |
Pursuitpeace.mp3 | 1958 | The Pursuit of Peace. Reflections from "living memories" on mankind's progress towards peace | Drama | 27:00 |
Article3.mp3 | 1956 | Article 3. A reflection on the right to life, liberty and security, and the Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights | Report | 13:00 |
Tensteps.mp3 | 1958 | Ten Steps Forward. Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the World Health Organization (WHO), narrated by British actor Michael Redgrave | Report | 28:00 |
Unicefstory.mp3 | 1957 | The UNICEF Story. A special broadcast for United Nations Children's Fun (UNICEF)'s 10th Anniversary, featuring 10 world-renowned actors and actresses, including Bing Crosby, Audrey Hepburn, Ava Gardner, Charles Boyer, Claudette Colbert and Peter Lawford | Report | 28:00 |
Beyonddoubt.mp3 | 1957 | Beyond Reasonable Doubt. "The rule of law is the rule of life and neither can exist without the other | Drama | 49:00 |
Statement.mp3 | 1958 | A Statement of Account. Thirteen years after the UN's creation, Alistair Cooke, Eleanor Roosevelt, B. R. Sen, Sterling Cole, Luther Evans, among others, evoke what's been achieved and what hasn't. Narrated by American actor Ralph Bellamy | Drama | 28:00 |
Paul2assembly.mp3 | 1995 | Pope John Paul II Speaks Before the General Assembly. For the United Nations' 50th birthday, Pope John Paul II praises the quest for freedom as one of the distinguished marks of the time and as a universal human right the UN has to defend | Speech | 42:00 |
Disarmament.mp3 | 1957 | Disarmament on Trial. "The jury is you" in this drama about disarmament, starring actors Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Dennis King and Edward Mulhare | Drama | 27:00 |
Halloween.mp3 | 1957 | A Halloween Story - The Trial of Sergeant Bill. Produced with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), a drama about Sergeant Bill, "the bravest cop in town" working on Halloween night | Drama | 13:00 |
Happyland.mp3 | 1956 | Towards the Happy Land. A two-part journey across Asia, between the borders of dreams and reality, co-produced with the American Broadcasting Company | Report | 56:00 |
3buildings.mp3 | 1956 | Three Buildings by a River. American writer, broadcaster and traveler Lowell Thomas narrates this drama on UN's Headquarters, "both a workshop and a symbol | Drama | 14:00 |
Beacons.mp3 | 1958 | Beacons of Wisdom. International cooperation in science, with some of the greatest scientists of the time | Report | 27:00 |
Poeplehouses.mp3 | 1958 | People in Houses. Princess Grace of Monaco stars in this drama about the life of refugees in Europe | Drama | 28:00 |
Korea.mp3 | 1953 | The Korea Story. American singer and actor Dick Powell stars in this two parts programme remembering the Korean War | Report | 28:00 |
Magic_2.mp3 | 1957 | No Easy Magic. A panorama of the world's remaining problems twelve years after the creation of the United Nations | Drama | 14:00 |
Verdict.mp3 | 1957 | Evidence for a verdict. "What will the world say of us in a hundred years?", asks this document about the atom featuring British-American journalist Alistair Cooke | Drama | 27:00 |
Newfrontier.mp3 | 1956 | The New Frontier. Starring actor Edward G. Robinson, this programme describes how the path to universal peace and prosperity is "the new frontier" for mankind and tasks for the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) | Drama | 27:00 |
Africachange.mp3 | 1960 | Africa, the Year of Change.A journey through Africa, from Johannesburg to Cairo and Kampala, on a year towards "rebirth and repossession", and the rise of Africa's role and representation in the UN | Report | 28:00 |
Opinion.mp3 | 1962 | A Matter of Opinion. A report devoted to the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on who should bear the cost of United Nations peacekeeping operations | Report | 28:00 |
Sixteen.mp3 | 1961 | A Forum is Sixteen.A special programme about 24 October 1945, marking the 16th anniversary of the day the United Nations became a working organization, narrated by Canadian-American actor Hume Cronyn | Report | 14:00 |
Diplomat.mp3 | 1958 | Portrait of a Diplomat.A play narrated by American actor Norman Rose, dramatizing the stories of men who affect all citizens - diplomats | Drama | 27:00 |
Senghor.mp3 | 1979 | Senghor's Speech.Léopold Sédar Senghor, President of Senegal, describes his country's agrarian revolution at the first World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development. Language: French | Speech | 27:00 |
Residence.mp3 | 1959 | Residence Desired. Austrian actor Oscar Homolka narrates this introduction to "an international effort on behalf of all human beings" - World Refugee Year | Drama | 27:00 |
Predicament.mp3 | 1959 | Predicament at Dawn. The problems, possibilities and patterns for cooperation in a world being reshaped by science | Drama | 28:00 |
Refugeeyear.mp3 | 1959 | World Refugee Year. Pope John XXIII, Queen Juliana of the Netherlands, President Yitzhak Ben-Zvi of Israel, President Mario Echandi of Costa Rica and President Theodor Heuss of the Federal Republic of Germany join voices for the refugees | Report | 09:00 |
Ambition.mp3 | 1959 | Time's Ambition. The sharing of skills for the promotion of social progress and better standards of life for all people | Report | 27:00 |
Refugees.mp3 | 1959 | Dag Hammarskjöld Message on Refugees. UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld calls for a new effort for refugees on the first World Refugee Year. Language: French | Speech | 02:00 |
Patternlives.mp3 | 1959 | Pattern of Our Lives. Actors Bing Crosby, Kim Novak, Peter Ustinov and others join Yul Brynner in telling the story of refugees and their lives in the camp, in this special end-of-year programme | Drama | 23:00 |
Exposure_sam.mp3 | 1960 | Southern Exposure - South America. From Uruguay to Colombia, a journey through South America focusing on the United Nations role in this continent, narrated by American actor Zachary Scott | Report | 28:00 |
Exposure_cam.mp3 | 1960 | Southern Exposure - Central America. This visit to Central America, narrated by American actor Eddie Albert, exposes the challenges facing a whole region | Report | 27:00 |
Forum59.mp3 | 1959 | Forum 59. A preview of the main issues that were to be addressed during the 14th General Assembly of the United Nations | Report | 27:00 |
Decuellar.mp3 | 1985 | Perez de Cuellar Receives Honorary Doctorate. Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar is awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Paris II, where he studied in his youth. Language: French | Speech | 34:00 |
Unday48.mp3 | 1948 | UN Day Ceremony, 1948. Experience the ceremony for United Nations Day in Palais de Chaillot in Paris, more than 60 years ago, with one of the founders of the European Union, Robert Schuman. Language: French | Report | 54:00 |
Lifeat10.mp3 | 1959 | Life Begins At Ten. American actors Doris Day and Gregory Peck join Eleanor Roosevelt to raise awareness on the life of refugees in Europe | Drama | 14:00 |
Uthantsengor.mp3 | 1968 | Press Conference by U Thant and Senghor in Senegal. President Léopold Sédar Senghor of Senegal reveals his hopes for UN's future to Secretary-General U Thant during his visit to Senegal. Language: French | Interview | 63:00 |
Whirlwind.mp3 | 1961 | The Year of the Whirlwind. The memories of the United Nations 16th year of existence, narrated by American actor Albert Dekker | Report | 27:00 |
Dragons.mp3 | 1959 | Down with Dragons. A radio drama about international understanding and mutual appreciation of cultures between East and West | Drama | 27:00 |
Newhearts.mp3 | 1959 | New Hearts for Old. American actor Charlton Heston narrates this drama, commemorating World Refugee Year, about what it means to be a refugee and the need for a new start and hope | Drama | 27:00 |
Science.mp3 | 1961 | Science and the UN. The links between modern research and technology, and the work for peace and human welfare. Science affects and influences the evolution of human societies | Report | 27:00 |
sawtomorrow.mp3 | 1954 | We Saw Tomorrow. American actor Melvyn Douglas narrates this journey through Latin America, from Mexico to Chile, examining the evolution of a continent | Report | 28:00 |
Seedsskill.mp3 | 1961 | The Seeds of Skill. A focus on education in Africa and the challenges faced by the continent by the shortage of teachers, following a UNESCO Conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | Report | 27:00 |
Account52.mp3 | 1952 | A Statement of Account 1952.Debits and credits of the UN history seven years after its creation, narrated by British actor Basil Rathbone | Drama | 14:00 |
1800keys.mp3 | 1963 | Eighteen Hundred Keys. Exploring the possible benefits of science and technology for the less developed areas of the world | Report | 28:00 |
Modesty_1.mp3 | 1960 | From Asia with Modesty, Determination and Courage – Part 1.A special series in three parts about the journey of five men from India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia and Pakistan traveling through their continent: Asia | Report | 27:00 |
Modesty_1.mp3 | 1960 | From Asia with Modesty, Determination and Courage – Part 2.A special series in three parts about the journey of five men from India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia and Pakistan traveling through their continent: Asia | Report | 27:00 |
Modesty_3.mp3 | 1960 | From Asia with Modesty, Determination and Courage – Part 3.A special series in three parts about the journey of five men from India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia and Pakistan traveling through their continent: Asia | Report | 27:00 |
Otherafrica.mp3 | 1960 | Africa, the Other Revolution. After the wind of freedom over Africa, this programme analyses the issues and challenges faced by a continent where poverty prevails | Report | 27:00 |