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This American Life - Ira Glass
"This American Life (
ext. Link ) ist eine einstündige, wöchentlich übertragene Hörfunksendung, die vom US-amerikanischen Chicago Public Radio produziert wird und weltweit als Podcast zu hören ist. Im Mittelpunkt der von Ira Glass moderierten Sendung stehen Reportagen, die sich immer einem spezifischen Thema widmen und teilweise durch Essays oder Kurzgeschichten ergänzt werden" (Quelle:
ext. Link )
This American Life is a weekly public radio show broadcast on more than 500 stations to about 2.2 million listeners. It is produced in collaboration with Chicago Public Media, delivered to stations by PRX The Public Radio Exchange, and has won all of the major broadcasting awards. It is also often the most popular podcast in the country, with another 2.4 million people downloading each episode. There's a theme to each episode of This American Life, and a variety of stories on that theme. Most of the stories are journalism, with an occasional comedy routine or essay.
Archivnummern: AP/e_eng/tal_2014_(Sendung)
© 2014 Ira Glass / Chicago Public Media
Datei | Datum | Inhalt | Dauer |
#484 | 06.01 | Doppelgängers We got a tip about a meat plant selling pig intestines as fake calamari, wondered if it could be true, and decided to investigate. Doppelgängers, doubles, evil twins and not-so-evil twins, this week. (Wh. vom 11.01.2013 -> Ordner 2013) | |
#515 | 13.01 | Good Guys Lots of men think of themselves as "good guys." But what does it actually take to be one? To be a truly good guy. Stories of valiant men attempting to do good in challenging circumstances: in war zones, department stores, public buses, and at the bottom of a cave 900 feet underground. | 61:42 |
#516 | 20.01 | Stuck In The Middle Jan Brady is not the only one who hated being in the middle. This week we have stories about how it sucks to be in limbo or be the mediator, but we also hear from a man who absolutely loves being in that uncertain and boring middle most of us dread. | 58:43 |
#399 | 27.01 | Contents Unknown A man named David Maclean finds himself in a train station in India, with no idea how he got there or who he is. His memory gone, he has no choice but to let other people—police, doctors, friends, family—create an identity for him. David's book about this incident is called The Answer to the Riddle Is Me. Plus other stories of filling in the blank. | 59:02 |
#517 | 03.02 | Day At The Beach It's January, and freezing outside. This week 5 stories from the sunny beach! Including David Sedaris telling us how losing a sister in 2013 prompted a family reunion, and an impulse buy of a lifetime — an oceanfront cottage big enough for all of them. | 62:41 |
#486 | 07.02 | Valentine’s Day 2013 Love makes us do crazy things. But usually not this crazy. This week for Valentine's Day we have stories of people going to extremes to find and pursue their one true love. (Wh. vom 08.02.2013 -> Ordner 2013) | 59:46 |
#518 | 17.02 | Except For That One Thing Mike Anderson was 36 years old, married, a suburban father of four. He owned a contracting business and built his family’s modest, three-bedroom house in St. Louis from the ground up. He volunteered at church on the weekends and coaches his son’s football team. All pretty normal, right? Except for one thing … which surfaced one day last summer. | 62:45 |
#485 | 24.02 | Surrogates This week we look at people who see themselves in others and try to live out their lives through stand-ins — including the story of what one father saw in the convicted murderer he decided to adopt. And the proxy battle over a woman’s honor that became a presidential obsession. (Wh. vom 11.01.2013 -> Ordner 2013) | |
#206 | 03.03 | Somewhere in the Arabian Sea Life aboard the USS John C. Stennis, an aircraft carrier that was stationed in the Arabian Sea and supported bombing missions over Afghanistan. Only a few dozen people on board actually fly jets. It takes the rest of the crew — over 5,000 people — to keep them in the air. This American Life producers visited the Stennis in 2002, about six weeks into its deployment. The hour is devoted to this one story. (Wh. vom 01.03.2002) | 59:18 |
#519 | 10.03 | Dead Men Tell No Tales Last May, a weird story made the news: the FBI killed a guy in Florida who was loosely linked to the Boston Marathon bombings. He was shot seven times in his living room by a federal agent. What really happened? Why was the FBI even in that room with him? A reporter spent six months looking into it, and she found that the FBI was doing a bunch of things that never made the news. | 60:44 |
#520 | 17.03 | No Place Like Home There's lots of ways we define where we're from. And whether we're proud of it, or ashamed of it, love it, hate it, miss it or are trying desperately to get back to it — where we're from is always a big part of who we are. This week, stories of people who are, in good ways and bad ways, coming to terms with the places they call home. | 59:28 |
#480 | 24.03 | Animal Sacrifice What animals sacrifice for us, and what we sacrifice for them. Including a story from Susan Orlean about dogs in World War II, and the This American Life staff confronts Ira about his dog, Piney. (Wh. vom 30.11.2012 -> Ordner 2012) | 59:44 |
#521 | 31.03 | Bad Baby They're small. And they're cuddly. But sometimes it feels as though our babies were replaced with demon replicas — controlling, demanding, or just downright awful. This week, stories of infants and children who dominate the adults around them with their baditude, or whom adults have painted with the "bad" brush from early on. We also ask the question: at what age does badness begin? | 59:25 |
#491 | 07.04 | Tribes A Native American tribe is doing exactly the opposite of what you'd think they'd do: they're kicking people out of the tribe, huge numbers of them, including people whose ancestors without question were part of the tribe. And the story of a white guy who only wants to date Asian women, who then has to adjust to the reality of a real actual Asian woman in his life. The phrase "finding your tribe" is a total cliche — but one that does apply to certain situations. (Wh. vom 29.03.2013 -> Lücke! Archviert in Ordner 2014) | 58:48 |
#522 | 14.04 | Tarred and Feathered This week, stories of people being threatened and punished with public shame. Including the story of someone who was literally tarred and feathered. It happened a lot more recently than you'd guess. | 60:35 |
#489 | 21.04 | No Coincidence, No Story! We asked listeners to send us their best coincidence stories, and we got more than 1,300 submissions! There were so many good ones we decided to make a whole show about them. From a chance encounter at a bus station to a romantic dollar bill to a baffling apparition in a college shower stall. (Wh. vom 01.03.2013 -> Ordner 2013) | 59:54 |
#523 | 28.04 | Death and Taxes It is a peculiar feeling to know with certainty that something big is about to happen to you. This week we watch people go right up to the edge of inevitable change. We hear from preteens about the terrifying knowledge that puberty is about to happen...any minute now. And true to the death and taxes saying, we found it unavoidable to include a story about each one of those things. | 62:24 |
#524 | 05.05 | I Was So High Your waitress. Your colleagues at work. Your doctor. Maybe even your parents. They’re all high. All the time. That’s what it feels like anyway. This week, stories in which drug use and daily life intersect – and in which people get high in secret and then do their best to function in the non-high world. Also, we hear some “I Was So High” stories from our very own listeners. | 59:28 |
#525 | 12.05 | Call For Help Stories of people coming to terms with being in serious trouble. They need help. Figuring out how to get it, that's another problem. | 64:01 |
#165 | 19.05 | Americans In Paris Many Americans have dreamy and romantic ideas about Paris, notions which probably trace back to the 1920s vision of Paris created by the expatriate Americans there. But what's it actually like in Paris if you're an American, without rose-colored glasses? | 59:29 |
#526 | 26.05 | Is That What I Look Like? You've been seeing yourself, getting to know what you look like, your whole life. So why is does it often take an outsider to see things about you that are obvious, and set you straight? | 59:06 |
#75 | 02.06 | Kindness of Strangers Stories of the kindness of strangers and where it leads. Also, the unkindness of strangers and where that can lead. All of today's stories take place in the city most people think of as the least kind city in America: New York. | 59:33 |
#199 | 09.06 | House on Loon Lake Our entire show this week is one long story, sort of a real-life Hardy Boys mystery. More than most of our shows, this one lends itself to a Hollywood-style tagline. Perhaps: "You Might Break In...But You'll Never Forget." Or "Dead Letters Tell No Tales." (Wh. vom 16.11.2001) | 58:02 |
#527 | 16.06 | 180 Degrees Flipflops, u-turns, changes of heart, about faces. Completely changing our position — sometimes it can be our best move, sometimes it can be our worst. Either way, it's usually complicated. This week we bring you stories of people who go one way, and then, for whatever reason, turn around and go the exact opposite direction. | 60:31 |
#528 | 23.06 | The Radio Drama Episode Our most ambitious live show ever! We pulled together a massive team of theater pros at the Brooklyn Academy of Music's Opera House – nearly 50 singers, actors, dancers and musicians. The result? Journalism turned into a Broadway musical, into opera. Mike Birbiglia, Sasheer Zamata, Stephin Merritt, Josh Hamilton, Lindsay Mendez, Lin-Manuel Miranda and others. | 86:40 |
#529 | 30.06 | Human Spectacle Gladiators in the Colosseum. Sideshow performers. Reality television. We've always loved to gawk at the misery or majesty of others. But this week, we ask the question: What's it like when the tables are turned and all eyes are on you? | 59:38 |
#241 | 07.07 | 20 Acts in 60 Minutes Instead of the usual "each week we choose a theme, and bring you 3 or 4 stories on that theme" business, we throw all that away and bring you 20 stories—yes, 20—in 60 minutes. (Wh. vom 11.07.2003) | 58:40 |
#293 | 14.07 | A Little Bit of Knowledge Stories about the pitfalls of knowing just a little bit too little. (Wh. vom 22.07.2005) | Fehlt |
#530 | 21.07 | Mind Your Own Business Stories of meddling, snooping, and just getting way, way up in other people's business. A cellphone hidden in a bag of chips starts a messy turf war between the FBI and a local sheriff; and a surprising handbook lets us peek into the secret world of professional cheerleading. Plus: Studs Terkel. | Fehlt |
#531 | 28.07 | Got Your Back There is a special comfort that comes from knowing someone's got your back. You can do things that just weren't possible before. You take huge risks, including some that aren't necessarily advisable. This week: stories where one person's powerlessness is transformed when they discover they have backup. And we see what happens when that backup goes away. | 59:31 |
#339 | 04.08 | Break-Up Writer Starlee Kine on what makes the perfect break-up song and whether really sad music can actually make you feel better. Plus, an eight-year-old author of a book about divorce, and other stories from the heart of heartbreak. (Wh. vom 27.08.2007) | 60:16 |
#245 | 11.08 | Allure of the Mean Friend What is it about them, our mean friends? They treat us badly, they don't call us back, they cancel plans at the last minute, and yet we come back for more. Popular bullies exist in business, politics, everywhere. How do they stay so popular? (Wh. vom 05.09.2003) | 60:25 |
#532 | 18.08 | Magic Words When Jonathan Goldstein was a kid, his father gave him a book that promised to teach you how to shoot mental laser beams, win the lottery, move solid objects with your mind, make others obey your command – all through the use of mental power and magic words. This week, he revisits the book to try to unlock the secrets within. And we have other stories where people recite words that have the power to change their lives, with no magic or mumbo jumbo at all. | 61:49 |
#492 | 25.08 | Dr. Gilmer and Mr. Hyde Dr. Benjamin Gilmer (left) gets a job at a rural clinic. He finds out he’s replaced someone — also named Dr. Gilmer (picture) — who went to prison after killing his own father. But the more Benjamin’s patients talk about the other Dr. Gilmer, the more confused he becomes. Everyone loved the old Dr. Gilmer. So Benjamin starts digging around, trying to understand how a good man can seemingly turn bad. (Wh. vom 12.04.2013 -> Ordner 2013) | 65:20 |
#504 | 01.09 | How I Got Into College Students all over are starting college this month, and some of them still have a nagging question: what, exactly, got me in? An admissions officer tells us the most wrongheaded things applicants try. And Michael Lewis has the incredible story of how a stolen library book got one man — Emir Kamenica — into his dream school. (Wh. vom 06.09.2013 -> Ordner 2013) | 59:12 |
#533 | 08.09 | It’s Not the Product, It’s the Person Starting a business is not for the self-doubting. Or even usually the self-deprecating. The first thing you have to sell is yourself — like dating, but with a greater chance of landing in debt. Alex Blumberg tells the incredible, sweat-stains-and-all saga of a man fumbling through starting a new business, and the man is: himself. Plus, new stories from Mike Birbiglia and Love + Radio. | 60:53 |
#534 | 12.09 | A Not-So-Simple Majority We take it for granted that the majority calls the shots. But in one NY school district, that idea — majority rules — has led to an all-out war. School board disputes are pretty common, but not like this one. This involves multimillion-dollar land deals, lawyers threatening to beat up parents, felony criminal charges, and the highest levels of state government. Meanwhile, the students are caught in the middle. | 62:42 |
#535 | 22.09 | Origin Story 2014 This week we bring you little-known and surprising stories of how all sorts of institutions began. An updated version of a 2009 episode. | 65:13 |
#536 | 26.09 | The Secret Recordings of Carmen Segarra This week, an unprecedented look inside one of the most powerful, secretive institutions in the country. The NY Federal Reserve is supposed to monitor big banks and prevent another financial crisis. But when Carmen Segarra was hired, what she witnessed inside the Fed was so alarming that she bought a tiny recorder, and started secretly taping. ProRublica reports. | 68:55 |
#537 | 03.10 | The Alibi Baltimore, 1999. Hae Min Lee, a bright teenager, disappears after school one day. Six weeks later her ex-boyfriend Adnan Syed is arrested for her murder. He says he's innocent — though he can't remember what he was doing that afternoon. But someone can. A classmate at Woodlawn High School claims to know exactly where Adnan was. Trouble is, she’s nowhere to be found. This week features a pilot of our new podcast, Serial, hosted by Sarah Koenig. | fehlt |
#506 | 13.10 | Secret Identity A bank robber on an undercover mission. A teenage girl with the powers of a tiger. A vigilante seeking vengeance in Ciudad Juarez. All have secret identities. But not all of them chose those identities for themselves. (Wh. vom 09.10.2013 -> Ordner 2013) | 61:00 |
#538 | 20.10 | Is This Working? Stories of schools struggling with what to do with misbehaving kids. There's no general agreement about what teachers should do to discipline kids. And there's evidence that some of the most popular punishments actually may harm kids. | 64:21 |
#509 | 27.10 | It Says So Right Here Everyone knows you can't always believe what you read, but sometimes even official documents aren't a path to the truth. This week we have stories of people whose lives are altered when seemingly boring documents like birth certificates and petitions are used against them. And a family wrestles with a medical record that has a very clear, but complicated diagnosis. (Wh. vom 28.10.2013 -> Ordner 2013) | 61:56 |
#246 | 03.11 | My Pen Pal Stories of very unusual pen pals, people whose relationship could not exist without the help of the postal service. (Wh. vom 12.09.2003) | 58:58 |
#539 | 10.11 | The Leap Most of us go from day to day just coasting on the status quo. If it ain’t broke, why fix it, right? But when routines just get too mundane or systems stop making sense, sometimes you just have to hold your breath…and jump. This week, stories of people who leap from their lives, their comfort zones…even through time. | 60:12 |
#513 | 17.11 | 129 Cars We spend a month at a Jeep dealership on Long Island as they try to make their monthly sales goal: 129 cars. If they make it, they'll get a huge bonus from the manufacturer, possibly as high as $85,000 — enough to put them in the black for the month. If they don't make it, it'll be the second month in a row. So they pull out all the stops. NOTE: the Internet version of this episode includes unbleeped curse words. (Wh. vom 16.12.2013 -> Ordner 2013) | 73:30 |
#540 | 24.11 | A Front Stories about people and places that are fronting in order to hide the truth. We visit a bizarre store in Milwaukee called Fearless Distributing, government checkpoints scattered on highways out west, and a front in a doctor's office. | 40:43 |
#541 | 08.12 | Regrets, I've Had a Few Every day we make mistakes, and most of the time we just ignore these failings and move forward. But every so often, there is one that makes us pause and take notice. This week, people struggling with those regrets — big and small — that take root and have to be dealt with. | 59:46 |
#542 | 15.12 | Wait - Do You Have The Map? Stories about people feeling lost and trying to figure out how to move ahead: two brothers take a doomed road trip through through Mexico and a couple from radically different backgrounds draw up a contract for their unlikely romance. | 61:48 |
#482 | 22.12 | Lights, Camera, Christmas! This holiday season we bring you a show filled with stories of people going to great lengths to throw a special Christmas for their families. Including tales of Luna the guinea pig (pictured), Bambi the reindeer, and Jeko the super-powerful (and somewhat-scary) Christmas elf. (Wh. vom 21.12.2014) | 59:52 |