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On the Media/NPR
Archivnummern: AP/m_mm1/npr_otm_2016_(Sendedatum)
© National Public Radio
Datum | Datei | Inhalt | Dauer |
01.01 | 0101 | Digital Dark Age : 1) Preventing a NASA Dark Age 2) Vint Cerf and Our Uncertain Digital Future 3) The Solar Flare Scenario 4) Surviving A Solar Flare 5) The Storage Potential of DNA 6) Margaret Atwood Writes for the Future 7) Operation Digital Data Rescue | 51:42 |
08.01 | 0108 | Common Sense : 1) Thoughts, Prayers, and Lots of Cash 2) The Untold Story of Guns 3) The Gun Policies Americans Agree On 4) Why the CDC Can't Research Gun Violence 5) Does It Matter What You Think About Gun Policy? 6) Stopping Gun Violence Without New Laws | 51:30 |
15.01 | 0115 | Terms of Engagement: 1) Sean Of The Jungle 2) Why One Mexican Journalist Said 'No' To An El Chapo Exclusive 3) The Pentagon's Law of War Manual, Revisited 4) The Wunderkind of the Free Culture Movement | 52:52 |
22.01 | 0122 | Bernie Sanders Is Running For President!: 1) Figuring Flint Out 2) Do Chicago Police Have a Surveillance Slush Fund? 3) Michael Bay's Benghazi Blockbuster Flop 4) Moving Pictures 5) Has There Been A Bernie Sanders Blackout? 6) Why The Media Missed Bernie Sanders | 52:17 |
29.01 | 0129 | The Elephant in the Room: 1) A Trump-less Debate 2) Conservative Talk Radio's Election 3) Detecting Terrorism Online Raises Legal Questions 4) The Many Facets of Radicalization 5) Laws of the Lying Game 6) When Is Undercover Reporting Justified? | 50:12 |
05.02 | 0205 | Dark Arts: 1) The Dark Art of Political Dirt Digging 2) Howard Dean's Scream, Revisited 3) Vote First or Die 4) The Life of James Foleyss | 51:04 |
12.02 | 0212 | The Zika Effect: 1) Reporting Zika, Without Panic 2) The Power of the Zika Poster Child 3) What Do We Even Know About Zika? 4) "Damned if You Do, Damned if You Don't" 5) Pestilence In A Warming World 6) From Rubella to Roe vs. Wade | 50:27 |
19.02 | 0219 | The Supreme Court, Explained: 1) Behind The Corinthian Columns 2) Breaking News Consumer's Handbook: SCOTUS Edition 3) The Other Greenhouse Effect 4) Our Justices, Our Selves 5) Cameras In The Court (Feat. The Justices) | 50:05 |
26.02 | 0226 | Second Comes Right After First!: 1) Marco Rubio: Front-Runner In Second 2) Apple vs. the FBI 3) Guantanamo By Any Other Name 4) Guantanamo As Propaganda 5) 'Cartel Land' Blurs the Borders of Good and Evil | 51:09 |
04.03 | 0304 | Predictile Dysfunction: 1) The Psychology of Predictions 2) Nate Silver on 2016: The Sky Is Orange 3) Money ≠ Winning 4) "Magic" Terre Haute 5) The Punditocracy 6) Looking Back on a Trump Presidency | 51:20 |
11.03 | 0311 | Print Is Back, Back Again: 1) Why the Publishing Industry Isn't in Peril 2) The Subversive History of Adult Coloring Books 3) Why Is Amazon Opening Physical Bookstores? 4) South Korea Sets its Sights on the Nobel Prize in Literature 5) The Man Who Loved Books Too Much 6) The Business of Books By the Foot | 51:14 |
18.03 | 0318 | Party People: 1) Who Are Trump Supporters? 2) America's Long (Unaddressed) History of Class 3) 'The Election-Industrial Complex' 4) A New Low for China's Press Freedoms? 5) Chinese Op-Ed Says Trump's Rise Illustrates Perils of Democracy | 52:07 |
25.03 | 0325 | Anywhere But Here: 1) Former ISIS Hostage: 'We Need A New Narrative 2) The Paradox and Consequence of Declaring 'Genocide' 3) The Dismantling of Press Freedoms in Turkey 4) Bringing to Light U.S. Role in Argentina's Dirty War 5) Cuba's Advertising Challenge 6) Cuba: Tierra de Muchos Clichés | 58:53 |
01.04 | 0401 | We Gotta Try Harder: 1) Fighting FOIA With FOIA 2) Why Should You Read That Depressing News Story? 3) The Exploits and Inspiration of Africa's Most (and Least) Well-Known Undercover Reporter 4) 'Momentum' By Any Other Name...5) The Posthumous Fame of Chantal Akerman | 51:13 |
08.04 | 0408 | Rolling In It: 1) A Global Newsroom Digs Through the Panama Papers 2) 76 Countries, 400 Journalists, 11.5 Million Documents 3) Panama and the USA: A Finance Story 4) The Counterintuitive Conspiracy of the Panama Papers 5) The Man Behind the Men Behind "All the President's Men" | 51:44 |
15.04 | 0415 | That NPR Thing: 1) NPR U OK? 2) Merkel's Free Speech Dilemma 3) Another Confirmation Crisis 4) The Secret Life of Novelizations | 52:21 |
22.04 | 0422 | On Shakespeare: 1) Our Shakespeare, Ourselves 2) "We've Lived Tragedy for 35 Years": Performing a Shakespearean Comedy in Kabul | 50:38 |
29.04 | 0429 | In The Shadows: 1) A Recent History of Electoral Skulduggery 2) The "Corrupt Bargain" That Started It All 3) Hillary and the Trolls 4) The Guardian Scrapes the Bottom of the Comments Barrel 5) Mexico's Missing 43 | 51:35 |
06.05 | 0506 | The Center Cannot Hold: 1) The Media's Third Party Delusion 2) Is 2016 A "Critical Election?" 3) The Puerto Rican Debt Narrative 4) The 1979 Iranian Revolution: The Game | 50:03 |
13.05 | 0513 | Trending Topics: 1) Facebook Caught Doing Journalism 2) Nationalize Facebook 3) The Public Editor Says Goodbye 4) The Rise, Fall & Redemption (?) of Anthony Weiner 5) How Not To Normalize Trump | 50:36 |
20.05 | 0520 | Ghosts: 1) Visiting Hiroshima Without Revisiting History 2) KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON LISTENING 3) Resurrecting Kitty Genovese: A Love Story 4) The Radical Historian Rewriting Ukraine's Past 5) In Praise of Forgetting | 51:12 |
27.05 | 05.27 | Kidnapped: 1) "I'm John Cantlie" 2) The Shroud Over Syria 3) Held Hostage | 51:53 |
03.06 | 06.03 | When To Believe: 1) Corralling Zika Conspiracy Theories 2) The 28 Pages 3) Dying Words | 53:25 |
10.06 | 06.10 | Sad!: 1) The AP on Reporting Clinton's Delegate Count 2) Jumping the Gun 3) Trump vs the Facts 4) How to Interview Donald Trump 5) Can We Still Stop A Demagogue? 6) Stranger than Fiction | 54:12 |
17.06 | 06.17 | Never Again, Again: 1) Being Gay and Muslim After Orlando 2) To Say or Not to Say "Radical Islam" 3) The "Triple-Decker Hoax" of the Second Amendment 4) "Mournful Forgetting" 5) Voting on the British Psyche | 52:00 |
24.06 | 06.24 | The Great Divide: 1) The Media's Gun Blindspot 2) What the Media Don't Get About Gun Owners 3) Expanding the Gun Violence Conversation 4) Stopping Mass Shooters Long Before They Act 5) Data Cop Out 6) The "Criminal Mind" Calculator | 52:45 |
01.07 | 07.01 | Now You See Me: 1) The Origins of Britain's Euro-Skeptic Press 2) "What is the EU?" 3) Shedding Light on Dark Money 4) A New Chapter in Obama's Fickle FOIA Record 5) Editing The Culture of Science With CRISPR 6) Clone Debates | 52:40 |
08.07 | 07.08 | Lies, Lies, Lies: 1) A Taxonomy of Political Lies 2) Our Lies, Our Selves 3) A Recent History of Political Lies 4) Politifact-Checking the Politicians 5) The Mechanism of Blind Belief 6) When Polls Obscure The Truth 7) Elitist Traitors vs Fascist Morons | 51:17 |
15.07 | 07.15 | The Country of the Future: 1) A State of Calamity 2) Empires and Underdogs: Brazil's Media Story 3) The Favela Angle | 52:55 |
22.07 | 07.22 | Hostile Takeover: 1) Make America ____ Again 2) Black Lives Matter Moves Forward 3) Flashpoints and Finger-Pointing 4) The Law of War Manual, Revised at Last 5) Inside the Coup Raid of a Turkish Daily 6) Breaking News Consumer's Handbook: Military Coup Edition | 53:50 |
29.07 | 07.29 | A Failure of Imagination: 1) Debunking That Trump-Putin Thing 2) Breaking News Consumer's Handbook: Migration Edition (Abroad) 3) Breaking News Consumer's Handbook: Migration Edition (At Home) 4) The Uneasy Future of Germany's Refugees | 53:23 |
05.08 | 0805 | There Must Be Another Way 1) Another Day, Another Trumpruption 2) The Daily Caller Call-Out 3) The Lesser Evil 4) Voting From the Head, Not the Heart 5) In Defense of Nader 6) If Anybody Is a Spoiler, We're All Spoilers | 52:01 |
12.08 | 0812 | Magic 8 Ball 1) The Psychology of Predictions 2) Polling & Democracy: An Uneasy Relationship 3)'The Election-Industrial Complex' 4)'Magic' Terre Haute 5)The Punditocracy | 52:17 |
19.08 | 0819 | Print Is Back, Back Again 1) Why the Publishing Industry Isn't in Peril 2) The Subversive History of Adult Coloring Books 3) Amazon's Mysterious New Bookstores 4) The Secret Life of Novelizations 5) The Man Who Loved Books Too Much 6) The Business of Books By the Foot | 51:43 |
26.08 | 0826 | Define "Normal": 1) If You Can't Beat 'Em, Diagnose 'Em 2) Therapists Against Trumpism 3) Climate Change Happened Today 4) Louisiana Doesn't Look Like What You Think It Looks Like 5) Foretold Cataclysm: The Media's Low Bar For Rio 6) Caster Semenya, Femininity, and the Meaning of Sports | 52:42 |
02.09 | 0902 | Kids These Days: 1) Breaking News Consumer’s Handbook: Election Polls Edition, Part 2 2) Free Expression Takes Work 3) In Defense of Trigger Warnings 4) Freedom To Disagree 5) The Truth About (The Narrative About) Millennials 6) Scoring the Presidency | 52:58 |
09.09 | 0909 | After The Facts: 1) Why Don’t People Trust Hillary Clinton? 2) It’s Always Been “Post-Truth” Politics 3) Loathsome Mr. Fox 4) Breaking News Consumer’s Handbook: Islamophobia Edition 5) German TV Show Helping Refugees Assimilate | 53:57 |
16.09 | 0916 | Damned If You Do…: 1) Counting the Deplorables 2) What Is The Alt-Right? 3) Understanding Pepe 4) Facebook Throws Out the Rule Book 5) The Difficulties of Reporting on Standing Rock 6) How To Write About Native Americans | 52:30 |
23.09 | 0923 | Freedom of Information: 1) What Happened in Charlotte 2) The Manhunt Message 3) Fighting the Specter of Terror 4) Organizing a National Prison Strike From Behind Bars 5) The Trouble With Reporting On Prisons 6) Great is Peter Thiel and Most Worthy of Praise | 52:58 |
30.09 | 0930 | Do Better: 1) The Media Take the Bait 2) When Calling It a "War Crime" Isn't Enough 3) Gary Johnson's Having a Moment (Again) 4) How Prisoners Get Punished When Their Families Post Online 5) The Poverty Tour | 51:42 |
07.10 | 1007 | Personal Responsibility: 1) What We Talk About When We Talk About Taxes 2) Who Deserves To Be Poor? | 51:29 |
14.10 | 1014 | Race to the Bottom: 1) The ISIS Propaganda Slowdown 2) Under the Wall 3) Rags to Riches | 52:41 |
21.10 | 1021 | The System Is Rigged: 1) The Unfortunately Unsurprising Revelations of the Podesta Emails 2) The Power of “Rigged” 3) The Myth of Voter Fraud 4) How the Election Is Actually Rigged 5) #4: When the Safety Net Doesn’t Catch You | 51:09 |
28.10 | 1028 | Poor Judgement: 1) The Polling Conspiracy 2) The Truth About Trump Supporters 3) Of Law and Literature (and Medicine) 4) #5: Breaking News Consumer’s Handbook: Poverty in America Edition | 53:45 |
04.11 | 1104 | On Shaky Ground: 1) "Checking In" On Standing Rock 2) What We Know About the Russia Hacks 3) The Trump-Putin Connection That Wasn't 4) Glenn Beck: A Changed Man? 5) Save Your Outrage | 52:56 |
11.11 | 1111 | Wrong Number: 1) Election 2016: America’s Rorschach Test 2) Nate Silver Won’t Eat Crow 3) That’s Not What the GDP Means 4) Reimagining the Red/Blue Map 5) The Trump Time Capsule is Ready to Open | 52:38 |
18.11 | 1118 | Unreal: 1) Steve Bannon’s Jekyll and Hyde Strategies 2) An Anatomy of the Alt-Right 3) What This White Separatist Expects From the Trump Administration 4) The Election’s Fake News Problem 5) Breaking News Consumer’s Handbook: Fake News Edition | 52:22 |
25.11 | 1125 | Ghosts: 1) No, This Isn't Just Like 1968 (Or Any Other Year) 2) KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON LISTENING 3) Resurrecting Kitty Genovese: A Love Story 4) The Radical Historian Rewriting Ukraine's Past 5) In Praise of Forgetting | 52:00 |
02.12 | 1202 | Normalize This!: 1) What Do We Do? 2) Left Language, Right Language 3) Masha Gessen on the “Impulse to Normalize” 4) How Talking About Trump Makes Him Normal In Your Brain | 53:36 |
09.12 | 1209 | Imagine that: 1) Magical Thinking vs. Failure of Imagination 2) Expanding The Government's Hacking Powers, Under The Radar 3) Billionaires, Libel, & the Future of Journalism 4) Rolling Stone, UVA, and the Corrections Dilemma 5) Understanding #Pizzagate | 53:37 |
16.12 | 1216 | Spy vs. Spy: 1) The Great Election Hack of 2016 2) Why the FBI and CIA Can't Just Get Along 3) G-Men in Hollywood 4) Goodbye, Broadcasting Board of Governors 5) Tuning in to the Voice of America | 50:59 |
23.12 | 1223 | Hurry Up!: 1) A Wish List for Obama 2) Obama's Final Sprint 3) What is Time? | 51:09 |
30.12 | 1230 | To Thine Own Self Be True: 1) Our Shakespeare, Ourselves 2) Tragedy for 35 Years: Shakespearean Comedy in Kabul | 51:46 |