Amateurfunk aus dem Sudan und Süd-Sudan
November 2013: Z81X da capo
The plan is to activate three FTDx3000 stations & amps and low-band verticals and beverage antennas. Two different radio locations may be used. The operation will be generator based.
The Z81X Project Goodwill South Sudan is organized jointly by Radio Arcala, DX University, IARU Region 1 and Rock City Investments Co., and the equipment sponsor is Yaesu Musen Co. Ltd of Japan.
In support of the DX University we will observe specific relationships between pileup behavior and operator technique. Additional information will be available before the expedition begins.
The highest cost item is equipment transport, with courier service the only reliable means of transportation. The group welcomes support from individuals, clubs and foundations to offset some of the high equipment transport expenses.
13 November, 2013
The group consists of DL3DXX, N7NG, PB2T, OH0XX, OH2BH, OH2PM and OH6KN.
Upon their arrival they will team up with Z81B and Z81D and start doing two projects simultaneously. They will set up their low-band antenna field and start a series of workshops for the government of South Sudan.
At least on one station should be operational by late Friday evening. Their selected low-band operating frequencies are 1826.5 KHz and 3523 KHz.
On the other house-hold bands 7MHz thru 28MHz you can find them at suitable portions of those bands. Check Internet spotting for current frequencies.
As the operation will be running for two-weeks, SSB operation on low-bands will come on-line later during the stay – specifically during the 2nd weekend with CQWW on CW. During the contest there may be as many as three single- band stations activated.
17 November, 2013
What a wonderful occasion it was when twenty-one Ministry of Telecommunication and Postal Services administrators, led by Director General Meshack Madol Yol, arrived for a full-day Amateur Radio training session organized by International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) R1 and Radio Arcalas Mission Goodwill South Sudan. The session was conducted by Hans, PB2T, IARU R1 President together with Wayne, N7NG and Martti, OH2BH. The memorable occasion took place at the European Union compound in the capital Juba. A joint working group was formed and the day was capped with the interview by local broadcasters in the nation's capital.
The program is sponsored by IARU R1, ARRL, EUDXF, DX University and YASME Foundation. The next day and with some 600 QSOs under his belt, Hans departed to resume his subsequent duties at ITU in Geneva.
The low-band operation also got underway for the first night with no receiving antennas but 160M and 80M verticals gave a good start, with a full footprint for the United States and the first 50 JA station logged on the first shot indicating the same for the Far East. Now both directions are also covered by beverages. It is now expected that 160, 80 and 30M will be active every night on CW for the next six days and then providing an 80M SSB toward the weekend.
The team of Dietmar, DL3DXX; Wayne, N7NG; Pertti, OH2PM; Olli, OH0XX, Martti, OH2BH and Veijo, OH6KN with valuable support from Diay, Z81D and Massimo, Z81B are at the controls.
They use three Yaesu FTdx3000s with no interaction between the bands in operation. Yaesu is their radio provider while Acom and Italian SPE amps are employed on the low bands.
With the low-band QSO total now exceeding 2000, it is also noted that both nights were different with regard to the overall propagation profile. Therefore one bad night may be followed by a good night, requiring a sharp ear and great patience. So far the split is Europe 67%, NA 19% and ASIA 13%.
27 November 2013
Now that the CQWW CW contest is over, life is getting back to normal in this African Republic. The two local hosts, Z81B and Z81D, have embarked on trips abroad, leaving the Missionary team in charge of wrapping up their duties before heading home tomorrow Tuesday.
As a thunderstorm hit the area yesterday at dawn, there went their beverages for the night. The wires were running outside the guarded area and thus there was no way to repair them last night. Apologies for last night with no RX antennas and with high atmospheric noise which left many calling in vain... So, with a fresh mind the team has now repaired the western beverage and will reappear tonight still with three stations -160, 80 and 30M.
The contest effort on four bands resulted in 9000 QSOs. Kindly follow the individual sites for Z81R and Z81Z for further QSLing instructions. The plan is to have ClubLog updated before 0000 UTC tonight.
The team is healthy and in high spirits but also looking forward to returning home for a reunion with their dear ones ahead of a well deserved Christmas Season.
The team departed Tuesday, 26th at 1500 UTC to Nairobi, Kenya and back to Europe. Diya, Z81D is left with an 80M vertical plus a new FTdx3000 and Acom 1000 to boost his activity on all bands but specifically on 80M. DX will be plentiful from South Sudan.